Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 99

He looked down again and the girl blinked up at him.

“So… What is your name?”

“I am whoever you want me to be”

Han cringed as the girl tilted her head to one side.

“Is there a problem, father? Can I help you release your stress?”

Han waved his hand and took a step back. What the hell was this girl saying! She definitely didn’t know what she was saying!

“Father, will you now take me? Please don’t abandon me after I was used like that. The other man said I would meet my father after coming out from the box and you’re the only one here. Aren’t you father?”

The girl looked up at Han with such a cute look that Han felt his resolve breaking like ice! She was so expectant! Like a puppy that finally found food after days of hunger!

How can he abandon her? He actually planned to just take her to an orphanage and drop her there for someone else to adopt, but she was not going to fit in at all!

The little girl believed absolutely that Han was going to take her with him. This was not a situation that Han thought he would be in all of a sudden. That priest must’ve told her that whoever she saw after this fight would be the one to take care of her. Why would he do something like that?

Han saw the expectancy on the girl’s face and he felt his resolve breaking even more. Would she not be heartbroken if he took her to the orphanage? But he didn’t have a choice! He couldn’t take care of a child!

The girl moved forward and tugged at Han’s shirt. He looked down and saw her pointing a finger into her open mouth. Eh? Now what did she want?

“I’m hungry, father”

Han sighed. He was not a monster to leave a little girl hungry like that. He would just take her to eat first and then move to the orphanage later.

Rin would have to keep taking care of things for a few more hours….

Rin Woo wore a plastic smile while sitting in front of a camera. The interviewer opposite her just finished fixing her make-up and then ruffled her papers.

“Don’t be nervous and just answer how we rehearsed. Your boss is not here so you have to handle his part. Are you going to do it well?”

Rin Woo nodded. She was extremely nervous on the inside, but this was for her company’s reputation! They needed to have this interview no matter what and it was going to be just as good to have her instead of Han.

Oh, when Han comes back, she is going to kill that man! How can he just leave her with all this work while he’s flying to God knows where!!

An announcement broke into her thoughts suddenly as the cameraman announced the start of the broadcast.

“And we’re live in three! Two! One!”

The interviewer turned towards the camera with a beautiful smile and Rin Woo followed her lead. She was going to do her best here to make sure her company has a good reputation, but she just hoped that Han was having a horrible time too!


Han was sitting inside a restaurant and watching the little girl he found rip apart a large steak that was almost as big as her head. They came here straight after he managed to take care of things back at the church. He took Regulus’ body and put it inside a casket that Regulus had prepared earlier and also cleaned himself up and changed his clothes to a pair he found in the church. A pair of black slacks and a black shirt that looked like they belonged to Regulus, although they fit Han perfectly. It was almost like the priest already knew only one of them would survive that fight so he made sure he was prepared.

All the people that were outside the church were very confused when they suddenly got free from Regulus’ control. Han was just glad that it didn’t linger as it did in the future, that would have been difficult for him to take care of.

None of them had the virus inside them yet, thankfully since there were no unchanged among them. So Han just called some of his men from the underground and told them to drive the people to wherever they wanted to go. He was tempted to speak to Martha, but it would not be good to talk to her now. Especially since she really didn’t know him yet.

He and the little girl were here now, trying to stuff her face as much as possible.

“Hello, sir. Will you and your daughter like anything else?”

Han looked up from his drink to see a pretty waitress talking to him. She thought he was the father? You’ve got to be kidding.

“She’s not my daughter. But now, we don’t need anything else… Right?”

Han looked towards the little girl and she shook her head in the negative.

“Father already bought me everything I want. Oh… Sorry, I wasn’t meant to talk about that”

The waitress at the side chuckled playfully. What a cute little girl. But didn’t this man say he wasn’t her father? Maybe he was her stepfather instead? That would explain why he said she wasn’t his daughter.

Han sighed and then rose his cup to ask for a refill. He really just wanted the waitress gone from their table before this girl says anything else. Once the waitress left, he looked at the girl with a piercing gaze.

So this girl was supposed to be his responsibility? Now, why would that priest think he needed to take care of her? Was there something special about her that made the priest call her his “ultimate sacrifice”?

“Hey, open your mouth for a second”

Han said this to the girl and she immediately obeyed and opened her mouth wide. Han looked down at her teeth and was relieved when he didn’t see any sharp teeth there. Okay, so she wasn’t a carnivore. With the amount of meat she was eating, Han was a little worried. But that didn’t mean that she wasn’t an Unchanged. Was it possible that the priest used the virus on her in one way or another?

Han sighed and looked up at the television above their heads. The news was turned on and Han blinked in shock when he saw someone he knew! That was Rin Woo!!?

[Good evening, everyone! Today, it is a pleasure to have a member of the trading team at HR investments here with us! Please welcome Miss Rin Woo to the interview!]

The interviewer announced a nervous-looking Rin and she waved to the camera. Han chuckled and leaned back with his hands folded. So, this was the solution she came up with? Well, it wasn’t the worst thing she could have thought of. She was there throughout the trading week and she should know almost everything that happened that week.

[The viewers are dying to know. What exactly happened in that trading week! All the major companies said that they saw more of their stocks being bought and sold in that one week than in an entire year!]

Rin Woo chuckled, but Han could easily see that it was a mechanical movement. She was trying to cover up her nervousness with humor.

[Actually, I am not a trader on the team, but I am the personal secretary to Mr. Han. The entire team at HR investments worked very hard to reach their goal that week, especially our boss that led the entire team. If the companies that saw the stocks moving were in the room, then they would also understand that it was all because of our boss!]

Han listened closely to the interview and he was impressed with how Rin started to calm down as time went on. She started to answer questions easier and after a while, there was no more nervousness in her movement. But then something changed when the interviewer asked the next question.

[So what about the rumors going around that this was all just a fluke by HR investments?]

Han perked up. What?

Rin Woo looked towards the interviewer with an expression that did not show any emotions and Han could suddenly see that she was no more calm!

[What do you mean by a fluke?]

[People are saying that your boss engaged in illegal activities to make the company stocks move in the direction he wanted throughout that week. Threats, embezzlement, even theft. Is that true?]

Somebody in the restaurant rose his glass up angrily and bellowed.

“Yeah, that’s right! Nobody can make money like that in a week! Does that man think we are fools!?”

Han felt anger rising in him, but he ignored the fool and turned back to the interview. The people in the restaurant still didn’t recognize him because he hasn’t shown his face to the public yet so why should he bother with that idiot? He really shouldn’t have left Rin Woo there alone. If he knew they would be asking things like this then he would have put all of this off for a day or two.

Rin Woo looked towards the camera with an unbelievable expression on her face before she turned back to the interviewer.

[I… I don’t think you…]

Rin Woo took a deep breath and released it again. She was feeling very angry right now because this was definitely not a part of the questions she read back in her dressing room! They were not supposed to ask her this question!

But what nonsense was this!? People were doubting Han!?

How can anybody doubt him after the great things he did that week!?

Rin opened her eyes and then started to respond.

[I understand that people would not easily believe something like this. It is almost impossible to hear a story like this in your lifetime. But I can assure you that I was right there beside my boss for every day of that week and I saw how much work he put into trading. If anyone can find proof of him performing illegal activities then let them come out, instead of trying to slander him behind the scenes. But as far as that week goes, he made all of that money legally. I can promise on my honor to everyone watching that it was all legal!]

Han blinked in shock and the entire restaurant went silent. Did she just swear on her honor? For him?

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