Pokemon: An Icy Path

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

So in my research of the Pokemon league and the world in general produced some rather interesting information. First, there are now eighteen different types of pokemon that have been discovered at this time. I already knew about these types, but it is always best to double check. Next, all trainers must be at least sixteen before they can attempt the League circuit. This is a major change from what I know as the anime has shown Ash as being ten years old for as long as I could remember. 

The League circuit in Kanto runs from July to May with the Indigo League tournament happening in June to end the season. Only those that have gotten all eight gym badges from the current season are able to compete in the tournament, meaning only the best of the best of the region will compete. Other regions have a similar system but their season starts and ends on a different month so that each region's tournament does not overlap with each other. 

If you participate in the Gym circuit of a region, you are not able to go to a different region at the same time to compete in both. This forces trainers to carefully decide which circuit they want to participate in. To be qualified as a league trainer, you must be at least eighteen and the trainer must complete two Gym circuits and finish with at least six badges in each circuit. This allows for the league to have skilled trainers that can handle the issues that may arise from unruly pokemon such as a wild raging Gyarados that is treated almost like a natural disaster. Regular trainers that win a single tournament are allowed to face the Elite Four of the region. If they are able to win against the Elite Four, they no longer have a carry limit on the number of pokemon they can carry at once. To be considered for the Elite Four of the region, a trainer must win four tournaments and then compete with one of the current Elite four for their position. 

Lastly, there are the Champions. There is a reason why they are called a Champion, they are not allowed to show weakness to the masses. To qualify as a Champion, you must win all current Gym circuits and the associated tournaments back to back. Once that is done, you must then defeat the Elite four of two regions and then battle the current Champion. Champions are the strongest trainer in the region and handle issues related to legendaries and other such crises. Champions by default are celebrities and icons of power for aspiring trainers.

Aspiring trainers when they set out on their first Gym circuit are provided with the latest version on the Pokedex so they can catalog all the pokemon they see or capture. They are also provided with a pokemon from their local professor. It is not mandatory for them to take the offered pokemon if they have a young pokemon already. I luckily fall into this category as my Vulpix will be just old enough to qualify as a starter for me. Even though I would like to have one of the Royal Trio from Kanto, I am only allowed one pokemon to be registered to my Pokedex when I start my journey. Through my investigations, I also found that the latest versions of the Pokedex will automatically transfer any pokemon you catch outside of your carry limit to and from the nearest Professor ran ranch or Pokecenter to where you registered as a trainer while on the road. This means that any pokemon I catch that isn’t in my team will be sent to Grandpa so I know they will be in good hands. 

Since I had brought my knowledge up to date with what I could currently find, next was to look into anime and game centric issues that might occur. While searching for Team Rocket, I found that while there have been reports of missing pokemon, and disappearance of groups of pokemon, there is no mention of a Team Rocket themselves. As for the other villain teams, the only one that gives any information while searching is Plasma, but they are still a small pokemon advocacy group just doing some small time protests. This means that nothing canon has happened yet. I lean back in my chair at this revelation and gently rub the bridge of my nose. 

“I can see it now… When I start my adventure, canon will happen at the same time kicking off a never ending spree of issues. I guess these are going to be my Young Masters, haaa.” I sigh deeply and close my eyes for a bit to rest them. This news isn’t great, but it doesn’t mean I was not at least prepared for it. “At least I have time to prepare. I need to make sure I am ready for whatever will come my way.”

A few moments later I sit back up and start searching for mediation techniques so that I can attempt to unlock my Aura. When I try searching for information on Aura, strangely there is a lack of information besides that pokemon can use it to varying degrees. Any information about humans using Aura is swept clean besides the occasional mention of Aura Guardians of Rota. To me this confirms that those at a high level want to keep the method a secret. 

What I find though, is a number of meditation techniques from various martial arts. One martial art did catch my attention. It is an obscure martial art that originates from the Pearl Clan in Snowpoint City of Sinnoh called Snow Pearl Arts. This art used to be taught to the priestesses of the Pearl Clan before the League took over Snowpoint City. Snow Pearl Arts specialize in defense and rapid and light attacks that build up over time. What caught my attention is some remarks about being like snow and striking like hail. I would have guessed this to be like the saying ‘Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee’ yet as I read further it is almost like they meant it literally and not figuratively. There is also a part about meditation that compliments the art. 

I have decided that this martial art is the one I will practice. When I went to download it, I noticed that they also offer online instruction as well. I quickly sent them an email asking about the online courses. It wasn’t even five minutes later that I received an email back stating that the online training is normally a year long course that can be extended if requested. The course itself costs a hefty five hundred a session or five thousand Poke for the year long course but only a thousand to extend it for another year after the first year is paid.. The amount of money left me speechless but after thinking for a bit it made sense. Most students only try the course for a few weeks but then decide to try something else. My gut tells me that this is the martial art I should pursue and so with that I get up from my desk and stretch. I had been sitting at my desk for too long and I was starting to get some cramps in my legs and back. 

I head downstairs to see if anyone is home and to my surprise, I finally get to see Gary. He is of similar height to me, which gives me hope that I will become taller as we have not finished growing yet. He has reddish brown hair done up in a messy style that complements his looks and dark eyes. I can’t tell if they are black or another color from here. He is dressed in a black leather jacket and tan cargo pants with black boots to finish off the look. Overall he looks pretty good, I bet he will break a lot of hearts when he goes on his adventures. 

“Hey bro, welcome back,” I greeted him with a wave. I have a slight smile on as I am happy to finally meet my brother for the first time. He turns towards me and his eyes go wide in shock. I tilt my head slightly in confusion at his shock, unsure of why he is so shocked.

“Frost! What are you wearing! It’s hardly 16 degrees outside. Why are you dressed like it is summer in Alola?”

Oh! That was why he was so shocked. I guess I better explain somehow so he doesn’t try to force me into clothes that I’m pretty sure would kill me.

“Well, I am trying to get my body used to cooler weather since I plan on being a trainer as well. Didn’t you know that if your body gets used to being in colder weather you can last at those temperatures longer? I also plan to specialize in Ice types so I’ll be exposed to their energy constantly so I might as well start now.” I tell him while nodding my head like I just came up with the best theory ever.

“Specializing in Ice? Since when? I thought that you were going to be a Fairy type generalized trainer with your personality.”

“Since yesterday when Uncle Samson gifted me an Alolan Vulpix Egg. It is going to be my starter!”

“Oh! Congrats on getting your starter already. I guess Grandpa requested it for you. I need to see if he could get me something special as well. As much as the Royal Trio is great, I would love to have something unique to start with.”

“You should! How about you come with me and ask Grandpa, I am about to head over to his lab for something else.”

“Sure, let’s go.”

I make my way to the door and Gray walks out behind me just a few seconds later and closes the door. We chat on the way to Grandpa’s lab about what we have been up to. I tell him about my plans to learn all sorts of skills over the next two years and he looks at me like I have two heads. When I mention about wanting to learn martial arts, which is why I’m headed to see Grandpa, he stumbles slightly before speaking to me.

“Why do you want to learn martial arts? It’s not like you will need it. That is why there are the Rangers and the Jenny clan making sure everyone is safe.”

I sigh in exasperation at his naive comment. “Gray, I will be a lone female out in the wilderness and in towns by myself until I meet a group of friends to travel with. Of course I will have my pokemon to defend me, but what if I am in a situation where I can’t get to them, or someone sneaks up on me. Women have to take more caution to be safe when they travel as it is not just pokemon or criminals we need to watch out for. I would feel better if I could defend myself in the worst case, who knows it might just save my and my pokemons lives.”

Gray walks in silence for a while, contemplating what I just told him. We walk in silence for a while until I can see Grandpa’s lab at the end of the road. His lab is on the edge of town as it also doubles as a ranch for different pokemon. Before we reach the lab, Gary finally speaks again while turning to look in my eyes.

“I see where you are coming from. I never really thought about it that way, and how women, even trainers, can be more vulnerable in situations than a guy would be. I agree with your point of view sis and I think you should train in martial arts. Though if anything does happen on the road you need to make sure that you inform Grandpa and me so we can take care of it.” He finishes his statement with a smile that is sure to swoon any girl that isn’t me.

“Alright then, I’ll rely on you if I need to bro.” I give him a small smile back before opening the doors to Grandpa’s lab.

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