Pokemon: Reborn As Ditto

Getting Caught

Getting Caught

Misty rushed towards the crater, her eyes fixed on Staryu's motionless form.

I watched anxiously as she carefully lifted the star-shaped Pokémon out of the hole. To my relief, Staryu was already showing signs of recovery, the bruises and marks on its body healing at an alarming rate.

I recalled the Pokédex entry about Staryu's incredible regenerative abilities. Apparently, they could even regrow their arms if needed. No wonder it was recovering so quickly.

Brother got the discounted wolverine regeneration!

Misty's hands moved deftly, recalling Staryu into its Poké Ball. A sigh escaped her lips as she admitted, "You win."

I plopped down beside her on the grass, grinning triumphantly. "And that means?" I teased.

Misty's cheeks flushed crimson, her eyes flicking away. "I-I'll grant you one request," she murmured.

"What was that?" I asked, feigning deafness.

"I said, I'll grant you one request," she repeated, her voice steadier this time.

"Let's revisit that later," I said, grinning. "For now, how about you try to catch me with your Poké Ball?"

Misty raised an eyebrow but retrieved an empty Poké Ball nonetheless. "Are you sure?" she asked, twirling her bangs. "I didn't win the battle."

I shrugged. "Win or lose, I've made up my mind. Besides, you're a better trainer than you give yourself credit for."

Misty's expression softened, a small smile gracing her lips. "Just don't come crying to me if it doesn't work out," she warned.

"Crying isn't in my vocabulary, lady," I replied, tipping an imaginary hat.

With a flick of her wrist, she tossed the Poké Ball at my head. It struck with a hollow thud, and... nothing happened. No strange energy, no sudden suction.

Misty and I stared at each other, mirroring confusion.



I rubbed my head, wincing slightly. "Well, that was... anticlimactic," I joked.

Misty's eyes widened, her brow creasing with worry. "I've never seen that happen before," she confessed, stepping closer. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, still chuckling. "Yeah, I'm fine. I guess I am just not made to be caught," putting my hand on head and leaning backward, I spoke in a sorrowful voice, "Ah, woe is me..."

Ignoring that, Misty's expression turned thoughtful, her eyes narrowing as she considered the implications. "That's not possible," she muttered, shaking her head. "Poké Balls are designed to capture any Pokémon..."

"Any Pokémon, you say..." I trailed off, a pondering expression on my face. "What about humans?"

Misty's eyes widened as realization dawned on her. "Ohhh, maybe that's why!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

I nodded thoughtfully. "Could be. Let's try that again."

With a swift transformation, I changed back into my default Ditto form. My body shifted and contorted, my limbs shortening and my skin turning a bright pink.

Misty took a deep breath, her hand roaming over the Poké Ball in her hand. "Here goes nothing," she whispered, her eyes locked on mine.

What does the phrase mean by the way? I have heard it so many times but never understood its meaning...

Misty tossed the Poké Ball with a gentle underhand motion, the ball flying towards me in a slow arc. I watched it approach, like it was a naked girl leaping toward me


The ball hit me and bounced up, opening by itself. A beam of light came from its inside and enveloped my body in a second.

I felt a strange sensation, like my molecules were being rearranged, but it was a fleeting feeling.

The ball dropped to the ground, shaking back and forth several times before finally coming to a stop. The light faded, and Misty approached the ball cautiously.

She picked it up, her eyes fixed on the ball as she waited for the result. After a few tense moments, the ball clicked, and a bright light flashed once more.

"Lets just hope I don't regret this" she mutters with a resigned expression

Meanwhile, for me, I felt a brief moment of my consciousness blurring around the edges. Before my senses came back to normal.

I found myself in a small, spherical chamber. The walls were a soft, white material that seemed to absorb any sound or sensation.

The air was stale, but not unpleasantly so. It was as if the ball had been designed to be a comfortable, if not luxurious, prison.

The chamber was dimly lit, with a faint, blue-green glow emanating from the walls. It was enough to see by, but not so bright as to be overwhelming.

The space was small, but not cramped. I could stretch out my arms and legs without touching the walls or ceiling.

As I looked around, I realized that the chamber was pretty much empty. There were no benches, no beds, not even any bathrooms.

That reminds me, I haven't shat even once since coming here. How much has it been?

If counting the day I woke up in the forest, it's been just 4 fucking days... damn, fucking unbelievable.

Just in 4 days, I fucked a milf and got a BJ from another young lady.

Coming back to the Poké Ball, there was just nothing of interest inside of this thing, maybe that's why some Pokémon don't like being inside of them.

It was just a small, featureless space designed to hold a Pokémon.

Good thing I wasn't intending to remain inside anyway.

Wait... how do I get out of this thing?

There was no door, so to say, but I could see that one red spot at the equator of the spherical room.

Let's try pressing that, and if that doesn't work, the only option would be to thrash around.

One fun thing was that the place was big enough for my Ditto form, but when I turned into human form...

I was getting squashed in the small thing. But still, my legs found the red button and pushed them. I again felt the brief moment of darkness before everything came back to normal.


For Misty, she was looking at the Poké Ball containing the strange Ditto in her hand when the ball suddenly opened by itself and a white beam of light came out and coalesced on the ground in a humanoid shape.

I stood up, stretching my human form and giving Misty a sheepish grin. "Well, that was fun," I said, brushing off my clothes.

Misty's eyes were wide with surprise as she stared at me. "W-what? How did you jump out?" she stuttered.

I flashed Misty a confident grin, puffing out my chest like a goddamn Pokémon champion. "My rizz was too much to be contained in a Poké Ball."

Misty's face scrunched up in confusion, her brow furrowed like she was trying to solve a math problem. "Rizz? The fuck is that?"

I chuckled to myself, shaking my head at explaining such a profound topic. Misty just clicked her tongue at my antics.

I started walking away, calling out to Misty over my shoulder. "My stomach is growling, let's go eat something."

Misty followed behind me, her voice hesitant. "Okay, but I won't eat much."

I turned to her with a raised eyebrow. "What's up, you had breakfast already?"

Misty shook her head. "No, I didn't. But I'm on a diet, so..."

I cut her off with a laugh. "A diet? What the hell for? You're perfect just the way you are, especially that fat ass of yours. Don't go losing all that good stuff."

Misty's face flushed with annoyance, and she punched my shoulder with a playful glare. "Shut up, asshole. I'm just trying to be healthy."

I grinned, holding up my hands in mock defense. "Hey, I'm just looking out for your ass...literally. Don't make me have to start calling you 'Skinny Misty'."

Misty let out a laugh, then quickly covered her mouth. "Haha, not funny."

I chuckled, clapping her on the back. "Come on, it's a little funny. 'Skinny Misty' has a nice ring to it."

Misty rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "No, it doesn't and you're such a jerk."

I chuckled, leading her to the nearest food joint. "That's why you love me. Now come on, let's go eat something. I'm starving."


Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, some work came up and I forgot to update it here. You can always read it at Web novel through, story is at much further point there

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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