Post-Apocalyptic Dispatch Society

Chapter 47 Xuna’s Journey (Part 6)

The sphere was a darker shade of greyish-blue, humming with a luminous lustre in her senses, condensing the radiance into a long serpentine head that gradually morphed into a Klock head.

It stared at her, emotionless. But, Xuna noticed that the five Klock heads above her were willing to accept it.

'Can I actually touch it?' Xuna wondered, for even a tiny pearl condensed from the lizard tears was enough to kill her. So, coming into contact with a fist-sized version of the same was suicidal in the least.

It was not to mention the fact that this greyish-blue sphere seemed to have been condensed over a long duration.

But of course, since she was aware that this was her lucky encounter, Xuna wasn't afraid. Hence, she didn't touch it with her hand but instead touched it with the shaft of her rocket. Nothing happened though.

After a moment of thought, she emitted some Nacre from the rocket nozzle, watching it seep into the sphere that lit up in response immediately.


Suddenly, it seemed like a heavenly voice resounded in her mind, unclear, garbled. But she was aware that it was her name that was being uttered. The voice felt unique, but at the same time familiar.

The sensation it gave was familiar, as if it was the wind whose sounds she heard daily. It was a strange feeling.

The sphere mixed with her Nacre, dissolving as it flowed through her shaft and into her body, seeping into her Origin Space.

"Huff…" Xuna felt her body heating up in response as the mysterious energy from the sphere merged into her Nacre, causing the Klock swimming in her Origin Space to wriggle in response as immediately after, not one, not two, but five heads budded.

"What the…?" Xuna was startled, having never expected such an outcome. She had only been expecting this fortuitous encounter to develop another head on her Klock, having never expected five more heads to pop up almost immediately.

"Oh shit!" She didn't even have the time to bask in the gains as a dense stream of information flooded her mind, causing her to grunt in pain as she collapsed to the floor, rolling around like a maniac that lost her marbles.

The lizards flinched at her screams, retreating further away from her as they watched her body turning a shade of greyish-blue, just like their walls.

But a minute later, the colour subsided, reverting to her original skin colour as Xuna sat up, noticing that she was sweating profusely, feeling a tad weak.

She then noticed her horn shining brightly, touching it to see that it was segmented into three now, "I reached Stage 3…? Already?"

She had just reached Stage 2 prior to this journey, so hitting Stage 3 so soon was shocking. But, it didn't seem to stop at that as soon enough, her horn developed one more segment, alarming her as her Origin Space ballooned in size, causing the Nacre levels to seem pitiful.

The Nacre reserves in the almost full Origin Space at Stage 2 didn't seem much in the Stage 4 Origin Space as the Klock too seemed to be growing in response, attaining four horns.

Just as she thought it would stop here, her Klock wriggled as its heads finished growing. Now, there were ten heads in total, facing all sides from its amoeba-like body.

And the moment all ten heads finished growing, another segment formed on her horn, bringing her to Stage 5, causing Xuna to shout in alarm, "W-What's happening, master?"

"Evolution, nothing else." A mosquito buzzed before her, transforming into the figure of Rhizen as he said, "The essence of your world is flowing into you through these events. That's what I've been aiming for by allowing you to constantly harness Coincidental Luck."

"Now, your powers are more geared to be used in this world." He said, transforming into a mosquito that buzzed away, vanishing from the cave, "As for everything else, you must figure out on your own. That'll help you grow better."

"The essence of my world…?" Xuna thought, closing her eyes as she focused on her Origin Space, observing that the Nacre there seemed mildly different as compared to before.

Even though it was still the same Nacre, it seemed more attuned to this world for some reason, as if it's something that belonged to her, to her world.

"I can wield it better now." Xuna was surprised at the changes, sensing that the Nacre listened to her thoughts better, allowing her to control it faster and with greater accuracy.

Moreover, she gained five more states to her weapon, not to mention being able to transform into the Klock itself.

The first of them was a gun that unleashed a petrifying beam. The tears secreted by the lizards petrified anything that came into contact, turning them into stone gradually as they solidified.

That was why the walls were covered by it. And now, she was able to use the same, though the range was limited, produced similar to the thrust of her rocket.

The next ability was pretty unique in that her gun transformed into a tiny syringe as Xuna stared at a nearby lizard, throwing it towards it.

The lizard evaded the throw when a piece of rope coiled around the syringe and turned it in the air, stabbing it in its body.

The lizard became stunned, twitching in response for a couple of seconds before remaining immobile.

Xuna approached it, transforming into the Klock that shrunk in response, becoming only as big as a thumb nail, entering the lizard's mouth.

Her Klock body latched onto the lizard's tongue, settling underneath it as its ten heads latched onto its nerves, gradually gaining control of its body.

Following that, the lizard's eyes shot open as it began to move, 'Awesome! I can control its body now!'

This was her power. The syringe injected a serum that numbed the target body, causing it to be in a state of sleepwalking. Taking advantage of that, in her Klock form, Xuna would enter its mouth as her ten heads would latch onto the creature's nervous system.

And thanks to the effects of the serum, she would be able to control the creature's body for a short while.

The lizard moved across the cave, soon reaching the exit as it opened its mouth, allowing the Klock to slither out. The Klock expanded in size before transforming into Xuna while the lizard lay there, paralysed.

It would remain in that state for a few more hours until the effects of the serum vanish.

As a spy, this was the best power she could ask for. It allowed her to hide within animals and infiltrate enemy lines. And best of all, as the animal wasn't her, the Blight Humans wouldn't be able to sense anything amiss.

Using her rocket, Xuna exited the hole, staring at the snow all around her as her weapon expanded in size, resembling a vacuum cleaner now as it began to suck in all the snow, ejecting the unneeded air.

This was her eighth ability, vacuum cleaner, allowing her to suck in any item from reality and store them in the vacuum cleaner's body. The space within it was pretty large, somewhat resembling the Origin Space but was able to store all matter.

So, just for fun's sake, Xuna began to suck in all the snow in her surroundings, intending to bring them out whenever she wanted some snow to cover her backyard.

Or if she chanced upon an enemy, showering them with snow would freeze them to death. Unfortunately, whether it was the suction or the ejection, both were somewhat slow. So, she couldn't use it as a weapon against similar levelled opponents.

Against weaker foes though, it was perfect.

Once the vacuum cleaner was filled to the brim with snow, Xuna stared above, noticing the Klock formed by her Luck curl up, displaying that there weren't any fortuitous encounters meant for her here.

'I should get going now.' Thinking as such, she admired the sights for a few more minutes before making her way to the base of the mountain, taking a seat on her boat as she began to row downstream.

She wished to chance upon a bird that she could inhabit in the mouth of and fly back home. Unfortunately, she had yet to come across one.

But as she had decided to head downstream anyway, Xuna did just that, aware that she would come across plenty of birds the closer she was to the sea.

With that, she watched as the boat be carried by the river currents, travelling at a steady pace, proceeding in such a fashion for almost three days when she spotted a human far away, brimming in joy as she rowed the boat towards the human, observing that she was a middle-aged lady.

The middle-aged lady had arrived at the banks of the river to draw some water using her earthen pot. But upon noticing her arrival, she shrieked in fright, dropping her earthen pot to turn tail and run away, scurrying while shouting in alarm as her voice resounded throughout the region, "The monsters are here again!"

"Monsters?" Xuna frowned for being addressed as such.

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