Prestigious Family Marriage: Uncle vs Young Wife

Chapter 455

Chapter 455

He Ji Fan’s words make all the people in the scene feel awkward.

Especially Chen Meng, she seems to be embarrassed. If there’s no guest around, she would definitely jumps up in anger.

Today Yun Xiao Miao takes her daughter over to He family to send tickers, Chen Meng deceived He Ji Fan to come home. Of course everyone knows the motive. He Ji Fan’s words show that he doesn’t respect his daughter. Yun Xi Miao is coming from respectful family. She has a lot of people want to be her daughter’s partner. So she feels unhappy that her daughter is treated this way.

“It’s too late. Let’s not disturb you guys. We will welcome you for tomorrow concert.” Yun Xi Miao pulls her daughter and leaves.

Chen Meng urges them to stay: “If not tonight just stay here for a while, it’s been a long time since we met together.”

Yun Xi Miao laughs friendly: “No let’s chat next time. Lu Lu also needs to practice her cello.”

Chen Meng just says: “Then let me send you out.”

He Ji Fan is dragged by Chen Meng to send them off.

The time the car is gone, Chen Meng pinches her son’s arm. “Why did you say those words? What are you planning to do by taking Dou Weir with us?”

He Ji Fan is indifferent and just takes out his cigarette. “Ma, for this kind of thing I don’t wish it be repeated.”

“What are you thinking, you are teaching me a lesson!”

“Ma, there’s no one could choose his/her parents. You should understand it. You should try to get to know Weir, you would notice that she is a very good woman?”

Dou Weir is very real. When they were together, she never covered up her feeling and intention. She never hides the fact she loves money or wealth. She never covers up when she hated him. She is different from all of his ex- girlfriends.

Being with her makes him feel that he is a person, imperfect one.

“You ask me to accept Dou Weir? You need to stop your wishful thinking. For tomorrow concert, if you dare to take her with you, then don’t call me Ma again.”

He Ji Fan: “.... Then I’ll not go.”

Chen Meng: “You....”

Both of them part with unhappy feeling.

He Ji Fan walks toward his car.

“What are you doing?” Chen Meng calls after him.

“I go to the place that I should be.” He Ji Fan drives his car away.

Chen Meng could stay there with her eyes open.

“Papa——“ Zhou Zhou shouts out.

“Papa is out to do his business. Zhou Zhou should be good and wait for Papa at home okay?” She is angry but she feels that she needs to calm her grandson down too. So she softens her voice.

“Zhou Zhou also wants to go.” Zhou Zhou’s eyes are full of tears. “Papa is going to mama. Papa doesn’t take Zhou Zhou, Zhou Zhou will cry...”

Chen Meng is surprised: “Nonsense, how could Papa find that woman. Papa is doing a real business.”

Maybe because Chen Meng’s tone is too terrifying, Zhou Zhou just looks at her and cries.

“I’m sorry Zhou Zhou. Nai Nai doesn’t mean to scold you, but Papa really doesn’t go to find.... eh... find Mama. Papa is working. Zhou Zhou knows right? Working can help you to earn money. Then Zhou Zhou could by a lot of cute toys.”

“And transformer too.” Zhou Zhou sobs.

Chen Meng smiles: “Okay okay, and transformer too. Papa would buy anything Zhou Zhou likes.”

Chen Meng takes Zhou Zhou to sleep. Then she goes to Old Madame He’s room. “Ma, tell me what should I do to A Fan? Perhaps we need to agree that she would be together with Dou Weir. Beside her poor family background, she is a model too. She is a lingerie model too. As He family, we shouldn’t lt this be right?”

Old Madame He lays down on the bed, she doesn’t feel well. She opens her eyes a bit: “Didn’t you introduce Lu Lu to A Fan?”

“It’s not working. A Fan is too much. He made things hard for me. He embarrassed me in front of Lu Lu and Xi Miao. He doesn’t respect m.”

“Let’s talk about it later. I’m too tired. Let me have a rest first.”

Chen Meng just realizes that something is wrong with Old Madame He. “Ma, are you okay?”

“I’m okay. I just need a rest.”

Chen Meng comes out of Old Madame He’s room and He Zhang Ju just comes back home. Chen Meng notices that he is drunk. She gives her vent off to him.

All along He Zhang Ju is calm like nothing is happened. The time Chen Meng is tired, he just takes his pajamas and goes to the bathroom to have a shower. After the shower, he looks at the red mark on his collarbone. His eyes show his unusual soft feeling. The time he wears his pajamas, he doesn’t forget to button up his first button. He covers it up.

Chen Meng notices that he is done showering, she is still unhappy. She glares at him and goes to take her pajamas and have a shower.

She is worried about her son’s marriage. Isn’t it for their family? How could He Zhang Ju do and think nothing, he doesn’t mind about it. Every day he would just drink his tea and read newspaper. He loves to go out for drink with his friends. He would come back home very late. It’s better for him to live outside.

He Zhang Ju doesn’t bicker with her, he just feels in a happy mood. He dries his hair and gets on the bed. He falls asleep quickly.

Chen Meng comes out of the bathroom and rolls her eyes.

It seems that the worried one is only her.


He Ji Fan leaves the house and drives to the hospital. The time he gets into the sickroom, he sees from the small window on the door that Dou Weir and Old Madame Dou are chatting. No one knows what they are talking about. But they are laughing happily. Looking at Dou Weir’s laughter makes him laugh too.

He stands there for a while and doesn’t get in.

When the figure on the disappears, Dou Weir looks at the door. Her smile pauses and in a next second, it recovers to normal.

At night, Dou Weir posts something at her Weibo.

[On the 7th go to Shang Hai, fighting @LOBB]. Then she posts the image of her wearing the newest clothes of LOBB.

LOBB is a French luxurious brand.

He Ji Fan looks at the post, he is at loss for a moment. He likes the post and comments [fighting.].

Dou Weir looks at it and smiles.

In the morning around 08:00 a.m., Dou Weir gets on the plan to go to Shang Hai.

Half an hour before, in the airport terminal hall, there are two young people, a woman and a man. The woman is crying so miserably. It provokes a lot of attention.

“Yan Xi Ge Ge, I hate that you need to go.” He Yi Yi clutches Ji Yan Xi’s sleeve.

“Couldn’t you stay? If you are leaving, what would happen to me?”

Ji Yan Xi puts down his luggage and wipes her tears helplessly. “I said to you that I just wanted to have a personal experience of real life. I’ll be gone for a year. After a year, I’ll come back. We will meet again then, why should you cry? If you miss me, we could do a video call. Now the technology has developed right?”

“You are not going because of Dou Weir right?” He Yi Yi has asked this question for more than twenty times.

Ji Yan Xi answers patiently. “Of course not, Yi Y. I’m just tired of that kind of ‘glasshouse’ living. I want to observe around. I want to see what would happen to me if I don’t depend on my family. What would happen to my life. Yi Yi, you should be happy for me. Not everyone is willing to do this.”

“Then could you promise me? The time you are back, you would consider me to be your girlfriend? I am not forcing you to marry me, I just want to feel what’s the feeling to be your girlfriend. Even though that you might be marrying someone else. I’ll not have any regret.”

JI Yan Xi looks at He Yi Yi’s teary eyes and cannot refuse. He nods and says: “If that time you still like me like this.” He adds: “But perhaps I need two or three years before I come back. If you like someone else, just chase after your happiness.”

“No, No.” He Yi Yi smiles and cries and shakes her head. “Yan Xi Ge GE, no matter how long it takes, I’ll wait for you.”

The first night Ji Yan Xi is gone, He Yi Yi cannot fall asleep. She is absent-minded.

The second night, she also couldn’t fall asleep. He Yi Yi just wakes up and goes to Shi Guang Qing Cheng.

Since what happened to her last time in front of a bar, He Ji Fan has arranged a member for her. He lets her to go there if she wants to have a beer.

She doesn’t want to drink at home as her parents might scold her.

She finishes half bottle of wine and she feels it’s too boring to be alone. She opens up her contact lis. She doesn’t even take a look at the name or number.

She just dials the top one.

Dou Jin Wen has fallen asleep, he wakes up because he hears the noise.

In a daze he looks at the screen and recognizes it to be He Yi Yi’s phone number. His sleepiness is gone. He looks at the sleeping Hu Jing. He answers the call and then goes to the bathroom.

“I’m at Shi Guang Qing Cheng, do you have time? It’s bored to drink alone. Are you free?” He Yi Yi sounds drunk.

“Are you in a bad mood?” Dou Jin Wen’s voice is too soft.

“Yan Xi Ge Ge is leaving, I couldn’t sleep. Will you come? If not, I’ll go find someone else.”

“Give me half an hour.”

It’s a good chance, of course Dou Jin Wen will not miss it.

He comes out of the bathroom and notices that Hu Jing doesn’t even move. Dou Jin Wen purposely shifts his blanket to make it look he is there.

He looks at her. He goes to take his clothes and changes.

He still has feeling toward Hu Jing. But for him, wealth and fame are attractive more than anything. He has considered. If Hu Jing is willing, he doesn’t hesitate for provide for her for a lifetime.

In other words, he would change Hu Jing from his legal wife to his mistress.

When she hears the door is opened, she opens her eyes.

Dou Jin Wen, eventually you are going to do this.


When he is at the front desk of Shi Guang Qing Cheng, Dou Jin Wen says He Yi Yi’s name and the front desk calls to confirm. Then a waiter takes him to He Yi Yi’s room.

“You are here?” He Yi Yi’s cheeks are blushing so hard. She looks at Dou Jin Wen and laughs happily.

Dou Jin Wen looks at the empty wine bottle and frowns. He goes over and sits down beside her. He takes the wine glass from her. “You are drunk, stop drinking.”

His voice is so sft and gentle.

He Yi Yi’s eyes turns blurred because she is drunk. “You are too annoying, I called you to accompany me to drink. I’m not asking you to mind me.”

“Yi Yi....”

“If you keep on being talkative, then you could just go home. I don’t want you to be here again.”

“Okay okay, let’s not talk about this.”

“Give me back my glass.” He Yi Yi wants to take back her wine glass. She takes it and pours another glass. She drinks it and looks at him. “Honestly, I’m so curious. You are quite handsome, how could you have no girlfriend? It’s not scientific.”

Dou Jin Wen laughs: “You should have girlfriend if you are handsome? You are beautiful, you also don’t have any boyfriend right?”

“It’s not the same.”


“I hae someone that I like, it’s just Yan Xi Ge Ge doesn’t like me. I don’t like anyone else beside Yan Xi Ge Ge so I don’t have one. What about you? Do you have anyone that you like?”

Dou Jin Wen pays attention to He Yi Yi’s words. “Yes, I have someone that I like but I couldn’t have her. Perhaps this lifetime I couldn’t get her.”

He Yi Yi is interested and asks him. “Who is she? Is she as beautiful as me?”

“She is as beautiful as you.” Dou Jin Wen says.

“As beautiful as me? Then she should be very beautiful.” He Yi Yi is confident for her look. She is dainty and lovely. Moreover, she also loves to dance so she has a great body: “Then have you confessed to her? She refused you?”

Dou Jin Wen shakes his head: “Never, I’ve never confessed to her. She has someone that she likes. We just knew each other, I’m afraid that she will hate me and doesn’t want to talk to me.”

He Yi Yi doesn’t know the implicit meaning of Dou Jin Wen’s words, she just says: “We have the same experience. The man that I like also like another woman. Come, let’s have a drink. Let’s hope that we will be with our loved one soon.”

Dou Jin Wen looks at He Yi Yi and he couldn’t deny that He Yi Yi indeed is a very beautiful woman. If there’s no Hu Jing, perhaps she is the most suitable one for him.

Both of them drink till the early morning.

Dou Jin Wen drinks little wine so he is not drunk. But He Yi Yi is very drunk, she couldn’t even stand. She is laying her head on the table. Her cheeks are red.

Dou Jin Wen looks at her and thinks of a wicked idea.

Rich families love to maintain their image. If tonight he sleeps with He Yi Yi, He family might let him marry He Yi Yi for their reputation.

But there’s another possibility that He family will do something ruthless ot him.

The time he is considering whether to take her home or to the hotel, Dou Jin Wen decides to send her home. He doesn’t want to take a risk.

He holds He Yi Yi to go downstair, He Yi Yi is leaning her whole body to him. Her waist is too thin, much thinner than Hu Jing.....

“Yan Xi Ge Ge, you need to come back fast. The time you are back, I’ll be your girlfriend....”

He Yi Yi’s voice is too small but Dou Jin Wen could listen to it. His hold turns tighter. He is thinking He Yi Yi as his future woman so he is a bit angry when He Yi Yi says that.

The time they are out of Shi Guang Qing Cheng, the wind is so cold. He Yi Yi turns a bit sober.

She is drunk so her gaze is a bit blurry. She couldn’t see Dou Jin Wen’s face face. She feels that he looks like Ji Yan Xi.

He Yi Yi holds Dou Jin Wen and looks up.

“Yan Xi Ge Ge, you are back now?” He Yi Yi holds his neck. “You also like me right, so you change your mind. You are not asking me to wait two to three years for you right?”

Dou JIn Wen could see He Yi Yi’s love for Ji Yan Xi.

He just hugs her and says gently. “Yes, I’m back. Yi Yi, I like you too.”

He Yi Yi’s tears just fall down. She has been waiting for that words for so long. “Yan Xi Ge Ge, I also like you, I like you very very much.”

After she says it, she stands on her tip toes and kisses her.

Dou Jin Wen is startled, he lowers his head and deepens the kis.

Though it’s early morning, but there’re people around. Dou Jin Wen forgets that they are at the public place as he is too focused on the kiss.

He feels his body is burning.

The time they are still kissing, Hu Jing runs toward them and pushes He Yi Yi.

He Yi Yi falls down and sits down there. She looks at the one that pushes her and seems to be confused.

Hu Ying’s appearance makes Dou Jin Wen turns surprised. He helps He Yi Yi to stand up and asks: “Are you okay?”

He Yi Yi’s eyes turn red and she shows her hand. She has injury on her hand.

“Don’t cry.” Dou Jin Wen wipes her tears: “Let’s go to the hospital.”

“Ah!” Hu Jing turns crazy and comes over to slap He Yi Yi, but Dou Jin Wen is fast.

Dou Jin Wen says: “Are you done?”

“Am I done?” Hu Jing stands up straight: “you are going on date with this woman. You then kiss this woman. In front of my face you show your care toward her. Dou Jin Wen, in your eyes, who am I?”

Hu Jing cries: “Do you forget that we are husband and wife. I’m your legal wife. You think that doing this He family would let you marry their daughter? As long as I don’t agree to the divorce, this lifetime dream on to be son-in law of He family.”

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