Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 121: Dear Diary

Chapter 121: Dear Diary

Ever since I realized that I will lose my memories one day in the future, I kept a diary to keep track of everything I do then hid it in my bag for fear that some servant would discover it in the prince's chamber. 

These past few weeks, I have been keeping a record of all that I have done so far, leaving all the confidential things unwritten. 

I am trying my best to cherish my stay here inside the castle and the days where I could still hang out with my three mentors who kept me company for the past four months already, and I am doing so by writing all the good things that have happened from the very beginning of my stay here up to the most recent event that has happened.

The last thing I wrote was when I walked back to the castle with Alex on a rainy season-- my first rainy day I've got to experience with him by my side.

The birds were chirping hummingly as I was walking down the road going towards Gilead Academy. One hand was slid inside the pocket of my uniform vest, the other one was swinging freely.

I received my monthly payment from Lancelot earlier, and I was planning to spend my weekend shopping at the Central Town with my friends if they are not busy at that time and if I will be on good terms with my mentors for them to let me go just once for something not so urgent. I was hoping they would indeed let me shop with them though.

Whipping my head to my right, I had a glimpse of my childhood friend's figure walking inside the campus when he stopped as soon as I called out his name. He seemed to not hear me at first, or at least pretended not to hear me since he started to walk at a really fast pace after that, but I was still able to catch up to him.

"Good morning," I smiled at him, waving my hand energetically. Is it just me or is he purposely avoiding to meet me this morning?

"You seem a bit quirky today," he pointed out. "Good morning to you as well."

I also liked to point out the way he attempted to evade me earlier when I saw him look at his wristwatch then briskly lifted his head to meet my gaze once more.

"I'm sorry, but I am a bit in a hurry right now. Maybe we'll talk some other time?" he says, but doesn't look apologetic at all.

"S-sure. You can go ahead without me,"

I wondered if I offended him earlier or lately for him to avoid me like that. He didn't spare me another look after that and just walked away, fast. It was like he had a meeting to attend.

I was uncertain about these thoughts and proceeded to walk to my first-period class. Once I got there, I saw my friends waving their hands right in my direction and greeting me as enthusiastically as they could.

"Oh, by the way, how was the boutique you visited the other day?" I asked all of a sudden after recalling the discussion. "Were the products good?""

"We really haven't gone to Central Town the other day since it suddenly rained so hard, so we have then decided to just go home and visit the store some other time," Ariella was the one who answered my question. There was a bit of sadness in it.

My eyes lit up when I heard that they hadn't visited it.

"What if we'll go there this coming Saturday?" I suggested, then I added, "Well, you know I am quite busy taking care of grandma and the store on weekdays, right? Weekends are the guaranteed days that I can get to hang out with you guys."

That is also a lie, I thought to myself. There is no guarantee my mentors will allow me to go shopping on a weekend when there is so much to do inside the castle, especially grumpy captain Alex.

Their faces glowed upon hearing what I said. And together, they all agreed, "Sounds like a great plan!"


On reaching the hidden gate leading to the rear of the castle, I stopped in my tracks and turned to Alex, who had picked me up from the marketplace today.

"Alex, can I"


"But I haven't asked you yet what is it that I wanted to ask! How could you give me an instant reply just like that?"

"Because it's already written all over your face," he says, pointing his right index finger all across my face.

My forehead creased. Is it really that obvious? I couldn't tell.

"You are asking me if you could take a break from training this Saturday, and I say no." Alex gave me a smug face before adding, "A no is a no."

"But still! Don't you think I deserve a break even for once?" I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

"That's right," Someone chimes in from behind us, and found out later it was Lucas, smiling at me. "I think she deserves a break once in a while, especially weekends."

"Hey!" Alex butts in. "Don't you think you are a little loose over this student of ours? What if she enjoys having a break all the time and forgets all about her training?"

To me, he says, "You are still a rank C wizard, for all I know. We should work on your fire and water spells, because that is where you are mostly having a hard time."

Again, I pouted and did my best to look cute in front of him just to give me the permission to go.

Lancelot also stepped out of the shadows to vote "yes." "What are you kids doing outside? Get inside, someone might see you here."

With my tongue stuck out to the jerk's direction, I said, "I win, you lose."

He only rolled his eyes as we were walking inside the castle.

That night, I was smiling from ear to ear while I was writing down in my spare spring notebook that I turned into my personal diary. 

Dear Diary, 

Alex is such a jerk, well not that I was surprised about it or anything. He wouldn't let me take a break this Saturday so I could go shopping with my friends at Central Town. However, I was so grateful when my guardian angels, Lucas and Lancelot, came to the rescue and let me take a break in the end. I wouldn't forget the annoyed look in that jerk's face while I was busy sticking my tongue out to him. Surely, I would miss that look once my mission has come to an end and I would need to return to my normal, commoner ways outside the castle.

I can't wait for Saturday already! Please don't rain!

I closed the notebook and slid the pen on its metal spring as soon as I finished writing my recent entry. I hope this will be enough to keep my memories of my stay here intact.


Saturday came. I already arrived at Central Town, thanks to the magic that teleporting to certain places brings. If the spell wasn't so mana-consuming, I would have used it a gazillion times already. It consumes a ton of mana just to use it, much more when you teleport to great distances.

Almost immediately, I noticed Maggie, Cailin and Ariella (the last one) all meeting me at the plaza where I'd suggest we all meet. And together, we found the new boutique Maggie had mentioned to me last time.

By arriving at the boutique, the first thing I said was "Wow, this place is incredibly awesome."

"I know right?" Ariella chimes in.

A pile of collared dresses was the first thing that caught my attention, so I went straight there and looked through the pile of dresses to see if there was anything I wanted to purchase. In the past few months I haven't spent much money, so I think spending the money I have earned these past few months is not such a bad idea at all.

In the end, I bought two dresses, a blue peacoat, and boots that are on sale right now. As I was paying for all of that, I repeated the phrase, "Don't you ever regret it," in my head gazillion times.

My friends ended up buying more than what I bought. Going outside the shop, I could see that they are holding more bags than I do. It must be nice to be rich someday.

When we returned home and parted ways, I halted when I arrived at the alleyway and saw Alex waiting for me there. I can't wave at him due to the bags I was carrying, so I ran towards him instead.

"I hope you didn't spend all your allowance shopping," he says the moment we came face-to-face.

"Nope, I didn't."

Thinking that we should head back to the castle as soon as possible, I walked ahead of him, bags still sling in both my hands. I almost flinched when he teleported in front of me, his right hand stretched in front of me, like he was asking me to give him something.

I raised my eyebrow. "What is it?"

"The bags, you dummy," he says impatiently. "Give me those bags and I will carry them for you."

My face lit up upon realizing what he meant. 

"I wasn't expecting you to be so gentlemanly," I teased, but handed him my bags. He brushed me aside and reached out for my bags. Then we started to walk again.

Later at night, I recorded in my diary the very first time that Alex became a gentleman around me.

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