Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 130: Work In Progress

Chapter 130: Work In Progress

{Author's Note: Hi! I just want you to know that I am currently undergoing personal circumstances and therefore can't bring myself to write today. But no worries, I will be going back to writing tomorrow. For now, I may have to repeat a previous chapter. I'm really sorry and thanks for understanding.}


I woke up the following day feeling really heavy and hot inside.

My eyelids are weighed down to which makes it hard for me to open my eyes, and my movements are kinda sluggish. Nonetheless, I tried myself getting up from bed but only ending up crashing down to it once again.

Then there was a knock on the door that interrupted the serenity inside the room... and a voice of that heartless, cold, jerk follows after that.

"Krisella? Are you awake now?" I heard him asked loud and clear.

My mouth opened to respond, but surprisingly nothing came out from it. I could also feel my throat aching for some reason.

Oh right! Remembering all the events that happened yesterday night, I somehow recalled myself crying all night for that unfortunate scene I came to witness with those poor, adorable children.

Seeing their foster parent died, whom I know they loved dearly, and with me just standing there and doing nothing really aches my heart to the extent that it kept me up all night.

Seeing that I haven't answered his question earlier, I felt the door opening and in it came out Alex with his usual frowning face as his intimidating eyes bore into mine. He folded his arms to his chest before saying, "So, you're awake now. And I thought you are still sleeping."

"Alright, I'll get up. Just one sec."

As soon as he heard me saying those words, Alex turned his back and was about to walk his way towards the door when he suddenly heard a light thud from behind him.

It was actually me, falling from the bed like a total idiot when I almost crawled my way out of the bed because I was having a hard time getting up on my own.

His eyes slightly widened as he walked towards me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I looked up to him and I saw a close-up view of his handsome but cold face. His brows furrowed and his lips curled up while he tries to examine my condition right now.

"Your face is heavily-tainted in red," he said as a matter of fact.

Yeah, I can definitely feel my cheeks burning and my body aching right now.

Then I saw one hand of his touched my forehead that completely changed his nonchalant expression for today.

"What the heck! You have a fever!" he says with a hint of concern on his tone or was I just hallucinating around here?

He quickly scooped me up in his arms and placed me back in my bed before stating, "I will tell Lancelot and Lucas to come here to let them know of your condition." he says before turning his back once again and left the room.

Well, it looks like I have seen another side of Alex just now


A few seconds later, Alex came back with Lucas and Lancelot behind him.

Lucas has the thermometer placed on his right hand and had my temperature checked on it. Moments after he measured my body temperature, he held up the thermometer high and read its content.

"You are literally burning Krisella! Your body is at forty degrees celsius!" Lucas exclaimed as he examines the thermometer to double-check.

Lancelot clasped its hands and declared, "So it's settled then. There will be no training sessions for you today Krisella. In the meantime, take your time to rest. I will just have your breakfast brought here in a couple of minutes."

"T-Thanks, Lancelot." I managed to say these words despite my voice lacking strength right now.

"And the one who will be taking care of you for today is none other than Alex himself." Lancelot continued, which made Alex's mouth literally dropped.

"What? Why me?" Alex complained while one finger was pointing to himself.

Then seeing that Lancelot only looked at him in the eyes without responding, he quickly added. "Is this a part of your guilt-tripping or what?"

In the end, the lad can't do much about it but to accept Lancelott's punishment.

All three of them quickly left the room, for Lancelot and Lucas have other important things to do right now, but the heatless, cold jerk returned to my room with a tray in hand where the bowl of soup, spoon, an apple, and a glass of orange juice was placed.

"Eat." was all he said before setting the tray on top of my side table.

I only looked at him without moving while my mind is questioning, 'Is this the way he takes care of sick people? Seriously?'

My silence made his eyebrow arched at me. "What?"

"Nothing. I just find it fascinating how you take care of sick people. That's all." I said my thoughts out loud with a little sarcasm mixed up to it before forcing myself to sit up straight and got the soup from the tray with a saucer plate beneath.

"Whatever. I'll just do something and will be back here as soon as you're done eating." As soon as he had spoken these words, he didn't wait for my response and left the room just like that.

"Typical Alex," I muttered to myself before I started to sip from the soup.



I am currently in my office, reviewing the documents that the applicants who want to join Gilead's magic army sent in when a knock came on my door.

I shouted "Come in" before the door opened and in it revealed Caleb, the vice-captain of the magic army in our magic army uniform consisting of a black, hooded robe with the symbol of a shield and a cross in the middle embroidered on his chest paired with black boots to complete the look.

"Apology for my intrusion, captain, but won't you suppose to supervise our trainees for today?" he asked upon entering my office.

Heaving out a sigh, I lifted my head to look at him before responding, "I can't. I have other important things to do here. Will you take my place instead?"

I certainly can't tell him that I have an annoying girl that I need to mind for today!

"I understand," replied the vice-captain. "I will let others know."

And with that, he finally left my office. I was about to go back to review these documents when I suddenly thought of that girl. It has been several minutes since I last check on her. Might as well visit her in her room now.

With that thought in my mind, I quickly get up from my seat and started walking towards the master wizard's chamber which we currently placed the girl.

Before Lancelot left the castle, by the way, he was able to give me the medicine that he instructed me to give to the sick girl after her meal which then reminds me that I have the medicine placed in the pocket of my trousers.

So before completely going to the room, I went to the kitchen first to get a glass of water before started to walk once again towards it.

As soon as I reached the prince's chamber and opened the door without minding to knock, I let myself in and was soon greeted by the sight of the annoying girl already sleeping so peacefully while the tray with the empty bowl and saucer plate was left on the side table.

What the heck! She still needs to drink her medicine!

I went near to her and yanked her body. "Hey, wake up! You still need to drink your medicine." I said while trying to wake her up.

Thank goodness it didn't take long for her drowsy eyes to open and her body to sit up straight from bed before taking the medicine and the glass of water in my hands. I saw her engulfing it as quickly as she could.

When I got the glass of water from her, she resumed her interrupted sleep and was able to doze off in just a matter of a few seconds. I touched her forehead without her noticing it, and was surprised to feel it burning hot right there.

Clicking my tongue in annoyance, I picked up the tray from the side table and went back to the kitchen. The next thing I did was to get a small container of cold water and a towel from my room before going back to the prince's chamber.

I placed the bedroom chair beside the bed, which was already placed at one corner of the room. Then I started to soak the towel in cold water, gave it a tight squeeze, and placed it on this girl's forehead.

Upon placing the towel, I paused for a moment as I stared at her face up close.

She really is a spitting image of the prince and master wizard, a person whom I grew up close with. I remember Prince Arthur being a pain in my ass as well, just like this girl yet he treated me like I was his real brother.

Remembering what this girl said in her on-the-spot speech back there in the royal gathering, I bet Prince Arthur would have said the same things she mentioned out there.

I know for a fact that I was being hard on her, but I can't help if it somehow aches my heart every time I see this girl in front of me, who reminds me of the lost prince every, single day. And I know it's not her fault either for making me feel this way

I facepalmed myself.

Why am I feeling so guilty right now? That man of God who likes to guilt-trip people! I know that idiot Lancelot is the reason why I am now being like this! Screw him and his words!

Heaving out a sigh of exasperation, I run my hand through my disheveled hair, bent my body down a little, and spoken these words in a whisper,

"I'm sorry, Krisella"

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