Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 135: Work in Progress~

Chapter 135: Work in Progress~

Hello guys. Forgive me for this but I really don't feel like writing today, I don't know why. But I just feel burnt out, perhaps? Anyway, I will continue writing tomorrow. For now, I'mma have to repeat a chapter. 


One week since the time I got sick, I've undergone some strenuous training sessions with my three mentors just to cope up with the days that I have missed.

Luckily for all of us, no royalties or high ranking officials from the neighboring country paid a visit to me during those times, even that annoying fiancee' of the prince hasn't made an appearance ever since she last went to the castle which is kinda relieving though.

With all the days that I have been working hard to improve on my 'impostor skills', it was decided then by none other than Lancelot, my guardian angel, that I should have a whole day off all by myself.

The demonic captain of the magic army, Alex, opposed to that as expected. But he was no match for Lancelott's angelic powers and in the end goodness wins over his evil force.

That is the very reason why I'm looking so happy and energetic when I got to school, even though it's a shame I haven't seen my childhood friend Dexter Woods around.

Well, looking at the brighter side, I already got my salary with me plus I can spend my time after classes with my friends.

"Class dismiss."

Our last period teacher's dismissal is such a great timing since the school bell just happened to ring as well as soon as she was able to end the class. When the teacher's figure already went out of the classroom, our other classmates had already left as well.

I, on the other hand, being the slowpoke here was still busy arranging my things and neatly stuffed it inside my bag when I felt my friends' presence standing near me.

"Krisella, Ariella and I are going shopping in Central Town today. If you aren't busy, would you mind joining as well?" Maggie asked.

As soon as I finished stuffing my things inside my bag, I hurriedly closed the zipper of my bag and lifted my head up to looked at her.

"Alright! I happened to be free at the moment since Grandma is feeling better right now." I replied, scratching the back of my neck in the process.

That filled both my friends' faces with excitement.

"Yey! We'll be having our first ever shopping together at Central Town!" Ariella exclaimed in delight.

And so, we wasted no time and went out of the classroom. I can say that my given whole day off is such great timing!

I will finally have the chance to see Citadel's Central Town, which is one carriage ride away from our school.


"Wow! There are lots of shops to choose from in here."

The moment we climbed down the carriage, the first things that ever greet me are the massive avenues and small, luxurious-looking places to sit and relax as folk went about their day.

Several stores are lined up in a parallel manner with wide roads in between for the carriages to pass by. The rest would be parks and wild spaces, a chance to walk among nature or enjoy the trails on bicycles or horseback since there are those who ride on their horses to move to different places in the city.

As we stepped into its premises, something immediately caught my eye, then another one, and another one, until I find myself enjoying seeing different things displayed by the window.

"We're glad you are enjoying yourself today Krisella." Maggie suddenly stated, making me halt from skidding from one store to another.

"Come to think of it, this will be your first time going here, right?"

Feeling a bit embarrassed, my face flushed as I slowly nodded my head then asked, "Well, what stores would you want to visit?"

Ariella and Maggie looked at each other first, like they had some mutual understanding just by their eye contact, before facing me once again in perfect sync.

"Since it's your first time here, we wanted you to decide what stores would you like us to visit," Ariella says kindly.

Aww what have I done to deserve such caring and thoughtful friends like them?

"A-Alright," I said, embarrassment is visible in my tone right now but I just shrugged it away.

Since they are putting me in-charge here, we continued hopping from one store to another as I decided which things to buy from the salary I got from Lancelot.


After strolling for some time, I have finally found some things that I want to buy. Mostly, they are cheap apparels so that I would be having some new, decent clothes to wear before I officially get my school uniform, and some scarfs since I saw from the calendar earlier in my room that holidays season are approaching, hence I must prepare myself for the winter season. I totally forgot to bring a scarf with me when I ran away from home.

At the moment, we are about to pass by at a nearby cafe' from the last clothing store we visited when something caught my attention once again. Several mouth-watering candies are displayed by the window that immediately unleashes my extreme love for sweets.

I turned to my friends and had told them to go ahead to the cafe' without me while I visit this store. Anyway, since it is just across this road, I can be able to see my friends going inside the store through the store window.

The bell chimes clanged the moment I opened the wooden door painted in red then closed it behind me before making my way towards a variety of flavored candies displayed over their counter. The smell of caramel and chocolates instantly filled my nostrils.

"Welcome to Sweet Factory. What will you have, please?" A female storekeeper suddenly shows herself while plastering a smile on her face as she anticipates my order.

As I looked at these candies right now, I wondered out of nowhere if my three mentors are also fond of sweets?

Judging by the looks of them, the archbishop and the royal counselor might accept such a gift from me but Alex?

He looks like the type of guy who doesn't like sweets. But anyways, I still decided to buy each one of us, including myself, a bag full of assorted candies.

"Thank you. Come again." says the friendly storekeeper as I walked out of her store and proceeded to cross the road and went inside the cafe where I should meet my friends.

"Oh? What's with all those sweets you bought? They're too many!" Ariella almost screamed in disbelief as she saw all the small bags filled with nothing but assorted candy.

"There are certain kids in the neighborhood that I want to give them to."

My brain was now quick to make an alibi unlike before. Geez, it looks like my lying skills are now improving huh.

Not that I could be proud of that though

Luckily, they quickly dropped the matter and let me order what I want to have from the menu. And the good thing about this cafe' is it did not take that long for our orders to come. I bet this whole shop is run by magic.


We were not able to sense the time until Maggie decided to take a glance at her wristwatch and stated that it is now six-thirty in the evening.

My hands flew over to my mouth when I heard what time it is, so we then decided to take off a carriage on our way home.

It was almost seven when the carriage took us back to the marketplace of Citadel and we each climb out of it.

After that, we each bid our goodbyes to one another before parting ways. As for me, I decided to pretend that I was going in the opposite way when in fact the shortcut towards the castle is to my right.

With them still within the vicinity, I decided to carry on.

What I did not know is that... I was actually heading straight to the drunkard's corner, or the term people here are calling for this side of the marketplace known to have bars and diners all placed right here.

Afraid that both of my friends are still on the watch, I keep on walking down this path.

"I think this is the farthest that I could go," I muttered under my breath before turning around once again and heading back to where I came from.

However, as I was just about to take a step forward, three drunk-looking men stood in my way, purposely blocking my path as their retarded faces looked at me with such weird expressions.

"Hey miss, are you all alone? Maybe we can give you some very nice company. Care to join us?" says the drunk fat guy standing in the right, with his tummy almost bulging out from his tunic

His flustered face leaned in closer to mine to which I immediately took several steps backward.

"No, thanks. I-I should go." I nervously said.

Panic is starting to strike me and I don't know what else to do right now!

I tried to step past them, but the fat guy together with the other two drunkards only blocked my path with their sweaty bodies while looking at me with dark expressions reflecting in their eyes.

One of them suddenly grabbed my right hand with much force that I was having a hard time to snatch it away from him.

The second guy, who looks scrawny and all but has a surprisingly great force stored in that skinny body of his, smiled at me mischievously before uttering in his drunken voice.

"We don't take no for an answer."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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