Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 137: Work in Progress~

Chapter 137: Work in Progress~

Hello, my beautiful readers. Sad to say, I can't be able to finish my recent chapter this day because I am not feeling too well {and motivated tbh} to write today. I will resume my work tomorrow, for now, it's already late in the evening and I need to rest my head or else I will have severe migraine once again. I had one yesterday.


Things have gone as unexpected as this. I barely knew this man in front of me, at all. And yet, I have to say something that would convince him that I'm indeed the prince that he has always known all throughout his life.

"Minister Lim! It's great to see you here!"

I suddenly saw Lucas walking near this man that he called as Minister Lim just now. The man in turn looked at him and plastered a smile on his face.

"Counsellor Lucas. What a pleasure to meet you also." responded the minister.

"However, why this sudden visit? Is there something you wanted to ask?"

Waah... I couldn't thank Lucas enough for suddenly saving me from this awkward scenario. I may have looked like a total idiot back there when this minister appeared all of a sudden.

"Well, I would like to confirm if the rumors about the prince's disappearance are false." Then the minister turned to face me once again. "And I'm glad to see with both of my eyes that his majesty has returned to Citadel safe and sound."

Oh no. I have to think of something to say. Fast!

"Apologies if I may have deeply concerned you of my sudden disappearance, Minister Lim." I suddenly blurted out, which caused both Lucas and Alex to look in my direction.

"However,I have just returned from my quest. And so I must rest from the long trip that I have gone through." I quickly added.

With both of the lads staring at me, I suddenly wondered if I'm doing this right.

If the prince himself is here in my position, would he also say the same things that I have just said earlier?

As I looked again in the minister's eyes, I saw a hint of confusion from it as he stared at me.

"Your majesty... what happened to your voice?"

That stood me frozen again in my place. Oh dear God, what else would I have to say to this man? Wahhhh... somebody save me!

"Just like what his majesty said earlier Minister Lim..." Alex chose to chime in all of a sudden and stood next to me. "He just arrived from a quest. So, therefore, if you'll excuse us, we'll be taking his majesty to his room."

"Oh! Of course!" the minister responded.

Alex turned towards me... and that's when I saw him smile for the very first time, which stunned me for a moment.

"Let's go... your highness," he said with so much formality and kindness. It's like I'm seeing a different version of him now.

"O-Okay," I responded.

And with that, we left the minister and tried our best to walk calmly while he was still around.

However, the moment we made sure we had lost him, that's the time I was able to exhale the breath that I didn't know I was holding on to earlier. When we arrived at another spacious room which turned out to be the prince's office, according to Lucas, that's when we saw Lancelot waiting for us.

"What took you so long to get here?" asked Lancelot as soon as we entered the room's premises.

"We ran into some serious problem," Alex said. Then Lucas was the one to tell the archbishop what happened back there.

"It won't be long before the public knows about your existence as the fake prince, Krisella." Lancelot said after Lucas was able to tell him what happened.

"But I think I did well back there... right?" I asked quite nervously.

Wahhhh, I don't know why, but I can feel my heart beating more loudly than usual. I was super nervous earlier that I haven't recovered from my sudden meeting with the minister until now.

"Yes you did--"

"No, you didn't." Before Lucas was able to compliment me, Alex abruptly cut him. I see he's back to his snarky attitude,


"Come on, give the child some credit," Lucas said. Child?! You're just a year or two years older than me!

"Did you really think you have fooled the minister back there?" Alex bore his intimidating jet black eyes at me. "You're far from being the perfect impostor."

Lancelot somehow panicked and suddenly went near Alex and covered his mouth with both of his hands in which the lad struggled to get him off from him.

"W-we're sorry for his indifferent attitude Krisella. Just don't mind him, alright?" Lancelot gave me a friendly smile, still not letting go of Alex.

"No, he's right. I'm far from being the perfect impostor." Then I suddenly bowed down my head in front of all of them. "Please, teach me all the things that I can use for me to be the perfect impostor!"

That's the time that all three of them paused for a moment which Alex used this chance to free himself from Lancelott's grasp.

"I promise that I will do my very best from now on!"


And with that being said and done, thus the torment days with me started.

I spent all throughout my entire week learning the ways to be the perfect replica of Gilead's prince and master wizard.

Starting from table manners session again.



"When slicing the steak, you must do it with delicacy and with grace--" Before Lancelot could finish what he's about to say, I accidentally sent my steak flying away from my dish... and accidentally spilled Alex' clothes, who happened to sit in front of me.

I looked at the lad apologetically, in which he returned with a death glare as he wiped off the stain in the fabric of his brown tunic. That made Lucas laugh out loud.

"Oops, sorry."



Then the fencing lessons. I never knew that the prince was good at this.



Lucas was discussing the terminologies used in fencing when he suddenly decided to draw out a sword in which I instantly panicked. That alone made me run away from him while swinging both of my hands in the air like a moron.

"MAMA!" I exclaimed all of a sudden.

"Wait! I was just about to show you what the sword in fencing looked like!" Lucas shouted.



We also tackled speech improvement in cases that I need to give out my speech to the public or have to talk to other royalties from different ally kingdoms.



"I would like to extend my deepest apologies for my sudden disappearance and if it had caused you so much trouble. In behalf...or was it on behalf of my royal staff?" I suddenly stopped and looked at Lancelot cluelessly.

At the far end corner of the room, I can see Alex smacking his forehead with his palm.



And lastly, we had magic sessions to assess my skills.



"Except for doing an epic fail teleportation spell, what other spells can you do?" Alex asked.

Wahhhh, there he goes again, reminding me of that stupid mistake I did way back when he was chasing after me in the marketplace of Citadel.

"Nothing." I heaved out a sigh. The moment I looked at Alex once again, I saw that pissed look plastered on his face.

"What?! I just started going to the magic academy, remember?" I quickly added to defend myself.

"You're just a natural dummy, that's all." The lad said in a flat tone.

I secretly clenched my right fist while looking equally pissed as much as he looks like right now. If it weren't for his noble position, I might have punched this cold jerk in front of me!


By the end of the week, I slowly started feeling my body being exhausted from all those cruel training sessions that I've experienced... especially with that cold jerk Alex!

Speaking of which, I've just finished my magic training session with him and now I'm finally off to bed. The moment my eyes landed on the alarm clock placed on my side table, I was shocked to see it was nearly one in the freaking morning!


The moment I was able to rest my weary body on the soft mattress of this huge bed, I immediately fell asleep...


Third Person's POV

Meanwhile at the archbishop's office...

Lancelot, Lucas, and Alex were still up for the night. The room was filled with hush voices as they discussed Krisella's performance.

"I think that dummy is not yet ready to be shown in public as the replica of Prince Arthur," said Alex with his usual serious tone with one hand inside the pocket of his black trousers.

"Well. we don't actually have a choice." Lancelot spoke, which made both Lucas and Alex's forehead creased at the same time.

"What do you mean?" asked Lucas in confusion.

"Minister Lim has told everyone in the council about the prince's return to Citadel."

The archbishop's answer made Alex pissed and Lucas gape in awe.

"That bastard. He always has a big mouth stuck with him." Alex said spitefully.

"Not only that..." With this statement, both the lads faced the archbishop once again. "The news was widely spread through every country until it reached the prince's betrothed from the neighboring country of Cordova.

"Good heavens... I might have to see the face of that annoying girl here." Alex said with contempt.

"Oh dear God." muttered Lucas under his breath.

They can't help but worry about the things that may happen in the next days to come... starting now.

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