Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 158: Lady Margaret's Part

Chapter 158: Lady Margaret's Part


"Where the heck is Alex right now? I want to see him badly." 

A whining voice of a woman in her teenage years is currently pouting her lips in front of the archbishop's face as she demands for the captain's presence at this very moment.

The archbishop, in return, only looked at her with a blank facial expression and replied, "If you haven't let him disappear in your sight, you would not have this kind of problem in the first place. Isn't it right, Lady Margaret?"

Lady Margaret opens her mouth and prepares to argue with the man comfortably seated on his office but closes it shortly when she realizes that he has a point. It was her bloody fault why Alex hasn't come back now, and she doesn't have any idea where he could possibly have gone. 

There was a knock on the door, to which Lancelot immediately spoke "Come in!" and waves his hand to open the door without having to go near it. It soon revealed the curious face of Lucas, who looks astonished to see Lady Margaret in here.

"I didn't know you were all buddy-buddy" Lucas shifts his gaze from the lady then to the archbishop.

"I went here to see him for some...advice " Lady Margaret tried to play it cool as possibly as she can. "No one is good in giving an advice but the priest himself " 

Lucas seemed enlightened in no time and said, "Why, yes. You're right about that "

Lancelot, on the other hand, who was frowning in his seat to see Lucas disturbing his peace uttered, "And what brings you here in this fine hour?"

"Well, I was actually looking for Alex. Have you guys seen him?" Lucas asked but haven't heard any response from the two. "Yeah I thought so. Alright, I'll just go ahead and looked for him outside then. See you later "

With one last wave from the lad, Lucas was about to take his leave but only ended up being face-to-face with the captain himself, who, by now, raises his eyebrows as he looks at his pal.

Lucas then spoke out loud, oblivious to Alex's rising temper after knowing the whole truth just a few moments ago. "Oh, there you are! We've been looking around for you!"

"Right" Alex said, then lightly shoved the lad in the sides and darted a look on both Lancelot and Lady Margaret, who are both accomplices with his, Krisella's and also Lucas' memory losses for the past few weeks.

But he tried to act naturally, as if nothing had happened, and asked the two of them, "What seems to be the matter? Why are you looking for me?"

"Oh Alex, I just wanted to see you so badly that's why I came running all my way here." said the desperate Lady Margaret and hugged the lad that she still believed to be hers at the moment. It took some force on Alex's behalf to keep himself from shuddering and pushing this girl away from him.

This very act literally disgusts Lancelot and teased, '"Please, if you are to hug each other, do it in a separate room away from here." 

Lady Margaret giggled and uttered these words quite meaningfully, "Oh yes, we will father." 

Again, Alex tried his very best to pull himself together in this kind of situation.

Lady Margaret was now halfway in pulling Alex's hand and get him out of here when the captain stood on his ground, unwavered, and turned to face Lancelot-- an action that truly surprised the lady who is waiting to do mischievous activities with her partner.

"I heard from the residents earlier that there's going to be a ball during Christmas Day, isn't that true Lancelot?"

The way he pronounced somehow catches the archbishop off guard, like there is something wrong with the kind of tone he is now using. Is it because he already has his memories back? But that:s not possible! His magic is way stronger that even a wizard of a higher rank can't break it through.

"Yes, that's actually true--"

"Then why haven't I heard of this thing from you? Am I not invited or something?"

Lancelot's full attention now is on the lad speaking before him. He narrowed his eyes for a bit and said, "I thought you said you are not interested in attending parties. And I believe you and Margaret have already plans to do during that day."

To Lady Margaret, he smilingly says, "Isn't that right, Margaret?"

As quick as lightning, Lady Margaret responded. "Why, yes love. We already made plans during Christmas, haven't we?"

Alex pretended to remember and sweetly smiled at the girl beside him. "I know, but if every village, town, and cities are invited to this event, shouldn't we go too? After all, your family is one of the country's local leaders."

Sighing in defeat, Lady Margaret only scratched the back of her neck before responding to Alex's remark. "I suppose you're right. No more memorable night to be spent in a luxurious inn that I managed to reserve just for the two of us."

Lady Margaret sneaks a glance at Alex to see if he will still change his mind, but surprisingly her partner's reaction is stiff and remains to be unwavered.

Something's off with this guy, but the lady couldn't point her fingers at it.

Lancelot, who also seemed to notice now the slight changes in Alex's movements, quickly looked at Margaret and gently said, "It's already past seven in the evening. Why don't you two lovey-doveys go now to your room and have a nice cup of tea before sleeping?"

"Oh yes, great idea! " Lady Margaret then turned to face Alex once again and said, "I'm planning to spend another night here, if you don't mind. Shouldn't we be heading now to your room?"

To keep their suspicions away from him, Alex responded, "I suppose it's time for us to go back to our room."

Lady Margaret smiles in triumph, and the two of them now scurries away and went straight ahead to their room after Lancelot promised to have a servant bring in their tea in a few seconds. Lucas, whose presence is already forgotten, also takes his leave along with them.

Once Lady Margaret closes down the door to Alex's room, she seductively went straight to bed and purposely lifted up the hem of her dress so that she could flash a little bit of her flawless, ivory skin to him. They once had made love before, back in those days where they were still madly in love with each other. But not once did this girl took advantage of his oblivion now for the past few weeks because her conscience doesn't let her do anything.

However now is a different case. Even though Alex doesn't say anything, Lady Margaret could now feel that the love of her life is slipping away from her hands. She already lost him before, and she wouldn't let that happen now even if it means not taking heed to what her conscience is now telling her.

Lady Margaret pretended to yawn before saying, "Oh boy, what a tiring day, isn't it?"

Alex kept himself from looking at the girl who is now ready to jump into him any minute from now to keep himself away from the temptation that this girl is trying to device on him.

"Yeah, I am already tired."

Lady Margaret smiled teasingly and tapped the empty space next to her. "Then why don't you join me here in bed, love? Why are you still there standing a few feet away from me?"

"Because" Alex now looked dead serious as he faced the girl lying on his bed in a seductive pose and continued, "I know what you have been up to, Margaret."

That almost made Margaret flinch as soon as she heard the hardness in his tone by the time he pronounced her name. 

"You" Lady Margaret tried to compose herself first and sat straight in bed before proceeding to what she is about to say, "You didn't happen to regain your memories, did you?"

Before Alex could answer, one servant came in with a tray and two cups of steaming tea. Lady Margaret tries to hide the smirk on the corner of her lips before instructing the servant to carefully put the cups in her side table. After it's done, the servant quickly take her leave along with the tray in her hands and closed the door immediately.

Through gritted teeth, Alex locks the door and casts a silencer spell that would make the whole room soundproof from anyone outside of it.

"I know that tea has a memory potion mixed into it, that's why you make me drink it before we go to sleep Isn't that right?!"

Alex remembers how Margaret excels in potion making back in the days when they were still studying in Gilead Academy.

Sighing in defeat, Lady Margaret shamefully looks at the ground as she now realizes that there is nothing she could do to retrieve back the lad that had once been hers.

"Yes, you're right. After Lancelot had told me about wiping your memories the other day, I immediately agreed in helping him with his plans in exchange of having you by my side. Everyday, I make a memory potion to keep your memories away from you" Lady Margaret now breaks into tears. In between her sobs, she says, "I'm sorry Alex. I only did what I think is right for both of us"

Calming himself down, Alex now extends his arm and gently pats the girl in her shoulder.

"If you're really sorry and wanted to make things right between us" 

Lady Margaret now lifts her head once again and faces him.

"You have to help me jeopardize Lancelot's plans to keep him away from the throne."

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