Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 53: Growing Curiosity

Chapter 53: Growing Curiosity

Two days have already passed since the time I was caught in an accident. I haven't caught the culprit behind my locking incident that day, but my friends think Jill might have caused it given the fact that she is annoyed with me because my idea was chosen than hers.

As much as I would like to acknowledge that, there is still no proof that she indeed was the one who did that. Besides, wouldn't it be too simple to think that she is behind the incident just because she hated me for some little argument between us? Right?

Anyway, I decided not to dwell too much on that and instead focused my time and energy on the rehearsals that we have been doing for the past three days now. As of now, we have started doing the rehearsals on stage in the school gymnasium so that they would be able to familiarize the setting. 

People assigned to be the stage designers also began working on the props, stage background, and tools that our actors and actresses will be using for the play. Everyone is in a rush as we only had a few days left before Foundation Day comes, so there should not be time to waste here.

Ariella and her team of tailors are already finished preparing for the costumes needed and in fact, my friend had her workers deliver them right here just now. So that is why, I decided that we will be doing the dress rehearsals today.

"This is ridiculous." 

I was on the stage checking the decors that the stage designers are now placing when I heard that familiar voice of the class president nearby. That made me turn to look at his direction as he went out from backstage.

"I shouldn't be in the cast and should be the director in the first place. Why was cast as the prince, for goodness' sake?" he continues complaining to himself as his silhouette is starting to get nearer towards the exit.

It did not take long before I finally saw his 'princely' look when he was able to go out of the backstage and showed himself to me, his face frowning as he looked at me.

"I look ridiculous, right?" he said in a monotonous tone and blankly looked at me.

"No you look just fine." I complimented, hoping that would cheer him up. Well, it's true. The prince's outfit suits him well. 

"Smile up a bit and you will look perfect in that prince costume." I quickly added, giving him a reassuring smile.

That might have worked on him, for after a few moments his face lightened up a bit as a smile came across his face. 

"Now, that's what I am talking about," I stated.

I excused myself and went looking for others. 

"We will start to rehearse in just a few minutes. I hope you are now dressed up and ready by the time I will call your attention." I announced, purposely raising my voice to get their attention backstage.

I heard some people panicking inside, looking for their things and anything of that sort, while I, on the other hand, decided to climb down the stage and proceeded to sit in the VIP seat to wait for my classmates to change.

A few moments later, Jill and her minions went out of backstage, having the role of the wicked stepmother of Snow White while her minions served as her servants, the only role in this play that is so much relatable in their real life.


"Jill might be the culprit behind your locking incident," 


Ariella's words the other day came back ringing inside my head as I observed Jill and her current actions. From what I am seeing right now, she has come to enjoy being the wicked stepmother since it fits her ill personality. She may be a little bit rude and biased to others, but I don't think she could ever hurt someone out of anger, right?

Well, I hope I am actually right about that

In the next couple of minutes, my classmates were finally changing into their costumes and we began rehearsing a few moments after they showed up on stage. From the way I am looking at it right now, I can see a great improvement in just a short span of time, making me relieved and confident at the same time for the event that we will be launching a few days from now.

Classes for today have still been suspended because of the one week preparation that Gilead Academy has given to each of its students for the upcoming Foundation Day. That's how serious the school was in terms of celebrating their annual event that is somehow famous all across the continent where outsiders from different places can come and visit us.

After several hours of rehearsing, I decided to let my classmates rest for a while and take a break. Some of my classmates left the gymnasium after the break announcement while I preferred to stay put inside and prepared the next script for the next few scenes in the play.

I was really absorbed into what I was doing when I noticed a hand was stretched towards me and handed me over a packed sandwich that made me stop reading the script and looked up just to see that it was no other than the class president himself.

"Here" he said, still handing me over the sandwich. "It looks like you haven't eaten anything since the time we started rehearsing."

I stared at the sandwich for a while, thinking of whether to accept it or not when the class president reached for my hand using his other hand, and forced the sandwich in it.

"I'm only doing this because I think you don't have enough money to even buy yourself food in the cafeteria!" he suddenly exclaimed and walked away just like that.

That's what he also said to me when he bought food for me at the cafeteria. I don't know if I could call that a sweet gesture from him or not.

It was then when my friends Ariella and Maggie approached me while their heads were curiously looking in the class president's direction.

"What's up with that guy?" Ariella now turns his head to look at me while chuckling. By the looks of it, he also finds the class president as much as I do.

"I don't have any idea what's going on inside his head," I responded, refusing to tell them about the sandwich that the class president bought for me to avoid the issue.

"Say, I think you are more suited to be Snow White instead of me." Ariella smirked. "Besides, the class president seems to have a soft spot for you despite his indifferent attitude towards others. You and he would make a great cou--"

"Nope, don't ever say that word"

"-- couple." Ariella insisted to continue, to which I frowned.

"Come on guys, that's our air-headed class president we are talking about. I can't just fall for him. " I said as a matter of fact. 

"After all, I already had someone that I like" I blurted out of nowhere.

Maggie and Ariella looked intrigued when I mentioned that. They really love to stick their noses to other people's love life, I see.

"And who is this lucky guy?" Maggie curiously said, making that intriguing face.

"Come on now, I need to focus on what I am doing here." 

I started to open the packed sandwich that the class president has given to me earlier and ate it while reading the next script to act after the break.

There was a moment of silence until Ariella burst out once again.

"I bet that is the guy that we saw in the infirmary!"

That literally made me choke from the sandwich that I was eating. I hastily looked for my bottled water and drank from there.

"Yes" I confirmed for them. "Since childhood."

Yet at the back of my mind, a question began forming inside my head. 

'Is he really the one you like now, Krisella?'

The day ended with me being satisfied with how the roleplay ended. I helped my classmates in packing things up for the next day's rehearsals once again while others started changing back on their regular clothes and returned the costumes backstage.

When everything had been cleared out and all set, we left the gymnasium and wished my friends goodbye when we reached the school gates. They were actually asking me to come along with them to Central Town once again, but I had to decline because of my impostor duties. 

Thank goodness they haven't asked much about it and let me be on my merry way when I bid my farewell. The more that I am lying to them like this, the more anxious I become for no definite reason



As Maggie and Ariella watched their friend Krisella walk away from them, they looked at each other with the same curious looks on their faces.

"Do any of us know where Krisella lives?" Ariella asked Maggie, to which the latter only shrugged her shoulders.

"Come to think of it, I haven't asked that myself. Nor did we get invited to spend the time in their house." Maggie also added.

"Nor did she mention anything about herself" Ariella stated, adding to their curious minds.

As time goes by, both these girls are now starting to get curious as to who Krisella is without the girl knowing at all.

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