Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 59: Snow White... and the Evil Queen

Chapter 59: Snow White... and the Evil Queen


Earlier at the castle

Alex was in his office and is currently busy examining the new application papers of some potential knights that chose to apply as part of their team when his door swung open, creating a loud thud in the process.

In it came Lucas, the prince's known royal counselor and one of his confidants. Alex doesn't need to exert some effort in lifting his head up to know what it is.

"What do you want?" the captain sighed. 

He already knew why this guy has found its way here in his office, yet he still chose to ask for confirmation.

"What do you think? Of course, I'm here to invite you to enjoy the festivities in our alma mater." Lucas almost rolled my eyes but suppressed such urge and instead crossed his arms over his chest.

"I am too busy for such childish occasions. " Alex now jerks his head up and meets Lucas' gaze. "Can't you see there is so much work to do in my office?"

"I can since I have two beautiful eyes right over here." Lucas countered, sarcastically raising his right hand and points at his eyes. "Yet there is no problem with being childish just for once, now, is it not?"

Alex made another sigh of defeat. He knew this guy very much since the time they started living inside the castle together with the prince and the archbishop. Lucas won't stop persuading you and would not leave you alone unless he gets what he wants.

'How annoying.' Alex thought to himself.

"Fine. Can you just please give me one moment to rearrange my things neatly?" Alex forced a smile as soon as he looked at the lad once again.

"Of course, oh mighty captain! Do as you please."

Lucas was just about to leave the office when he suddenly halted and glanced over his shoulder, as if remembering something important.

"We shall wait for you outside. The carriage is already waiting for us." Then off Lucas went that made Alex at ease. 

He could not comprehend that guy as to why he really wants all three of them to go towards the school. The last time that he went there well, it was when the prince is still here with them.

And speaking of which, after all the past few days of eager investigation towards his missing case, Alex still had no luck finding the answer behind the prince's missing case.

"Ah! Right, the papers." 

Alex interrupted his own train of thoughts and then gathered his papers and rearranged them in the correct order with haste.



I can't believe it all three confidants of Prince Arthur are currently seated in the front rows as part of their spectators-- including that heartless, cold jerk.

I wonder how much effort Lucas and Lancelot had poured into just to make this guy come here.

Well, whatever the reason may be behind his sudden appearance here, I am so happy to see all three of them here.and also makes me anxious at the same time. As far as I am concerned, I haven't told them about this sudden change of plans in our script.

Before I knew it, the opening narration of our roleplay had already begun.

Narrator: "Once upon a time, there lived a lovely little princess named Snow White. Her vain and wicked stepmother the Queen feared that some day Snow White's beauty would surpass her own. So she dressed the little princess in rags and forced her to do manual labor as a scullery maid."


When the narrator paused for a moment, I knew that would be the cue for the curtains to open up and to showcase me as the little princess dressed in rags. I pretended to get myself busy with sweeping the floors and wiping the furniture that is part of our props.

While I was doing this, I can't help but sneak a glance at the lads seated in the front row. I could truly see the surprise and awe in each of their expressions when they saw me performing on stage, when I told them that I am just a mere scriptwriter.

Narrator: "Each day, the vain Queen consulted her magic mirror just to know who amongst all girls in the land is the fairest of them all."

Another scene has passed when Jill entered the stage as the evil Queen, a role that suits her perfectly.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all?" And she was also able to deliver the lines so perfectly that you could really imagine her as the character she is now portraying.


After the lines were delivered by her, a classmate of mine made it look like he magically appeared on the mirror that my classmates are able to make in just a short span of time. Then, he belts out his dialogue accurately.


"It is my pleasure to tell you, my queen, that the person who now wins the title of being the fairest one of all is--"

"Cut through the chase, you fool! Too much drama already!" The Queen interrupts her magic mirror that made some of the audience cackle in their seats.

"As I was saying, it is none other than Snow White, my queen." the magic mirror finally finishes his sentence.

Narrator: Upon hearing the news, the Queen burst out in rage and walked to and fro, panicking. The most dreadful day has finally come when her stepdaughter was able to surpass her beauty.

"It can't be! After all the money I have spent going to David's Salon, buying all the cosmetics in the world, and wearing all luxurious clothes to make me shine?! That servant who wears nothing but rags is the fairest of them all?!"

"I already told you. Don't make me repeat myself twice." The mirror said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Angry for her magic mirror's sarcastic attitude, the Queen faced it with eyes full of anger.

"Would you like me to break you into tiny little pieces?! Watch your words!" One finger was angrily pointed at the mirror as the Queen yelled those words.

"Yeah, yeah. But the truth still wouldn't change. Snow White is indeed the fairest one of all."

Dramatic music then comes in as realization came into the Queen.

"I must do something! I should get rid of her once and for all! Bring me my faithful huntsman!"

Narrator: Meanwhile, amidst her knowledge, Snow White hums with a beautiful tune as she took her usual stroll in the woods after all day's work has come to an end. All the animals had come to watch this beautiful lady as she sang happily to herself.

Suddenly, a handsome prince happened to pass by the forest and was immediately enchanted with that lovely voice. He tried to find the owner of the voice, and it did not take long for him to find her.

The lights were off as the narration continued, making time for my classmates to change the background into the forest. Once they are done, the lights once again come to life, and the next thing the audience sees is me, as Snow White, and the class president, which is none other than the prince conversing with each other.

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a strange feeling that someone is intently looking at me. Maybe it is just my mind playing tricks on me. Anyway, I tried to concentrate on the play as hard as I could without allowing any distractions to come along.

As the play progresses, we are now in the scene where Snow White is already conversing with the evil queen disguised as the evil hag, offering her a beet red apple in hand.

"You are such a fine and kind-hearted young lady. As my reward, I shall grant you this apple, which is the best among the apples from my farm. Eat it and you shall have a long-lasting life." said the evil hag.

Narrator: As naive as the lass looks, she took the apple without any suspicion. The hag looked at her with anticipation as Snow White drew the apple near her mouth, but was quite disappointed when she paused for a moment and looked at her.

"Can I use its seed to grow more apples? I am sure my friends would like some apples in their garden--"

"Ugh! Just eat it already!" 

"But my question--"


Narrator: The evil queen cannot contain her excitement any longer. She made the apple move on its own and had a soft bite on the lass' fair skin. After the apple's bite, Snow White immediately fell ill and lost her consciousness. 

As a result, the evil queen laughed in triumph as she saw her mortal enemy dying in front of her, but not long when she heard some footsteps not far from her, causing the queen to transform herself into a crow and flew away from the scene.

As what the scene portrays, I lied unconsciously on the ground as the dwarves portrayed by my classmates found me. They immediately lifted me up and placed me inside an open casket.

By now, I am trying to calm myself as I remember what would be the next two scenes after this making me immediately regret why I wrote such a scene in the first place.

Whether I like it or not I must endure taking a kiss from the prince later on.

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