Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 61: The Benefit of the Doubt

Chapter 61: The Benefit of the Doubt


Another day has passed and yet the celebration continues as Gilead Academy has more in store for its visitors that came from different places and schools. 

Booths have been placed on the sides, with each student of different class, year, and section to run each of them.

I yawned for, I think, the third time around as Maggie and I waited for our newly-recovered friend Ariella from her skin allergies. It actually did not take us long before we saw her running her way towards us 

"Welcome back Ariella." I immediately greeted her, to which she responded with a sympathetic look on her face.

"I am so sorry for suddenly ditching all of you yesterday--"

"Nah. just forget about it. What matters most is that you're already here with us." I interrupted before she started this day with an apology.

"Aww, that is so sweet of you Kris." she beamed. "Anyway, tell me the details of how the play went yesterday."

So while walking down the hallway and passing by different classrooms of the student building's first floor, with each of their visitors either falling in line just to get in, we were busy talking about what happened with our event yesterday.

I was able to tell her by the end of our show yesterday, we have gathered more funds than we had hoped for. And because of that, it has to come to our agreement that we would be conducting a class outdoor activity by the end of the school festivities and before school officially starts once again.

We will go camping! I am so excited!

Imagine the look on Alex's face when I did try to state the matter to three of my mentors after I went home yesterday. I would have never participated in the said activity if it weren't for my two other saviors Lancelot and Lucas that saved me from Alex's wrath.

Once again, good guys win against the evil captain!

"Someone seems happy." 

I did not realize that I paused for a moment, smiling to myself like an idiot if it weren't for Maggie's voice who brought me back to reality.

"W-well, I am truly happy because my grandma allowed me to go to our scheduled camping this Saturday," I said and lifted my right hand up where a carton of orange juice was placed on it. I took a sip of it to help me calm my nerves.

"Oh speaking of which, we would like to meet your grandma and also would like to visit your house someday, if you and your grandma don't mind." Ariella suddenly declared that almost made me choke from the drink that I was just sipping.

Maggie also chimed in at that. "Yes! You know we love house tours!"

Whoa we were just talking about the play! How come we ended up on this topic?!

'Breathe, Krisella' I told myself. 'Try to stay calm and poised as possible. Don't let their words get to you.'

"Well, as much as I would like to, our house is really not that grand, you know," I said, feigning my shyness as I scratch the back of my neck with my other hand.

"What would you expect from a girl who was raised by a poor family, right?" I quickly added.

I know for a fact that these two are daughters of a wealthy clan and I am so thankful that they are not other spoiled bats here. 

I may have not told you before, but Gilead Academy is actually a school for the elite members of society. I was only there because I managed to pass a scholarship exam that was sent back to my home village, thus my admission in the school is absolutely free.

"Nonsense!" Ariella immediately interjected. "It doesn't matter as long as it is our friend's house. We would love to visit it someday."

I barked a laugh in response to Ariella's statement.

"S-sure. I would just need to inform grandma about your visit someday, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Can't wait to bond with you three once again!" Maggie beamed.

At the back of my head, I made a long, dramatic sigh. I am so doomed to Alex the moment he would hear about this.

Our conversation immediately ended there when one female student dressed in a maid's uniform blocked our path and approached us with a gorgeous smile on her face.

"Hello! Would you like to try our cafe'? We serve delicious cakes and cookies paired with deliciously brewed tea."

I paused for a moment. If I am not mistaken, this themed cafe was taken by class 2-A which is Dexter's class.

Both Ariella and I looked at Maggie, as if we need to get her consent first before we say anything to this student. After all, the reason why we are going after the staircase is that she said she wanted something to see on the first floor.

"Sure. We love to see it." Maggie was the one who answered the student's question. 

Then the next thing I knew is that we are now walking towards their cafe where I immediately saw my childhood friend Dexter Woods in his prince uniform while serving to the visitors of their cafe.

Upon seeing me, the lad made a smile on his face and hurriedly approached us.

"Krisella! I'm flattered to see you come all the way here," he said, still wearing that attractive smile of his. His almond-shaped blue eyes seemed to sparkle as he looked at each one of us.

I was just about to respond to that when I suddenly remembered something. My mind came all the way back to the time when I heard one of my classmates say something about him during our last rehearsal.



"I actually forgot my costume for our cartoon-themed cafe. How foolish of me." Dexter said, which got my eyebrows furrowed all of a sudden.

"Dex, you haven't been forgetful since the day that I met you." I declared as a matter of fact.

"Well, as what you have said people change. Especially when we get older." This was the last thing he said before he went on his way staggering in the process.


"I tried to check if my prince Dexter was there in their cafe before we did this rehearsal, but I ended up not seeing him there." said my classmate quite dramatically.



"Krisella? Is there something bothering you?" 

Dexter's masculine, husky voice snapped me out of my thoughts and made me look at him once again.

"N-nothing. Care to escort us to our seats, please?" I immediately replied, trying to act as normal as I could.

"Of course, it would be my pleasure."

With a smile painted on his face, Dexter accompanied us towards our seats and also took our orders. Thank goodness for the wage I received from Lancelot last week, I now have money to spend and also money left to save.

Now that he's gone to take our orders, Ariella nudged me with her shoulders and spoken those words with malice.

"You like your friend, don't you?" she stated, which made me bark another light chuckle on my seat.

"Well, yes. I do previously." I responded without having second thoughts, especially on the last part. It just came out-- naturally.

"Previously? So now you do like someone else?" Ugh, what did I say to them?! Now, I am placed on a hot seat for what I had said.

"No it's not like that." I quickly defended myself. 

"It's just that, people change you know. And so are our feelings."

That made them silent and thank goodness they haven't asked too many questions after what I have said. Upon thinking about the words I have spoken out loud, I was also wondering where the heck did that come from?

Dexter returned with our orders, and did not stay long to have a chit chat with us since he is too busy attending to their customers that keep on entering their cafe'. I still can't help but be curious about what I just found out the other day, yet I chose to shrug it off and proceeded to eat our food.

Let's just say I am giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Later that day, we finally arrived at the booth where Maggie likes to visit, which is actually a food stall selling famous street foods here in Gilead at an affordable price. 

"Don't tell me you are hungry once again? We just ate, for goodness' sake." Ariella raised her eyebrow curiously at our friend over here.

"No! It's just that--"


A cute guy with fair skin, white tousled greyish hair, and hooded navy blue eyes suddenly approached us while his gaze was focused on Maggie alone. The moment he faced us, this guy also took his time looking at Ariella and me.

"You brought friends, I see." the guy added, smiling at the two of us.

"Hi Ryeo." Maggie said, her eyes sparkling with delight as she tucked one loose strand of hair behind her right ear.

It didn't take long before we finally understood what is going on here. I see our friend Maggie came here with the purpose of seeing this guy up close which she later explained is her long-time crush since sixth grade: Ryeo De Caprio

When it was time for me to go back to the castle, I immediately excused myself from my friends, saying I have to return home early to attend to my grandmother in which they bought so easily. Both of them chose to stay at school for a while so I wished them goodbye before walking away from them.

Even with the school festivities going on here, I can't still escape with my 'impostor duties' as the fake prince. We'll never know, the prince might receive some unsolicited and spontaneous visits from other royalties his annoying fiancee' on top of that--


I immediately stopped walking upon hearing that very familiar voice of a girl. I must have been so absorbed with my thoughts that I did not recognize where I was going and therefore bumping into someone else who is merely standing on a corner and looks like she's waiting for someone to go out of the girls' restroom.

And if I am lucky enough, of all persons that I could encounter, it would be the princess herself which is the very subject of my thoughts just now. I almost forgot she is enrolled here as well.

"I'm sorry" I said, immediately bowing my head in front of her.

"No. Don't be. Just watch where you're going next time."

Our conversation ended there when the person she was waiting for already went out of the restroom and they immediately walked away from me.

That incident earlier instantly caused tension to rise up inside of me. 

Well, I do hope she didn't totally recognize my face earlier or else, I am so busted.

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