Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 76: The Class Outing

Chapter 76: The Class Outing


It took all the while for me to muster some courage to tell my three mentors about our upcoming class trip for the weekends, fearing that they might reject it and never let me join my classmates.

But Lancelot, the most kind-hearted one among the three, did not see a reason why he would keep me from joining. (Even if Alex at that time-- I suspect-- is already on the verge of turning down the invitation on my behalf.)

"It is unlikely for us to have random visitors in this castle every day," I remembered him saying this line somewhere on Thursday afternoon, I believe, one eye glancing over at the grumpy captain of the magic army.

"So you need not worry about anything. The prince is, after all, known to be often out on his quests and endeavors," he quickly added, plastering a sincere smile across his handsome, mature face.

His words definitely sent a wave of relief inside of me instantly. 

And so Saturday finally came without notice. The light that penetrates through the windows of the prince's chamber got me awake almost instantly, making me omit a wide yawn in the process.

Even though I was already excited for the past few days about this outing that I already mentioned, I can't help but be succumbed to my drowsiness as I was planning to spend the next few seconds still lazily lying in the silky mattress of this king-sized soft bed. 

But then again, it was also in that exact moment when my eyes caught a glimpse of the time on the wall clock facing in my direction. The memories of our last day's discussion about our class outing immediately made me stand up from the bed.

"Oh my goodness! I need to hurry!" I murmured and almost dashed my way towards the bathroom.

Drowsiness, as I realized while I was cramming like an idiot towards the bathroom, almost won over my excitement for this trip that I am about to embark on.


On my way outside the castle, specifically on the rear portion so that I would not be seen by any other castle servants and guards, the sun is already in its full appearance in the daylight skies, indicating only that it must have been past eight by now.

Eight-thirty should be the exact time that we are told to appear at the school gates, and from there three large horse-driven omnibuses, that were assigned to carry the class of twenty-one students, would be picking us up and dropping us off at our destination. 

But if I hadn't been sleeping like a log earlier, I should have an abundant amount of time to prepare and not be panicking like a fool at the moment.

"Oh, good riddance," I grumbled to myself. "I guess I do not have a choice at this hour but to teleport my way towards the gates of Gilead Academy."

I grimaced for a bit as I recalled the very first day I used this kind of spell in an attempt to escape from the captain's eagle-like clutches. That moment never fails to make my face flush with much embarrassment, but I certainly don't have time for this.

And, good heavens! I am not that same half-witted girl that the captain knew a few months ago. I am stronger now, but still not knowledgeable enough, thus explains why I still need to take my daily training sessions, yet enough for me to chant the necessary spell at this time in a perfect manner.

Smiling to myself, I started chanting the spell without any flaw, my backpack made of leather securely strapped on my shoulders.

"Transportium Nextorbitorium!"

And the next thing I know is that I found myself standing at the very gates of the magical institution in which I am currently enrolled. I was standing there like a dimwit, wondering why on Earth are my classmates not here or if they have already departed without me, when I heard that familiar sharp, arrogant voice from behind that instantly made me turn around.

"You're late, good riddance!"

It was the class president, standing currently outside an omnibus-- a large wagon-like structure that was painted in yellow and red, with a shade of blue on the edges. He seemed quite upset, for his arms are now crossed over his chest, somewhat in a business-like manner, like he has been waiting for me all this time.

Of course, he is upset. I caused a momentarily moment of delay to our trip, and I am certainly aware that it was entirely my fault. 

"I am really so sorry for the delay. I had to help my grandmother in certain chores before coming all the way over here," I tried to explain, looking as apologetic as I could be. 

Guilt was there for lying, of course, but I guess I am already used to it that my body almost felt numb to it. Not that I should be proud of it or anything of that sort.

"Save your breath and hop in!" The class president rolled his eyes and went inside a few minutes later. I followed as quickly as possible.

In the next few minutes, all of us had to endure the hassle of bearing the bumpy ride caused by the roads mostly made of cobblestones. Truly, I could say that it served as the number one factor of our temporary discomfort at this very hour.

I decided to push this negative feeling aside and concentrate on the fun that we are about to experience in the near future. And so in that matter, it really didn't come to my attention until now that the seat to which the class president saved on behalf of my absence earlier was just next to his. 

Craning my head, I tried to look for any signs of my friends being in this same vehicle as I was, but to no luck, I hadn't seen them here. Probably they were deposited into a different omnibus, I assume.

The class president, being the most observant person I know so far, must have sensed my growing uneasiness next to him. And so at that moment, he decided to express his thoughts in a not-so-unpleasant way.

"If you hadn't been late a while ago, you would be having a lovely privilege to sit with your friends at the moment and I wouldn't have to endure sitting in this godforsaken vehicle next to your annoying presence."

Instead of being irritated, I found his words a bit comforting for some reason. It must have been because I was already used to his snarky attitude so far, I believe.

"Really?" I mused, cocking my head in his direction and arching one eyebrow at him. "Then why on earth would you save a seat for an annoying girl such as myself next to your oh-so-glorious presence? Pray tell."

"Because I don't have a choice," he immediately responded, his voice filled with frustration but not displeasure.

I said nothing about it afterward and let the silence insert itself between us for the next couple of minutes.

Finding myself getting a little bit bored with all this waiting to come to our destination, I then decided to peer through the window (because I was given the privilege to sit next to it) and occupied myself with counting how many carriages are we currently passing by.

There are certainly plenty of carriages at this time of the morning, which is considered normal. For businessmen, elite members of the society or even just plain, ordinary workers usually go out of their houses to start their day in their individual tasks at this time of the day.

And I have this knowledge that I would soon end up in that same position when the time for me to graduate arrives. 

The omnibus soon halted before we had ever noticed, and the class president and I were the first ones to stand up and see to it that discipline and orderliness shall be implemented as we go down from here.

"I was so glad to be out of this cursed vehicle, alive and complete," One classmate of mine standing closest to me blurted out all of a sudden as soon as we all came out of it.

Well, I have to agree that it was the most uncomfortable carriage ride I had ever experienced. 

I caught a glimpse of Cailin after a few minutes and managed to smile at her genuinely while waving. She waved back before walking towards my direction.

"You must feel very excited. This was your idea, after all," I said.

"Oh, you would be surprised to know that I hadn't slept a wink yesterday just merely thinking about this trip." she mused.

Our conversation sadly ended there when Mr. Pumpkin, our class adviser, gathered us in front of him and told us about the activities that we are about to do at this moment.

"The facility of the auditorium has told me that the show will begin in the afternoon, around two to be precise. In the meantime, I shall take you first to the nearest museum here in the Bartholomew Square."

"A museum? I never thought there is particularly one of that sort here," Cailin inquired with great interest.

"Bartholomew Museum was actually exclusive only for the elite members of the society, that is why only a few, selected people had the idea that it actually exists here. But since the owner of it is my greatest friend, then I decided to secure a privilege to let my students in of that facility in just short notice for such cases like this suddenly emerging out of the original plan.." Mr. Pumpkin flashed his triumphant smile at each one of us.

Half of the class cheered on this great news, and the other half did not care at all.

And so, after that quick class orientation, our class adviser finally led us straight to the Bartholomew Museum, as what Mr. Pumpkin called it earlier.

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