Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 80: The First Snowfall

Chapter 80: The First Snowfall

I was surprised the following day to see how cold the morning was as I made my way toward Gilead Academy. I realized earlier on that I had read that September was the perfect month when they usually start winter in Gilead, but the middle of September is when we feel its intensity.

Sighing, I silently regretted not being able to bring a jacket with me at this hour. I was in a bit of a hurry to scurry off earlier going towards the school that it must have slipped out of my mind.

I am really being forgetful these past few weeks.

"C-cold" I managed to grumble under my breath. Even though it has not snowed yet, this freezing cold wind has already punished me. The vest on my uniform sure is not enough to protect me from shivering a bit.


A hand suddenly appeared and the next thing I knew, my upper body is now covered with a thick, wool jacket that instantly gave me a comforting feeling of warmth.

My eyes then almost widened the moment I turned around, only to see the handsome face of my childhood friend Dexter Woods.

"Dexter" I called out, my lips slightly parted in disbelief. "You startled me a bit."

"Oh, apologies for that," he immediately responded, his hands scratching the back of his neck. "I was just about to greet you when I saw you shivering right here."

My face instantly flushed thinking about someone who had seen through my stupidity just now. How embarrassing could that be?

"Right. How stupid of me to assume that I could bear this cold weather," I gave myself a light smack on the forehead for being stupid. Alex was right about one thing ... about me being a dummy.

"The truth is that I forgot to bring my own jacket. How silly of me. " I quickly added.

I heard a light chuckle escaped Dexter's red lips before he replied, "Oh, that's quite alright. You could borrow mine as long as you wish."

I eyed him worriedly. "Well, how about you? You will catch a cold if you do let me borrow this."

"I will be fine. I am much more confident with my health than yours," And for that statement, I arched one eyebrow at him.

"What?" he said, feigning surprise. "As far as I remember, it is you who has poor health between us that you can easily catch a cold and fever." 

I looked away, ashamed by the fact that Dexter was able to remember even the smallest details in our friendship. 

"I must give you credit for remembering that detail," I mused, smiling at him cheekily.

"Yes. I know almost everything about you," he said with confidence, proudly lifting his chin to the sky. "Who do you think I am?"

I laughed out loud at his gesture. It has been a while since we had a conversation like that.

However, our conversation had to come to an abrupt end when I finally reached my respective classroom and Dexter said goodbye before we parted ways.

I was still smiling from ear to ear when someone chose to ruin my good mood by blocking my path towards my chair.

"You are such a great seducer, aren't you?" 

It was Jill Harrington and a set of her so-called friends composed of three, snouty, ugly mean girls like her.

"I beg your pardon?" I arched one eyebrow at her.

"First, the class president. Now, you are starting to seduce Mr. Woods for your own benefit?" Jill jabbed one accusing finger at me while some of my classmates are currently watching. 

So far, I have been grateful that it is early for all of my classmates to be here. But Jill absolutely loves an audience, no matter how small. And she made sure someone was watching when she humiliated me in front of others.

"Just what exactly are you, huh Krisella Lancaster?" she finishes it off with a sneer as she crosses her hands over her chest. Her friends did the same thing.

My mouth trembled at the corners, not knowing whether I will be angry or laugh at the ridiculous accusation that she just threw at me. But since she loves a game, I decided to show her how it was played.

"Oh my, Ms. Harrington, but I believe your naive brain must have interpreted things quite a bit odd that I believe you need to see a doctor right away-- perhaps an ophthalmologist or a guidance counselor would do?" I countered, shooting her a slightly wicked grin in her direction.

Now, it was her time to be drawn back before saying, "I beg your pardon?"

"Be it known on that small brain of yours that I have nothing to with the class president, nor have plans to seduce him for that matter" I paused for nearly two seconds and savored this moment to see her face being crumpled in front of me.

And then I resumed once more, "... neither I have plans on seducing someone whom I consider as my childhood friend." 

When Jill said nothing after those things that I have uttered, I quickly added, "Now, if you may, please move along. I believe you are blocking my path." 

And so this made her friends move away, but not prideful Jill. But that's okay, there is enough room for me to pass by in order for me to reach my seat. I saw my classmates give me a triumphant smile on my behalf.

Her look, on the other hand, was telling me that she is still not finished with making my life a living hell in this academy before storming off. Hmm, that's okay. I believe the life that I currently live is already as bad as hell.

My day went much the same as I attended my classes one by one. Same old boring professor Mr. Lumberjack at our Quantum Physics class who discussed the terms on the books in a monotone and sleepy tone. Then after that, there was Ms. Peregrines whose alluring, soft voice can make anyone fall asleep just by hearing her talk.

While everyone was trying to stay awake as much as possible, I was solely focused on taking notes on each topic that was discussed to prevent myself from falling asleep as well.

Thankfully though, Mr. Wimbshaw, our last period teacher in Magic chemistry, isn't anything like that. He was as jolly as our first period and class adviser Mr. Pumpkin, but more strict than our adviser though.

But nonetheless, I love the way he presents the topic with such vigor and ease that immediately pulls us out of sleep in an instant.

When the bell finally rang, ending our classes for the day, Mr. Wimbshaw gave us homework to research before he decided to dismiss us. 

The other thing my classmates didn't like about our last period teacher was that he always made sure to leave us with something to complete before dismissing us-- but that is totally fine if you ask me.


Despite the sun shining brightly, the wind feels chillier this afternoon than it did earlier as Alex and I prepared for today's magic training session. The thick royal vest I am wearing today as the fake prince is so comfortable that I did not feel the cold under its influence.

We are currently in the back part of the castle surrounded by my two other mentors: Lancelot and Lucas. In order to prevent anything from burning or being destroyed, it was officially decided that our magic training will take place here.

"Motum!" I chanted, which caused a large piece of rock to emerge out of the ground that I immediately used to scoot around the place as I carefully avoided Alex's fireballs that he is currently throwing at me. 

Death during the training is, in fact, a must if we need this to work. Sarcasm intended.

"Ad caelum!"

I immediately lifted my right hand in the air as an earth column appeared on the ground near Alex's location. Alex, being a skilled warrior as he is, easily dodged the said attack.

"I see you did improve on using your terrain spells," he said, quite amused.

"That, I have to agree on." Lucas chimed in.

Feeling awkward to be complemented by the jerk and my second mentor, I can't help but scratch my nape at the moment.

He then smirked and said, "I believe that concludes our training for the day. You may rest for now."


We are just about to go back to the castle when Lancelot muttered something. All three of us snapped our heads to look at him.

Breath pales against the numbing air, we blinked thoughtfully as the frost patiently kissed our face, captivated by the soft, dusty, illusions of light that sat heavily on my eyelashes.

"Snow" All three of us muttered under our freezing breaths.

And right then and there I got to share the moment with these guys when Gilead experienced its first snowfall of the year.

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