Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 82: A Jacket to Return

Chapter 82: A Jacket to Return

The streets of Citadel have now been covered in a blanket of snow. The winter breeze has been chiller than it was previously, and the residents such as myself have already started wearing their jackets to shield them from the harsh freezing cold wind brought by the winter weather.

And speaking of jackets, I brought Dexter's newly-washed jacket today so that I could return it to him by now. If I am lucky enough, I would be able to meet him up at the school gates like the way it used to be during the past few months.

However, as soon as I arrived at the gates of Gilead Academy, there was no figure of my childhood friend suddenly appearing out of the blue behind me. I can't help but pucker my forehead.

"Well, that is just quite odd," I muttered to myself. But then I just shrugged, thinking that maybe Dexter has been extra early this morning because, perhaps, he has something urgent to attend to in their class. 

As I was paving my way towards this long hallway leading towards my classroom, I finally decided to return this to him after classes. By that time, I will be able to see him before he departs from his classroom. Most of the class has a uniform schedule, I presume.

I was humming to myself when I finally arrived in front of the classroom. As I opened it, the first person that I saw for today was the ever-early class president William Wilson, looking as serious as ever in his seat near the door as he reads a book clutched into his hands at the moment.

His head then snapped up when he must have felt the door swinging open. And it was then when the seriousness in his face disappeared all of a sudden when he plastered a smile across the corners of his lips.

"Good morning, Krisella." he greeted.

At first, I thought, I was really not used to the president greeting me. (because a boastful and arrogant guy like him never greets anyone here except for the admins, that is.). But after we discovered him stalking me all the way to the castle that fateful day and after he discovered I had some connection with the person whom he really admires the most, he started acting differently around me.

Maybe he is thinking that I could help him get close with the person he admires? Thinking about it now, that could be the most appropriate reason why he started acting this way around me.

"Good morning, class president." I returned the smile before closing the day behind me and proceeded into my seat. 

It was then when I realized we were the only ones here at the moment. Oh, I haven't even realized that I came too early for our first-period class because I was actually doing everything that I can to avoid having my early morning training sessions with my mentors back at the castle.

"You seem a bit early, I see," the class president mused to which I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you actually mocking me right now early in the morning?" I asked, oozing with sarcasm while arching an eyebrow right at his direction. 

"In case you didn't notice, class president, I have always been early in the class since day one." I retorted. That's when the lad then decided to cock his head in my direction, a wicked smirk emerging from the corner of his lips.

Oh no, I think I know where this is heading to...

"May I remind you once again that you have been late during our class outing the other day? Of all days that you can choose to be late, you really picked the perfect day huh." he said, chuckling, as he thinks he won this day's debate. 

I only rolled my eyes in protest. I knew he would use that to his advantage. How unfair could that be?

"Well, I always make a way to make up for it." I sneered.

"Whatever you say," 

Wow, he seems to really have fun teasing me like this, isn't he?

However, too bad our conversation had to end abruptly by the time more of our classmates started entering the classroom. By then, the class president and I went back to our old, usual ways of not minding each other's business.


"I heard you lash out on Jill Harrington the other day?"

Ariella's round eyes scream with much curiosity the moment she asked me that kind of question. My other two friends who are with us in the cafeteria, Maggie and Cailin, snapped their heads towards my direction and looked at me with the same intensity as Ariella's.

Thinking about it, I suddenly remembered all three of them hadn't been in that scene when it happened. And I wasn't able to bring it up either since I was really not so proud of what I have done.

I mean, even if that's Jill Harrington, probably the most hated person in our class, I still can't be proud of the rudeness that I have shown to her the other day.

"Yeah, it's true," I confirmed it for them. "But it's not like I am proud of it or anything of that sort, right?"

"Girl, standing up for yourself against adversaries such as that mean girl is the bravest thing that a person could do for his or her self." Ariella's lips formed into a grin afterward. "Don't you ever forget that."

I returned the smile. Well, probably my friend was right about that.

After that short cafeteria session with my friends, we actually have plenty of time left to do anything that we want before classes for the afternoon officially starts. It was then when it suddenly occurred to me that I could use this spare time to return the jacket back to my childhood friend, hoping that he is at their classroom at this hour.

My friends and I are on our way towards the school library after Cailin invited us to hang out there when I excused myself to go towards the room of class 2-A.

"I have to return this jacket that I have borrowed from my childhood friend in class 2-A." I added, raising my hand to show them the paper that I was holding where I safely placed the jacket inside.

They each gave me a teasing look, giving malice to my temporary visit to their classroom.

"Oh sure. Take your time Kris." Maggie smirked.

I actually don't know if I will laugh at that or not.

"I will see to it that I will catch up with you as soon as possible," That was the last thing I said before jogging my way towards the classroom of class 2-A.

The door was cracked open the moment I arrived at their room. I was craning my head to see any signs of Dexter but I wasn't able to see him inside at this time. Maybe he went somewhere, considering it's also their break schedule.

"Excuse me, can I help you with anything?" 

I immediately turned around by the time I heard that timid, soft voice, only to face a short-haired girl wearing a set of thick-framed glasses. Her round, slanting lavender eyes at the corners are looking at me with so much confusion. (probably because I look like some idiot stalker right now).

"Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself," the girl went on politely. "I'm Lisa Ascart, class 2-A's president."

"Nice meeting you, I'm Krisella Ascart, vice president of class 1-A." I also made my introduction.

"Er how do I put this" I continued, lifting one hand to scratch the back of my neck. "But have you seen where Dexter went? I need to return something to him."

"Dexter, huh?" She also lifted one hand and rubbed her chin in the most adorable way as she thinks of Dexter's whereabouts. Oh no, maybe I am taking too much of her time already?! I hope that is not the case here.

Then after a momentary silence, she jerked her head to look at me once again before saying, "Now that you are asking, I am not really sure if I have seen him since our first-period class."

That made my mouth literally gaped at her. As far as I remember, Dexter hasn't been absent in his classes before when we are still in our elementary years. I wonder if something happened to him

"What's the matter, miss?" Their class president asked when she must have seen my shocked reaction just now.

"N-nothing," I forced a reassuring smile. It might as well be best if I do not inform this girl in front of me that me and Dexter are childhood friends to prevent any untoward issues in the future.

"Thanks for the information, by the way, " I quickly added.

And with that, I immediately walked away,my mind still wrapped up with the fact that Dexter had missed school for the first time since I've known him.

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