Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 89: Special Chapter #4: Drunk State

Chapter 89: Special Chapter #4: Drunk State

(Let me narrate things in a third person's POVto give you a somewhat bigger picture of things that happened during Krisella's drunk moments)

Krisella and her friends, Maggie, Ariella, and Cailin are still store hopping around the area of Central Town when the former begins feeling something odd building upon her.

Her surroundings started to get blurry, her walking beginning to be in a zigzag motion. Yet she managed to stay normal for as long as she could remember.

It was approximately 5:20 in the afternoon when she and her friends decided it was time to end their adventure. They all hopped into the same carriage and traveled back to their school; from there, they took different paths that led back to their homes.

Krisella started experiencing hiccups on the way to the castle and muttered some nonsense. By the time she reached the rear portion of the castle her mentor, Lucas, was already there, with the hat of invisibility Alex told him to give to her.

"How's it going, my super handsome and talented mentor?" Krisella blurted out of nowhere as a sheepish smile escaped the girl's pinkish lips.

It was then that Lucas noticed something was amiss about the girl standing before him. Using his keen eyes, he tried to examine her, her restless eyes, her flushed face, and her mischievous smile.

"Say did you drink with your friends after classes?" Lucas asked in disbelief. In three months that they lived together in the castle, the lad can't imagine Krisella as a heavy drinker the way she exactly looks at the moment.

"Drink?" the girl responded, scoffing at her mentor's statement. "You know I don't do such a thing, right?"

But the slurring of her words says otherwise.

"Come on, we better get going inside the castle. Wear this," Lucas placed the hat in her head, making the girl instantly invisible in front of him.

Krisella mindlessly followed the lad that is currently leading her towards the prince's office like what they always do. However, on the way to the castle though, she had thought of something that she wanted to do, that she won't have the capacity of doing if she is in her sober state right now.

Removing the cap in her head, Krisella went after the lad walking in front of her, spread her hands, and gave him a tight hug in the back. This sudden action of the girl definitely surprised her mentor and caught him off guard.

"You know I like you, right?" Krisella mused, tightening her hug from behind him. "You are one of those that I could consider as my dearest friend."

Lucas's face instantly went beet red and almost panicked at the sight of the girl without her invisibility cap. By the time that he had picked it up on the floor and made the girl wear it again, one female servant happened to pass by and greeted the lad. With a curt nod from him to acknowledge the servant's presence, she immediately scurried away.

"That was close," Lucas mumbled to himself and heaved a sigh of relief.

It took them longer than he thought before they finally arrived at the prince's office. By the time they arrived, Lancelot was already inside while Alex was still finishing some work in his office.

Krisella's eyes immediately sparkled upon the magnificent sight that is in front of her. The archbishop instantly caught her attention and so because of that, the girl thought of doing something out of the ordinary for the second time around.

"My knight in shining armor!" she blurted. The candy that she took on the shop also has the effect of letting its user imagine someone into some people that they are not.

And in the archbishop's situation, Krisella almost believed that her mentor is currently wearing a girdle, armor, and a sheath containing his sword in his waist.

Lancelot can't help but pucker his forehead in confusion upon hearing their student's words.

"I beg your pardon?" 

But instead of answering him, Krisella literally threw himself on the archbishop, pouted her lips like a total idiot, and almost attempted to kiss her mentor, a thing that would have happened if Lucas wasn't quick in casting the spell to make her unconscious.

By the time that Krisella lost her consciousness, Lucas was quick in catching the girl in his arms.

On the other hand, the blood from the archbishop's face had almost drained from him as he witnessed what just happened.

"W-W-What is going on with her?" Lancelot stammered, his right index finger almost shaking as he pointed towards the unconscious girl.

"I actually do not have any idea what caused her to act this way," Lucas tried to explain. "So it is up to us to investigate."

It was then when they decided to bring the girl inside the prince's chamber and gently tied her in a bedroom chair as a safety precaution in case she awakened in that same state. Meanwhile, two of her mentors tried to look in Krisella's belongings, and have later found a small pack of sour candies stored inside her backpack.

"So this is why she has been acting strange ever since I met with her at the rear portion of the castle," Lucas declared as he examined the candy. 

"If I recall it properly, this type of candies contain some alcoholic content. Even if it is small, it would still greatly affect anyone with less alcohol tolerance such as this girl," he added.

"But who would sell something like this? I thought this has been banned from the market." Lancelot said as he rubbed his chin.

"I bet she bought this from Central Town. We would need to ask her once she returns to her sober state." Lucas replied.

"Anyway, we need to make a potion in order for her to return to that state as fast as possible. I suggest you call on Alex to serve as the lookout while we are doing the task at hand." Lancelot suggested.

Lucas, in return, immediately nodded and went to the captain's office at once to call his attention


On that exact day, around six in the evening, Alex started to hunt down the store where Krisella purchased the pack of sour candies that instantly made her drunk. He could just let this slip by and move on with it, but seeing the girl in her poor state earlier because of this thing made him pissed off that he just wanted to get rid of the store as much as possible.

On the pack, he retrieves from Krisella's belongings says the name of the store: Sweet Factory. And it didn't take long for him to locate the said store since he also remembered going here to buy sweet treats for himself. 

By the time he arrived at the store, it was also the exact moment when the sales lady is already preparing to close the store.

"Excuse me, are you perhaps the store owner?" he gently asked.

The lady immediately knew who this guy standing in front of her was and replied, "It is I, my lord. May I ask what is the captain doing at this hour in my store?"

"Sour candies" he said, as if that should explain everything why he is here.

"Oh" was the only reply of the store owner before Alex did his business here.

In the end, he felt compassion for the store owner and ending up raiding all the sour candies only. But of course, Alex didn't leave the store until he gave his warning that the next time he hears she sells prohibited goods in her store, he would be forced to shut the store down for good.

With a mutual understanding between the store owner and the captain, Alex then bid his farewell and left the said store with the goods clutched in his hand.


That night, as Krisella is peacefully lying in the prince's bed, she had the strangest dream of all that she had never seen in her entire life.

In her dream, she had seen a vision of a young girl with waist-length beige hair and round grey eyes, just like the physical attributes that her brother, father, and mother possess. 

Ever since she reached fourteen years of age, Krisella has started questioning her looks being so different from her family. She had auburn hair, amber round eyes, and ivy-colored skin that reciprocates all the physical traits that her family has.

Now, in her dream, this girl in her vision seems quite close with her family. She looks pretty young, around ten years of age or something like that. She wears this bright smile across her face as she is having dinner with her family in the exact house where she grew up

Without them knowing, Krisella was just there standing in one corner as this girl seems to steal her family away from her and tries to replace her. Yet she can't help but wonder

Who exactly is this girl? And how come she knows her family?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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