Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Jane landed her ship in Damian's garden before getting off with Thor.

Immediately, Sassy approached, rubbing her head against Jane.

Jane giggled adorably as she hugged Sassy and scratched behind her ears.

Thor just watched the scene with a slight smile, assuming that the size was normal.

After giving Sassy some affection, Jane saw the huge sleeping T-rex in the distance. Although she also liked it, it wasn't pleasant to pet.

"Let's go," Jane said, leading Thor inside the house.

"Hello, I'm back," Jane said loudly as she entered the house.

"Sis," Emma said, smiling as she approached Jane and hugged her.

"How's my little one?" Jane asked, carrying Emma in her arms and kissing her cheeks.

"And your sisters?" Jane asked.

"They're with grandma," Emma said, looking at Thor curiously.

"He's Thor," Jane said, introducing him.

"She's Emma, Damian's daughter," Jane added, bringing Emma a bit closer to Thor.

"Hello," Thor said with a friendly smile. It was impossible not to smile at the adorable girl.

"Hello," Emma said, nodding with a smile.

"Let's go to the living room," Jane said, carrying Emma in her arms.

In the living room, Sophia was with Alice and Ivy.

Seeing Jane arrive with a man in armor and a hammer, they couldn't help but look at her strangely.

Jane paid no attention to their looks and introduced them to each other.

"So, you're one of the Avengers," Sophia said, smiling.

"Uh, yes, well, apparently that's what we're called, although we never voted on the group name," Thor said, laughing slightly.

"Where's Damian?" Jane asked, looking at Sophia.

"He's upstairs, busy," Sophia said, pursing her lips.

"I see," Jane said, a bit at a loss for words.

"I suppose we'll wait, come, have a seat," Jane said to Thor.

Thor nodded before sitting on the couch and subtly looking around. Suddenly, he froze, staring at the center of the wall where there was a golden metal lightning bolt. Somehow, it looked very familiar to him.

At that moment, three small Velociraptors came running in, making high-pitched sounds before stopping in front of the three little girls.

The three girls were delighted to see them, approaching and scratching their scales under their jaws.

"Are they hungry?" Ivy asked, smiling gently as her green eyes began to glow.

The little raptors made different sounds as if they were talking.

"Let's feed them," Ivy said, looking at her sisters.

The three girls quickly ran off while playing with the small raptors that chased after them.

Thor smiled as he watched the girls play with their pets.

"I remember when I was young, I also had a pet. Unfortunately, it died of old age," Thor said, shaking his head.

"Do you like animals?" Jane asked Thor.

"I like reptiles, especially snakes," Thor said, nodding.

"I prefer felines. After all, I grew up with Sassy by my side. Reptiles aren't as pleasant to pet; my hands aren't as tough as yours," Jane joked.

"I can see that, your hands are very delicate," Thor said, laughing as he looked at Jane, feeling the urge to hold them.

Sophia had a slight smile as she watched their interaction. It seemed their relationship was still in the friend zone.

Jane turned on the TV, and as expected, they were still talking about the invasion. Now that the shock had passed, they were starting to look for those responsible for the destruction. Some politicians even complained about the unauthorized entry of Madripoor's army.

"Humans never change," Sophia said, shaking her head.

Jane pursed her lips, since she was human too, although she had to admit that humans could be the most ungrateful creatures on the planet.

"Why would they complain about being helped?" Thor asked, confused.

Sophia looked at Thor thoughtfully. When Damian said that Thor was over a thousand years old, she somehow felt uncomfortable with him getting close to her little Jane.

But now, seeing Thor, it seemed he was quite naive for someone over a thousand years old. Probably, his age wasn't much different from Jane's when you compared their species.

"Because if they complain, they can have a moral high ground to pressure Madripoor," Sophia said, looking at Thor.

"Right now, Madripoor is the most powerful nation. Naturally, other nations would want to bring it down, even if we help them. In the face of benefits, there is no gratitude."

"Of course, I don't want you to leave with a bad impression of humans. Like with all living beings in the universe, there are good and bad ones."

"Alright, isn't my brother an example?" Thor said, smiling ironically.

"Hm," Sophia said, not wanting to get into uncomfortable topics.

"How long is he going to take?" Jane asked, exasperated as she waited for Damian.

Sophia chuckled to herself as she relaxed on the couch and watched TV.

After a while, Damian finally came down, wearing the satisfied smile of a warrior who had emerged victorious.

"Hello," Damian said, smiling as he entered the living room.

Thor met the famous Damian for the first time, he had heard about him since he arrived on Earth, he had always wondered what he looked like, now he could only think that he looked too young and with the slight smile he had, he did not look like the powerful king Jane had described.

"Damian, this is Thor."

"Thor, this is Damian," Jane introduced them.

"Thor needs you to do him a favor; it seems quite urgent," Jane said, looking at Damian before signaling Thor to speak.

"The Bifrost was destroyed, and I need to take the Tesseract to Asgard to repair it," Thor said, a bit uncomfortable asking for favors.

"Hm...tell me, do you know why they left it on Midgard?" Damian asked, looking at Thor curiously.

"I really don't know. I think it was before I was born," Thor said, frowning. He would ask his father when he got back.

"I'll help you," Damian said, nodding before bringing his two hands together and starting to condense energy.

To speed things up and not make it too strenuous, he drew the energy directly from Madripoor's reserves, causing alarms to sound in the lab as scientists ran around in panic.

In between his hands, the characteristic energy of the Space Stone began to take the form of a cube identical to the Tesseract.

Thor's expression couldn't help but dramatically change as he almost unconsciously took a step back, unable to believe what he was seeing.

Almost a minute passed before Damian finally condensed a cube identical to the Tesseract.

Although they looked the same, they were clearly not. The Tesseract was just a shell, and its function was to enhance control over the Space Stone while reducing the strain on the body when using it.

Damian looked at the cube in his hand and bounced it a few times before nodding in satisfaction and extending his hand, offering it to Thor.

"It's not the same, but I think it's enough for what you need," Damian said.

Thor took the cube with hesitation while still looking at Damian in amazement.

When Jane told him that her cousin was very powerful, he didn't take it very seriously. How high can the power standards of a normal person be?

It wasn't that he despised her, it was just that, in his opinion, she definitely hadn't seen the really powerful people in the universe.

And he wasn't wrong, Jane definitely didn't add enough qualifying adjectives, his father definitely can't do what Damian did.

This makes Damian a being of cosmic proportions, which is truly terrifying.

"Thank you," Thor said seriously as he took the cube in his hands.

"I suppose you also need help getting to Asgard," Damian said, looking at Thor.

"That's right," Thor said, embarrassed to owe so much to someone he had just met.

"As for that, I think I can help," Jane said, excitedly smiling.

Damian raised an eyebrow, interested in Jane's words. She never told him about her experiments, so he didn't know what she was referring to.

"This is a good opportunity. Take me to my lab," Jane said, looking at Damian.

''Alright,'' Damian said, nodding before making all three of them disappear and reappear at Jane's house.

The three of them appeared in Jane's lab just before she started walking towards a platform.

She quickly powered up all the devices before typing on her computer.

Soon, a circle the same size as the platform opened up on the ceiling.

''Stand on the platform,'' Jane said as she continued typing.

Thor approached with hesitation and stood on the platform with the Cube in one hand and his hammer in the other.

''Can you tell us what this machine does?'' Damian asked, smiling ironically. He could see that Thor was a bit scared.

''I've been researching the Bifrost ever since Thor first arrived.''

''The runes left on the ground when the Bifrost is used are not random. The outer strokes are the enchantment, which I assume they use in Asgard to channel the Bifrost. The inner strokes are the coordinates. Based on this, I theoretically created a device that can call the Bifrost with the right energy,'' Jane explained, proud of her work.

Thor and Damian looked at Jane without words, as what she had done was truly incredible.

Jane pressed one last button when a buzzing sound started, and something resembling a blue liquid began to flow.

''It's energy from the Tesseract. Without it, my machine wouldn't work,'' Jane explained.

''Are you ready? I haven't tested it yet, but theoretically, there should be nothing wrong,'' Jane said, looking at Thor.

''I was thinking of trying it with you, but since Thor needs to get back to Asgard, it's a good opportunity,'' Jane said, smiling sweetly at Damian.

''Wait, wait, let's think about this more. Maybe my return to Asgard isn't so urgent,'' Thor said, genuinely scared.

''Cough, don't worry, if you end up in a far-off place in the universe, I'll come get you,'' Damian reassured Thor.

''So let's do it,'' Jane said, pressing a button, causing the platform to start forming small flames, followed by small sounds of lightning. Soon, the Bifrost fell directly onto Thor, carrying him to an unknown destination.

''I hope he arrives in the right place,'' Jane said, looking towards the sky. There really wasn't anything dangerous. The Bifrost is very safe to use once you can summon it. The uncertainty lies in whether it arrived at the right place.

Since Thor had left for Asgard for the first time, Jane had already noted down the coordinates, so there shouldn't be anything wrong.

''If he arrived in Asgard,'' Damian said, sensing the situation.

''You're an amazing scientist, Jane. I'm proud of you,'' Damian said, smiling affectionately before hugging her.

Jane blushed as she also hugged Damian, feeling happy to have Damian's recognition.

''Come have dinner at home and let's have a little celebration,'' Damian said, smiling.

''Hm,'' Jane said, indicating that it sounded good to her.

Damian had them show up at home, where his three daughters had returned with their little velociraptors sleeping beside them.

Jane sat down next to the girls with a slight smile while watching TV with them.

Damian took the opportunity to sneak away and check out the things he had obtained.

First, he took out the Tesseract and smiled slightly as he looked at it. After so many years, it had finally returned to his hands.

If he hadn't given the Tesseract to the humans, it's possible that the Mind Stone wouldn't have been brought by Loki. If he still wanted to get it, he would have had to spend a long time searching for it in space.

As Damian didn't know when Thanos obtained the stone, it was better that it came directly into his hands.

Damian teleported to the underground labs in Madripoor.

The scientist was examining the energy reserve, which had been almost completely drained.

Without the scientist noticing, Damian took the Tesseract and placed it in the energy extraction unit that had been empty since he delivered the Tesseract.

There was quickly a faint hum as something resembling a blue liquid began to flow and fill the energy reserves.

''My lord,'' the scientist said in surprise when he realized Damian was there.

''I drained the energy, so don't worry about it. I retrieved the Tesseract. Let the energy reserves fill up,'' Damian said, watching as it slowly filled.

''Is it time to initiate the plan?'' The scientist asked eagerly.

''Not yet, but it's almost done. We're still missing the final piece,'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''Take care of matters and also lower the price of energy a bit,'' Damian said, smiling.

''Sure, by the way, Frank captured several HYDRA soldiers who had been biologically modified. They bear a strong resemblance to Bruce,'' the scientist said, looking at Damian.

''Hmm, investigate that and let me know. Also, I'll be upgrading the AI. It will probably be in touch with you,'' Damian said, nodding to the scientist before disappearing.

Damian reappeared in a sealed chamber, the only way to enter was by teleportation, something no one else but Damian could do due to the number of runes on the walls.

Only someone stronger with greater control over space or someone holding the Space Stone in their hands could do it.

In this chamber stood a pillar in the center, which was where the main artificial intelligence of Madripoor was housed, the one he always made requests to.

In the pillar were six holes slightly larger than pebbles.

''Master,'' the AI said in a soft, feminine voice.

Damian just smiled and didn't respond, before taking out the Scepter while walking towards the pillar.

With his other hand, he extracted the blue gem from the Scepter before crushing the gem with his fingers.

The blue gem broke to reveal a smaller yellow gem that fit perfectly into the holes in the pillar.

Damian immediately felt a compulsion trying to intrude into his mind. Since it was a passive effect of the Mind Stone, it was easily repelled by his defenses.

''You truly have consciousness, and not a very good one,'' Damian said before starting to absorb the energy from the Mind Stone and letting his Tenth Familiar absorb it.

His familiar reacted positively, eagerly absorbing the energy as changes began to occur in his body.

Just as Damian opened his eyes in surprise, feeling he was about to evolve, suddenly the changes stopped. Aside from some minor alterations in his abilities, there was nothing more.

Frowning in thought, Damian supposed his familiar also needed to absorb the Soul Stone in order to truly evolve. After all, his Tenth Familiar had extensive control over the mind and soul.

Feeling it was a shame, Damian stopped absorbing his power. Nevertheless, his familiar gained powerful telekinesis.

Using his Tenth Familiar again, Damian had it attack the consciousness of the Mind Stone, putting it to sleep.

His familiar and the Mind Stone struggled intensely for a long time, though it was only a few moments in reality.

With his support, his familiar managed to suppress the consciousness of the Mind Stone, cutting off its influence for a good while.

He quickly placed the Mind Stone in the hole, causing yellow lines to spread all over the pillar where the main program of his AI was located.

''Ma&s#@te+r,'' the AI said as her voice distorted.

''Master,'' the AI said again, this time with a hesitant, much clearer, and more human voice.

''Do you know what happened?'' Damian asked, smiling slightly. She had all the information about the Mind Stone.

''Yes, I now have life,'' the AI said, amazed to be able to feel.

''I think it's time to give you a name,'' Damian said, smiling slightly.

''How about Cortana?'' Asked the AI trying to joke, she had mentally connected with her master several times and could now link a lot of information.

Damian was surprised before chuckling to himself. He supposed that during one of the times he transmitted information, that name had slipped out.

''Then I'll call you Cortana,'' Damian said with a slight smile, initiating a mental communication with Cortana.

Unlike before, where he could initiate it arbitrarily, now he needed her acceptance.

Naturally, Cortana accepted, and both remained silent for a good while before Damian smiled and disappeared.

There was no need for words or farewells; both had already said enough.

''Master...Damian,'' Cortana whispered.


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