Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

Damian and his family had been living in the palace for two days, but they still hadn't gotten used to everything being so much bigger.

Additionally, the palace had many more servants and was a bit livelier compared to the quiet mansion.

Carol stood behind her daughter, brushing her hair, humming a song, and exchanging glances and smiles with her daughter in the mirror.

"Mummy, what were you like when you went to school?" Alice asked, looking at her mother.

"Hm, let's see... I wasn't very good. I didn't like studying and preferred to sneak out to play. I really liked sports, and most of all, I liked winning," Carol said, chuckling to herself as she continued to brush Alice's hair.

"And did you get scolded when you sneaked out?" Alice asked, looking at her mother through the mirror.

"That's right, my father would scold me by giving me a spanking," Carol said, laughing.

"So if I sneak out one day, will Daddy spank me too?" Alice asked, worried.

"I don't think he'd dare," Carol said, laughing while kissing her daughter's cheek.

"But if you do, I'll spank your little bottom, so make sure he never catches you," Carol teased, seeing her daughter's happy expression.

Alice pouted, thinking that she just had to avoid getting caught.

"All right, my little princess, let's go downstairs," Carol said, setting the brush aside and taking Alice's hand.

"Did you go to school with Daddy?" Alice asked, looking at her mother.

"No, of course not," Carol said, laughing.

"I met your father many years later," Carol said, smiling, as they descended the stairs and headed towards the living room, or what they had designated as such.

In the living room, the whole family was already there except for Damian.

"Where's Daddy?" Alice asked, looking around.

"Daddy went to work," Sophia said, smiling at Alice.

"Work? Daddy works?" Alice asked, confused, she always saw him at home.

"Pff," Carol burst into laughter upon hearing Alice.

"Would you prefer your father to work and only see him afternoons?" Ophelia asked, laughing.

"I'd prefer Daddy not to work," Emma said immediately.

"Yes, it's better to be at home," Ivy said, nodding seriously.

"Do you know where he went?" Carol asked, looking at the others.

"I think he mentioned something about supervising the construction of the school," Sophia said.

"Hmm," Carol hummed in agreement.

"Well, how about we watch a movie?" Carol suggested, smiling cheerfully.


Damian was on the edge of a cliff with the scientists, both of them watching several people with various machines working on the ground, creating foundations.

"It looks good," Damian said casually, looking at the large area marked for excavation.

"That's right, it should be ready in about a year or so," the scientist said, nodding.

"I'll start preparing the staff, ideally have everything ready when the construction is finished," Damian said, feeling it would be a bit troublesome.

"Fortunately, you can't give me that responsibility," the scientist said, chuckling to himself.

Damian glanced sideways at the scientist, thinking he would also have to attend magic classes; maybe it would help inspire him.

"Let's go back. I'll have lunch with my family and then we'll go to Green Planet. By the way, it's a really bland name," Damian said, looking at the scientist.

"What's the name of this planet?" the scientist asked, raising an eyebrow at Damian.

"Touché," Damian said, nodding, as they both walked towards the ship to return to the palace.

Damian arrived at the palace before walking towards his family. When he arrived, he saw everyone together on the couch watching a movie.

He leaned against the entrance of the room, smiling at everyone. He had a really good family.

The movie was already ending, so everyone began to get up from the sofa. That's when they noticed him before his daughters ran towards him with smiles.

Damian got down on one knee, his arms wrapping around them.

He kissed each of their cheeks with a happy smile. Seeing their adorable eyes fixed on him brought an involuntary smile to his face.

"Daddy, did you go to work?" Alice asked, looking at Damian.

"Hm, something like that," Damian said, nodding.

"We don't want you to work. If you work, won't you be out all day every day?" Emma said, looking at Damian seriously as if she were forbidding him to work.

"Yeah, you have to give us cuddles every hour," Ivy laughed.

"What dramatic little girls," Sophia said, talking to Ana.

"Then you'll have to remind me every hour," Damian said, giving a light chuckle at his daughters' jokes.

"What were you doing?" Carol asked, approaching Damian and crouching down to hug him from behind, embracing his neck and kissing him on the cheek, not before looking at her daughters provocatively.

"I was checking on the school construction. I'll also be out for a bit after lunch," Damian said, smiling slightly as he pinched Carol's thigh to keep her from being too mischievous.

Seeing his daughters' gazes on Carol, he could imagine what kind of faces she was making.

Standing up, Damian couldn't help but notice that his daughters were getting taller. Their little heads now reached just below his waist.

"Daddy, what will the school be like?" Alice asked, looking at her father.

Damian smiled before crouching down and holding his hand up.

In his hand, an illusion quickly formed, scaled to the size of the school's construction plans.

It was a grand castle with many towers at the edge of a cliff, a bridge extended towards the sea before connecting to a large tower formed directly in the sea.

Around it were vast stretches of lawn, and a magically looking train connected the school.

"Wow," the three girls said, looking at the grand castle that seemed to shout 'magic'.

"Wow, it's really nice. Did you make it?" Ophelia asked, looking at Damian.

"I made it with Cortana's help," Damian said, nodding. He had been a bit inspired by Hogwarts, although it wasn't quite the same.

"By the way, what about the teachers for that school?" Ana asked, looking at Damian.

"Are you volunteering?" Damian asked, smiling slightly.

"I still have to gather a group of people and teach them magic so that they can take over later," Damian said, sighing.

His three little daughters chuckled lightly at seeing him sigh.

"What are you laughing at? Isn't it for you that I go to all this trouble?" Damian pretended to be angry while tickling them.

"Daddy, wait, stop," Alice said, laughing heartily as her body shook; she was particularly sensitive to tickling.

Damian chuckled to himself before giving each of his daughters a kiss and standing up.

"I think maybe I'd like to be a teacher," Ana said, responding to Damian's joking question.

"If you want, it would be great," Damian said, smiling.

"I'm afraid your expression might scare the children," Carol said, laughing.

Ana looked at Carol with indifference before turning back to Damian.

"And you? Mom? Perhaps you'd like to be the headmistress?" Damian asked, smiling.

"We'll see," Sophia said, nodding. Maybe she could teach some history and extraterrestrial civilizations classes.

Damian continued to talk with his family for a while about the future until they moved on to have lunch.

After lunch, Damian teleported into outer space directly on the main ship.

The scientist was already seated, waiting for him. Upon seeing him, he greeted Damian before starting to set things up for departure.

Damian sat in the main seat, and suddenly a holographic blue light ball appeared next to him.

"Master, we will travel together for the first time," Cortana said with an excited voice.

"That's right. What about your form?" Damian asked, smiling slightly.

"I haven't decided on a form yet. For now, I'll just be a talking light ball," Cortana said, laughing.

"Is there something you want?" Damian asked, looking at Cortana.

"I want a 3D printer. I want to create bodies to be able to move freely without having to rely on cameras or devices," Cortana said.

"Sure, when we return, I'll set up a small automated factory for you to create whatever you want. But if you want a better body, wait a bit longer," Damian said, smiling, not wanting to confine her to servers.

The ship quickly powered up and made two space jumps before arriving at a large green planet.

Damian couldn't help but slightly curl the corners of his lips when he saw that the planet should really be called Green. Even the atmosphere had a greenish hue.

The planet had one large continent, and it was entirely green. Upon closer inspection, there were thousands of rivers running through the continent, giving a slight explanation as to why it was so green despite its large size.

"Any details about the planet?" Damian asked, looking at the scientist.

"The surface is breathable. If we were to make a comparison, it's similar to prehistoric Earth. Oxygen levels are around 30%," the scientist said.

"Hm, then let's begin," Damian said, nodding towards the scientist.

The scientist nodded before performing some operations on his tablet. Before he could finish, his screen went dark, and an emoji of a face sticking out its tongue appeared.

Cortana did everything before the scientist could finish, and a large cylindrical capsule attached to the bottom of the ship was released.

She skillfully controlled the capsule, directing it to the area they had discussed for establishing the base.

The capsule quickly turned into a fireball as it fell, but Cortana activated the engines to the maximum, slowing down the descent until it gently touched the ground.

The capsule, which originally had a diameter of 100 meters, began to unfold to form a large military base.

Multiple ships began to emerge from the Star Destroyer as they headed towards the ground.

Upon landing, half of the Spartan soldiers entered the camp to get it up and running, while the other half began to patrol the surroundings to secure the area.

Damian and the scientist also entered the camp to check on the progress of the site.

In the control center, a large table displayed a realistic hologram of the surrounding area.

"What do we know about the planet's depths? Is there any interesting metal?" Damian asked, moving the map with his fingers.

"My lord, we don't actually have that kind of technology here. I thought we were only going to focus on agriculture," the scientist said, coughing slightly.

"Hm, alright, it doesn't really matter. I ask out of curiosity. Maybe there's some interesting mineral on the planet," Damian said, shrugging.

"I'll find out for myself," Damian said before closing his eyes and concentrating as his senses extended throughout the planet.

Like a tide, his senses spread across the planet, although only superficially. It took a while as he processed all the information, discarding the useless data.

He found many veins of minerals, but they were all relatively common, nothing that didn't exist on Earth.

Focusing and making his senses penetrate the ground, he gradually detected something that caught his attention.

Thousands of kilometers away from the camp, there was a very deep cave.

As his senses focused on that place, he could see giant beetles with slightly golden shells. He could feel that their shells were incredibly strong, and somehow they felt like the weapon of Zeus.

Retracting his senses, he focused entirely on the cave as he descended through the tunnels. When he reached almost 10 thousand meters below the surface, he found a large cave covered in a golden mineral. Several beetles were nibbling on the metal with effort, trying to eat something.

Clearly, they had succeeded, as their shells were very similar.

Damian might have thought it was gold if not for the fact that he could feel the energy emanating from the metal.

With more curiosity, Damian appeared directly in the mine while trying to estimate its size.

Wrapping his senses around the mine, he detected that it was considerably large. However, his attention was drawn to a golden skeleton about three meters tall wearing golden armor.

Making the body appear in front of him, Damian looked at it with curiosity before reaching out his hand and touching it while creating an illusion to rewind time.

The bones suddenly transformed into a man with a hawk's head. He was surrounded by a golden glow and held a spear in his hand.

Damian was almost certain that this was the god Ra from Egyptian mythology, although it was really illogical as to why he was dead on this seemingly normal planet.

Searching for the cause of his death and the reason for his presence on this planet, Damian saw him falling wounded like a meteorite towards a barren planet that didn't even have an atmosphere.

Damian continued to search further back, wanting to see the cause of his injuries and eventual death, but he only saw him with wounds while fighting. Unfortunately, he couldn't see his, or his enemies', faces.

The mine now made more sense. With the many years that passed, Ra's blood and body decomposed and transformed the earth around them.

Damian sighed as what started as a casual outing turned into this. Maybe he should leave the house more often.

Damian looked at the beetles still trying to nibble on the golden metal before making them appear elsewhere on the planet. He couldn't allow them to keep eating something so valuable.

Cutting off a fist-sized piece, Damian reappeared at the camp.

"My lord, did you find something interesting?" the scientist asked, looking at the piece of golden metal in Damian's hand.

"Hm, I found a mine of this metal. If I'm not mistaken, it's the metal with which the gods make their weapons," Damian said, placing the piece of metal in the scientist's hand.

The scientist looked at the metal with great excitement and curiosity. He had heard something about the gods' weapons.

Although there was little contact with the gods since they usually stayed hidden, there were many legends about their weapons.

This type of metal was not only nearly indestructible, but it was also resistant to magic and psychic attacks, or so the legends said.

"I'll move the camp to the mine. We'll take this place much more seriously, although we'll stick to the initial plan," Damian said before enveloping the camp and everyone in it before teleporting them a few hundred meters from the cave where the mine was.

"I'll be back, check the metal and tell me about its capabilities and possible applications."

"The first thing that comes to mind is making Spartan armor. It would compensate for their weaknesses against magic and mental control," Damian said, looking at the scientist who nodded in agreement.

With everything ready, Damian disappeared and returned home.


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