Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

In a place in northern Europe.

The snow fell heavily against the roof of a seemingly abandoned warehouse.

From the outside, it looked truly abandoned, but if one approached close enough, they would see that it wasn't really the case.

A barrier of illusions covered the place; within the barrier, many people moved back and forth.

In an elevated place from where the entire warehouse could be seen, there was a woman with black hair holding a long staff with a golden circle at the top.

Seeing that the preparations were almost complete, the woman smiled slightly.

"Master Amelia, the preparations are ready. We can start at any moment," said a woman in robes after entering the room.

"There's no time like the present," Amelia said, smiling faintly.

"Master, should we really do this? Isn't it a bit hasty? We're talking about a goddess," the disciple said, hesitating.

"Thor didn't seem so strong, and the goddess Hela has been locked away for thousands of years. How strong can she be? After I absorb her power, I wonder how much stronger I can become?" Amelia said, a man with terrifying crimson eyes appearing in her mind.

"Legends say her power rivaled Odin's," the disciple said, lowering her head.

"Come on, don't be pessimistic. We need her power in this new world," Amelia said, smiling at her dear disciple.

The disciple could only sigh before nodding. In the end, it wasn't her decision, and she was just trying to make her master more cautious.

Amelia just smiled faintly before resting her head delicately on her hand and checking her status.

Amelia Fritz

Species: Human (witch)

Magic: 1000

Strength: 1.2

Agility: 1.5

Intelligence: 3

Before the world changed, she was already a sorceress of mystical arts—not the best, but a master nonetheless.

With the appearance of the system, she also discovered that she was a witch, and thanks to this, her magic was very high immediately after the pulse.

Taking advantage of the chaos, she stole the dark scepter before escaping with her disciple.

It was something she had been planning for a while, and everything that happened was simply an opportunity she couldn't pass up.

She had researched the dark scepter.

A very ancient artifact that had been found in ruins thousands of years ago.

After deciphering the words written where the scepter was found, she could roughly know its abilities.

With a test, it turned out to be true—the scepter could help absorb the magic of other living beings and give a part of it to the bearer.

Of course, this wasn't the reason she was interested in it; the main reason was that it could unleash quite powerful dark magic attacks.

An artifact that was sealed and forbidden in Kamar-taj, since the victim always died after the magic was extracted.

Before the world changed, it might have been considered useless; even absorbing the magic of 100 people might not yield a drop of magic. But now it's different.

Now it's an extremely valuable artifact; fortunately, she managed to escape before the Ancient One could stop her.

"Let's get to work," Amelia said with a slight smile, standing up and walking with her staff.

Amelia took the elevator with her disciple before reaching the lower floor.

In the center of the warehouse was a transparent dome wrapped from the inside in chains specially made to contain powerful beings.

Amelia hoped it would be enough to at least contain Hela for some time.

"My lady, what you asked for is done," said a man approaching Amelia.

"I can see that," Amelia nodded as she looked at the intricate containment system they had formed.

She spared no expense in making it.

"Everyone, take your positions," Amelia said, nodding to the man.

Now came the complicated part; legends say that Hela was imprisoned in the realm of Niflheim in the region of Hel.

Although things about those times are very dark, there's little that can be taken seriously other than the fact that she is in Hel.

"Bring it," Amelia said, looking at her disciple.

The disciple nodded before running and bringing a long box to her master.

Amelia opened the box and took out a black sword that shone with light.

It took her some time to find it, but she finally found it in a museum, displayed as an Oopart since the place where they found it was extremely ancient, in an era when such weapons did not exist.

"Necrosword, a very powerful weapon that Hela can casually conjure," Amelia said, lifting the sword and looking at it.

Amelia walked with the sword and plunged it right into the middle of the containment dome before going to her place.

She would use the necrosword as a catalyst to open a portal right where Hela was.

The drawback to this is that Hela has to go through the portal, so if she doesn't want to escape, everything will be useless.

"Everyone, get ready," Amelia said before resting her staff on her shoulder and extending her two hands.

With the Sling Ring, she quickly created a spell modified by herself before imbuing it into the sword.

Sparks began to descend from the sword's hilt to the tip stuck in the ground.

Suddenly, from the sword's hilt, dark mist enveloped the entire dome as a tense atmosphere took hold of the place.

Amelia looked at her disciple, who was next to the controls ready to activate various types of defenses or attacks.

The mist dissipated as a woman with black hair and a pale, grim complexion appeared.

Her cheeks seemed a bit sunken, and she was clearly emaciated, with her clothes torn in several places.

Even with her emaciated appearance, her green eyes shone with a fierce light.

"Now," Amelia said, looking at her disciple, who nodded and activated the mechanism.

Multiple chains wrapped around Hela as bright electric currents enveloped her.

At the same time, Amelia extended her staff and began to extract Hela's magic.

Amelia's expression immediately changed as she noticed she didn't hear a single scream of pain, and her staff couldn't extract anything.

"Do you want to drain my energy? It's a shame I don't have a drop inside me," a voice said, laughing under her breath.

Amelia immediately stepped back when suddenly the dome shattered into pieces along with the floor, raising a cloud of dust.

"Master," the disciple said, approaching Amelia, her voice trembling with fear.

Suddenly, both heard several screams, turning to see several of their men with a sword plunged into their chests while black smoke was drained from their bodies towards Hela.

"Hm, that's better," Hela said, groaning slightly as her steps were heard in Amelia's direction.

Coming out of the dust cloud, Hela looked a bit better; her clothes had been repaired, and the darkness under her eyes wasn't so intense.

"So, you're the little thing that set me free. How should I thank you?" Hela said, reaching Amelia and lifting her chin.

Seeing the fear in Amelia's eyes, Hela couldn't help but smile faintly.

Amelia felt truly terrified just by sensing the atmosphere around Hela. She had always been brave, thinking that in the worst case, she would quickly escape with her ring.

But at that moment, she couldn't even feel her legs.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you. Your reward for freeing me will be to serve me," Hela said, smiling faintly.


In front of the large pillar that was Cortana's main server.

There was a capsule that contained a humanoid figure.

Cortana's consciousness constantly analyzed the changes in the body it was creating.

With the Reality Stone, she created special biological material before combining the cells with Vibranium.

It managed to create a never-before-seen biomechanical organism.

It was literally living metal, capable of regenerating like any biological organism, and had all the senses, and even reproductive capabilities.

He had created a new species, although he doubted it would have been possible without the help of the Reality Stone.

At the moment, there was only a humanoid figure without defined features.

She was still thinking about what appearance it should have.

If she were honest with herself, she felt a bit envious of princesses. She would like to be pampered by Damian, sit on his lap, or be carried in his arms.

But she also envied queens. She had seen some adult-rated things and had a strange feeling watching them.

Unfortunately, she thought she could only choose one of the two since if Damian treated her like his daughter, he might never treat her as anything else.

Cortana shook her head virtually before focusing on her body that it was time to put the finishing touches on.

The originally featureless humanoid body began to change.

Its limbs became slimmer, its waist narrowed, and a pair of small hills grew on its chest.

Long white hair grew on its head, accompanied by a very beautiful and delicate face.

Cortana's main consciousness rushed into the body before its eyes opened.

Cortana stood up quite easily before a mirror appeared in front of her, showing her entire body.

Her white hair and golden eyes were quite striking; her eyelashes looked like they were covered in snow. Cortana put her hand on her chin before viewing her face from different angles.

Her skin looked rosy and very tender, giving her a charming appearance.

Objectively, she was very beautiful; surely, her master would be amazed when he saw her.

Looking at the rest of her body, she couldn't help but nod with a satisfied smile; everything was perfectly symmetrical.

She was 1.6 meters tall and had a slender, athletic body. Looking at her modest chest, she smiled contentedly. 

She still didn't fully understand the concept of human beauty, but she knew that soft and symmetrical features were beautiful.

Using the Reality Stone, she quickly created a simple dress that left her shoulders exposed before putting on sandals.

Giving a twirl in front of the mirror, she smiled satisfied before teleporting to the palace.

Quickly detecting where Damian was, she started running towards him with a smile, eagerly anticipating his expression.

Reaching the tallest tower of the palace, she found him talking on the phone while sitting sideways on the window frame, looking out over the city.

Cortana opened her eyes in surprise at the scene; her master was truly attractive in her eyes.

Smiling slightly, Cortana began to approach Damian slowly. She was probably the only one who could hide from him due to the connection they had, as technically her presence was all over the planet.

Without Damian noticing, Cortana arrived behind him and jumped on him, hugging his neck.

Damian, who was suddenly hugged, couldn't help but be startled, dropping the phone as he looked at the arms hugging him.

He quickly turned into mist and appeared a few meters away, frowning at the person he couldn't sense.

"Pff, Master, you should have seen your face," said Cortana, covering her mouth and avoiding laughter.

"You really gave me a scare," Damian said, running a hand through his hair as he recognized who it was.

Accustomed to feeling everything around him, it really took him by surprise.

"What do you think of my body? It's very beautiful, isn't it?" Cortana said, approaching Damian and jumping to hug his neck.

Due to her small stature compared to Damian, her feet were left hanging.

"Yes, you are truly beautiful, like a little goddess," Damian said, smiling slightly and looking at her beautiful face.

"That's not the reaction I expected; you had to take my cheek stunned while your face approached mine," Cortana said before blushing at what she said.

"Do you think of me that way?" Damian asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at her.

"A bit, I'm not entirely sure," Cortana said, nodding as she avoided his gaze with a cute blush.

"Sigh, Cortana, in my eyes, you're just a child. Not even a year has passed since you became self-aware," Damian said, looking into her beautiful golden eyes.

"Don't treat me like a human; don't forget that I'm an AI. My mind is more advanced than yours," Cortana said, looking at him with a cute frown while using her index finger to gently tap Damian's temple.

"For now, it's a no. Don't cause trouble," Damian said, stroking Cortana's head.

"Fine, I understand," Cortana said, nodding with a satisfied smile, understanding the message.

From now on, she will act maturely and make her master fall at her feet.

Damian just chuckled, not knowing what was going through her mind.

"Let's go so you can introduce yourself," Damian said, looking at her before not being able to resist and squeezing her incredibly soft cheeks.

"No, leave it to me. I'll surprise each of them with my beauty before revealing who I am," Cortana said with a big smile before starting to run.

Damian just shook his head with a smile before summoning his phone that had fallen out of the window.

He was glad that Cortana was so excited; having a fully functional body must be a novelty for her.

"Sorry, are you still there?" Damian said, putting the phone to his ear.

"Yes, anything happened?" Tony said on the other end of the phone.

"Cortana gave me a good scare, and I dropped the phone," Damian said, laughing to himself.

"Well... that's unusual. I thought nothing could surprise you," Tony said.

"Yes, somehow she evaded my senses. It was really scary," Damian said, shaking his head.

"I'm sure, someone like you who is used to being almost a god being surprised like that," Tony teased.

"Come on, don't say almost; I'm literally better than the gods," Damian teased back.

"I hope someone gives you a beating someday," Tony said annoyed.

"Hm, who knows, there must be someone or something out there," Damian said.

"Don't get dramatic," Tony said, rolling his eyes. If he was honest, he hoped there wasn't anyone stronger than Damian.

''Anyway, I'll come see you later, I'll see that Cortana doesn't cause trouble'' said Damian smiling slightly.

"Sure, see you," Tony said with a playful smile. He was also a bit curious about what kind of body an AI could create, although Damian didn't say it, he could infer it from the conversation.

Damian put away his phone before starting to descend the stairs of the tower; he hoped Cortana wouldn't do too many crazy things.


In Asgard.

Odin was sitting on his throne, frowning; Heimdall had informed him of the return of the gods to Earth.

He couldn't help but feel angry seeing that they didn't even tell him anything; they completely ignored him and just settled.

He couldn't help but think of Hela; if she were here, and he himself had all his power, they wouldn't dare to do that.

At that moment, a visible energy stream traversed the palace wall and crashed into Odin's chest, making him stand up in surprise.

His severely aged face began to rejuvenate, and the strength of his body rose.

He no longer looked like an old man near death; he looked like a man in his fifties, firm and with a powerful aura.

Still, there was not a hint of happiness on his face, only a somber thought about what the future might be.

Hela had escaped.

"Call Heimdall," Odin said to one of his guards.


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