Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Damian watched them fight for a few moments before approaching them and sitting down on the large couch where they were playing.

Taking control, he turned on the TV before lying down and starting to watch.

Suddenly, he received a kick to the face, causing all four women to freeze and look at him.

Damian turned his head and glared at them; Carol's bare foot was still stuck to the side of his face, He assumed that tickling her would make her react reflexively.

Without hesitation, the four scattered instantly.

Damian was quickly able to capture a redheaded flash in his arms, as she was the least accustomed to her abilities, she was the slowest.

"I didn't do it, let me go," Natasha said, kicking and trying to free herself.

"As you're the slowest, I'll punish you," Damian said, breathing on her neck before biting her ear.

Natasha immediately stood still determined to accept her punishment as her cheeks flushed slightly and naughty thoughts began to pop into her mind.

Damian smiled slightly before embracing Natasha's waist. However, as he did so, Damian couldn't help but freeze.

His hands quickly infiltrated under her clothes, carefully palpating her abdomen.

Natasha immediately froze upon feeling Damian's hands; she couldn't help but smile, thinking that it was all over.

"Honey, did you gain weight?" Damian asked behind Natasha with a slight smile.

"Of course not, idiot," Natasha said angrily, turning around and looking at Damian.

Seeing his smile, she immediately calmed down, knowing he was teasing her.

"How long were you planning to hide it from me?" Damian asked, smiling affectionately before kissing her forehead.

"Only until you found out; I let my guard down and didn't hide it anymore," Natasha said, smiling and hugging his neck.

"Are you happy?" Natasha asked, looking at him.

"Of course, I'm very happy," Damian said, smiling.

Natasha smiled widely before kissing him passionately.

After the kiss, Natasha happily cuddled in Damian's lap, resting her head on his chest.

Three heads peeked into the living room entrance; seeing the romantic moment, they looked at each other before quickly appearing on the couch next to Damian, as if nothing had happened.

"Well, let's think about names," Carol said with a serious expression.

"We thought of so many names for boys, and in the end, all three were girls," Ana said, looking at Carol.

"And what's the problem with that? Girls are better," Damian said, pouting.

They all looked at him disdainfully upon hearing his words.

"Don't forget why we came here," Ophelia said, looking at Damian.

''Hm, let's increase the number of vampires in the world, I really haven't done my job as progenitor,'' Damian said, pursing his lips slightly, remembering Shuri who had completely outgrown him.

"True, and your excuse for having multiple women was to increase the number of vampires. Somehow, I feel like I was deceived," Carol said, crossing her arms.

"Pff," Natasha and Ophelia could barely contain a laugh.

''Well... biting a man makes me uncomfortable," Damian complained.

"You're really bad as a progenitor; you've only turned three people. You suck at that," Ophelia said, looking at him resentfully; she was the only one Damian hadn't turned.

Damian just avoided her gaze; there was nothing more that could be done about it.

"And what if we create noble ranks? Like Duke, Marquis, and those things?" Carol suggested.

"There aren't enough vampire ranks for everyone," Ana said; there were only four vampire ranks, and one was the progenitor.

"The island has considerably increased in size; we could build more cities and put noble vampires in charge. That way, we could establish a government structure," Natasha proposed.

"Yes, I think the city's population is reaching its limit. We had talked about building another city before but ended up canceling it," Ophelia agreed.

"Hey, don't talk about these important things without me. As Number 5, I must also be present," Cortana said, suddenly appearing among them.

"Pff," everyone chuckled at her sudden appearance.

"But it's good that you're here; with the system, I can turn people into vampires without having to do it personally," Damian said, looking at Cortana with a smile.

"Let me see the current map of the island," Ophelia said, looking at Cortana.

Cortana smiled before extending her hand upward, displaying a hologram showing the entire island.

"It looks really empty with just one city," Carol said, looking at the holographic island with only one bright spot in one corner.

"Are you telling me there aren't even small villages besides the big city?" Damian asked, looking at Cortana in disbelief.

"Nope, everyone prefers to live in the city. Since we stopped people from entering, there haven't been unemployment issues, so nobody sought a life outside the city. I've managed things quite well," Cortana said, crossing her arms proudly.

"Hm, then we could let people in; we should be humanitarian. Surely, there are many people who became homeless due to the mutant beasts," Damian suggested, nodding.

"Cortana, take care of bringing in people who are really in need," Damian said, looking at her.

"I got it," Cortana said, giving him a sweet smile.

Seeing her smile, Damian couldn't help but extend his hand and pinch her soft cheek; when he felt the stares on him, he cleared his throat slightly before returning to the topic.

"So, let's move on to the topic of new vampires. Any candidates?" Damian asked, looking at his girls.

"The scientist? I really can't think of anyone else," Carol said, thinking.

"Yes, there are really few candidates," Ophelia agreed, thinking and nodding; her old subordinates were not the best prospects.

"What if each of us builds a city and competes to see which one is better?" Natasha suggested, thinking.

The others thought about it, surprised, before seriously considering it.

"The idea is to find candidates to become vampires; they can play later," Damian said, looking at them without words.

"We don't even know if the scientist wants to be a vampire," Natasha said.

"It's true; Kree are usually very proud of their race. Maybe he doesn't want to become a vampire," Carol said, nodding.

"And if we make it a global event? We could take advantage of it to give away some things," Cortana said.

"Not a bad idea, but we can't turn just anyone into a vampire. At least they must be decent people," Damian said.

"Yes, it wouldn't be nice if everyone discriminated against us because of the actions of one person," Ana agreed, nodding; people already didn't view them well since they fed on human blood.

"We can take some candidates and use the Mind Stone to test their personalities," Cortana suggested.

"Hmm, but what kind of event will we have? Battle Royale? Or 1 vs 1 fights, but there are really too many people on Earth, and very few can actually fight. It would be a bit unfair to those who have never fought," Carol said, considering.

"You're too naive; since when has there been justice in the world?" Ana mocked.

"Just because it's like that doesn't mean we can't be fair," Carol said, looking at Ana.

"Come on, don't fight. We can have a multi-day event; people will enter when they sleep. We can do it by sectors to have a similar schedule," Ophelia suggested.

"Yes, that way it could be fairer; we can give people time to learn to fight. Anyway, it will be their choice to enter the competition," Carol said, nodding.

Damian remained silent, thinking before an idea began to form; he didn't like doing things for free, but he had just thought of a way he could benefit from it.

"Alright, let's do that. Among the winners, we'll choose those with the best character, and they can become vampires," Damian said, nodding.

"Then let's do it soon," Carol said excitedly.

"You're not going to participate, so you better wipe that excited expression off your face," Ana said, pinching her waist.

Carol just pursed her lips in annoyance; it was really interesting, but it didn't make sense for her to participate.

"Alright, then it's decided. I'm sorry, but I'll leave it to you," Damian said, smiling apologetically as he stroked Cortana's head.

"I refuse; this time, I'll go on strike. I want a reward," Cortana said, looking at Damian.

"Well... what do you want?" Damian asked, suppressing a smile.

''A kiss," Cortana said, looking boldly into Damian's eyes, but the blush on her cheeks revealed how she felt.

"Sure," Damian chuckled under his breath.

Excited, Cortana opened her eyes before disappearing and going to work.

''Don't fool Cortana, she's still young,'' Ana said looking at Damian, surely he'll just give her a kiss on the cheek, since she only said a kiss and not where.

"Don't judge her with your perverted mind; maybe she just wants a kiss on the cheek," Carol teased.

Ana just rolled her eyes, ignoring her.

"Well, see you for dinner. I have to check on some things," Damian said, getting up and leaving.

"Why don't we go upstairs and have some fun, just you and me?" Ophelia said, jumping on Damian and hugging his neck.

"I guess what I have to do can wait," Damian said, smiling and embracing Ophelia's waist before heading to the bedroom.

The three ladies in the living room looked at each other before starting to walk behind them.

"Hey, you're pregnant, go play somewhere else," Carol said, trying to shoo her away.

Natasha only gave her the middle finger before happily running after Damian.


"Sister, she's a goddess of death," Pietro said, arriving next to his sister with a sad look.

"Did she hurt you?" Wanda asked, looking at him.

"No, but her gaze was really terrifying. I got scared and immediately ran away. Maybe I should have stayed to find out what kind of person she was," Pietro said uncomfortably.

"It's okay; your safety comes first," Wanda said, shaking her head as her fist clenched out of Pietro's view.

"I'm going to get something to eat; I'm hungry," Pietro said, leaving the room.

Wanda waved her hand, causing the bedroom door to lock securely before sitting down and opening her status.

Wanda Maximoff

Species: Human (witch)

Magic: 90,000

Strength: 1.1

Agility: 1.4

Intelligence: 3

Her magic had increased significantly in the last month; she had dedicated small intervals to attend to her responsibilities as the queen of Sokovia, while the rest of the time, she had used to make herself stronger.

Her magic had almost tripled thanks to constantly using it in training and natural growth.

Although she was initially amazed watching her magic increase day by day, she was almost desensitized now. According to the system, the Scarlet Witch was a very powerful being in the entire multiverse; she considered it somewhat normal.

She just wondered how far it would go.

Closing her eyes, Wanda began constructing her third magic circle.

It was still somewhat simple for her, but it took her considerably longer compared to the previous ones.

Nearly 8 hours passed before the last rune was finally traced, and the magic circle glowed, joining the others.

Her magic began to transform, becoming denser and making room for a greater quantity.

Wanda Maximoff

Species: Human (witch)

Magic: 270,000

Strength: 2

Agility: 2.3

Intelligence: 3

Wanda opened her eyes in surprise to see that her physical strength had also increased. She couldn't help but stand up and run around the room, trying to lift things.

She supposed that the effect of the magic circle was very small at the previous levels; perhaps from now on, there would also be a physical improvement.

Suddenly, Wanda's excitement couldn't help but dim as she realized she didn't actually have the formula to keep advancing.

Feeling her new power, Wanda suddenly enveloped herself in her crimson magic before trying to fly.

Her body began to levitate relatively easily before she happily smiled and flew out of the window.

Her body rose quickly, and from the height, she could almost see her entire small country.

She smiled slightly, filled with determination; this little piece of the world was hers, and she would ensure to protect it along with everyone living in it.

At that moment, a blue portal suddenly appeared behind her, alerting her.

She quickly distanced herself before extending her magic circle towards the portal.

From the portal emerged a beautiful pink-haired woman with a pointed black hat and a staff.

"Hel—" the woman, who was about to greet with a smile, was interrupted by a large pillar of burning orange flames coming towards her.

The woman quickly extended her hand, creating a magical shield that diverted the flames around her.

"Hey! Be careful, wait, wait, I just want to talk," the pink-haired woman said, raising her voice annoyed but quickly trying to calm her down upon seeing she was about to attack again.

"Are you a witch?" Wanda asked, looking at the woman skeptically.

"That's right, to be more precise, the queen of the witches... well, maybe I was until you came along," the woman said, smiling at her.

"What are you talking about?" Wanda asked, frowning and still on alert.

"Witches are quite simple; we only follow money and the strongest witch. Although I'm still much stronger than you, that's temporary. As the Scarlet Witch, you'll be the strongest one day," the pink-haired woman said.

"So why are you looking for me?" Wanda asked, still eyeing the woman distrustfully.

"You see, over 12,000 years ago, there was a terrible cataclysm on Earth, so the witches hid in a pocket dimension. Since the world changed, I've been observing you. Even though I'm strong, I can't fully protect the witches, so I'll follow you. You'll surely be able to protect us," the woman said, smiling at her.

"Release the power of being the queen just like that? How do you expect me to believe that?" Wanda said, looking at her.

"It's not like being the queen is that interesting anymore; after thousands of years, it's no longer fun," the woman said honestly.

"Besides, I see you need manpower; witches are very good at almost everything. We'll serve you," the woman said, smiling at her.

"It's hard to trust you," Wanda said honestly.

"To start, what's your name?" Wanda asked, looking at her.

"My name is Circe; actually, in addition to being a witch, I'm also a demigoddess," Circe said, smiling at her.

"Huh?" Wanda could only put on a stupid expression.

"Before the cataclysm, there were also gods, and it was normal for them to sleep with human women. Witches and gods don't get along very well," Circe said as if she were telling a secret.

"So what do you think? I can also teach you magic; I'm very good at that. Although I wasn't as strong as the main gods of the world's pantheons, at least I could escape," Circe said proudly.

"I would like that," Wanda finally said, accepting. It was the best option for now; she still had to see if what she was told really were her intentions.

"Great," Circe said, quickly approaching Wanda and taking her hand with a happy smile.

Looking at her somewhat childish appearance, Wanda couldn't help but smile very faintly.


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