Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

A week had passed, and Damian already looked rather grim.

He swore he wouldn't fight with anyone for at least a month.

Arishem turned out to be a quite resilient cockroach; Damian could only think it was to be expected from the oldest and most powerful race in the universe.

The fight continued as the entire space was filled with scattered traces of their energy attacks and large pieces of Arishem's armor.

His armor had been destroyed and rebuilt several times, yet Arishem's reactions were getting slower due to the continuous attacks from the white tiger injecting more poison into him.

Or so he assumed was the cause.

Damian flew quickly towards Arishem as their attacks clashed multiple times; his familiars never missed the opportunity to attack and try to contain him.

Arishem was already quite accustomed to being besieged; this time, he unleashed a great explosion of cosmic energy that engulfed the surroundings before using it as cover to retreat.

When Damian reached where Arishem was supposed to be, he had already fled a good distance away.

Damian sighed, looking at the large red planet in the distance; they had traveled so far while fighting that they were already close to Mars.

Looking at the planet, an idea suddenly occurred to him.

With his objective clear, he quickly informed his familiars before catching up to Arishem and starting another fight.

This time, while they attacked him, the only exits they left were towards Mars.

Gradually, their fight moved towards the planet until they managed to push him onto the planet's surface.

Damian smiled widely, feeling more comfortable now that he was on familiar ground; several of his familiars couldn't even exert much of their power in space, but on a planet, their effectiveness increased considerably.

At that moment, nodding to his second familiar, Cor Tauri, a lava elemental with a bull's head, he quickly began to grow as he absorbed the surrounding earth, which upon contact with his body turned into lava.

Soon his familiar grew to a height of 2 kilometers, far surpassing Arishem.

With him as the main force, his other familiars made sure he didn't escape.

While his familiars kept Arishem busy,

Damian stood behind his twelfth familiar, Alrescha, a mermaid capable of manipulating water and ice.

Placing his hand on her back, Damian gave her a lot of energy as his familiar began to draw water from the planet.

The earth constantly trembled from his second familiar's continuous blows, leaving large cracks in Arishem's armor.

To his surprise, Arishem found himself in a quite bad situation as he was being held by large lava shackles that covered almost all of his limbs while his second familiar constantly struck him whenever he tried to get up.

Damian quickly looked at his twelfth familiar and told him to act with the water they had gathered before preparing for the final attack himself.

Arishem constantly struggled against his shackles trying to get up; although he could free himself from his armor and escape, it was something he really wasn't willing to do unless his life was at stake.

At that moment, a large amount of water enveloped his body before freezing.

The terrifying cold emanated quickly from Arishem when he was frozen below absolute zero; even his consciousness almost seemed to freeze when the last thing he saw was a small dot in the sky.

Not even a fraction of a second had passed since he froze when Damian's sword landed at a ridiculous speed against Arishem's neck, cutting off his head.

Before his familiar froze him, he had ascended and gained momentum, not allowing Arishem to react.

As his familiar could control gravity plus his magic reached a really high speed.

Emerging from the crater where he fell, he quickly flew over Arishem; the dust settled quickly using his magic.

Damian looked at the giant corpse before sighing; the armor no longer gleamed and only looked like an empty shell; he also confirmed that there was a dead body inside; after a week of fighting, the tension he felt was really high, he just wanted to go home and relax.

He also knew that from that moment on, he had become an enemy of the Celestials; for a race that struggled so hard to be born, killing one of them must be a great crime.

"I suppose it's time to go back," Damian murmured to himself before looking at his familiars.

"Good job, guys," Damian said, smiling.

All his familiars began to return to his body, just as Damian was about to return to Earth, he felt a female body hugging him from behind.

She gently rested her chin on his head, and her two large breasts almost enveloped his head.

"Sadal," Damian said, calling his familiar by a nickname.

"Master, you must give me more to eat this time; I worked hard," said an incredibly charming voice.

Damian only pursed his lips upon hearing his familiar; she really worked quite hard, she was his deadliest familiar since she could kill anything or the right word would be to return anything to nothingness.

In addition to that, she was in charge of ensuring there were no problems with time wherever he was, as well as being responsible for his immortality.

"You know you can eat as much as you want," Damian said, taking a strand of her hair falling to one side.

"I don't mean that kind of food, master," Sadalmelik said flirtatiously.

"Don't be silly," Damian said, smiling slightly as he raised his hand and caressed Sadal's head.

"Time is something curious, master, definitely someday I will devour you," Sadal whispered in Damian's ear before returning to her body.

"You really fit being a mermaid," Damian murmured as he smiled slightly.

Turning his gaze to Earth, Damian smiled slightly, determined to do whatever it took to protect his home.

In an instant, he disappeared from Mars and reappeared at home.

Appearing in the living room, he saw that everyone was still looking at the place he had just been.

Seeing him arrive, everyone gave him a wordless look.

Damian coughed uncomfortably, realizing they had seen his own familiar flirting with him.

"I'm back," Damian said, smiling at everyone; he was shameless enough to pretend like nothing had happened.

''Daddy,'' his three little girls said just before they threw themselves at him.

Monica, seeing this, quickly moved in as well, before clinging to her father's body as she playfully competed with her sisters.

Damian kissed each of his daughters on the head before speaking.

''Come on girls, I'm exhausted," Damian said smiling as he bent down a bit so they touched the ground.

''Yeah, let your father rest, I'm sure he wants to lie down for a while,'' Ana said, pulling the girls out of Damian's embrace.

''Damian, are you sure everything is all right?" asked Carol as she approached Damian and took his hand.

''Hm, I sealed the space at the time of the fight, so it should be a while before they notice Arishem's disappearance, we can take it easy and keep moving forward," Damian said smiling at her.

''I have to get stronger, there's no way I can't fight a celestial,'' Carol said with a frown, now she was definitely determined to improve her strength.

The rest of the family had a similar appearance; they had always lived under Damian's protection, so they hadn't really made an effort to become stronger.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Damian felt a bit satisfied; it was fine for them to feel a sense of crisis even though only he knew that the situation hadn't been as dangerous as it seemed.

"So make sure to work hard; if you have any doubts, you can ask me," Damian said, smiling at them.

"Now... I have a small matter to discuss with you," Damian said, extending his hands, causing Ana, Carol, Natasha, and Ophelia to appear in his arms. He placed them on his shoulders before disappearing from the room and going to the bedroom.

Sophia, Monica, and Cortana, who were the only adults left in the room, just looked at each other speechlessly before distracting the girls, who of course didn't know why their parents had disappeared.

Although Cortana secretly began to focus her senses near her master while her cheeks gradually started to flush.

The next day,

Damian was lying on his bed with his eyes closed.

Around him were his four wives, all sleeping in rather disheveled positions, and the sheet didn't cover some parts.

Carol, who was hugging Ana's neck, suddenly woke up, sat up in bed, yawning softly, and rubbing her eyes.

Looking at the chaos around the bed, Carol just smiled faintly; looking at the time, she saw that it was still early, so she lay back down and hugged Ana's waist, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Don't cling to me so much," Ana said, removing Carol's hand.

"Oh? You're awake; come on, don't be shy," Carol said, laughing, hugging Ana closer to herself.

"What's that about being shy?" Ana said, looking at Carol wordlessly.

"Hey, we need to train; it felt unpleasant just watching my husband fight without being able to do anything," Ana said, looking into Carol's blue eyes.

"You were very lazy, although I didn't train intensively, just using my energy cloak made me stronger, so I've improved, but you're still the same," Carol said, looking into Ana's crimson eyes; their faces were really close, and their noses almost touched.

"Help me train," Ana said, nodding slightly.

"Of course," Carol said, smiling broadly.

"Show me your stats," Ana said.

"Hey! Don't ask for something so private; at least invite me for coffee," Carol said, pretending to blush.

Ana just extended her hand and pinched Carol's waist.

Carol chuckled before calling out her stats in visible mode.

Carol Danvers

Species: Cosmic Human

Magic: (impossible to calculate)

Strength: 747

Agility: 820

Intellect: 4

(Formerly a normal human but was exposed to the energy of the space stone, giving her great powers; her body can produce an infinite amount of cosmic energy.)

"I always knew you weren't very smart," Ana said, smiling slightly.

"Hey! If you know that a normal human is 1? I could be considered very smart with a 4," Carol said, annoyed.

"Intelligence is a bit difficult to quantify; the reason it's high is because your brain works at very high speeds. Being intelligent isn't just that; it's understanding and making use of this information in the best way," Ana said.

"Let's look at Tony; he had access to almost the same information as the other scientists in the world, and yet he created things far ahead of his time," Ana said, smiling slightly.

"Let's see, Miss Genius, show me," Carol said, looking at her with complaint.

Ana called out her stats for Carol to see.

Ana Alucard

Species: Ancient Vampire

Magic: 2,000,000

Strength: 1300

Agility: 1500

Intellect: 7

Ana proudly smiled at Carol; she had been trained to be Damian's right hand for a reason.

Carol made a grumpy expression at the shiny number 7.

"Alright, even if you're a fool, I still love you," Ana said, hugging Carol against her chest.

"Get your stuff out of my face; you console me with a mocking smile," Carol said, annoyed, all her stats were superior to hers.

Ana smiled faintly and just leaned her head and rested it on Carol's shoulder.

"Are you two going to kiss or what?" Natasha said, looking at them; she had been eavesdropping on their conversation for a while.

Carol and Ana just looked at Natasha before extending their hands and pinching her cheeks.

"What's with you pinching my cheeks?" Natasha said, patting their hands.

"You're the one who looks the youngest among us, and you're quite cute," Carol said, laughing softly.

"Why are you both so loud? My husband is tired, don't wake him up," Ophelia said, sitting on the bed and looking at them while crossing her arms.

''Don't be annoying and let me sleep," Damian said, waving his hand and teleporting them out of the room before they started arguing again.

Monica, who was walking down the hallway with a cup of chocolate, suddenly saw four naked women appear; she just sighed lightly before walking past them as if she hadn't seen anything.

"Hey, this is in bad taste," Carol said, knocking on the door of the room.

Carol turned to look at her sisters, only to be surprised to see them dressed.

Carol could only put on a stupid expression as if complaining; where was the sisterhood? They were supposed to be in this together.

"I'll lend you one of Damian's shirts," Ana said, taking it out of her storage space and handing it to her reluctantly.

"Oh! It still has his scent," Carol said, putting it on.

Natasha and Ophelia immediately gave Ana an accusatory look.

"I just saw it and took it," Ana said, slightly puckering her lips amused by their looks.

''Yeah, right, the moment Damian took his shirt off, you kept it for yourself," Natasha said, crossing her arms.

"Is it still warm or not?" Ophelia asked Carol.

Carol chuckled lightly at their conversation; sometimes their conversations were really funny.

"Let's go eat something," Carol said, taking the first step and starting to walk towards the stairs.

The others followed suit while Ophelia continued to accuse Ana of stealing Damian's clothes... without her.

When they reached the dining room, the four encountered Cortana, who was concentrating on writing on a laptop.

"Hello, what are you doing?" Carol said, coming up behind her and hugging her while looking at what she was doing.

"I'm preparing for the event we're going to have, in addition to an update for the system," Cortana said.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" Carol asked, letting go and opening the fridge.

Ana simply started heating water before making herself a coffee, while Natasha and Ophelia just sat down and asked the maid for something to eat.

"Listen, girls, as the head of this household, I'll inform you that after breakfast, we'll go train," Carol said, speaking loudly.

"We need to reach the power level of a celestial at least to not hinder Damian," Carol said before taking a sip of her orange juice.

The three looked at Carol with annoyance at how she said it, but they didn't say anything to contradict her since it was indeed the goal they had.

"I think it's a bit difficult for me; I don't have familiars, and I'm pregnant," Natasha said.

"It's true, I also only have half of my familiars," Ophelia said, nodding.

"Anyway, you'll go; at least you need to improve your magic," Carol said with a complaining expression.

"That's what I had planned to do," Ophelia said.

Natasha beside her nodded, looking provocatively at Carol.

"Then it'll just be you and me," Ana said, sitting next to Carol and smiling at her as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Don't go beyond the system's range; I'll do the update soon," Cortana said.

"What's the range?" Carol asked curiously.

"Don't go beyond the moon," Cortana said without taking her eyes off the screen.

"Alright, it's not like the moon is close," Carol said casually, while at the same time, she was a bit amazed at how far the system reached.

At that moment, several maids arrived and quickly served them various dishes.

The four immediately started eating; mutant beast meat was quite common in Madripoor, and almost everyone could afford it.

Damian had greatly boosted fishing and made sure the boats had the corresponding safety measures.

By now, the sea had become the most dangerous place; giant sharks, squids, and sperm whales had brought down many medium-sized vessels, and even a shark almost sank a cruise ship.

Thanks to the consumption of mutant beast meat, the people of Madripoor were, on average, the physically strongest in the world.


While Damian and his family returned to their normal lives.

A small orange energy sphere made its way through the crust of Mars.

This small sphere had no consciousness, only an instinct to reach the planet's core, although it would probably take several months.

Arishem's consciousness slept deeply inside the sphere, and it didn't seem like it would wake up soon.

Thanks to this, Damian didn't detect anything and assumed that Arishem had died.

Nevertheless, this actually favored the two enemies.

On one hand, Arishem didn't die and in a very distant future, he could revive.

On the other hand, Damian wouldn't have to face the Celestials in the near future since they didn't sense Arishem's death, so no Celestial would come to bother him.


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