Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Damian appeared alongside Sassy in the garden.

Suddenly, Sassy roared at Damian, telling him they had forgotten the food.

"I'm sorry, I forgot," Damian said, laughing lightly.

"I promise I'll bring you a big fish," Damian said, trying to console her.

Sassy only growled dissatisfied before going to take a nap.

Damian could only smile ironically; she had told him she was tired of eating fish.

Turning and starting to walk back home, he found Cortana waiting for him and watching him at the entrance.

Damian looked at her with a little curiosity before approaching her.

"You didn't even give me my reward, and you were flirting with another woman," Cortana said, looking at Damian with an unsatisfied expression.

"You call that flirting?" Damian asked, a little amused.

"Besides, a reward is given when the job is finished. This is only the third night participants enter the event; there's still more than half," Damian said, smiling.

"Haven't you heard of a half deposit? I won't continue working if I don't see some payment," Cortana said, looking at Damian with a smile.

Damian chuckled at her words.

"And how can I pay you? Half a kiss?" Damian asked, smiling.

Cortana pursed her lips unable to find the answer; she just approached Damian and hugged his waist while resting her head on his chest.

"Then take a nap with me," Cortana quickly said, thinking of a solution.

"Fine, it will be a deposit before the final payment," Damian said, chuckling as he nodded.

"Then let's not waste time," Cortana said, making a little effort to teleport Damian without his consent to her own room.

"You're good," Damian said, a little surprised at first before laughing.

"With four Infinity stones, my power within the system has also increased," Cortana said with a smile.

"Maybe I shouldn't gather all the stones, or you'd even want to overpower me," Damian said, shaking his head.

"Maybe I'll rebel," Cortana said, looking at Damian with an intense gaze.

Damian just chuckled without taking her seriously.

Putting on a bored expression seeing that Damian wasn't concerned at all, she quickly pushed him onto the bed before lying on top of him while hugging him.

Seeing Cortana lying on his chest while hugging him tightly and rubbing one side of her face against him, Damian was speechless, especially when she sighed deeply against his chest.

"I created a perverted AI," Damian said, sighing.

Cortana was not affected in the slightest by this comment as she just remained hugging Damian with a slight happy smile.

Damian's heart couldn't help but soften as he saw her smile, reaching out his hand, he began to affectionately stroke her hair.

Cortana's smile grew a little wider as she listened to her master's slow and steady heartbeats, gradually falling into an unfamiliar situation for her until she closed her eyes, falling completely asleep for the first time.

Damian watched this with a little surprise; he didn't expect Cortana could actually sleep. At the same time, he worried a bit about whether the system would function properly.

Still, he did nothing to wake her up, just affectionately stroking her head, letting her experience what it's like to sleep.


In the Amazon, a Yautja limped in a certain direction, leaving a trail of blood as he walked, and with one of his hands, he held a stump where his arm should be.

All his companions were dead.

Originally, there were five young Yautjas who had come to Earth to hunt.

Unexpectedly, the prey was stronger than recorded, but instead of bothering them, it pleased them.

They enjoyed hunting and taking trophies from strong animals.

They didn't know why this was happening, but as the days went by, the animals became stronger and stronger to the point that it became a challenge to kill them.

Everything was going well, and they had even notified their people of the change on Earth until they encountered a creature that was beyond their abilities.

Their high-tech weapons were easily resisted, and one of their companions was killed in a single bite.

According to human databases, the closest thing to what they encountered was a crocodile, except that this crocodile was a little different.

It measured over 15 meters long, and its incredibly thick skin made it immune to most of their attacks.

Despite its immense size, it was unexpectedly fast, able to achieve short bursts at high speeds.

Luckily, he managed to evade its charge at the last moment and only lost an arm.

Limping among the trees, he quickly left the dense jungle and reached a more open area.

Looking into the distance, he saw a mountain in the distance; there was his ship, and he had to return, recover, and leave the planet.

Planet Earth must be reevaluated; it is no longer a safe hunting ground for young Yautjas.

As he slowly walked toward the mountain, he suddenly received a shot in each leg, causing him to stumble and barely hold on with his only arm.

Quickly, several armed men rushed toward the Yautja before pressing him to the ground and immobilizing him.

"Sir, what do we do?" one of the soldiers holding the Yautja asked.

"Secure him and let's take him to base; the boss will surely want to find out who he is and what he's doing here," the leader of the small team of soldiers said.

"Is he some mutant?" one of the soldiers asked, confused.

"He doesn't seem so; he looks more like an alien," another soldier said, shaking his head.

The two soldiers quickly immobilized the Yautja before securing his limbs, not allowing any movement.

The Yautja's helmet didn't allow the soldiers to see the humanoid's face, so they really didn't know what kind of creature they were dealing with.

The soldiers soon returned to their vehicles before starting to head back to their base.

Upon arrival, they quickly brought the Yautja down as they entered the building.

A middle-aged man in a lab coat greeted them; he had received a message saying they had captured an unknown humanoid creature, so he came to see.

When he saw the familiar humanoid and the fluorescent green blood, his eyes widened in surprise as his heart began to beat faster.

"Quick! Bring him to the lab," the man said anxiously as he opened the door.

The soldiers quickly entered the lab before securing the Yautja.

Seeing the immobilized Yautja, the scientist quickly dismissed the soldiers before sedating the Yautja.

He stared at him for a few seconds before sighing and pulling out his phone, informing his boss of the Yautja's appearance.

As much as he wanted to not tell anyone, he knew it was impossible to hide it, and if his boss found out what he did, they might kill him.

He quickly sent a message to Maria before turning his attention back to the Yautja and extracting its blood.

Testing the blood quickly, he realized that its consistency was the same as the blood examined years ago.

The scientists present at the moment, who were Maria's trusted people, had desperately searched for information about this type of extraterrestrial being.

Unfortunately, they hadn't been able to find any traces, causing everyone to suffer from depression in the first few months.

Having the longevity formula but lacking the materials to make it was torture for all of them.

Even though there was now an event helping people become stronger and, as a side effect, prolong their lives, it still couldn't compare to the Yautja blood.

As if he had practiced it thousands of times, the man quickly processed the blood before creating a solution suitable for injection into humans.

There was a hint of madness in the man's eyes as he pressed the injector against his arm and pressed the button.

Even though he believed everything should go well, there were many tests done before distributing any medication.

He wanted to hurry and inject himself before his fellow scientists and his boss arrived.

In the worst-case scenario, his colleagues would insult him, and his boss would scold him, but if he succeeded, his life would be significantly extended.

The green liquid was quickly injected, and it began to flow through his bloodstream as a groan of pain escaped his mouth.

He couldn't help but collapse on the floor as painful sounds came from his throat; he felt as if his blood were boiling.

The man writhed like a fish out of water for several minutes until the pain finally subsided.

His breathing was rapid, and his clothes were soaked in sweat.

Getting up unsteadily, he quickly approached the bathroom, and without even taking off his clothes, he stepped into the shower.

The cold water on his body relieved the phantom pains still coursing through his body.

As the water fell, he quickly removed his clothes before taking a quick shower.

After finishing his shower, he wrapped himself in a towel and stepped out, still somewhat dazed by the intense pain. Standing in front of the mirror, he couldn't help but be surprised.

His appearance had significantly rejuvenated, and he seemed to be around 30 years old.

From a soft laugh, he suddenly burst into loud laughter when he realized he had succeeded.

After laughing for a while, the man finally calmed down with a sigh; he was still naked with only a towel covering his lower part, so he decided to dress before the others arrived.

Suddenly looking in the mirror, he saw precisely the people who were supposed to come at the door.

Maria and her two companions looked at him strangely; remembering his laughter in front of the mirror, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed, fortunately, no one had recorded it.

"I hope you're prepared for punishment for using experimental medication without permission," Maria said, looking at him before leaving the bathroom.

Being watched by the terrifying crimson eyes, the man felt a shiver down his spine, but he didn't regret it.

His two colleagues looked at him disdainfully before also leaving; they didn't know why he was in such a hurry, the subject was alive, and they could do it at any time.

The man quickly dressed before leaving the bathroom; immediately, the three pairs of eyes focused on him.

"Examine him," Maria said, looking at her other two trusted people.

They nodded before approaching the man, who offered no resistance.

He immediately underwent many tests before the results came out.

"We haven't found any adverse effects on his body, although he should still be closely monitored for a while."

"His body rejuvenated considerably, and after some tests, we conclude that he should be able to live around 250 years, although this can vary greatly as we still need data," one of the scientists said.

"Hm," Maria said, nodding before approaching the Yautja's body.

Bending down slightly and looking at the mask, she quickly found a button; after pressing it, the mask depressurized before coming off.

Removing the mask, she again saw the face of the alien.

"I wonder if you'll become like this," Maria said idly, referring to the man who had injected himself with the blood lying in front of her.

The man's expression twisted slightly before he told himself that it wouldn't happen.

"Anyway, I want you to teach him our language; I want to have a little chat with him. Be kind," Maria said casually before leaving the laboratory.


The scientist was in his laboratory while analyzing various figures on the screen.

He had dark circles under his eyes, and clearly, he hadn't slept in several days.

At that moment, Damian entered the room and saw his condition.

Laura had communicated with him and told him that he hadn't slept since the celestial's attack.

He was so focused on his work that he didn't even realize when Damian entered.

"What's going on?" Damian asked, approaching him and leaning against the edge of the table he was on.

"My king," the scientist said, looking at him in surprise.

"Are you on strike or something?" Damian joked with a smile.

"I just feel frustrated; seeing my lord fighting against the celestial but not being able to do anything was really frustrating," the scientist said with a despondent expression.

"You take it too seriously; don't worry so much, everything was under control," Damian said, smiling as he gently patted his back.

"I've been trying to create some effective weapon against celestials, but the energy of the Tesseract seems to have its limits; maybe if we had the Power Stone, we could create something," the scientist said.

Damian looked speechless at the scientist, unsure if he just wanted to hint to him to get the Power Stone.

"Don't worry, and let's move step by step; create a weapon as if you had the Power Stone, then we can test it afterward," Damian said, smiling as he shook his head.

The scientist could only nod slightly.

Damian shook his head before starting to talk about trivial things to try to cheer him up.


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