Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

George Stacy is the chief of police in New York.

He was having a fairly quiet day when his subordinate entered his office anxiously telling him that a portal had appeared in New York.

The police had already conducted a drill in case of a portal, so everyone quickly made their way to the location.

Upon arrival, George immediately saw a person in armor, the figure was clearly feminine and seemed to take a few steps toward them to confront them.

He didn't even have to think to know they were Spartans from Madripoor, which technically was an invasion.

"Hello, can I help you, gentlemen?" Laura said, looking at the group of policemen who got out behind the man, each resting their hand on their weapon.

George immediately saw one of his men lose patience, he understood his annoyance, after all, her question was a bit cheeky and provocative to say that to them.

Still, he quickly reacted and calmed him down so things wouldn't escalate.

He saw things a bit differently.

These people were willing to risk their lives to kill these creatures.

If they didn't do that, George and his men would have to, and they might all die buying time for reinforcements to arrive.

Therefore, in fact, the woman's question wasn't entirely incorrect.

"No, we won't interrupt your work, it's just protocol," George said, shaking his head.

He was grounded enough not to argue with a woman bigger and stronger than him.

Laura was a bit surprised by his response but just nodded slightly to the man before returning her attention to the portal.

She figured she shouldn't have been so rude; the guy seemed like a good fellow.

The soft sounds of Spartan weapons, bodies falling, and the terrifying sounds coming from the creatures were the only things heard in the area.

Suddenly, the situation changed when Laura saw a mechanical leg like that of a spider emerge.

The mechanical legs walked out of the portal to reveal an amorphous creature that looked like a brain with a demonic face, its body was attached to an exoskeleton with six legs covering it a bit.

Above, there was a cannon with three spikes that emitted a faint red light.

"Shit," Laura murmured.

"Everyone pay attention, focus your fire on the new enemy and neutralize its weapon," Laura quickly said over her communicator.

The fire from all the Spartans immediately focused on the cannon on the creature.

To everyone's surprise, when the shots hit the creature, a faint red energy barrier rippled softly.

The creature didn't stay still either and immediately returned fire; its body shook slightly backward as the cannon fired.

The Spartans quickly rolled to the sides, dodging while the others kept shooting.

They didn't believe the barrier could hold forever.

The creatures kept coming out, and seeing that the barrier didn't fall and the material damage was increasing, Laura decided to get involved as well.

She quickly ran towards the spider before sliding onto the ground, dodging several projectiles.

As she got close, the creature immediately tried to attack her with its legs.

Laura repeatedly dodged before taking a big leap in the air, stepping on its head.

She immediately made a disgusted face inside her helmet, feeling that it was slimy.

Laura ran towards the cannon on its back before grabbing it at the base and throwing herself towards the ground from behind the spider.

At the same time, her thrusters ignited, helping her fall with more force.

The legs immediately gave way, causing the spider to touch the ground.

Laura took advantage and quickly grabbed one of the legs before starting to spin her body; the demon's legs rubbed against the ground before lifting slightly as she spun.

Laura maneuvered the spider while spinning before gradually changing the direction of the spin and aiming directly towards the ground.

Immediately, everyone seemed to hear a watermelon being squashed when a blue liquid shot out in all directions.

Laura's entire armor turned blue, causing her to freeze for several seconds.

An attack from a zombie brought her back to reality, causing her to punch it in the head, separating it from its body.

Laura looked at the color of the portal and saw that it was running out of energy, so she simply engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the rest of the demons before eliminating them all.

Her suit had already been infected, so it made no sense to keep her distance.

The portal started flickering before collapsing.

"Clean the area," Laura said over her communicator.

The ship they arrived in descended to the ground before firing several grenades that exploded into foam, eliminating any trace of the virus in the area.

With everything cleared, the ship quickly landed in front of Laura; the pilot got out quickly and took out a device similar to a fire extinguisher, spraying her to clean her suit.

The rest of the Spartan soldiers began to descend from the buildings and board the ship, while the soldiers got on board, the pilot quickly placed a device on one of the legs of the demon spider.

The device created a bubble that wrapped around the entire creature before attaching it to the ship.

He was ordered to take it back.

Laura also boarded the ship, annoyed; normally she would have exchanged a few words with the police, but she wasn't in the mood.

Her suit would surely have to be cleaned more thoroughly when she returned.

The pilot quickly accelerated the ship towards Madripoor, leaving the area half destroyed and filled with foam.

George stayed in the place at a good distance watching as the soldiers disappeared; he knew he didn't have to do anything else but wait in the place for the military to arrive and take the creatures away.

Although few people dared to steal these bodies knowing the virus they had on them.

Cortana, who was reviewing the invasion data, with the new energy spike, it's possible that from now on that type of creature similar to a spider will appear.

Although it actually had four legs and not eight.

Finally, she shrugged before naming it Arachnotron.

She ordered the pilot to bring the creature because she wanted to see what kind of energy the robotic parts and the cannon ran on.

She didn't forget to check the energy given by this new creature and was surprised to see that it gave a considerable amount.

Calculating the distance, the system should be near Knowhere, so she could have a slightly broader view.

Although they must consider the issue of whether to immediately absorb the traveling creatures in Knowhere; after all, that would make rumors spread throughout the universe.

Not to mention that a creature outside the system range doesn't provide energy, so it would be a bit useless to absorb them.

She must discuss it with her teacher.

Now she must prepare for another matter.

She didn't know what kind of cosmic coincidence it was, but Hela and Wanda decided to come to Madripoor on the same day.

She didn't like Hela, but she had quite an appreciation for Wanda, besides having small intentions towards her.

She doesn't know what will happen, but it will surely be a situation full of emotions.


Hela was dressed in an elegant black dress that she had created with her power while looking at herself in the mirror.

The dress had a green ribbon accentuating her waist and only showed a bit of her ankles.

In contrast to her beautiful appearance, her face seemed somber as she had never dressed like that before.

"Master, you look really beautiful," Amelia said to the side with a happy smile.

"Take that disgusting smile off your face or I'll hit you," said Hela, showing a displeased expression.

"Sure," said Amelia, putting on a face mask while still smiling.

Her teacher was really pretty; it's a shame her expression didn't help her.

"First of all, why do I have to dress like this? I look like those floozies at Asgard's banquets," said Hela. Ever since she had agreed to ally with Damian, he had invited her to come and see the place.

Despite this, she hadn't gone immediately and had taken her time to think things over.

"But master, you look really pretty. I'm sure you'll surprise Damian when he sees you," said Amelia, smiling slightly.

"And why would I want to surprise him?" asked Hela, looking at her through the mirror as if she had asked a stupid question.

Amelia just slightly shook her head; sometimes she didn't know if she was serving her or raising her.

"Whatever, let's go," said Hela, giving herself a final look in the mirror. She looked different.

The two quickly descended from the tall building and arrived outside where a small black jet was waiting for them.

Amelia's lips always twitched slightly when she saw the black jet; her master really had a problem with colors.

The two boarded the jet before it started its engines, taking off vertically before beginning to ascend rapidly.

"How long does the flight take?" Hela asked, resting her hand on her chin and looking out the window.

"Three hours," said Amelia.

"And why couldn't we arrive with a portal?" Hela asked, frowning.

"The portals are blocked in Madripoor for security," said Amelia, smiling slightly.

"I would have arrived faster running," said Hela.

"With a great trail of destruction behind," said Amelia, laughing softly.

"Details... I wonder if I'll meet my sister-in-law," said Hela with a slightly wicked smile.

Amelia slightly shook her head; her master would surely play a great role as an evil mother-in-law.

Three hours passed quickly, and the plane landed in Madripoor.

Descending the jet's stairs, Hela looked around and took a deep breath, feeling that this place was really different from the rest of the world.

The energy was much denser, and there was a special feeling in the air.

Suddenly Damian appeared at the bottom of the plane's stairs, with a slight smile as he raised his hand to greet the two women.

"Hello, Mr. Damian," said Amelia, greeting him respectfully.

Although she could be a bit playful with her master, she didn't dare to do the same with Damian, who was someone even more powerful than her master.

"I hope you had a good flight," Damian said, nodding to Amelia before looking at Hela.

"It was boring; if I can't arrive instantly next time, then don't invite me," said Hela dissatisfied.

Damian just chuckled as he heard her, not finding her bad mood strange.

"Let's go, I'll introduce you to the others," Damian said, smiling before turning around and starting to walk.

The two women quickly began to follow him; Amelia looked around curiously, Madripoor was a taboo place for anyone with powers, which is why most tourists were just normal people.

People with magical powers never dared to enter this place; most never returned.

The three arrived at the palace's entrance, where 10 Spartans were lined up, creating an entrance path.

Hela looked curiously at the soldiers as she walked along the almost ceremonial path that Damian had made.

She couldn't help but want to test them a bit, so a small fragment of her power came out of her body towards the soldiers.

Death was something that every creature in the universe feared to varying degrees; Hela only gave them a small mental attack showing them what death was.

To her total surprise, the soldiers didn't even move a millimeter, as if she hadn't done anything to them.

Immediately, she felt admiration for these soldiers, regardless of whether it was because of the armor or themselves.

Soldiers like these were really rare; they were definitely top-notch. Imagining herself leading them in the conquest of multiple worlds only made a smile grow on her face.

Her smile quickly disappeared when she saw Damian looking at her with amusement.

"If you look at me like that again, I'll gouge your eyes out," said Hela, looking at him fiercely.

"Anyway, they'll grow back," Damian said, mocking her, used to Hela's sharp responses; from his point of view, she almost seemed like a black cat growling at him.

Immediately after entering the palace, there were three beautiful girls lined up, all three looking towards the door and immediately their eyes lit up when they saw Damian arrive with the two women.

"Hello," said the three girls, appearing in front of Hela and Amelia.

"Hello, I'm Amelia, what are your names?" Amelia asked with a big smile at the adorable girls.




The three girls said at the same time.

"Hello," said Hela, looking at the three girls with some curiosity now that she had them in front of her.

She could see features on their faces that were similar to Damian's, yet they didn't emit any imposing presence like their father.

It was clear that they were spoiled girls and that Damian hadn't trained them at all.

''I remember you, you cut me off in the middle of a video call,'' Alice said giving her a dirty look.

"I ran out of credit," said Hela, slightly curving her lips.

Alice opened her mouth to retort but finally couldn't say anything; she knew it was a lie but had no way to prove it.

Hela's lips curved a bit more, admitting that the little brats were quite interesting.

Suddenly, they all heard footsteps coming from behind.


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