Primogenitor in Marvel

chapter 266

chapter 266

Hela entered the bathroom and saw that Damian and Ana were already in the water, both talking while Ana leaned against Damian.

Suddenly, her arms were lifted as Carol tried to remove her clothes.

In an instant, she was completely naked.

"Nothing underneath? I like it," said Carol, surprised to see Hela before giving her a thumbs up.

"Come on, into the water," said Carol, dragging Hela to the bathtub.

Hela felt the hot water on her body and was surprised to find it really pleasant.

She usually didn't bathe much and only used the shower after a fight where she got dirty. not that she was unhygienic; she was simply a goddess.

Therefore, something like a hot bath was something she had never tried before.

"Feels good, right?" said Carol with a smile seeing her expression.

"Hm, not bad," said Hela, nodding.

"In this family, we bathe a lot even though we don't need to," said Carol, laughing slightly.

Hela looked at Carol, who seemed very eager to talk to her.

"By the way, important things have happened since you left," said Carol, suddenly looking at Damian before whispering to Hela.

"Does it make sense to whisper? I'm sure Damian can hear us anyway," said Hela, raising an eyebrow at Carol.

"You don't understand, right now he's off guard. His senses aren't as sharp, and with the slight sound of the water, he shouldn't hear us unless he wants to," said Carol.

"So? What happened?" said Hela, nodding and speaking in a low voice.

"Remember Wanda, right?" said Carol.

"Hm," said Hela, nodding slightly.

"Also, I don't know if you remember a Spartan named Laura," said Carol.

"Doesn't ring a bell," said Hela, thinking for a moment before shaking her head.

The Spartans she had seen always wore helmets, making it hard for her to recognize any of them.

"Well, these two women are... let's say, starting a relationship with Damian."

"Sounds bad now that I say it," said Carol, pursing her lips.

"How do you allow that?" said Hela, shaking her head with a smile.

"It's fine, I don't think there will be more in the future," said Carol casually.

"Better let me handle that. Just look at how many live in this place to know you don't do a very good job," said Hela, mockingly.

Carol just laughed and playfully hit her on the shoulder.

"Tell me, how did you meet Damian?" asked Hela curiously.

"It was when I was still a normal human," said Carol, preparing to tell her story.

"You were a normal human at some point?" asked Hela, surprised.

"Hm, I shot an engine made with the space stone, the energy hit me and changed me completely."

"Later, the Kree took me and turned me into a pretty strange hybrid. The result was me," said Carol.

"How did Damian allow that?" said Hela, confused.

"Well... back then Damian couldn't travel through the universe as easily as now. We don't talk about it much since it's a bit of a sensitive topic for him. He still blames himself for what happened," said Carol, trying to speak in a low voice when suddenly a water ball exploded against her head.

Carol turned and saw Damian looking at her wordlessly. She just stuck her tongue out at him before turning her attention back to Hela.

"And Ana?" asked Hela, quite surprised by what she was hearing.

"Ana was Damian's secretary," said Carol with a suggestive smile.

"Secretary?" said Hela, confused by the term.

"Eh, it's like what Amelia was to you, helps you with all the things you have to do," said Carol.

"And it was always like that?" said Hela, not knowing how to explain it exactly.

"Yes, from the beginning it was like that. Although despite her expression, she managed to seduce Damian; she doesn't do a bad job," said Carol, mocking when suddenly a jet of cold water hit her back.

Carol screamed while standing up before looking angrily at Ana and then jumping towards her in the water.

Hela moved closer to Damian as she watched them fight in the water.

"They are quite lively," said Hela as she leaned against Damian's chest.

"Yes, at first they couldn't stand each other. Over time, they started to accept and love each other," said Damian, placing his hands on Hela's abdomen.

"Even if I'm not here, they enjoy each other's company and feel genuine love despite teasing each other."

"Even Ana got jealous when she saw Carol hugging you," said Damian, chuckling, clearly amused.

Hela listened to Damian's words as she watched Carol and Ana's interaction with curiosity.

She wondered if she would ever have such a relationship.


Half a year had passed since the battle in Madripoor.

The furor over the battle had long passed, and things had returned to their normal course.

During this half-year, Cortana worked tirelessly to understand these mysterious beings called Celestials.

At first, Cortana started the task quite relaxed, thinking it wouldn't take more than a couple of months with her capabilities.

But as time passed, she began to devote more and more of her day solely to research.

She used to relax and look at the universe, or chat with her family, but in recent months she had barely communicated with her Master a few times and had dedicated all her attention to the Celestial embryo underground.

This had caused concern for her Master, who repeatedly told her to slow down or temporarily pause the project.

Still, Cortana for the first time refused her Master. Something inside her couldn't allow herself to lose.

She had the greatest computational power in the entire universe, and she herself was stronger than the average Celestial. How was it possible she couldn't unravel their mysteries?

That day, Cortana was directly manipulating Celestial DNA when her eyes widened in surprise.

She had finally deciphered the key piece to understanding the Celestials' structure.

Suddenly, alarms went off in the lab when they discovered that almost all of the palace's energy had been diverted.

Cortana only left enough for the city's basic functioning.

The great sun responsible for the gigantic creatures living in the hollow earth suddenly began to shrink little by little until only a small sphere, about 2 meters in diameter, remained.

Terrifying darkness immediately invaded the entire hollow earth, causing countless creatures to roar.

Cortana temporarily paid no attention to this and frowned deeply as she modified the Celestial embryo to adapt it to the image she had in mind.

The embryo would be born as a complete Celestial, a being without gender and with very few desires. Cortana did not want to become that kind of creature.

She wanted to be more like her master, someone stronger than the Celestials but capable of enjoying everything the universe had to offer.

Gritting her teeth, the golden sphere shrank a bit more until it measured a little less than two meters.

Compressing the embryo further would be very complicated and could affect the resulting power.

This was the energy that had been gathered over thousands of years from all the living beings that had existed on Earth.

It was not something simple to manipulate.

With everything in order, Cortana teleported the sphere to its place, where the infinity stones were located.

Her illusory silhouette immediately appeared above the golden sphere. This silhouette was her consciousness or the closest thing she had to a soul.

This time, her body would not be a puppet that she could easily abandon; it would have a much stronger bond with this body.

Cortana sighed before entering the golden sphere.

Suddenly, the room fell into total silence while the golden sphere floated without any movement.

A few seconds after Cortana entered the sphere, Damian appeared in the place.

His attention was immediately drawn to the golden energy sphere.

He sighed, assuming that Cortana had gone ahead and done it without telling him.

Now he could only wait for the result. This kind of situation, out of his control, inevitably stressed him a bit.

Since Cortana seemed to be busy, Damian quickly started taking care of the system, ensuring everything was in order.

Suddenly, something caught his attention; something was missing in the hollow earth.

His face couldn't help but change as he immediately guessed what Cortana was doing.

Damian could only look at the energy sphere with concern; Cortana was a smart girl, so she must know the risk of doing this.

Celestials are almost desireless creatures, only caring about their duty, which encompasses many things like experiments, life development, and the creation of celestial bodies.

Damian was worried that Cortana might be influenced by this; he didn't know if there was some innate compulsion in the Celestial's body that drove them in that direction.

He only hoped that Cortana's preparations had been enough.

Three days quickly passed, and Damian spent most of his time watching the golden sphere and the system.

Damian was controlling the system when he suddenly felt movement in the golden sphere.

He quickly dropped everything he was doing and watched attentively.

The sphere suddenly showed a crack that quickly spread before the entire sphere shattered, finally revealing what was inside.

Cortana floated in a fetal position with her eyes still closed, her long white hair fanned out, creating a large fan behind her.

Damian, who was paying attention, had to admit that he was mesmerized for a couple of seconds before snapping out of it.

As always, his girl was really beautiful.

Damian gently floated until he reached her side, his hands extended softly before carrying Cortana like a princess.

A bed appeared in an instant on the ground, and Damian laid Cortana down before covering her with a blanket.

His hand lovingly stroked her hair and pushed some strands away from her face.

Suddenly, Cortana's eyelashes fluttered before her golden eyes opened gently.

The first thing Cortana saw when she opened her eyes was her master's crimson eyes.

"Girl, you really worried me these days," Damian said, smiling at her, his expression couldn't be softer.

Cortana smiled widely before sitting up and hugging her master.

"I did it," Cortana said, smiling.

"I don't know whether to praise you or scold you," Damian said, smiling wryly.

"You should praise me," Cortana said, smiling at Damian while keeping her face very close to his.

"Did you learn to have goddess delusions now?" Damian said, chuckling.

Cortana had an incredibly happy smile at that moment; the look her master gave her was one he definitely didn't give before.

"Did you miss me?" Cortana said, smiling at Damian with complicity as her hands cupped his face, her thumb gently stroking his lip.

Damian smiled slightly before taking Cortana's waist and kissing her.

Cortana felt fireworks explode in her head when she felt her master's lips on hers.

Her arms quickly wrapped around Damian's neck as her lips moved instinctively.

Their lips parted with a soft sigh as their eyes met.

The desire was noticeable in the way they looked at each other.

Damian took one of Cortana's thighs before pulling it closer to him and gently pushing her onto the bed.

Cortana's eyes trembled as she looked at Damian while her heart beat rapidly, moments that only existed in her imagination were about to happen.


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