Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 270

Chapter 270

Harley looked at her bat with appreciation before leaving the alley they were in and running towards the Penguin's warehouse guards.

"Hey, look, isn't that crazy bitch Harley?" one of the two guards said, nudging his companion when he saw the woman running towards them with a manic smile.

"Yeah, looks like it is," he said, nodding before pulling out his gun and aiming at Harley.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? If you kill her, Joker will tear us to pieces. Let me talk to her and see what she wants," one of the guards said, stopping his companion.

"Hey! Harley, stop. What do you want coming here at this hour?" the guard shouted at Harley.

"Of course, revenge. Did you forget how you stole from me a few days ago?" Harley said, jumping at a speed that took the guard by surprise.

Before he could react, Harley's bat hit his head hard.

There was a crunching sound as the man instantly fell to the ground like a ragdoll.

Harley quickly turned to look at the other guard, who quickly aimed at Harley before pulling the trigger.

Suddenly, thick vines emerged from the ground, forming a wall in front of Harley, protecting her from the bullets.

Harley took advantage of this and quickly dodged the wall before zigzagging and hitting the other guard's head.

"Wow! This bat is great, can I really keep it?" Harley said, looking at Damian.

"Sure, just remember not to harm innocent people," said Damian, who had approached along with Ivy, who looked at Harley with slight annoyance.

She really didn't take care of her life; not only did she have to be protected her from other people, but also from herself, like taking care of a baby.

"So are you a hero or not? You confuse me," Harley said, hearing Damian.

"Anyway, it's not like I'm interested in harming normal people," Harley said, shrugging while gently tapping the bat against her other hand.

"Hm, I can see that," Damian said, looking into Harley's eyes, smiling as if he knew her.

Harley, who hardly knew the word fear, had to admit she felt uneasy at that moment as if somehow she was naked. No, if she were naked, she wouldn't care that much; it was a strange feeling.

"Let me see," Ivy said, looking at the bat in Harley's hands.

She had noticed that Harley had moved much faster than usual, so she was curious.

"Hm, only because it's you," Harley said, handing the bat to Ivy with a smile.

Ivy rolled her eyes and took the bat, immediately feeling the change in her body.

She couldn't help but swing the bat forcefully, creating sharp sounds.

"Wow, it feels good," Ivy said, looking at the bat with bright eyes.

"Of course, I inscribed some runes to strengthen the user," Damian said, smiling slightly.

"Runes?" Ivy said, looking at Damian with interest.

"Hm, think of it as a programming language that can affect the universe," Damian said, giving an explanation anyone could understand.

"So, you're like a magician?" Harley said, looking at Damian.

"I could also be considered a magician, though that's not my origin," Damian said, smiling.

"But we didn't come to talk about that; it seems the shots attracted attention," Damian said, clearly sensing they were being surrounded little by little.

Footsteps were heard to the point that Harley and Ivy could hear them when dozens of people surrounded them, armed with knives, firearms, chains, and bats.

"Harley, how dare you attack us. Don't think we won't do anything to you because of Joker," one of the thugs shouted at Harley.

"Shut up, what does he have to do with me? You guys stole from me, so today I'll make sure to steal from you," Harley said, shouting angrily at the mention of the clown's name before launching herself at the group of thugs.

"Stupid," Ivy said, moving her hands as thick vines emerged from the ground and released pollen.

Harley's crazy attack took them a bit by surprise, but before the people with firearms could shoot, their visions suddenly darkened and they fell unconscious.

Ivy, who was prepared to eliminate them, noticed this and couldn't help but glance at Damian, suspecting he was the culprit.

Still, she didn't waste time on that and quickly dealt with the remaining thugs who furiously advanced towards them.

The pollen caused almost everyone to have a coughing fit, making them vulnerable.

Thick vines emerged from the ground, and they were directly hung by their limbs.

Besides the screams of the thugs trying to free themselves, the repeated sound of a bat hitting something hard was heard before the sound of bodies hitting the floor.

Damian really didn't do much other than knock out the thugs with firearms.

He originally planned to kill them all, but he was surprised to find their mental waves weren't that bad.

Although they couldn't be classified as good people, at least they didn't enjoy hurting others. Damian, who also didn't consider himself a good person, thought it was okay to let them live.

Considering how Gotham was, he knew they were probably just doing whatever it took to survive.

The Penguin was a villain, but not like others whose goal was to spread death and terror.

Quickly, the whole group was unconscious to the sound of Harley's bat hits. She was already a great fighter; with a physical boost, it was a piece of cake for her to eliminate a few thugs.

"Ugh, that was great," Harley said, wiping some sweat off her forehead.

"Guys, that was great. Now comes the best part, looting," Harley said, approaching Damian and Ivy cheerfully.

"Come on, don't be shy. I'll give each of you 20% of the loot," Harley said, wrapping her arms around Damian and Ivy's arms and pulling them inside.

Damian and Ivy just rolled their eyes but didn't pay much attention to her.

Harley turned out to be incredibly skilled, and in a few minutes, she had looted everything of value in the warehouse.

Damian even suspected Harley would take the light bulbs.

"Well, now let's get drunk," Harley said, carrying two bags full of money.

"I don't feel like going to a cheap club today," Ivy said, looking at Harley.

"Then let's go to an expensive place," Harley said, nodding.

"I'm sure it's because you walk around with so much money that you get robbed," Damian said, laughing as he saw that Harley seemed to want to walk to the hotel.

"But today, you're here. Let's go to the most expensive and ostentatious hotel in the city," Harley said, looking at Damian.

Damian didn't mind and flew the group out of the warehouse.

"Oh, there it is," Harley said, pointing to a rather tall and luxurious-looking building.

Damian flew to the place before the three of them stood in front of the grand hotel.

Harley crossed the door without any shyness before approaching the reception and placing one of the bags of money on the counter.

"Give me the biggest and most expensive room you have," Harley said, looking at the woman who clearly recognized the famous Harley.

Her gaze quickly went to Harley's companions and noticed the green-skinned woman who wasn't a stranger either.

She also stopped for several seconds on Damian, looking at him appreciatively, but quickly looked away.

If he was with two known villains, he couldn't be a hero. Besides, he was too attractive, like a honey trap.

The receptionist quickly checked them into the most luxurious suite available before giving them access and indicating its location.

"Great, so let's go," Harley said, looking at the card before looking at Damian and Ivy.

The group of three quickly entered the elevator before reaching their room.

Harley opened the door before throwing the bags of money aside and running to the refrigerator.

She quickly took out a bottle of whiskey before opening it and starting to drink.

"Alright, let's drink, get drunk, and do things we'll surely regret tomorrow," Harley said, laughing after taking a good swig.

Ivy just chuckled before also grabbing a bottle.

"For the record, it's impossible for me to get drunk. This is no different from water," Damian said after taking a sip and shaking his head.

"What? Then what's the point? I don't believe you, come on, drink more," Harley said, her cheeks already starting to blush after drinking a quarter of the bottle.

Damian just laughed and drank with the two women.


Batman, holding an ice pack to his forehead, typed with his free hand, searching for traces of the man.

The League had dispersed, each member returning to their own affairs.

Though it was humiliating, they each had to continue with their lives. If Damian did something, then they would be there again to face him.

Suddenly, a notification came to his computer.

Batman tracked all the villains in Gotham through facial recognition or any system records.

So, when he received a notification that Harley had checked into a room at the most expensive hotel in the city, at first, he didn't pay much attention.

He had more important things to do than worry about who she robbed to pay for the hotel.

That was until the report attached a video of her entering the hotel.

That's when he saw Damian. It was impossible to mistake him for anyone else.

His expression immediately darkened upon seeing him associating with those two troublesome women.

He quickly typed on his computer before activating the old secret cameras he had installed in that hotel.

It wasn't that he had those kinds of tastes, but sometimes problematic people like the Penguin stayed at that hotel.

So having undetectable spy cameras that could be remotely activated was very useful.

When the camera activated, Batman saw three people drinking, each with a bottle of whiskey in their hands.

Harley and Ivy were clearly drunk, while Damian just watched them amused, seemingly unaffected by the alcohol.

Suddenly, Damian, who was conversing and laughing with the two women, turned his head and looked directly at the camera.

Those crimson eyes seemed to have grown huge, and he felt they were staring at him through the camera.

Batman quickly turned off the camera before releasing the breath he didn't know he was holding.

His back was covered in sweat, his fists clenched tightly as his face frowned.

He couldn't believe he had been scared; he thought that emotion had been buried a long time ago.

He quickly opened a new file and started recording all the abilities Damian had demonstrated in the battle.

He needed to prepare countermeasures. The level of threat Damian had shown was one that no other villain had displayed until now.

Batman's eyes hardened as he looked at the screen. He had to find a way to contain Damian.


Several hours had passed since Damian had entered the room with Harley and Ivy.

Ivy, who had initially seemed a bit reserved, quickly loosened up with the alcohol, making him wonder if she had acted that way because of his presence.

Damian had to admit he had a good time with the two women; they were quite fun.

Especially Harley, who was really talkative, and could say all sorts of nonsense that made him laugh.

Suddenly, as they were talking, Harley laughed before pouncing on Ivy and kissing her.

The bottle in Damian's hands almost fell when he saw Ivy return the kiss as they both fell onto the sofa, kissing passionately.

Damian was left speechless as he watched them start undressing, having no respect at all, given that he was still there.

The two rolled and fell to the floor, but that didn't make them stop. Damian finally waved his hand, making them appear on the bed, continuing with their activities.

He finally just lay down on the comfortable sofa, placing the bottle aside.

His eyebrow twitched slightly as he started hearing melodious sounds to his right.

He tried not to look, but he had to admit he was tempted. After all, it wasn't like he was spying.

They literally knew he was there.

Almost an hour passed until the two women finally calmed down and fell asleep.

Damian just shook his head before finding a blanket and covering them. Really…two foolish women without a bit of caution.

Casually, he returned to the sofa before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Damian didn't know exactly how much time had passed, but suddenly the very slight sound of the door opening woke him up.

Curiously, his senses extended, and he saw what was happening.

A shirtless blonde man with many lines of scars on his body had opened the door and was sneaking in.

He didn't open his eyes because, in the room's darkness, it wouldn't be different from two light bulbs.

Damian just observed as the man looked around the room before looking at him and approaching.

He felt like he had many surprises being in the DC universe, as he had never detected such sick and disturbed mental waves in a person.

He almost felt nauseous upon superficially probing his mind.

The man looked at Damian before smiling and drawing a knife. He didn't even hesitate for a second before stabbing it into his heart.

Damian deliberately created the illusion that his body had been stabbed.

Then he watched as the man withdrew the knife, smiling. He looked at his arm full of marks. In one area, there were two lines together, and then he brought his dagger close and made a new mark.

Damian immediately guessed what the marks were for. Quickly counting, he noticed there were more than 300 all over his torso, arms, and head.

He didn't know this guy, but he supposed he was some villain of Batman's. For a moment, he felt pity for him, having to deal with such sick people daily.

He decided to do him a small favor.

He stood up and grabbed the man by the neck, who instinctively struggled while looking at Damian, confused.

In the darkness, he couldn't see well, but he had clearly felt his dagger piercing flesh and the fresh smell of blood.

He couldn't understand what was happening.

Damian dragged the man across the room before opening the door to the balcony.

They were on the 52nd floor. Damian briefly looked down before casually throwing the guy over.

Then he returned to his room and went back to sleep.

Damian fell asleep again and only managed to hear police sirens in the distance.


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