Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Harley and Ivy watched in astonishment as Damian seemed to effortlessly dominate the monster that had beaten Superman.

"His body is quite strong," Harley said, looking at Damian with excitement.

Ivy just rolled her eyes at Harley's comment, but her gaze never left Damian.

Every movement he made looked really cool, and the way he defeated the creature as if it were nothing made him truly attractive in their eyes.

Suddenly, a strong shockwave destabilized both of them, causing them to take a step back and crouch to brace themselves.

The helicopter in the sky, which was narrating the events, couldn't withstand the shockwaves any longer and quickly started to spin out of control.

It had been enduring the strong shockwaves for almost an hour.

Alarms blared loudly inside the helicopter as the people inside held on tightly.

When they thought they were going to crash, the helicopter suddenly stabilized gently before landing on a building.

Lois Lane quickly got out of the helicopter, not wanting to lose sight of the battle.

That's when she saw a man holding the helicopter's tail and looking at her.

Her mouth opened as if to say a name, but she finally just approached him.

His battered appearance and tattered clothes were a sight she had never seen before.

"Are you okay?" Lois asked, quickly approaching Clark.

"I'm fine, I got a beating," Clark said, looking at Lois with an ironic smile.

"Pff, looks like," Lois said, initially surprised by Clark's words before laughing.

They both looked into each other's eyes, smiling, remembering that just before all this started, they were having lunch together, and Clark had just revealed his secret to her.

"Who is the one fighting Doomsday?" Lois asked, looking at Clark.

"Doomsday? Really?" Clark said, chuckling, assuming that was the name Lois had given the creature.

"Hey, it's not a bad name," Lois said, hearing Clark.

"His name is Damian, he's not from around here, but he's very powerful," Clark said, not wanting to reveal too much as there was still a camera nearby.

The two walked to the edge of the building from where they could see the battle.


Damian reinforced his body with his crimson energy before running to meet Doomsday.

Their fists collided instantly, causing a great shockwave that created a gigantic crater around them.

Damian didn't stop for a moment before sweeping Doomsday's legs with his own, causing his body to spin halfway around.

Before he could fall to the ground, Damian stomped hard before twisting his waist and pushing his shoulder inward, delivering a devastating punch to Doomsday's face.

A shockwave exploded on his face before his entire body was sent flying through several buildings.

Damian instantly appeared in Doomsday's path before kneeing him in the back of the head, sending him skyward.

Damian reappeared above Doomsday before kicking him hard to the ground.

Doomsday hit the ground with force, creating a small tremor, his body breaking through the asphalt and becoming deeply buried.

Damian floated a few meters above the ground, looking down, waiting for him to emerge.

Inside the earth, Doomsday roared with rage and impotence as his arms thrashed, trying to make space in the compacted earth.

From his body, bone spikes continued to emerge on his arms and back, the rest of his body seemed to have an exoskeleton.

His eyes suddenly glowed intensely when two beams of energy broke through the earth above him.

Finally seeing the sky, Doomsday jumped before landing in the crater he had made upon falling, quickly looking up to search for his enemy.

Before he could find him, Damian landed in front of Doomsday, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

Doomsday's instinct seemed to decide to increase his defense.

Doomsday roared at Damian before starting to run towards him, his steps sounding even heavier than before, though his speed hadn't increased despite appearing stronger.

Damian just shook his head, knowing that speed was the most important thing in combat. In an instant, he appeared in front of Doomsday before kicking his chest.

A shockwave immediately resonated in the surroundings as Doomsday dragged a few meters away, leaving marks on the ground.

Damian raised an eyebrow at the limited damage he had done, never having felt the sensation of hitting something incredibly hard.

Quickly, he launched himself at Doomsday again, unleashing a flurry of blows that, to his surprise, caused very little damage.

Damian couldn't help but feel amazed at how resilient Doomsday had become. Where was he getting the energy to generate such significant changes?

Small bone plates on his body began to fall off as Doomsday's speed increased a bit.

It was as if he was seeking the right balance between defense and speed to defeat him.

Damian was truly impressed by a creature like Doomsday, not only physically adapting to defeat him but also beginning to show combat skills.

His body, covered by a thin layer of crimson energy, suddenly bubbled intensely as his entire body began to grow integrally. Suddenly, with the sound of a gust of wind, a pair of wings emerged from his back.

A creature of very similar size to Doomsday suddenly appeared on the street, its gigantic wings casting a terrifying shadow.

Damian seemed to have teleported when he appeared in front of Doomsday and punched his chest, sending him flying against the wall of the crater they were in.

Doomsday's exoskeleton made a cracking sound as cracks spread across his torso.

Damian didn't stop his punches, and Doomsday was driven deeper into the ground until Damian kicked his head, causing the earth to break away, and Doomsday was sent flying until he landed on the asphalt several meters outside the crater.

His wings flapped as he rose into the air before propelling himself to the ground and kicking Doomsday's chest hard, causing him to sink into the asphalt.

Damian looked at Doomsday, who seemed unconscious, his mouth and chest bleeding.

For the first time, he could see what his blood looked like, and to his surprise, it was red.

Damian's hand extended to finish everything when he suddenly received a large green energy beam that hit him from the side.

He was almost pushed back but quickly extended his hand, resisting the beam, causing it to refract around him.

The beam persisted for several seconds before stopping.

Looking at the source, he saw a robot with a large virtual face on its chest.

The robot couldn't help but take a step back when it saw the terrifying creature turn to look at it.

Damian immediately recognized the bald man, Lex Luthor.

Who, judging by his expression, seemed confused.


"Hm, damn, are we hanging out with a demon or something?" said Harley, looking at Damian's transformed form.

Only a demon came to her mind: a body full of red muscles, a height of over 2 meters, and two gigantic wings.

From any point of view, he looked more threatening than the creature being trampled by him.

"It's possible," said Ivy, unsure of what to say.

She only felt that Damian was truly terrifying, with complete submission from the surrounding plant life.

Maybe if she tried to attack him, they wouldn't even respond to her call, as if they wouldn't dare.

"Oh, look at that idiot," said Harley, gently nudging Ivy with her elbow.

Ivy quickly turned to look and saw a robot approaching with a large face on the front.

"What poor taste," said Ivy, speechless.

"Do you think he's going to do what I think he's going to do?" asked Harley with interest, wondering how Damian would react.

In another building several meters away.

Clark and Lois also watched the battle, both really surprised by Damian's form.

A few meters away, Lois's cameraman was recording the fight as best as he could.

"Hey, why does he look more terrifying than Doomsday?" said Lois, looking at Damian.

"It's something I'd like to know too," said Clark, grimacing.

"Lois, look over there," the cameraman suddenly said, pointing to the street below them.

A humanoid-looking robot but without a head, only a screen on its chest showing Lex's head, was advancing toward Damian and Doomsday.

"What is he doing?" said Clark, sighing.

"Isn't it obvious? He wants to be you, he wants to replace you," said Lois, watching Lex advance.

If Lex managed to eliminate the threat that Superman couldn't, his reputation would increase, making it easier for him to continue his schemes.

Suddenly, both of them watched in astonishment as a cannon on Lex's shoulder moved before aiming at Damian and firing a large green energy beam.

"What an idiot," Ivy.

"What an idiot," Harley.

"What an idiot," Lois.

"What an idiot," Clark.

The four couldn't help but say it at the same time as they watched Lex attack someone who was clearly fighting the villain.

Many people watching on TV might have had the same thought.

Damian looked at Lex; the armor was not an obstacle, and he could see his face directly.

He was drenched in sweat from tension and nervousness, not believing he hadn't made a scratch.

Lex originally planned to eliminate Doomsday, but the crimson creature didn't seem exactly good either, so he thought of eliminating both and crowning himself as Metropolis's defender.

Feeling his gaze, Lex couldn't help but make the armor take several steps back.

Damian simply made a grabbing gesture with his extended hand before the robot housing Lex instantly contracted into a metal ball and then exploded.

Lex's sudden death caught everyone off guard; even Clark didn't react in time to try to save him.

Lois couldn't help but turn a bit pale at seeing someone she knew get killed, even if she didn't like him.

"Wow, that was wild," said Harley, eyes shining.

Ivy looked at Damian and, in his current state, couldn't help but wonder if he was the same person.

In her opinion, Damian seemed quite patient and cheerful, very different from the cold-blooded image he was giving now.

Suddenly, everyone's attention returned to Doomsday, who took the opportunity to stand up.

His breathing was heavy, and the exoskeleton on his chest hadn't regrown.

Still, his gaze was that of a wounded beast that only desired to bite his opponent's neck.

Damian looked at Doomsday and decided to finish him, not just kill him, since as far as he knew, he could revive and become immune to what killed him.

He didn't know how it would work if someone killed him with punches—would he become immune to physical damage?

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to find out.

Damian vanished from everyone's sight before appearing in front of Doomsday and gripping his neck.

Suddenly, the sound of running water was heard as a well appeared in front of Damian.

Damian quickly threw him into the well, where a pair of arms grabbed his neck and submerged him.

Doomsday struggled and roared, splashing water, waking the spectators who thought it was an illusion.

The water swirled into a vortex as Doomsday's appearance gradually changed, losing his bone spikes, and his skin seemed to thin out.

His size decreased until, within seconds, he had completely disappeared beneath the water.

Damian casually glanced at Clark, who was utterly stupefied, guessing he hadn't considered that he would kill Lex.

In his opinion, Lex was just a cancer, doing nothing and preventing others from doing anything, with Superman almost always having to clean up after him.

Because of his economic and intellectual position, the damage he could do was incomparable to many villains.

Though he really had to question his intellect with what he did—how dare he attack without clearly analyzing the situation?

Shaking his head, Damian disappeared from the scene, taking Harley and Ivy with him.

The three appeared exactly where they first met.

Damian looked at the two women; Harley didn't look at him any differently, even seeming to admire him.

Ivy, on the other hand, he could see some fear in her eyes.

"That was awesome, when you kicked him and your winged form, you looked really handsome, and when you extended your hand and crushed Lex, I felt like I got wet, it was really cold," said Harley, chattering while grabbing Damian's arm.

Damian just chuckled hearing Harley, his slight premonition of needing to part completely gone.

Maybe that's why he liked Harley from the first meeting, she was really pure, though not the best word to describe her.

But she treated him normally, something very rare for him.

"Right? I must admit, my transformation is quite cool," said Damian, laughing while looking at Harley.

"Oh, by the way, are you a demon?" said Harley, looking at Damian.

"No, I'm a vampire," said Damian, chuckling, finding her conclusion quite normal.

"A vampire!?" said Harley, reacting exaggeratedly.

"Did you drink my blood while I was sleeping last night? You naughty vampire," said Harley, giving Damian a suggestive smile.

"Normal human blood is disgusting, too much fat," said Damian, looking at her with a mocking smile.

"Hey!" said Harley, symbolically protesting, having no argument—she wasn't exactly careful about what she put into her body.

"On the other hand, Ivy's blood must be quite delicious," said Damian, looking at her with a slight smile.

"Maybe it tastes like lettuce," said Harley, laughing while covering her mouth.

Damian just chuckled seeing Ivy's expression had considerably improved, trying not to curve her lips into a smile.

"Alright, let's have fun in the last few days left," said Harley, grabbing Damian and Ivy's arms.

With Damian by her side, she felt nothing could stop their mischief; she would make sure to take advantage while he was still with them.

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