Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 32 - Escaping Death By A Hair's Breadth

A sudden idea popped into his mind when he remembered that he was still under the effect of the concealment potion.

Abandoning the system's shop and entering the Primordial shop's human section, Shane bought items worth 10 gold coins with the additional 10% transfer fee, not minding anything at all.

The highest priority for Shane and Umbra was to survive and everything else could come later.

Seeing the items Shane wasn't sure if he should be happy or not.

He purchased six items in total.

Taking out the first two items, which was a cylindrical-shaped empty grenade, Shane pressed the second item inside the vacancy of the empty grenade.

The second item was a vial with dark green smoke inside and once the vial was inserted into the empty grenade, a faint *click* could be heard.

After that was done, Shane could already feel the presence of the colossus darkness-python behind him. He quickly summoned the remaining two out of the four items that he had purchased, from his spatial ring.

In one hand were now two grenades, one was the empty grenade he filled with the dark green smoke and the other grenade was a [Mortal-(Uncommon)] tear gas grenade.

Even though it was at the mortal rank, a tear gas grenade could cover a range of dozens of meters. The tear gas was a lot denser and more effective than normal tear grenades.

It might not be enough to scare off the colossus darkness-python, but that was not what he aimed to achieve with the tear grenade.

The second item he took out from his spatial ring was a pitch-black gas mask with two horns sticking out of the top.

It looked somehow like one would describe a devil on earth, but Shane couldn't care less at the moment, as he instantly wore it on his head.

Two more two tear gas grenades at the [Mortal-(Uncommon] rank appeared in his now free hand, and Shane immediately pulled out the safety pin. He threw the tear grenades towards the hillside's top, where they released a dense white fog, slowly enveloping the hillside.

Shane tried his best to stay calm as he sensed the colossus darkness python slowly inch towards him. He pulled out the safety pin from the last grenade in his hand with the dark green smoke within.

But rather than releasing the dark green smoke slowly, the grenade exploded and Shane's sight was covered within a second.

Running right into the dark green smoke which was additionally enveloped with white tear gas, Shane was happy to have bought a [Mortal-(Rare)] gas mask.

Sensing the presence of the colossus darkness-python still behind him, Shane was still scared but not as much as he was before he entered the dark green smoke. He adjusted his direction to the right before he continued sprinting upwards towards the valley's top.

Shane thought that the dark green smoke wall was enough to prevent the colossus darkness-python from pursuing him. This was because the dark green smoke was a dissolved scent gland from a [Terrifying stench Skunk] which was a low-awakened beast with weak defenses but terrifying farts, leading even peak-elite beasts to faint within seconds.

Snakes have an amazing sense of smell and they use their tongues to pick up scents in the air.

In Shane's opinion, it was only logical for the snake to stop pursuing him in order to evade the reeking stench that spread throughout the dark green smoke. But, when a gust of air almost knocked him over, he noticed the colossus darkness-python body rush past him with an almost negligible distance.

His heart skipped a beast and the only advantageous thing Shane noticed was that the snake had its eyes and mouth closed, preventing bright lights and the reeking stench from invading any possible way.

This however meant that the Colossus darkness snake relied on its hearing senses to locate Shane.

Shane wouldn't be in a position to think logically, if not for the [Hunter's Mind] skill he obtained from [Artemis` Blessing].

With this, Shane told himself that he had to thank her somehow, even if it was only through a little prayer.

This came however with an important condition, wherein he would have to survive first. Right now he was still not completely out of the valley, even though he had almost reached the top.

But his current situation was definitely better compared to before and the colossus darkness-snake would most likely listen carefully to the sounds it perceived.

As such, Shane purchased a normal fist-sized stone for a single bronze coin, before he threw it to the left top side of the valley.

Throwing it towards the valley ground was stupid as an awakened stage beast could understand trickery to a certain extent. The colossus darkness-python waited for additional noises before it charged to the left side.

Suddenly, Shane felt completely exhausted and he noticed that the berserk state ended for the second time.

Silently approaching the top of the valley, Shane tried to prevent making any sounds, as the tear gas and the skunk smoke began to envelop him once again.

Before the gush of air pushed away from the smoke the colossus darkness-python hadn't opened its eyes, fortunately, otherwise, Shane would have been dead by now.

Reaching the top of the valley after additional two minutes, Shane could hear the colossus darkness snake roaring out in wrath. He sighed in relief as it meant that the Lord of the valley had lost all traces of him.

At least for the moment, was what Shane thought and he continued his silent escape towards the shelter.

Time seemed to have slowed down and each noise scared Shane, causing his heart to skip a beat.

If he had been an old man, Shane would have definitely died due to a heart attack but fortunately, he was still a young brat with a strong heart.

Even though he had a living experience of 35 years in total, he had never really entered the world of adults. But now Shane fully understood how dangerous the Primordial Dimensions were.

Having survived today was the biggest achievement Shane had ever accomplished and the second one could be said to be the gains he made over the last hours.

Nevertheless, today's escape also showed Shane how weak he was compared to the top of the food chain within Basic primordial dimensions.

There wasn't even the need to compare himself to beasts of Intermediate or Advanced dimensions, as the threat from awakened staged beasts was already apparent enough.

When Shane saw the lights of the BlackSoul shelter, he almost began to cry in joy and he used his remaining strength to drag himself towards it.

However, before he could even enter the shelter, the guards ordered him to stop as they unsheathed their weapons.

`Huh?` Shane wasn't sure what happened but it was not a common occurrence for the guards to see a pitch-black masked individual appearing in front of them during their night duty.

A reeking smell spread towards the guards and they could barely keep themselves together.

If their discipline and cultivation were any lower, they would have already vomited on the ground, causing them to turn even more hostile towards the black-masked humanlike individual in front of them.


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