Prince and His Fool

Chapter 12: Cuddling

Chapter 12: Cuddling

Wu Yange knew Rong Zian had a point, the locations of the three pieces were imprinted in his brain so the assassin would come back for him. From the interrogation, it was clear who had sent the assassin but he needed bait, that's why he had left the coward unguarded. As soon as the candlelight dimmed in Rong Zian's room, the prince slipped in through the window but was startled by the sound of books crashing to the ground.

'What in the world?' he thought as he saw the books lying on the floor, 'was this meant to warn him of an intruder?' Well, the idiot's plan clearly didn't work because he was sound asleep like a baby.

He was even more stunned when he followed the drag marks on the floor leading to the door, Rong Zian had barricaded it with the table. Shocked out his mind, he had never met anyone as cowardly as Rong Zian. Settling in a dark corner, he watched patiently waiting for the prey to take the bait. His patience only paid off after four hours of lying in wait.

A floating figure dressed in crimson red, entered through the window and like him, the perpetrator was not expecting the book trick so she paused in her tracks checking if the crushing sound had woken up her prey. Now watching it from another angle, the prince found it funny and could only smile in response.

Seeing that he wasn't awake, she moved effortlessly towards Rong Zian and in an unexpected turn, lay on top of him with her hands at either side of his head. As she lowered her head onto his ear, the prince fought off the eager to pull her off him by her hair. He painfully watched as she whispered something into his ear like an instruction. Satisfied that her puppet will follow her with no resistance, she raised her head and had put one foot on the ground when Rong Zian's sudden movement took her by surprise. Wu Yange originally wanted to take action but stopped when he saw him raise his hand and swiftly grab her neck.

She struggled to free herself but the more she struggled, the tighter his grip. The prince was in utter shock as he watched her activate her teleportation ability but failed to escape. Her face turned blue as she was nearing death and in a last desperate attempt to save her life she said, "Sleep," in a course faint voice. Surprisingly, Rong Zian finally withdrew his hand and lay still as though nothing had happened. Fully aware of the unexpected defeat she floated out of the window in a panic.

Wu Yange was frozen in the same spot trying to piece together the events that had just transpired. He was familiar with the woman who had just tried to snatch Rong Zian, it was his cousin, Wu Yinyou, from his grand-uncle Wu Jiaohua' clan. For two generations, this clan had been confined with a barrier in Qinshu province but with the oath-taking effect, they could go beyond their border and wreak havoc upon the rest of Hepeng. His cousin, Wu Yinyou, was one of the few who had inherited their grandfather's spiritual power. She was known for her hypnotic, telekinetic and telepathic abilities but tonight he had witnessed her face defeat from an idiot who barely made much sense when he was awake.

His curiosity got the better of him as he walked over to were Rong Zian was fast asleep, the idiot was even drooling as though nothing had happened. 'Maybe whatever is inside of him will attack when threatened,' he thought as he grabbed the dagger he had given Rong Zian earlier. He leaned over with the dagger in his hand aiming straight at his chest and just as he was about thrust the knife, Rong Zian moved as expected. Wu Yange activated his blue flame anticipating the inevitable, the dagger was instantly knocked out of his hand but instead of being strangled, he was pulled down with extraordinary force and cuddled by a sleeping Rong Zian with his leg curled on Wu Yange's thigh and his hand around his chest.

Panicking as his blue flame died down, the trapped prince tried with no avail to free himself. Wu Yange was extremely petrified as he broke into a cold sweat. As if the compromising position they were in wasn't bad enough, he had completely lost the ability to activate his blue flame. The feeling of being an ordinary man was heart-stopping and he was unable to break himself free from this leech. He panicked, even more, when he thought the effect would become permanent but when he remembered his cousin floating away in frenzy after the attack, it put his mind at ease.

He finally regained his composure and a sense of calmness took over as he lay there waiting for his captor to loosen his grip. Since he couldn't sleep a wink, he indulged his curiosity staring down at a peaceful, almost angelic man breathing softly on his chest. He couldn't help but notice how much shorter he was compared to himself if they stood side by side Rong Zian's height would stop just below his ear.

When the sleeping leech shifted to position himself even closer, Wu Yange stiffened as though scared of provoking him. He fixed his gaze on the roof but his attention was soon grasped by a familiar musk drenched scent from the first day they met. He relaxed his neck as his head gently lay close to Rong Zian's jet black hair, he had found the source of the scent though it was faint. Though cringed by his own behaviour, he couldn't stop himself from sniffing the coward's hair and the same frisson sensation he had felt before, recurred.

Losing grip with reality, he moved his right hand which was almost numb because Rong Zian was sleeping on his arm and placed it on Rong Zian's back, gently pulling him closer so he could inhale more of this scent that he oddly found pleasant. As he gently drew him nearer, he was fascinated by Rong Zian's smooth and delicate frame, it almost felt as though he was holding a fragile flower. He was destructed by his own perverse indulgence that he didn't recognize the consequences earlier.

Down south, his member was paying the price, he had been fully aroused by his own actions and it was an upgrade from bad to worse. Trying to calm himself down he thought of several non-sensual things but it didn't work, he even tried thinking of his mother yelling at him but his brain wasn't cooperating, it took him straight to a memory he had locked away, that is Rong Zian's naked body. Wu Yange was extremely embarrassed, his face reddened as burning charcoal and his mind in turmoil.

Questions he had no answers to, flooded his brain as he fanatically tried once more to free himself from Rong Zian. It felt as though his brain was short-circuiting, he could barely breathe as rage began to take over. The grip finally loosened as dawn approached the horizon, he took the opportunity with no hesitation and leapt off the bed in a frenzy.

With all the blood drained from his face, a trembling Wu Yange stumbled backwards unable to hold up his own weight. He snapped his fingers to activate a small blue flame on the tip of his fingers and as a blazing sapphire glow lit up the room, his brows relaxed but there was a wave of burning anger stirring up inside him as he fixed his gaze on Rong Zian.

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