Prince and His Fool

Chapter 20: I Am A Lover Not A Fighter

Chapter 20: I Am A Lover Not A Fighter

Panic-stricken with a dry throat, Rong Zian paced up and down murmuring, "No, no, no I can't fight. Hell! I have never been in a fight!" The last part everyone heard and they found it extremely hilarious. Ying Tie was smiling from ear to ear excited to see someone finally beat the life out of that weasel, something he wished he could have done himself but the prince had constantly hindered him.

The only other person who didn't find this amusing was Wu Yange, it was unbelievable that this man had never been in a physical fight with anyone which was rare in the least. Even nobleman had at least fought in combat with another either in training or actual conflict.

By the age of six, he had thrown a few punches with his brothers and meeting a highly disadvantaged individual as Rong Zian was indeed a misfortune when in conflict it was useless relying on him instead he would become a burden.

The only good thing in Wu Yange's eyes about this guy was the hidden power that even Rong Zian himself was unaware of and the chances of the power manifesting again were uncertain. He could only hope that when they face the hideous creatures beyond the boarders that power would show itself again otherwise Rong Zian wouldn't survive.

"I was hoping Chief Ying had let go of his old paranoiac behaviour. This man can barely hurt a fly and as you heard, he has never been in a fight. I was hoping the gifts that your nephew brought for you would more than make up for it. If it's no trouble, may you make an exception for this young man and let him through," he spoke in a reasonable tone but be that as it may, the old man was stubborn.

"Pardon me Your Highness but an old man like me can only be cautious. I have kept this tradition for so long and it has been a success ensuring my people's safety. If I let my guard down for one night, what guarantee do I have that this young man wouldn't attack us in our sleep? Knowing his strength is simply a protective measure so I can assign several guards accordingly in case he has ill intentions," he said as though ending the discussion. He gestured his hand at his people and three men of different body frames appeared.

The prince looked over at Ying Tie who stood beside the chief as though sorting him to talk sense into his uncle but his expression read as though he was looking forward to seeing Rong Zian beaten to a pulp. The prince sighed and walked over to the frightful coward who was picturing his demise. He grabbed Rong Zian's arm and led him towards some guards standing behind them. They obediently drew their swords and displayed them for both of them to see.

"Pick one and don't hesitate to try them out so you can determine which one is best suited for you," he said as though guiding him.

Almost trembling with all the blood drained out of his face, he protested, "I can't do this, I am a lover, not a fighter." Indeed even in his previous life, Rong Zian had always used his charm to wiggle out of a fight but if all else failed he would dodge and make a break for it.

In his neighbourhood, he was known as Bolt and this nickname had gained popularity after he evaded a group of ten vagrants chasing after him. For an entire day, they searched everywhere but whenever they caught sight of him, they still couldn't catch him because he was fast and resourceful. The leader of the group finally gave in and said, "It's pointless running after Bolt so why bother trying." From that day forward he was named Bolt.

"Well Loverboy, if you don't fight you will sleep outside. I sincerely hope you can use your charms to survive a pack of wolves," scolded the prince trying to scare him into the ring.

Weighing his options, he sighed heavily and asked, "Do I have to win the fight because both of us know that's not possible?"

"No just let him hit you a couple of times until the chief is satisfied," replied the prince but his words weren't in the least reassuring. Rong Zian gazed in the scary chief's direction and seeing that he was whispering to Ying Tie, he could only think, 'Fuck! I am finished brother P is out for blood.'

"I am too young to die, I will take my chances with the wolves," sulked Rong Zian as he wailed like a lost child.

With extreme speed, the prince slapped his shoulder yelling, "Get your act together and stop embarrassing me," losing all patience. He grabbed a sword from one of the guards and placed it in Rong Zian's hand while shoving him into the ring.

The chief let out a menacing laugh and moved his hand across all three warriors as though showing off his contenders. The crowd was ecstatic to see their heroes in action as some brazen young men placed bets. In all this chaos, he so happened to catch sight of the men betting against him.

"The foreigner is going to lose, it's a matter of how long he's going to last before being knocked out," yelled the one tallying the money.

"I say whoever has the closest time wins," replied another as he handed over his money betting on an instant knock out.

Unexpectedly Ying Tie also made his way there and placed his bet for ten minutes saying, "He is a slippery weasel, he will survive longer than that and the more he stays the more he bleeds," with a mischievous look still grinning like the joker villain from batman.

'Aah.....the dickhead is taunting me, wish I could place a bet against myself to, I would make some money,' he thought to himself with an envious look which varnished when the chief continued speaking.

"As per our customs, young master, I grant you a gift which is to pick your opponent amongst these three vibrant men. Whomever you pick will face you in this ring tonight," he said still stroking his goatee which annoyed the hell out of Rong Zian.

He scrutinized each opponent one by one trying to find at least one who seemed the least threatening. The man on the right was extremely tall and buff with dark eyes that set of warning bells in Rong Zian's mind. He was extremely terrifying with a face so hideous as though a carriage had run over his face a few times, smashing his nose. Unconsciously Rong Zian showed a hint of displeasure which swiftly turned into a haunted expression when the giant growled threatening him. He had offended the man with his expression so in his mind he thought, "Definitely not that one."

The gentleman in the middle was his height with beautiful golden hair draped on his shoulders. His gaze was fixed on some ladies in the crowd who were blushing profusely and giggling like little girls. He wasn't ashamed to blow a few kisses in their direction with a roguish appearance.

His stature though smaller than the previous was still intimidating and the fact that he wanted to show off his fighting skills to the ladies meant the beatings Rong Zian would receive could be more severe. 'Sorry charming, I am not planning on being your wingman,' he thought as his eyes moved on to the final contender.

'This one is perfect,' thought Rong Zian as he scanned through the third man. He was skinny, shorter than him, and had a kind face. 'Sure enough, the beating wouldn't be so bad and who knows I might land a punch or two,' he thought as he raised his sword like a gladiator and pointed at the third man. Who knew that the instant the fight started he would regret his decision?

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