Prince and His Fool

Chapter 5: Is This You Frisking Me Or Trying To Feel Me Up?

Chapter 5: Is This You Frisking Me Or Trying To Feel Me Up?

Just as Rong Zian was about to get out of the tree and finally go home, he heard two men talking but could barely make out what the conversation was about. The two men, one named Wu Yange aka powerful prince and the other Ying Tie aka the world's strongest man, where hunting down a thief. Even Ying Tie couldn't figure out why his highness was hell-bent on catching a petty thief but he couldn't bring himself to ask directly. Now that it had been hours and the sun was setting he eventually had the courage to say something.

"Your Highness the sun is setting, can't we leave the matter to the authorities, I am sure they will apprehend him," he said choosing his words wisely as they rode along a deserted path.

The prince seemed amused by his words but he had no intention of stopping until he found that slippery raccoon. At first, he just wanted to assist his people but as time went on things had changed, he was now taking it personally, an insult to his ego. He could almost hear whispers rising in the streets, 'powerful prince outsmarted by a mere peasant.' The thought of it drove him nuts, he vowed that when he caught him, he would leave that rascal with a burn scar. That way the thief would never forget who he had offended.

Sensing an unshakable feeling in his gut, he looked up in the trees and sure enough, he saw a well-hidden man squatting in a bushy tree. If he hadn't looked closely he surely wouldn't have noticed him, gesturing for Ying Tie to be silent, they approached the tree just like jaguars about to hunt their prey. The prince had two options, either burn the tree down or even make use of the strongest man to shake the monkey out but instead, he chose to yell, "Snake! There is a snake in that tree!"

Poor Rong Zian thought the one thing that he feared the most had been harbouring around him all this time. He was panicking but his reaction was priceless as he clumsily climbed down the branches at light speed. The prince and his accomplice were in tears laughing at the pale-faced terrified man screaming, "Fuck, fuck, fuck...I don't want to die! Mommy!" When they heard him crying out for his mother, they couldn't take it anymore, bursting into unrestraint laughter, laughing so hard till their bellies ached.

Halfway down, Rong Zian's senses returned and he could finally hear the two evil beings laughing at his expense. Highly annoyed he hung onto the branch and climbed back up. For the first time he could now see them clearly, one was a buff giant carrying a huge black blade on his back and the other was tall medium built man with a striking appearance, it was evident how much effort the gods put in while they sculptured that face to perfection. He might have been charming but his aura was unusually cold making him unapproachable, even as he laughed there seemed to be no difference.

"Hey dickhead, will you come down willingly or do I have to come up and get you?" said the prince with a dark expression straightening his posture.

"No, I am not going anywhere with you two tyrants so leave me alone," he replied tightening his grip on the branch. Rong Zian wasn't sure what he meant when he said he would come up and get him, was he really going to climb up a tree as sophisticated as he looked? Off course, he wouldn't climb up that tree, the prince gestured to Ying Tie and he instantly understood the instruction. With a lazy punch, the strongest man slammed the tree and Rong Zian came tumbling down falling flat on his face.

Rong Zian couldn't hold back his anger, these two men had terrorised him all day for absolutely no reason and he had finally reached his limit, "fuck you, shitheads, bullying me without even understanding the situation," he cursed while dusting off his clothes. He didn't stop there, he had lost his mind mouthing off endless insults at them though he didn't actually expect them to understand what he was saying.

The two men looked at each other before looking back at the insane man flinging his arms all over the place yelling. "Do you know what fuck and the word shithead means? I have never heard of it before?' asked the prince leaning towards Ying Tie.

Ying Tie frowned and said, "never heard it before either but from his body language it must be very insulting. He seems strange."

"Go shut him up and search him, see if he still has the stolen goods," commanded Wu Yange with his gaze fixed on the lunatic. It was a shame such a pretty face belonged to a mad man, he wouldn't mind setting him up with his sister so he could have cute nieces and nephews but that temper was not worth it.

"Stop! Ah! What the fuck are you doing? What is this, sexual assault?" asked Rong Zian as the buff man tried to frisk him. "Wait..wait, I get what you doing but you scare the shit out of me. I would rather that guy search me," he continued now pointing at the aloof prince. Ying Tie looked at the prince as though seeking permission to continue but the prince got off his horse and gestured for him to stand aside.

Rong Zian was impressed with himself for getting this egotist maniac off his high horse and was going to make him pay for it. As Wu Yange placed his hands on his chest he mocked him, "Is this you frisking me or trying to feel me up, at least buy me dinner first?" Disappointed that the man didn't take his bait, he took it a step further. When his hands were just above the belt he said, "Careful there otherwise you might wake up the sleeping dragon, I am afraid you would have to take responsibility."

It still didn't work he hadn't taken the bait but it had angered the second party. The buff guy was clenching his fists yelling, "You little prick shut it. Do you have any idea whom you are provoking?" now addressing the prince, "I beg you, let me knock him out cold at least he will be quiet."

"Now that's some kinky shit right there, so you like your partners silent not feisty, good to know," he said with a grin on his face but Ying Tie didn't find it amusing, he wanted to beat him to death but the prince raised his hand to stop him.

Wu Yange turned Rong Zian around and frisked his back catching this strange but alluring scent. It was faint but he could still smell it, a musk drenched scent causing an unintentional frisson in his body, at first, he was shocked but in an instant, he was angrily pushing a completely unaware Rong Zian to the ground. " are such tyrants. I am not the thief I was chasing after the actual culprit when you started chasing me," he said struggling to get up. His body was sore from the fall and now being pushed down onto the ground was not merciful to his buttocks.

"Should I tie him up so we can take him to the authorities?" asked Ying Tie taking out some rope.

"No need he won't run knowing the consequences," said Wu Yange but he had spoken too soon. Rong Zian was making a break for it, hoping to take advantage of the looming darkness. He ran even faster at the thought of creating distance from these maniacs but he wasnt aware with whom he was dealing with. The prince flung a blazing sphere of blue flames in front of a winded Rong Zian who in turn screamed out of fright at the sight of fire appearing out of thin air.

He frantically stopped and turned back only to find the muscular man standing behind him, he shrieked once more before being carried on the brawny man's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, all the way to the authorities.

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