Prince and His Fool

Chapter 53: Jerk Off

Chapter 53: Jerk Off

The prince didn't immediately respond caught in another conundrum. He wouldn't mind letting Rong Zian go by himself but letting Rong Zian go by himself with money? There was absolutely no guarantee that he would come back and thus exposing his insecurities.

"Seriously Yan Yan do you want me to come over there and search through your clothes myself?" threatened Rong Zian without even noticing what he called Wu Yange. Hearing the name Yan Yan, Ying Tie almost vomited blood, this was too much for him to handle. 'Yan Yan? What is that, is it a pet name?' he thought to himself in astonishment.

Wu Yange wasn't faring any better, it was either the fact that Rong Zian had threatened to go through his clothes or being called Yan Yan. Either way, his expression was unreadable his whole body numb with scarlet red ears. Unaware of how to react in this situation, he simply handed over the money to Rong Zian and informed him, "You will meet us at the Primrose Mansion and be back by nightfall."

Rong Zian gladly accepted the money ready to initiate operation make 'Wu Yange his boyfriend' but was stunned when everyone was still giving him a 'what the fuck' expression with an awkward atmosphere lingering around them. 'It's just money, why are they all looking at me as though I have no clothes on?' he thought with a sullen look on his face.

That's when he remembered how he had addressed Wu Yange collectively remembering the warning from the last time he called him Ah-Yange. His heart missed a beat in fright, 'Fuck! He's going to rip out my tongue. How can I be so fuckin' stupid,' he reprimanded himself inching backwards about to make a break for it. Seeing that no fireballs were flying his way, he ran out of the restaurant with his limbs still intact.

Wu Yange watched through the window, the terrified rabbit running across the street like his arse was on fire. Only then did he finally get the chance to ask the burning question he had been holding in for a long time. "What did you guys talk about earlier?"

Ying Tie froze recalling the obscene conversation he had with Rong Zian concerning Wu Yange's lip hickey. The only way he was going, to tell the truth, would be at his death bed when he was certain that his soul was truly leaving this world. So he decided to dish some dirt on Rong Zian instead. The kind of dirt that wouldn't implicate him as well. "Well we didn't discuss anything important, Your Highness shouldn't be bothered by such irrelevant matters," he replied scared stiff.

Wu Yange gave him a haughty power gaze as he spoke, "I will decide what's important."

Ying Tie secretly lit a candle for Rong Zian before divulging the fascinating details, "He likes someone and is planning on confessing to them,"

The prince thought he had heard him wrong and asked him to repeat himself but the words remained the same. A range of emotions took possession of his lucidity with an extensive sharp pain filling his chest. This person only belonged him and others were not allowed yet he planned to confess. 'Not going to happen,' he thought, already ruled by his emotions.

"How do you know he's going to confess?" asked the prince approaching his breaking point.

Unaware that he was implicating himself, Ying Tie gladly responded, "because l told him to and-," but he didn't get to finish his sentence when Wu Yange tossed everything off the table as it all came down crashing on the floor. The solemn prince was guzzling down a gas tank of vinegar as he jumped out of the window with his sapphire flame active.

He hovered above the city searching everywhere for Rong Zian, the longer it took for him to find the rabbit, the more chaotic his brain. He was about completely losing it when he finally spotted Rong Zian at a disserted corner of the market talking to some young maiden. 'Is that her,' he asked himself as he lowered himself into a dark alley, the perfect hiding spot great for eavesdropping.

Wu Yange could only make out words like Primrose Mansion and beautiful, the rest of the words were drowned in the sea of voices in the busy market. He really felt like burning all her eyebrows off but restraint himself when he remembered his status but that didn't stop him from imagining it.

He really wanted to confront him right then and there but gave up on that idea. All he had to do was botch Rong Zian's confession in the shadows and give him a shoulder to cry on when everything goes to shit. Satisfied with his plan, he followed Rong Zian who had parted with the maiden and was currently heading south of the market.

On the other hand, Rong Zian was unaware that he was being followed by Wu Yange in stealth mode. He's brain was currently high with excitement as he now had all the ingredients in hand and hoped to be done preparing the perfume by the end of the night. Being apart from his male god for this long was heart-wrenching, he just wanted to get back quickly so he can see his face. He truly missed cell phones, at least whenever he missed him, he could look at his picture.

Just when he was rushing back, he noticed an old man on the side of the road with a table full of paper, sketching tools and some sketched drawings. "Rong Zian you're a genius," he said to himself approaching the old man. At least now he can keep a portrait of Wu Yange in his pocket and enjoy it wholeheartedly. He greeted the old man before asking, "How good is your work I need the sketch as good as the original?"

The old man stroked his bead as though brooding and sneered at him, "My work is good enough otherwise why would I sit in the sun all day if it wasn't? A sketch as good as the original person would cost triple the price of a rough sketch."

"Okay then, I will describe what the person looks like and you draw," said Rong Zian as he began describing Wu Yange to the sketch artist but when the work was finished, it looked nothing like the prince. The nose was crooked at a weird angle, his eyes smaller than they actually were. Disappointed, he ruthlessly rejected the sketch and asked him to start again.

"Young man you are so unreasonable, you can't expect the sketch to look exactly like the original person by mere descriptions?" complained the old man as he finished off drawing the second one.

Rong replied with a smirk on his face, "You should have said you can't do it from the beginning before you took my money. This one is much better but you need to work a little more on the eyes and please hurry up its's almost nightfall," holding the second sketch.

After what seemed like forever, the old man made some finishing touches but he couldn't the feeling that this face was familiar. "Who are you even making a sketch of?" asked the old man curiously.

"The eighth prince, why you asking?" he replied folding the second sketch and storing it away into his pocket. The old man handed over the new sketch and froze as he saw the muse for his sketch standing right behind Rong Zian.

Rong Zian was too busy admiring the sketch when he heard a man whispering in his ear, "What do you need my sketch for?" in a domineering magnetic voice. Terrified out of his mind, Rong Zian activated his flight response and tried to jump over the old man's table. Unfortunately for him he got his leg on the edge of the table and came tumbling down with a loud bang next to the old man.

Seeing Rong Zian on the ground, the prince rushed over to help him up and apologised for scaring him. "Why did you have to make a risky move like that? Were you planning on doing something bad with my sketch? Because you seem really jittery," said Wu Yange dusting off the dust off his clothes.

'Yeah I was definitely not going to jerk off to it,' he thought to himself, 'that was a lie, I was definitely going to jerk off to his sketch.'

Rong Zian cleared his throat and prepared to lie, "I was going to sell it to a bunch of girls who think you are absolutely handsome," he said about to pack away the sketch in his hands.

Wu Yange's brows furrowed with his eyes as dark as night grabbing the sketch from Rong Zian's hand and burnt it to ash saying, "Not allowed," effectively ending the conversation. "Go ahead to the Primrose Mansion, I will be there a bit later," he said in an authoritative tone compelling Rong Zian to leave. He was weeping all the way for the loss of the good sketch and was only left with the second portrait which was not as good but potent enough.

As soon he couldn't see Rong Zian anymore, Wu Yange turned to the old man and asked, "Can you draw me a sketch, I want nothing less than perfection?"

"Sure, sure, no problem. Describe the person, Your Highness," said the old man as he prepared his tools.

"No need, you already saw him. Sketch the man who was just here," he replied and waited patiently for the final product.

The old man just shook his head but didn't say anything as he painstakingly sketched to Wu Yange's satisfaction.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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