Prince and His Fool

Chapter 60: Yan Yan Isn't Playing Fair

Chapter 60: Yan Yan Isn't Playing Fair

Seeing Rong Zian stuck in a trance, Wu Yange held both his arms and gently shook him effectively bring him back to reality. "If you aren't feeling well, tell me where it hurts, alright?" said Wu Yange with a pained look in his eyes.

"No, I am fine. I came to get some wine to help me sleep," he confessed instinctively staring at Wu Yange with bug-eyed expression.

Wu Yange chuckled softly while placing his hand on Rong Zian's shoulder and said, "The first thing you think about when you wake up is alcohol?" seemingly slightly disappointed, "You aren't allowed to drink till you feel better so I got rid of all of it." Wu Yange guide Rong Zian out of the kitchen toward the bedroom and whispered right into his ear, "If you want, I can cuddle you to sleep and cure your insomnia?"

An endless string of curses filled his mind, 'Fuck! Fuckkkkkk! What the hell happened when I was asleep?' incapable of comprehending Wu Yange's capricious behaviour. He wondered if something happened while he was busy playing cards with his mother. Did he miss out on some kind of huge event that tilted the world in his favour?

Rong was in no way a shy maiden, he agreed straight up, no need to play the polite tug of war. He took off his outer garment immediately and hopped to the left side of the bed waiting for Wu Yange to emerge from behind the folding screen. Just when he was wondering why the man would need to hide from him while taking off just his outer garment, Wu Yange walked out shirtless showing off his chiselled chest all nonchalant with no care in the world.

Although pretending not to care, Wu Yange knew Rong Zian was staring at him from under the quilt. He put on a deadpan expression restraining himself from laughing. Rong Zian had done this to him twice, once shirtless and the other time fully nude. 'Revenge is a dish best served cold,' he thought lying down on the right side facing him.

'AAAHHHH! I mustn't look,' screamed Rong Zian in his mind, covering his eyes with the quilt, 'but I must peek a little,' peeking out an eye at the corner.

Wu Yange peeled the quilt off Rong Zian's head and said, "It's hot don't cover your face. You will have a hard time breathing," in an authoritative tone that Rong Zian could only obey.

Feeling brazen, Wu Yange placed his arm around Rong Zian's lower back and drew him close till Rong Zian's nose was in direct contact with the well-built chest of this male god. "Sleep early, tomorrow I need to talk to you about something," he said before drifting off to sleep with Rong Zian in his arms.

'Fuck! Yan Yan is not playing fair,' thought Rong Zian trying to chant a mantra so as to calm his sensitive little brother who had been stimulated.


Rong Zian barely got any sleep snuggling in Wu Yange's arms, with the prince bare chest taunting him. Mind blown while blushing were the keyword of that evening, his eyes wide open the entire night. He only managed to catch a snooze at dawn. Finally, he realised that the prince might actually like him too as he dozed off with a beatific expression on his face.

He slept-in, only to be woken up by a soft knocking sound coming from the door. Rong Zian sat up with his hair out of place feeling sluggish. In a daze, he decided to snooze a little more pulling the quilt over his head and curled up like sleeping cat. Just as he closed his eyes, he suddenly recalled last night's events. "Fuck!" he yelled instantly sitting up with the quilt flying to the floor.

"You are finally awake," said the prince with a gentle smile, all dressed up as he walked to the door, "quickly get ready. We are having breakfast in the garden."

Rong Zian covered himself up with the quilt in embarrassment, his hair really looked like he had just come out of a hurricane. Wu Yange opened the door wondering who had the audacity to disturb him. The maiden saluted the prince finally stating her purpose, "My humble apologies Your Highness but Miss Zhao Lee is here to see you. She been waiting for almost two hours," she said in a soothing tone attempting to appease the prince.

A few feet away, Zhao Lee was indeed standing with her servant, her head slightly bowed but she could see Wu Yange standing at the door as handsome as always making her heart flutter. Their eyes met for split second and she couldn't resist smiling shyly believing Wu Yange still had an eye for her. While having a cherry blossom moment like in a romantic K-drama, she noticed a figure walking past the door in Wu Yange's bedroom with dishevelled hair resembling a bird's nest. Her heart sank with a slight grimace on her face. Zhao Lee elbowed her servant and asked, "Who was that in the prince's room?"

Scared of being punished, she spoke in a soft voice, "I don't know Miss but I can ask around for you."

Irritated that she was still standing there instead of making inquiries, she scolded her in a low voice lest anyone hears them. Go! What are you waiting for? If you don't find anything useful, ten lashes will be waiting for you when we get back."

The terrified servant scurried away just as Wu Yange approached Zhao Lee. "Your Highness," she said saluting with a radiant smile that could easily melt one's heart.

Wu Yange especially irritated but reserved replied, "Be at ease," as he began to walk towards the garden, "To what do I owe the pleasure of such an unexpected visit. A message in advance would have been highly appreciated," he said in such a formal tone as though unfamiliar. Wu Yange felt slight guilt when it came to her because they were both innocent victims in an effort to fulfil other people's agendas but he had moved on while Zhao Lee, though barely seeing him, had stayed steadfast. Hence his distant behaviour towards her to eliminate any kind of hope.

"My humble apologies, I have been coming here each day for the past three days but was told Your Highness didn't wish to be disturbed whilst in seclusion. I only kept coming out of concern," she said with a wronged expression as though being bullied.

Wu Yange sighed before allowing her to sit and join them for breakfast. He had meant to eat with only Rong Zian but couldn't be rude and chase her off. 'I might as well invite Ying Tie otherwise this will could get awkward,' he thought signalling for Ying Tie who was standing nearby. Wu Yange leaned in whispering the invitation but Ying Tie was not stupid enough to fall for it.

"I have already had my breakfast, please enjoy your meal, Your Highness," he replied loudly on purpose and ran off at light speed. Wu Yange scowled setting a reminder to make Ying Tie pay for that later. The food was served but Wu Yange didn't touch any of it as though waiting for something or someone.

Zhao Lee had to seize this chance otherwise she might not get another opportunity like this ever again. She started an almost one-way conversation with Wu Yange trying to get his attention but the prince was constantly looking back at the path leading into the garden slightly anxious. He was about to stand up when he noticed Rong Zian approaching them at a fast pace. Wu Yange unknowingly smiled, bit his lower lip and began nervously fiddling with his chopsticks.

All this didn't miss Zhao Lee's line of sight as she struggled to keep the stiff smile on her face. Rong Zian, on the other hand, was simply excited and couldn't wait to have breakfast with Wu Yange. But he soon noticed the woman sitting on the table and his steps slowed down screaming from within, 'It's fuckin' Zhao Lee. Oh fudge, Zhao Huang hence Zhao Lee's old man. How didn't I freaking notice, ah shit I really don't feel like dealing with her right now,' he thought with a stiff face as he swiftly turned back to where he came from.

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