Prince and His Fool

Chapter 79: Studying

Chapter 79: Studying

It was currently Wu Yange's turn to spill his secrets and Rong Zian went straight for the grand prize. "When did you start liking me," he asked making a couple of guesses but all his assumptions were completely off track.

Ying Tie chimed in, "I think he's going to say the day Wu Fan came after you."

"Nah I think it's when Wu Yinyou kidnapped me," guessed Rong Zian eagerly waiting for Wu Yange's answer.

Wu Yange chuckled and confessed, "When I found you drugged at the Rong Mansion."

The two were tongue-tied in disbelief. "That long? Wow you honestly did a good job hiding it," replied Rong Zian simply amazed. 'Hahaha I wouldn't have guessed,' he thought while Wu Yange took his turn spinning the bottle which landed on his baobei.

"When Wu Fan ferried your soul who were you with?" asked Wu Yange but Rong Zian gazed at him slack-jawed and quickly drank the cup. There was no way he going to confess who did what with whom. Wu Yange's brow furrowed but didn't say anything. Rong Zian quickly spun the bottle so they could move on before Wu Yange could press him for an answer.

The bottle landed on Ying Tie and Rong Zian strike while the iron was hot, "Do you find Wu Fan attractive?" Ying Tie blushed like a bride on her wedding night but chose alcohol instead. Tensions between Rong Zian and Ying Tie were on the rise as they did a back and forth with each. They began to think the bottle was biased in Wu Yange's favour.

"Have you had sex with anyone before," asked Ying Tie being a little cannon fodder. Technically Rong Zian did in another body but being the presiding soul it meant he willingly did the birds and the bees with Wu Yange in an alternate universe. He drank the hell out that cup with Wu Yange's gaze burning a hole in his cheek.

"Do you miss Wu Fan?" fired back Rong Zian already hazy and Ying Tie was in a worse state than he was.

Deciding not to partake the intoxicating Guang brew, he answered, "I fucking do all right. He said he would be right back but he's not and that was shitty move. He kissed me here and ran off like a criminal. Wi-will he take some fuckin responsibility. Such a slag man!" rumbled Ying Tie amusing the hell out of Rong Zian.

"HAHAHAHA! That's so fucking funny," he burst out laughing but was too wasted that he fell over. Lucky for him Wu Yange had good reflexes and caught him in time. His flushed face and slightly open moist cherry plump lips had Wu Yange thinking impure things but he was still curious to know who Rong Zian had slept with and what he did when his soul crossed over into another dimension. He directly drank from the bottle hoping it would put him to sleep otherwise he will tossing and turning all night thinking about his unanswered questions. Tipsy enough, he carried Rong Zian in princess carry back to their room.

A sobbing Ying Tie was helped to his room by the servants ending their truth or drink game that opened up a can of worms and maybe or hopefully brought them closer together.


It's safe to say the two lovers were intoxicated though one was more lucid than the other. Wu Yange placed Rong Zian on the bed and helped him take off his outer garment. This version of Rong Zian was completely new to him and he had no clue how to handle it especially when the alcohol was starting to get to his head making his vision blurry.

He lay down beside him placing his hand on Rong Zian's waist their bodies closely huddled together. His face was buried in Rong Zian's neck making his tipsy boyfriend feel itchy all over his body. "Zian are you awake?" asked Wu Yange with his stray hand fondling his chest as he drew his body closer with no gap between them.

"Mm, I am awake. Why?" asked Rong Zian, whilst thinking, 'Shit! He better not be thinking of topping me right now. I am not prepared for this. Too close, too fuckin' close Yan Yan,' but the question he asked silence Rong Zian's filthy brain.

"Do you still think about the person you wanted to confess too?" asked Wu Yange crossing his fingers that his lover had gotten over whomever he had a crush on before otherwise he might have to commit murder and obliterate his love rival. Seeing that Rong Zian wasn't saying anything, Wu Yange gently shook him whining, "Baobei why are you not answering?"

Rong Zian didn't mean to stall but this side of his boyfriend was just adorkable. 'Haha, this too fucking priceless. Makes me want to bully him,' he thought with his hands covering his face to hide that smirk. "Yeah, I still think about, it's even gotten much worse now, I mea-," he replied but was cut off when Wu Yange suddenly hovered his head above Rong Zian before lowering his head.

His warm breath caressed the man's lips before delivering a steamy imperious yet gentle deep kiss with his warm tongue tracing his lover lips before evading every inch of his mouth. Their tongues touched stimulating intensifying the pleasurable sensation as a flood of happy hormones gushed all over their bodies. Rong Zian was kissed till his brain became mushy as he lay down powerless.

Wu Yange gazed down at him uttering, "Not allowed you can't think of anyone else apart from me, do you understand?" with a taunt look on his face.

Rong Zian's IQ had plummeted drastically after that kiss, unable to think straight but he still managed to clarify his terrible joke. "I wanted to confess to you from the start. There was never anyone else, everything I did was just for you," he replied gently grazing Wu Yange's cheek with love in his eyes.

Wu Yange was instantaneously pacified with the taunt expression being replaced by a radiant one with a hint of surprise. "Promise you will never leave me," said Wu Yange with his head buried in Rong Zian's neck breathing in his scent.

"I promise, I will never leave you though I pretty sure that you will hunt me down if I did," he said almost whispering in his ear.

Wu Yange didn't raise his head mumbling, "Yes, hunt you down and lock both of us up. You won't be able to escape then."

"You little psycho, I heard that," replied Rong Zian laughing so hard that vibration on his chest transferred into Wu Yange's body. The prince suddenly felt the urge to start mischief. That kiss had roused the beast in him and he wanted a taste of his sweet lover lying beneath him. With his haughty fiery tongue, he licked Rong Zian's exposed neck before sucking on it like a leech that wouldn't let go. A stunned Rong Zian didn't foresee such mischievous behaviour and tried to escape the clutches of this sensual beast.

Not that he didn't want to get laid but this Wu Yange was inexperienced and didn't know jerk. He was fully aware of what this man could make him feel in bed and wanted for him to at least be knowledgeable before popping his cherry. 'This Laozi is willing to be topped by you but you at least need to know what you doing,' thought Rong Zian trying to keep his mind clear because whatever Wu Yange was doing to his neck was quite seductive.

"Aaaahhhh Yan Yan stop," he said patting his shoulder but Wu Yange was a little wayward cub, his hand tracing Rong Zian's body in a slow-motion till it reached the man's butt kneading a few times before lifting Rong Zian's leg wrapping it around his own waist. With his lover legs pulled apart, Wu Yange fit in perfectly with a subtle grinding motion while his little brother poking at Rong Zian.

"Ssshhh you're talking too much," said Wu Yange in a charming whisper, kissing his cheeks moving on to the corner of his mouth.

In last a ditch effort to dissuade Wu Yange, he said, "Yan Yan you need to some research first so we can thoroughly enjoy it," in a lazy tone as he found himself responding to Wu Yange's advances. 'Fuck! It's like fending off a damn husky, so sticky,' he thought as the prince lifted his head staring right at him.

"Research?" he asked with one eyebrow higher than the other. He remembered sending Ying Tie off to do some research but didn't get to ask him if he found anything useful.

"Yes study, I have such high expectations so you need to study," exclaiming Rong Zian with a meaningful expression.

"You promise if I study you will let me," replied Wu Yange nervously biting his lower lip.

"Mm, now be good and sleep, okay?" But Wu Yangehad something else in mind, he kissed Rong Zian's forehead before jumping over him to get off the bed. Rong Zian was puzzled as he watched the man hurriedly get dressed as though being chased. Wu Yange wanted to wake up Ying Tie, he couldn't wait any longer and had to make Rong Zian his completely.

"You sleep, I will be right back," he said dashing through the door disappearing without a trace. "What the fuck was that?" said a perplexed Rong Zian sitting up on the bed. He didn't know that Ying Tie was being sobered up by Wu Yange for information and the man didn't come back for the rest of night 'studying'.

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