Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 116: Before Departure

Chapter 116: Before Departure

"Student Liu Yang, training room number 0 is a little bit special compared to the others in the school. Training room number 0 was created to simulate an invasion of creatures, the injuries caused by the creatures and the pain were real. The simulation ended automatically when the half-hour has passed or the student has won the third wave "Cao Wen answered the question vaguely.

"I see ... As I passed the test, will I have my application accepted?" Liu Yang asked to confirm.

"Yes, the director has already made your registration official. See, this was just posted on the school's online wall. "Cao Wen showed Liu Yang his computer.

The page was showing students of the Eastern High-School who were accepted for the Graduation Challenge. But there was only one name written, Liu Yang.

"I thank the teacher and the principal for that"

"Student Liu Yang, don't worry about it. You did it on your own merit. You can come home if you want. "

"See you sometime"

"Student Liu Yang, I almost forgot about that. The principal gave you a few more months of vacation to train before the Graduation Challenge starts. Student Liu Yang, you don't have to go to school for the next few months after classes start. "

"It's all right. I would ask the principal for this, he saved me time to do that. Teacher, thank the principal for me "Liu Yang bowed and left, he was coming home.

"Principal, he thanked you for giving him more vacation time" Cao Wen spoke casually. There was no one in the place but him, but something surprising happened next. A shadow appeared and the principal appeared.

"His performance is much better than I imagined. I never thought he would be able to beat the three waves so fast "

"This is really incredible. I can't imagine how he did it "

"It looks like our country will have yet another extremely powerful mage in the future"


News of Liu Yang being the first student to be enrolled in the Graduation Challenge has spread to all schools and universities in the country. No one believed it when this news was heard, but when everyone looked at the challenge's website, they confirmed it was really true. Liu Yang was the first student to be registered to participate in the Graduation Challenge.

Many thought that Liu Yang was crazy, because an intermediate mage participating in the challenge was crazy, besides being suicidal. That was the thinking of ordinary students.

However, the situation was different for students with influential and powerful backgrounds. These students knew that to have the application accepted, the student must pass an extremely difficult and insane test. If not, they would not have the application accepted.

If Liu Yang is enrolled in the Graduation Challenge, it showed that he passed the Eastern School's insane test. This proved that his power was much greater than that imagined by others.

The Xie clan was surprised when they found out about Liu Yang being approved to participate in the Graduation Challenge, it showed that he had some potential. But to pass the clan test, Liu Yang had to pass the Graduation Challenge in a few months.

The Xiao clan was also surprised about this matter, they were eager to know about Liu Yang's performance in the challenge and see if he would pass or not.

The most nervous people were Xiao Me's parents and Xie Xinyuei's parents, as they didn't want Liu Yang to get hurt during the challenge.


After returning home, Liu Yang called Xiao Mei and Song Jia, he asked them to visit his home to talk for a while. Liu Yang would tell them that he would try to take the Graduation Challenge.

The two girls were shocked when they heard about it but soon calmed down after Liu Yang vaguely explained the situation over the phone. He would explain better when the two girls visited his house.

Xiao Mei and Song Jia paid a visit two days later, they were training and didn't have time to visit the day after Liu Yang's call.

Liu Yang explained the situation to the two girls, he talked about the subject of Xie Xinyue and her clan was trying to make things difficult about his marriage arrangement with her. The two girls were annoyed by this subject, they knew a little about the wedding arrangement.

After discovering that Liu Yang needed to pass the Graduation Challenge to be accepted by the Xie clan, the two girls were startled. They knew the dangers of the graduation challenge.

Neither Xiao Mei nor Song Jia tried to dissuade Liu Yang from participating in the Graduation Challenge, they just did what a good wife would do. The two girls comforted and gave themselves to Liu Yang as a form of encouragement to him.

The two girls stayed at Liu Yang's house for five days before returning home. The trio played in every way possible before the girls returned.

Xie Xinyue did not visit Liu Yang, she just sent him a message saying that she was preparing a big gift for him the day before he traveled to the place where the participants will gather for the Graduation Challenge. Liu Yang was curious to know about the present, but he just left that matter aside, because thinking about it too much would come to nothing.

After Xiao Mei and Song Jia left, Liu Yang left his house a bit to buy some things before returning.

In the basement of the house ...

Liu Yang was already stretching while the Little One was jumping from side to side, she was also training in her own way. The Little One will need to use her powers to help Liu Yang during the Graduation Challenge.

"Little One, are you ready?"

"Yes master, I am ready to train" The little mouse replied mentally, she was prepared to train hard.

"Let's start our intensive training" Liu Yang waved his hand and the illusory array activated.

The basement turned into a large open field with short grass, the place was plain. Ten meters from Liu Yang there was a small target, the second target was fifty meters away, the third was at a hundred, the fourth was two hundred and so on.

Liu Yang would further refine his control over the use of magical energy. While the Little One's training was to grow the grass, create roots and stems to trap opponents.

"First, I will seal my level up to the level 1 beginner mage. I will try to hit targets up to a kilometer away using only the amount of magical energy of a beginner mage. I hope I can do this "Liu Yang's goal was to use the least amount of magical energy possible to reach the target as far as possible. If he can do this, Liu Yang will increase his cultivation by one level and redo the same training again.

"Attacking targets at ten and fifty meters is easy, the problem is more targets. I also need to time the time it takes for my attacks to reach targets ... "Liu Yang waved his hand and a wind needle appeared. A timer was in his left hand while his right was to create objects with magical energy.

Shuooo ...

The needle easily hit the target ten meters away.

"Three seconds to hit the target. The amount of magic energy that I used was minimal in this attack "

Shuooo ...

Another needle was created and launched at the same target. However, the speed was much higher than before.

"Two seconds I increased the amount of magic energy a little at the time of launch. This increased the speed and impact power of the needle. Another try"

Shuooo ...

"Less than half a second If I use all my energy as a beginner magician to launch the needle, hitting a target ten meters in less than half a second is possible. How much energy would it take to break the sound barrier? " Liu Yang wanted to know the answer to that question.

If he could hit his targets with an attack that breaks the sound barrier, he would be almost invincible in a fight.

"Before thinking about it, I need to test the other distances ..."

Liu Yang started doing the same procedures for the other distances, creating a needle and throw to see how long it hits the target. He did this for two months using the wind element, the other three months it was using the thunder element.

Training with the water element, Liu Yang did something else, he created water bubbles with air inside to try to breathe into the water. This was just in case he needs to swim.

Every time the targets were hit and the analyses done, Liu Yang increased his cultivation level by one, meaning that when he finished hitting all targets as a level 1 beginner mage, he regulated his cultivation for a beginner mage level 2. And so on to advanced level 1. Liu Yang did this for both the element of wind and the element of thunder.

This tedious and boring training lasted four months before the day finally came. The day that Liu Yang and the rest of the participants would travel to the Graduation Challenge place.

The day before the departure, Liu Yang received the gift from Xie Xinyue. She showed up at his house wearing light clothes while there was a light touch of makeup on her beautiful face. But that failed to hide her flushed face.

Liu Yang's gift was her, Xie Xinyue decided to give herself to Liu Yang as a motivational gift.

Xie Xinyue prepared herself mentally during the four months before she accumulates the courage and made this bold move.

That night, she had her first time. The most unforgettable night for her. The night she turned into a woman.

The couple did it slowly at first, as it was Xie Xinyue's first time, but after a few rounds, they started doing it in a hard and wild way, like two animals in heat. The couple's night was long and wild.

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