Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 128: Disappearance

Chapter 128: Disappearance

A big explosion occurred in the water, to be more exact, at the bottom of the main island.

A strong tremor shook the island after the explosion.

The next instant, several lights appeared on the island instantly. These lights were military men who were on guard on the ancient island of Taiwan.

"What happened?? Did someone attack the defensive formation at the bottom of the island ?? " An old man asked, he was shocked by what just happened.

"We are going to the island to check it out. I felt many students together in the same place. " The group went towards the students. The place where they were hiding.

"What happened?? Why was there a tremor on the island ?? "

"It looks like someone attacked the island's protective magic. But who did that? "

The students were discussing the sudden tremor. They knew some information about Penghu, and the quake was something that shouldn't have been there.

"What happened here?" The old men came and asked. They saw that many were injured and covered with injuries. But that was expected.

"Invaders. Members of the Return God Sect invaded the island "Cai Tu was the person who responded.


"How is that possible ??? !!!"

"Why did they invade the island ???? !!!!"

The group of old people was shocked by Cai Tu's words, none of them imagined that the Return God Sect invaded the island. For none of them detected any members of the sect on the island.

"It was Liu Yang. He found one of the ten God of Elements equipment on the island "

"What did he find?????? !!!!" Those words were another bomb in the old man's ear. They almost had a heart attack when they heard those words.

"But Liu Yang threw away the magic equipment" Cai Tu spoke again.

"What did he do???? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A weak-hearted old man couldn't stand it and almost passed out.

"Cai Tu, you need to stop talking like that. We are already old and have heart problems. We can't stand you giving us that many surprises. " An old man spoke. He was scared of the things that Liu Yang had done.

"Admiral, I apologize for that. You should bring Liu Yang and his friend over here. They are still on their island, I suppose "

"I see ..." The old man closed his eyes before opening it again. He waved his hand and a strong wind blew. One person appeared next, it was Su Min.

"Young man, where's Liu Yang?" The old man asked Su Min, everyone was looking at him waiting for the answer.

"Sir, I don't know. He only said that he would attract the attention of the outside when attacking the defensive magic under the island. I don't know where he is, he asked me to hide until the magic barrier is attacked "Su Min didn't hide anything and spoke the truth.

"Was he the one who attacked defensive magic? He's just an intermediate mage, how did he do that? Su Min, you are lying "The students could not believe these words, as an intermediate magician couldn't damage a defensive spell of several Saint Mages.

"Tell me what happened. I want to know everything "The old man realized that things were more delicate than he thought.


Su Min narrated the things that happened after they arrived on the island until the moment that Liu Yang asked him to hide. Even the video Liu Yang showed, he gave Su Min the video device. Liu Yang knew that something like that could happen.

After Su Min told his story, everyone believed that Liu Yang really attacked the defensive magic created by several Saint Mage. He managed to damage the magic, that was unbelievable.

(He really did it !!!!! How is that possible ???? !!!!!) Everyone's mind was a mess because of that, none of them could accept this situation.

"Admiral, you need to attack that crocodile on that island. It has magic equipment. It seems that after Liu Yang threw it away, the magic equipment was eaten by the crocodile. "Cai Tu spoke quickly.

If the old men manage to kill the crocodile, they will get the other half of the fork. Since they realized that a part belongs to the Return God Sect.

"Why didn't you say that before ???? Shit!!!!" The old man closed his eyes and scanned the entire island. But no sign of the crocodile.

"Shit The crocodile ran away, it must have felt our presence. We think the crocodile was attracted like other sea beasts. Because of that, we left it on the island. " The old man spoke dejectedly, they lost a great fortune.

"Admiral, what will happen with the Graduation Challenge? It will still continue or it will end "

"The challenge will end. Defensive magic needs to be repaired. Besides, we have to look for Liu Yang, he disappeared after attacking defensive magic. He was taken somewhere because of the reverse reaction.

Protective magic will react if attacked. Liu Yang must have attacked with extremely great power to damage the barrier. You are lucky, if he had not damaged the barrier, the crocodile would kill you all in the remaining five minutes. "The admiral knew information about sea creatures. He knew how strong a rank 7 sea beast was.

"I will ask my clan to make efforts to search for his body." Cai Tu could not believe that Liu Yang was alive after receiving the reverse reaction of the barrier.

"You don't have to worry about that, he is still alive. If he dares to attack the defensive magic of a Saint Mage, he must be guaranteed to make it out alive. " The admiral spoke impressively.

For an intermediate magician to come out alive after receiving the reverse reaction of the barrier created by several Saint Mage. This was insane.

"Admiral, I know that he has a bride and two lovers. What are you going to do about it? The two clans are not small if they know what happened to Liu Yang. There must be some problems ... "Cai Tu spoke worriedly. He knew some information about Liu Yang. Furthermore, his relationship with Xiao Mei, Song Jia and Xie Xinyue was no secret. Many have seen them together in various locations.

"You don't have to worry about that. As long as he doesn't die, there will be no problems. You will come back. The challenge will continue elsewhere, but before that, you will have a week of rest. "

"Yes sir" Several military planes arrived after the admiral's words. The students started to board.

The students who died were taken to be buried. Many were killed by sea beasts while many others were killed by members of the Return God Sect.

After everyone had boarded, the old people got together.

"Admiral, what are we going to do now? If something happens to Liu Yang, those people will not be happy about it. "One of them asked, he was referring to Tang Chen and Liu Yang's grandparents.

"I know that. But there is nothing we can do at the moment, he received a heavy blow because of the reverse reaction of the barrier. He must have been sent too far, he may have been a throw in some direction. Send search ships and search near Penghu, if there is any trace of magical energy, look there. "

"Understood" The old men left shortly thereafter.

"Liu Yang, I hope you don't die ... If not, a big problem will arise ..." The old man murmured before disappearing.

Information about the invasion of the Return God Sect to Penghu spread among the great shots. Everyone was surprised when they heard about it.

No one imagined that Liu Yang could find a piece of one of the God of Elements' ten pieces of equipment by defeating a sea beast at random. Liu Yang's luck was enviable by many, he had already sold one of these pieces of equipment for a large amount of wealth, what would happen if he sold another?

Besides, he also managed to damage the barrier erected by several Saint Mages from these big shots while he was just an intermediate mage. How can they not be scared and shocked by this? It was impossible not to be.

The clans that had their members participating in the Graduation Challenge thanked Liu Yang for saving his members, even though he was the person who caused this confusion.

The situation was inevitable because Liu Yang had found one of the God of Elements' ten pieces of equipment. If you compare Liu Yang to others, he was indeed superior. Because he threw the item away without a second thought. Only people with a strong mind could do something like that.

The people most affected by Liu Yang's disappearance were Xiao Mei, Song Jia, and Xie Xinyue. Mainly, Xiao Mei, she was very much in love with Liu Yang. Because of his disappearance, she suffered a lot at first.

But after a few days of crying and suffering, she composed herself and realized that he was still alive because of the item he left for her and the two girls. Liu Yang gave them an amulet to show whether he was alive or not. This helped the girls to endure his disappearance.

Liu Yang's in-laws and grandparents did not care much about the disappearance. If he managed to damage the barrier created by several Saint Mages, he could survive the reverse effect of the barrier. That was what they believe, but internally, they were praying for Liu Yang's well-being and that he would return as soon as possible.

This issue did not spread much among the less influential groups and ordinary people, because the big shots, the government, and the military do not want them to know that a group invaded the territory of China and caused the death of hundreds of young people while they were training. This can cause great popular dissatisfaction.

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