Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 156: Tokyo 2120 Magic Olympic Games

Chapter 156: Tokyo 2120 Magic Olympic Games

While Liu Yang was traveling through the desert with Ivy and training Sarina and Mia.

A great event was taking place in the world. One of the most awaited events for all nations. The Olympic Magic Games of the year 2120.

Unlike before, when the Olympics took place every four years, the Olympic Magic Games take place every five years.

As in the past, the Olympics bring together the best youngs of the youngest generation in the country. The age limit is twenty-five years.

Each region tried its best to improve the strength of young people so that they could compete, but not everyone can compete, as there were limited places in the competition. Fifty in total.

Each federation had its own representative team. The great nations like the Union of European Nations, Union of Latin American Nations and others, they had their internal competition to build the team. Because they had more than one country within the federation.

Thus, they can get members from other countries to build the team since they are part of the same federation.

Countries like China, Japan, Korea, and the New United Kingdom, these countries can only send members of their own country to compete. But they also had their own selection methods.

The organization that organizes the Olympics is still the same, The IMOC, but the name has been changed a little to IMOC, International Magic Olympic Committee.

The internal competition in each country was hard and only the best can join the team. Each country tried its best to choose its members.

Selection tests take place about six months before the games, but the big shots of each country were already preparing their members long before that.

The competition of the year 2120 will take place in Japan, or rather, in the mystical realm created by the country to host the Olympic Magic Games.

Tokyo, Japan

The capital was already fully decorated and animated for the start of the Olympic Games. Millions of tourists traveled to Japan to see the beautiful opening.

The sky was clear without a cloud, all the stars can be seen shining in the sky, the full moon was like a giant ball in the sky. The weather was perfect for walking down the street wearing a shirt and trousers.

Crowds of people were walking in the streets and visiting stores, everyone was happy and smiling. The festive mood covered the whole country

The buses with each of the federations were already on the streets towards the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony is held at Tokyo Olympic Stadium. The stadium was already packed with people from all nations, they were looking forward to seeing young people from their countries walking in the opening parade.

Tong Tong Tong

The stage bell began to ring.

"Whoa !!!!!!" The crowd was going crazy, as the ceremony was beginning, they focused their eyes on the center of the stadium while taking pictures and filming. All countries were looking at this moment on their monitors.

The stadium lights went out and focused only on the center, but nothing happened after a few seconds of suspense. An explosion of light happened and a stage appeared on the spot.

The stage was decorated with bright lights and some people were standing in preparation for the opening performance. Each of them was cosplaying old Japanese anime, from before the Great Change.

A song started playing and the characters dance according to the song, they also used their skills as in the anime. The large screens above the stage began to show scenes from famous anime in the past such as Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and others.

The theme that Japan chose for this Olympics Games in the past before the Great Change.

A few minutes later, the music ended and the characters stopped dancing. Everyone gathers around in the center of the stage. The lights then go out, a mood of mystery has been raised.

Viewers were curious about what was going to happen next.

A moment later, a green tunnel similar to that of Super Mario appeared in the center of the stage. The lights were focused on that tunnel.

Tap Tap

Footsteps were heard before smoke came out of the tunnel.

Shuooo !!!! The loud sound of someone firing something was heard. A trail of smoke was lifted into the sky.

Everyone looked at the sky and saw a person flying while riding a fire horse. He was wearing shiny samurai armor and two katanas around his waist.

This person descended slowly to the stadium entrance before walking slowly and solemnly towards the center of the stadium. There was the torch to be lit.

Looking closely, you could see that it was a middle-aged man who was wearing samurai armor.

His steps were constant, the crowd was following the man with their eyes and waiting for him to light the torch.

The location of the torch was a large altar with a giant bowl on top.

The instant he reached the altar, the middle-aged man bowed before taking off both katanas.

Booom !!!

The two katanas caught fire. The middle-aged man cut towards the bowl.

The flames burned and the flame inside the bowl was lit. This symbolized the beginning of the Tokyo Magic Olympic Games in the year 2120.

"Whoaaaaaa !!!!!!!" The crowd burst into euphoria when this scene was seen. The whole world went into euphoria.

Papapapapa ...

Screams and applause were heard when the opening ceremony ended.

One of the most anticipated events in the world has finally begun.

Tong Tong Tong

The bell started to ring again. The announcer began to narrate the arrival of the federations.

Background music started to play with the arrival of the federations.

"Empire of Japan" The announcer spoke.

The music grew louder and the crowd went wild when members of the Japanese federation started to enter the stadium. As Japan was the host country for the Olympic Games, they were the first country to enter the stadium.

"Whoaaa !!!!!!!!!!!" The Japanese at the stadium entered into euphoria when they saw their participants.

The fifty youths were walking in an orderly and solemn manner while holding the flag of Japan. Many of them were waving to the audience as they walked along the path to the center of the stadium.

"New United Kingdom"

The announcer announced the next country to enter. Like the winner of the previous Olympics. The New United Kingdom was the second country to enter. The hosts were always the first.

"Whoaaaa !!!!" Tourists who came from the New UK screamed with joy when they saw participants from their country enter the stadium.

The young people were doing the same thing as the participants in Japan, waving and smiling at the audience.

"United States of North America Federation" They were the second place in the previous Olympics.

"Union of the European Nations" They were placed third.

"South Alliance" The fifth place.

"Federation of the Sahara"

"Empire of Korea"


"Mother Russia"

"Union of Latin American Nations"

"Empire of Mongolia"

These were the eleven remaining groups in the world. Many countries ceased to exist after the Great Change. Many were destroyed and others annexed by other countries, while others formed great alliances to form a single large country or federation.

The Olympics anthem began to play and the participants were in the center of the arena with their eyes closed and showing respect to the world. The audience was also quiet and listened to music.

When the song ended, the lights on the stage went out before focusing on the stage in front of all the participants. An elderly man with white hair appeared suddenly on the stage. He looked like a normal old man with no magic power, but those who know the old man know that he is very powerful.

"Hello. It is a pleasure to see you all. My name is Cohen Day, I am the current head of the Olympic Committee. Like all editions, I must make the motivational speech for young mages, not just those who are here in the competition, but for all young mages in the world.

As head of the committee, I hope that you, young mages, will strive to show the world the potential of each of you. Show the world what you came to show. At the same time, have fun and continue with your training during the competition.

Young mages, becoming a strong mage is easy, as you will always be stronger than someone else. But becoming a great magician is difficult, as not everyone has the same ability to maintain beliefs throughout the journey to becoming stronger.

Me and your respective countries, we hope you will never get lost during this journey and go the wrong way. This is an important point that you, young mages, must remember. Always follow your convictions and never abandon your dreams.

With that, I finish my speech. So, I declare that the Tokyo 2120 Olympic Games will begin "

"Whoaaa !!!!!!

Papapapapa ...

Screams and applause were heard when the committee chairman finished his speech.

"I am pleased to say that I look forward to seeing your's perform, young mages" The head of the committee waved his hand and a group of elderly people appeared beside him.

"Now, we are going to open the portal to the mystical realm, the place where you will compete. Before opening the portal, I will explain the rules.

The next phase of the competition will take place between all the federations. The first phase will decide who will be in the final keys, the first placed ones while the initial keys will stay for the last ones.

Those in the final braces will fight the others in the final keys and continue to advance until they fight the first place in the final. This is the general scope of the second phase of the competition.

The first phase will take place within a mystical kingdom created by the Japanese government especially for the Olympic games.

Your objective is very simple: to reach the safe zone of the mystical realm or to endure a month within the mystical realm. Competitors who achieve one of these two requirements are qualified for the next stage of the competition.

But how will it be decided on the classification orders? I will say it now.

Within the mystical realm, you will have to complete some missions to get points. Before entering, you will receive a special scroll containing the missions that you will have to perform every day.

There will be daily missions, one mission every three days, one per week, a special mission will be available when the only seven days left before the end. This mission can be completed or not, no one is required to complete, the same is true for other missions. No one needs to do to qualify for the next stage.

However, the more points your team gets, the less fight they will have to face in the second phase. So, we hope you will try to complete the missions and show the world your magical abilities.

Now, I'm going to talk about the rewards. Like all previous editions of the Olympics, the International Magic Olympic Committee will reward all participants for participating. This is the participation prize.

Those who reach the second phase will receive magic equipment, herbs, forge materials, or money, the choice is up to the participant. The value of the prizes varies according to the final result of the participants.

The prizes for the first three places will be special. In addition to the previous rewards, the Olympic committee will also give a few more things.

Each participant who reaches the third place will receive three drops of the Hundred Years Body Strengthening Liquid.

Each participant who reaches the second place will receive two drops of the Five Hundred Years Body Strengthening Liquid.

Each participant who reaches the first place will receive a drop of the Thousand Years Body Strengthening Liquid.

Those are the rewards for the top three. The committee expects everyone to strive to get there first.

Before opening the portal, I will say one last thing.

Federations that have fewer members reaching the second phase will have less advantage because if they fight another federation that has more members. The fight will be hard, so, young mages, try your best to reach the second stage.

Otherwise, your federation may be at a disadvantage due to the lower number in the next phase of the competition.

Recalling, the rewards of the first three places will only be given to those who reach these three places, the participants who were eliminated before, they will receive only the nominal rewards mentioned before.

As everything I needed to say, it has already been said. Open the portal!!! "

The ten elderly people made a circle around the stage, they sang a few things before a gigantic portal appeared in the middle of the stage.

"Empire of Japan" The announcer called. Japan would be the first country to enter, followed by the New United Kingdom, and so on.

The Tokyo 2120 Magic Olympic Games has finally started.

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