Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 160: Draining her opponent until she defeats him

Chapter 160: Draining her opponent until she defeats him

"If I was anyone else, you would have a chance of winning. But it's a shame that you found me "Xie Xinyue commented in a cold voice. Blue light began to shine around her body.

The surrounding snow started to melt quickly due to the great heat being emanated. Xie Xinyue was using her mutated water element, water that looked like fire.

"Tsunami" Xie Xinyue's cold and indifferent voice echoes. The magical energy exploded from her body. A great heat was felt the moment it happened.

The melted snow started to warm and bubble quickly, the ice a few moments ago turned to boiling water.

Xie Xinyue waved her hand, the surrounding water started to come together and form a big wave. Waving her hand again, the wave carried towards the monkeys like a great unstoppable tsunami.

Shuoooooooo !!!!!

Roar !!!!!!

The monkeys only had a chance to roar before they were destroyed by the tsunami. They didn't even have an opportunity to defend themselves.

"It looks like I still need to get twenty more of these elemental crystals" Xie Xinyue waved her hand and ten crystals flew to her.

The crystals were of transparent pain with a faint blue glow. These crystals were called Elemental Crystals, as they contained the power of the elements. In the case of the blue crystal, the element contained in it is water.

Xie Xinyue's mission was to get thirty elemental crystals from any element.

After defeating the ice monkeys, Xie Xinyue continued walk while following the compass.

(It looks like I'm already being followed. This person is not weak, I better avoid a possible fight early in the competition. But if I can do a surprise attack, I can get him out of the competition) Xie Xinyue put water particles hot in the air to detect hidden participants.

When these water particles collide with something solid, Xie Xinyue is able to know when it happens. This was a type of silent alarm, but there were also some flaws due to the amount of magic energy used to spread the particles.

Since Xie Xinyue did not use much magical energy to create these water particles, the distance under surveillance was not very long, but it was still enough to avoid an ambush. Like the current situation.

Knowing the location of the other competitor, Xie Xinyue prepared to set a trap and take the other participant off guard.

"Water Escape" A water bubble covered Xie Xinyue's body before sinking into the snow and disappearing from the scene.

This scene surprised the other participant. But he did not have the courage to go there without taking precautions.

The young man started walking slowly towards the hole to see if there was any kind of hiding place. His steps were slow, but steady. Around his body there was already white ice armor. He looked like a white knight hiding in the snow.

When he got to the hole, he was tense to see that there was nothing there, no sign of Xie Xinyue, but there was a tunnel in the side of the hole, which was some kind of path that she used to escape. It showed that her magic took her somewhere else.

(Is she hiding somewhere to ambush me? Or is she gone? This girl is also a Great Mage. My greatest misfortune is not being able to see her face, otherwise I would be sure of her powers) The young man was thinking about the possibilities of where Xie Xinyue could be.

How information about the participants was important. Each federation did its best to discover the elements and spells created from the other participants. Some even used illegal methods to obtain this information.

But to find out about it, the participant needed to see his opponent first to find out who he was before verifying the information.

The only thing the young man saw was Xie Xinyue's hair, but there were other girls in the competition with that type of hair. At least it was already possible to find out a little about his opponent. 

(Girl with long hair, white or gray. In the competition there are only four girls that fit this description. The first is called Sally Rahal, she belongs to the Sahara Federation, but she belongs to the same team as me, that option is discarded. Another is a girl named Xie Xinyue from the China team. The third is called Avidia Probus, she belongs to the team of the Union of Latin American Nations and the fourth is called Cline Barthel and she belongs to the Union of European Nations ) The young man looked at the device on his arm and looked for information about girls with gray or white hair.

(But she was using the water element. According to the data, only two girls have the water element. Xie Xinyue from the China team and Cline Barthel from the European Union. A little smoke appeared before the big wave appeared is a possible that she used the element of fire to melt the water?)

(The two participants also have these two elements. The girl named Xie Xinyue has the mutated element, her fire is cold while the water is hot. Her elements are opposite.

While Cline Barthel has the element of water mixed with ice, the water in her element is frozen water. While fire is a normal element and has no additional effects. It appears that the participant who appeared here is from the Chinese team, Xie Xinyue) The young man came to this conclusion after quickly analyzing the information he had about his opponent.

"Is it getting hotter ??" The young man felt that the ground below him was suddenly heating up.

(Shit !!!! She is hiding under the snow !!!!!!) The young man screamed in his mind when he realized what was happening. He hadn't let his guard down, but he hadn't been able to feel any kind of magical energy around him until now.

The young man started running as fast as he could, but it was too late. The ground around him had already turned to boiling water before it quickly evaporated.

A large crater appeared beneath the young man, but he did not fall.

"I will not fall so easily. Wings of Wind !! " Two wings of wind appeared on his back, he was floating in the air.

Without having time to breathe, the young man wanted to flee the place as quickly as possible. He knew he wouldn't stand a chance against Xie Xinyue who was hiding somewhere under the snow.

But before the young man could escape, something surprising happened. Chains of ice left the crater and chained the young man, dozens of chains. A penetrating cold went through his armor and was felt in his body.

(Chains of Ice !!!! She is not Xie Xinyue, but Cline Barthel. She is the only one who could have the ice element !!!) The young man understood that he was wrong to think wrong about his opponent's identity. Because of that error, he was about to be disqualified.

The young man did not wrong in his thinking, the problem was the lack of information about the elements that Xie Xinyue had. She has only shown two of her four elements since her appearance during the High-School Competition in China three years ago. So there was little information about her.

Xie Xinyue always remained discreet and rarely used her other two elements. She wanted to make a surprise during the Olympic Games.

Thus, her third element was finally shown, but at the same time, the element was hidden. Only experienced and careful mages will be able to discover this. The young man in chains would not be able to do this in the current situation.

(Shit !!! I let my guard down !!! I shouldn't have come to look at the hole !!! I can't lose here !!!) The young man shouted mentally. His magical power began to explode from his body.

The magical energy of a Great Magician began to emanate from his body. The young man was betting everything on his move to escape the chains, but it was not that easy. But something happened right away, his magical energy started to drain from his body.

"What did you do to me???!!!" The young man started screaming and struggling hysterically. He felt his body weak and the magical energy being drained, it scared him. He couldn't move his arms or do anything else.

(Shit !!! Somehow, these currents are draining my magical energies. Is that any other element? !!!!) The young man did not know the answer to that question. He could only let that happen and there were no ways to defend himself.

The chains of Xie Xinyue were draining the young man's magical energies at great speed. In less than ten seconds, the young man was already exhausted and had no energy in his body. If Xie Xinyue hadn't taken the cold out of the chain, the young man would have been dead from the cold.

The young man passed out due to loss of energy. White light covered his body before he was sent out of the mystical realm.

Xia Xinyue won the fight and defeated the enemy.

Crack Crack Crack

The chains cracked and broke before turning to dust.

A hole appeared in the ice and a giant bubble of water appeared. Xie Xinyue came out of the bubble, her clothes were dry. But her face was pale from the great use of magical energy.

"It seems that I still need to train my fourth element. This is very difficult to control. Luckily, I can avoid absorbing too much magical energy from him, "Xie Xinyue murmured. She was very tired after using everything to defeat the Great Magician of another federation.

A light fell from the sky and went towards Xie Xinyue. The light turned into a golden coin with the Olympic symbol, and a scroll, the mission scroll.

"He didn't score many points, but it's enough to increase mine" The currency was the participant's point counter, each participant had one.

Xie Xinyue received the coin of her opponent. She put the two coins together and her currency numbers increased by several tens.

(I need to find a place to rest and recover my energy) Xie Xinyue started walking the frozen plains in a lonely way.

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