Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 178: Conversation Between the Women(2)

Chapter 178: Conversation Between the Women(2)

"Yes. The young master watched every day, but he stopped after you two left. He had no reason to watch anymore "

"It's a pity that we left the competition early" Xie Xinyue spoke in a discouraging way. She and Xiao Mei wanted to continue, but it was impossible.

"You don't have to be discouraged. The young master was happy to see you "

"Can I ask you a question?" Mia was interested in the girls' identities.

"You can call us older sister. This is a custom of China "

"It's all right. You can call me Mia, it's just a little weird to be called a little sister. "Mia read a little about the culture of China the night before.

"You can call me Sarina as the young master"

"It's all right. Mia, what kind of question do you want to ask? "

"Sisters, are you lovers of the young master?" Mia looked at the three and asked. She had a vague idea about this. Sarina also thought the same thing.

The three looked at each other before answering.

"Yes. We are lovers of your young master. Song Jia and I are lovers while she is the bride "

"Ohh ..." Sarina and Mia were surprised to find that Liu Yang already had a beautiful bride, but he still had two more lovers.

(The young master is a great womanizer) The two women laughed internally. 

"Do you know your young master's name?"

"Yes. His name is not Li Wu, right? " Liu Yang had not yet told them his real name.

Sarina knew this would be a false name, as Liu Yang had spoken to them. And that he would be in trouble if his real name was exposed. Sarina and Mia didn't blame him for that.

"Yes, his name is not Li Wu. It's Liu Yang "

"Liu Yang ??? !!!" Sarina and Mia knew who Liu Yang was. They read the news about China last night.

One such news was about Liu Yang, the young mage who won the High-Schools Competition in the second year of high school. Another shocking news was that he damaged a barrier created by Saint Mage with the cultivation of an Intermediate Mage.

The second news was too shocking for the two women to deal with. They did not imagine that this person was their beloved young master.

Liu Yang had no magic power emanating from his body and he always hid half of his face. They finally realized that something had happened to Liu Yang to make him lost his magical powers.

"Do you know who he is?"

"Yes. We read some news last night, but we don't imagine that he is the young master. For the young master did not have any kind of magical power in his body "

"WHAT????!!! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE ???? !!! " The three girls screamed when they heard those words. They never imagined that something like this could have happened to Liu Yang.

"You need to calm down. The young master is fine. The young master said that he sealed his magical powers to train his body, you must know that he has a very strong body, right? "

"Yes. We know that he has a strange method for training his body. He has been doing this for a few years, but we never imagined he would go so far as to seal his own magical powers. That is very dangerous"

"You don't have to worry about that. The young master is fine, he spent a whole year traveling with us without his powers. He's very strong and is taking care of himself right now" Sarina was trying to calm the three girls down. She understood that they were concerned about Liu Yang.

Sarina and Mia were also concerned about Liu Yang, as he was going to the Amazon Rainforest.

"Do you know where Liu Yang is? Why didn't he come back with you? " Xiao Mei asked.

If Sarina and Mia traveled to China, why didn't he come back with them? The three girls wanted to know the answer to that question.

"Well ..." Sarina and Mia didn't know if they should talk about it. Because the place where Liu Yang was going was very, very dangerous.

"Is he going to a dangerous place?" Xiao Mei asked worriedly after seeing Sarina and Mia's hesitant face. The two could only nod in confirmation.

"Did Liu Yang go to the Amazon Rainforest?" Xie Xinyue asked in a serious tone. Despite the cold, indifferent face. Her tone was very concerned with Liu Yang.

Xie Xinyue had this thinking because this place was the most dangerous place near the Nazca Plateau City, the city was very close to the forest. Traveling for a few days, anyone could reach the forest.

If Liu Yang wanted to train his body, the Amazon Forest was one of the best places to do this.

"Amazon Rainforest??!! Sister Xinyue, Liu Yang went there alone ??? !!! What is he thinking???!!!" Xiao Mei and Song Jia were startled by Xie Xinyue's words. For they did not imagine that Liu Yang would have the courage to venture into the Amazon Rainforest.

"Sarina, did he really go there?" Xie Xinyue stared at Sarina. Her gaze was cold and penetrating, but the concern could not be hidden.

"Yes. The young master went to the Amazon Rainforest. But he was not alone, he took a girl named Ivy with him "

"Ivy ?? Who is she??"

"Ivy is a slave that Liu Yang bought at the slave auction in the city where he found us."


(Liu Yang, do you have that kind of fetish?? It looks like I misjudged you) The three girls felt strange when they heard those words. For it was very strange to see someone having a slave in the present age.

"Yes. As a city in the desert, the union has no time to take care of us. Thus, the Law of the Desert is the law, the weak are killed or enslaved and the strong ruler."

"Sarina, can you tell us more about this girl named Ivy?"

"Yes. Ivy... She's a strange girl, she looked like a ten-year-old, but her skin was totally pale with gray hair, she didn't have any kind of magical power in her body. Ivy always sleeps all day, it seems she never stays awake, it was very rare to see her awake. She always looked tired.

But one day, while we were resting, I had finished making lunch. The young master and little Ivy were inside the tent talking, when I opened it and looked inside, I was surprised by what I saw. Little Ivy, who looked like a ten-year-old the day before, she had grown up and looked like a sixteen-year-old. That was very strange. The young master didn't say why it happened, he just said that Ivy was having some problems.

After that day, Ivy didn't grow up again. She looked the same until Mia and I left. " Sarina spoke in general about Ivy, she also didn't know much about her.

"I see ..." Xie Xinyue was thoughtful when she heard the reports about Ivy.

"Sarina, did you ever smell the blood after Liu Yang and Ivy talked?"

"Smell of blood? Mia, have you smelled blood before? " Since Mia was the person who slept in the same tent as Ivy the longest time, she must have smelled blood inside.

"Yes. Mom, I always thought that was strange. Whenever I went to sleep, I smelled blood inside the tent. Is little Ivy doing this? "

"Sarina, Mia, this girl named Ivy. Does she look like this? " Xie Xinyue showed a picture on her cell phone. Xiao Mei and Song Jia were also curious to see the photo.

The photo Xie Xinyue showed was the adult version of Ivy.

"Yes. The teen version of Ivy looks like this woman in the photo, but her breasts and ass were smaller, "Mia commented. She was surprised to see the woman in the photo. Her breasts were bigger than her mother's.

"I see ..." Xie Xinyue understood what was going on.

"Sister Xinyue, do you know who this woman is?" This question attracted the attention of other women.

"I don't know who she is, but after doing a little research on the Xie clan's information network. I discovered this photo. The full name of this girl named Ivy is Ivy Les Sangs Purs. She is a member of the blood race that lives in Europe, more precisely in France. " Xie Xinyue spoke in a serious tone.

After seeing the information about Ivy, Xie Xinyue became even more concerned about Liu Yang. The situation was very dangerous for him.

"Blood Race? Sister Xinyue, are you referring to that race that drinks the blood of others? " Xiao Mei and Song Jia knew information about the blood race and vampires.

"Yes. They are, but they prefer to be called a blood race than vampires since they don't drink blood for fun, just out of necessity."

"But how did a member of the blood race appear in the middle of the desert? Don't they hate the sun? "

"This is difficult to know, but it seems that the objective of this girl named Ivy is within the Amazon Rainforest, and Liu Yang is trying to help her complete that objective"

"I apologize for bothering, but what is the blood race?" Sarina and Mia have never heard that term before. But after listening to the conversation, they understood that other races were living in the world.

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