Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 180: Something happened to her

Chapter 180: Something happened to her

Going back to the Atacama Desert some time ago ...

Somewhere in the desert, the place didn't just have sand as usual. Several brown rock mountains can be seen from the horizon. There was no sand around the mountain, only stones, and shadows.

Inside the mountain lived a special type of creature, Desert Fire Ants. The entire mountain was the anthill. Despite being much smaller than Anthill Hell in the Middle East, it was still an extremely dangerous place for anyone to enter.

Even the creatures that live in the desert do not have the courage to enter that place. This made the place the safest, but at the same time, the most dangerous.

Somewhere on that mountain, it was possible to see a strong flashing red glow. Looking more closely, we got to see two young people, a man, and a woman. The man looked 18-19 years old and the woman was approximately 24-26 years old.

The man's appearance was common, he looked like any young man you could find on the street. While the woman was beautiful, but what stood out the most was her gray hair that shone a strong red color like blood.

The two had one thing in common. Their bodies were covered with heavy wounds and a lot of blood was stained on their clothes.

The pair was meditating. Each of them was concentrating on meditation and healing the wounds.

The two were Liu Yang and Ivy.

Going back a sometimes ago...

After Sarina and Mia traveled to China. Liu Yang called Ivy, he told her that three members of the blood race were in the Nazca Plateau City. He asked her to prepare for combat.

Ivy understood that the three men were still looking for her and that they haven't given up yet.

Because of the long-distance, Ivy's scent was not noticed by the three men. But that does not mean that Ivy's scent on Liu Yang's body was not felt.

The three men smelled Ivy on Liu Yang's body, they imagined that he was the person who bought her at the slave auction and decided to follow him.

About Sarina and Mia, as the two were very weak and irrelevant to the situation, they ignored the two women. Because they were traveling to another country. Their mission was to capture Ivy at all costs.

After Liu Yang left the city, he did not feel the presence of anyone following him, but that does not mean that Little One did not smell the three men of the blood race.

Little One's sense of smell was very powerful, otherwise, she would have no chance of finding rare treasures like a Golden Treasure Mouse. Her bloodline was half-half, a Dimensional Rat, and a Golden Treasure Mouse.

(Young master, those three members of the blood race are following you) Little One was worried about what might happen. Liu Yang had no magical power in his body at the moment, he only had his physical strength.

(Okay. I'll call Ivy and ask her to set a trap) Liu Yang was not surprised that he was being followed, he understood that Ivy's scent could be on his body.

"Call the phone XXXX" Liu Yang commanded the cell phone assistant, he did not put it in his ear so as not to alert men of the blood race.

"Ivy, get ready to fight, I'm being followed by members of the blood race. Let's set a trap and sneak attack them "Liu Yang spoke quickly as he ran, but when he got the answer from the other side, he froze in place. But he pretended that nothing happened to avoid suspicion.

Liu Yang did not know that Ivy had already created a plan when she heard that the three members of the blood race were within the Nazca Plateau City.

But something happened to her after Liu Yang left her. Because the person who answered the phone was not Ivy.

(Young master, it looks like something happened after you left. This is very strange because I didn't feel any kind of enemy around that day. Besides, she also didn't call you to report. This is very strange) Little One commented. She hated the fact that she couldn't do anything in this situation, as Liu Yang was without his magical powers to summon her.

Little One had the power to open portals and get out of space for the summoned creatures, but the problem was that she couldn't go back there. If she leaves and the others discover her origin, Liu Yang would be hunted as a treasure, as he had a Dimensional Mouse. This was something neither of them wanted. Little One would only appear as a last resort.

(Yes. This is very strange. I will call Ivy's cell phone again. According to this person, Ivy is safe, she just wants a deal with me) Liu Yang was running at full speed. He was very anxious to find out what happened to Ivy.

Some hours later

Liu Yang had already been running for about three full hours, he didn't stop to rest a bit. He was not tired at all, his body was almost reaching a new level after a year of training under the hot sun. He just needed a trigger for that, and the trigger was to hurt himself heavily.

Although many desert beasts attacked Liu Yang, he did not attack back and let the creatures follow him until they got tired and went back to where they were before.

The three men of the blood race were already tired to death, because of the sun, they were weaker than normal. If it were the night, they wouldn't be like that. But none of them gave up on following Liu Yang, they clenched their teeth and continued to run after him furtively, none of them knew that Liu Yang was setting a trap for them.

"Jarlen, are we going to continue to follow him? He's been running for more than three hours "Oberon commented dejectedly. The sunlight was making him very weak.

"We have to do this, it is our job. But I think it's strange that he hid Ivy somewhere and didn't take her to town. This is very strange, "Jarlen commented after thinking about it. He was suspecting that Liu Yang might know that they were in the city, but that was impossible.

If Ivy had arrived at least a kilometer from the city, the three would have known that. But it was a pity that Little One smelled them ten kilometers away. This helped Liu Yang make a plan and run as far from the city as possible before taking Mia and Sarina.

"Jarlen, it is impossible for them to know that we were in the city. This is a coincidence. " Vincent did not believe Jarlen's hypothesis, as it was insane to think that someone could smell them from more than a kilometers away.

Only wild beasts with very keen smells can do this. Some magic equipment had this function, but the blood or magic energy of the targets was required for this.

Since the three had not been injured after launching the sneak attack on Ivy before, they left no way to be tracked.

But it was a pity that Liu Yang had Little One, a mouse with a powerful sense of smell.

"Jarlen, I think he left that bitch in the desert to prevent her from being carried and to hinder the trip. The place where it should be is probably a dark and shady place." Oberon showed his thoughts. He did not believe that Liu Yang could find out about their location.

"I just hope this is true. And it's just a coincidence that "Jarlen didn't want to be right about his thinking.

"Jarlen, it looks like he finally stopped running and is resting, he took out a small tent. I was already thinking that he was tireless "

"Are we going to rest too? I'm almost passed out after running for so long. "The three were lying on the floor, panting and covered in sweat. Running for three hours under more than forty degrees of the sun was not for everyone. Besides, they were members of the blood race who hated sunlight, this became more painful for them.

"We are going to rest, fighting in this heat is very disadvantageous for us, besides, we run for three hours and we are already without energy. But for us to rest, one of us will have to stay awake and watch over him. If the three of us sleep at the same time, and he wakes up and runs, we will miss the golden chance. " Jarlen analyzed the situation and commented.

The three of them no longer had the energy to run, and trying to capture Liu Yang was not an option. He had no magical powers, but his body was extremely powerful. A frontal fight in the sunlight was very disadvantageous for the three. They needed to rest to recover their energy.

One of them was forced to stay awake, but who would do that?

"We will decide using zero or one" Jarlen proposed, this was the safest and most practical method.

"Okay" The other two accepted.

"When I count to three, each of us will show a zero or one. It's all right?"


"1 2 3 !!" The three made the signal with one hand at the same time.

Jarlen showed number one using his finger, Vincent showed his fist representing zero and Oberon showed one.

"I won. Good luck to you both "Vincent took a small hut out of his nanotechnology bag and went in, he didn't think twice before going to sleep.

The person who will stay awake will be decided in the next round.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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