Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 193: Five Years

Chapter 193: Five Years

"I liked that name ... Li Wu ... Could you do me one last favor ..." The ant queen thought it reasonable for her daughter to be a princess. She liked the name Liu Yang gave their daughter.

Suddenly, the queen ant passed out, before she could fall, Liu Yang held her in his arms.

"Wua wua !!" Little Princess was agitated when she saw her mother fall suddenly.

"Don't worry, she's fine" Liu Yang checked her body and saw that the queen ant was fine, but that didn't stop Liu Yang from being worried, as he understood that she was almost gone.

Liu Yang put Little Princess on his shoulder while carrying the queen ant in his arms. He placed her gently on the bed.

"Li Wu, can you do a last favor for me?" The ant queen woke up a few seconds later. She had passed out momentarily.

"Yes. Honey, what do you want? " Liu Yang asked worriedly. Even though the two had only known each other for a month, they were already considered husband and wife. The two even had a small child together.

"Li Wu, could you tell me your real name? That girl told me that Li Wu is a false name. Before I left, I would like to know your true name "Ivy had commented to the ant queen that the name Li Wu was a fake.

"Liu Yang, my real name is Liu Yang." Liu Yang embraced the queen ant in his arms. He feared to lose her.

"Liu Yang ... It's a beautiful name ... My husband, I hope you take care of our child and that whenever you look at her... Do you remember me ... Liu Yang, can you give me one last kiss?" The queen ant closed her eyes slowly, her vision was already blurred.

Liu Yang didn't answer the question, he just lowered his face and kissed the queen ant's soft and cold lips. She showed a beautiful smile when that happened.

The ant queen had no regrets in her life. The scenes of her life started to flash through her mind quickly like a movie.

She was an ant queen of a species called Blood Drinking Ant, but she lived as a guinea pig in the labs of the Union of Latin American Nations, after undergoing all kinds of painful experiments for normal humans, she gained intelligence, power, and strong willingness to survive until the end.

One day, the queen ant gained a new ability after receiving the energies of a creature with a powerful camouflage ability. Using her intelligence, the ant queen faked her death during one of the experiments and was discarded as garbage.

The garbage where all the faults go is in a big incinerator, everything was burned so there was nothing else. Before being throw, the ant queen used the stealth ability to mix the scientists' clothes before shrinking their size to a normal ant, this was another skill she received from the experiments.

Because of intelligence, the ant queen learned quickly what she must and must not do to survive.

The ant queen managed to escape the laboratory after hiding in the clothes of one of the scientists when he left the laboratory. Even the security scanners failed to detect her presence in the scientist's clothes.

The ant queen did not leave until the scientist came home, as he had changed his clothes and left, she managed to escape through open places like doors and windows. She fled and to the most distant places possible, the desert.

After several months of travel, the queen ant finally arrived at a hidden place in the desert, where she could not smell any predators. During her journey, the queen ant killed many desert beasts and drank their blood and ate their meat.

Using her magical power, which she acquired from the experiments, to create an army of ants and use them as guards to look out over the desert and bring food to her.

The ant queen lived inside that hole for several years in solitude. Her body started to grow and change to the humanoid form, which Liu Yang saw before when he called her, this was also one of the results of the experiment. One day, she decided to do something she never did before. Have a child. Because of the changes in her body, she could no longer have her descendants as a normal ant, which was laying eggs.

The ants' natural abilities were lost in the course of the experiments, also, she lost her power to give birth to other ants. Desolate, the queen ant did a bold action, she used her vitality to be able to create a new life. This worked, but in return, her life needs to be paid for.

The ant queen did not regret this action, as she was already dying and left a child behind was the best thing she could do.

To meet Liu Yang, the ant queen used the other power that she received as a result of those experiences, metamorphosis. Her body was totally reshaped to be that of an ordinary human woman, but there was only one problem, she cannot get pregnant.

This ability belongs to a special creature called the Shapeshifter, a rare creature that lives in dangerous and isolated places in the world.

Her memories until the day she gave birth to Little Princess passed before her eyes before she closed completely. She didn't open her eyes again after that, but it didn't take away her beautiful smile, she was satisfied with her life, she lived the best she could until the end. She doesn't regret what she did.

Liu Yang and Little Princess were looking at the beautiful woman lying on the bed while showing a beautiful smile on her face. She seemed to be satisfied with her life and it was all worth it.

"Wua wua ..." The crying sounds were heard when Little Princess saw this scene, for some reason, she felt very sad.

"Little Princess, your mother pass away, but she is happy that you were born healthy" Liu Yang hugged the queen ant's body tightly, he felt a great pain in his heart when he lost her. A few tears fell from his face when that happened.

Liu Yang didn't cry when Liu Xia came back to her home, as he can still see her when he gets stronger. But the ant queen was different, she died and cannot return to life.

The two have not known each other for a long time, but they have become husband and wife.

(No This cannot be happening !!!! She just wanted to live a good life with her daughter !!!!!!!!!! This cannot happen !!!!!!) Liu Yang mentally shouted. He did not accept this situation.

The ant queen has experienced nothing but loneliness and suffering in her life. The only thing that lit up her last moments in life was the days she spent with Liu Yang and watching her precious daughter be born.

(She can't die !!!! She hasn't lived her life yet !!!! How can she die without having experienced her life ??? !!!!!) Liu Yang started screaming mentally. His eyes were red from tears, but also anger, he was unable to save the queen ant even though he knew of her physical condition.

No one could see, but inside Liu Yang's body, the Wheel of Elements was spinning rapidly as bright lights were emanating. This was happening while he was mourning the death of the ant queen.

Little One knew this when she heard the plant speak to her. But Little One was afraid to tell Liu Yang, as he could be very sad. In the end, she telling to him, as it was better to know before than to hear after.

Liu Yang felt very helpless at the time, he was unable to save the woman who gave birth to his small child.

(Human, do you want to save this woman?) An indifferent and genderless voice echoed in Liu Yang's mind. The voice belonged to the ten-winged crow.

(Yes !!! I want !!!! What do I need to do for this to happen ???? !!!!)

(Show me your determination. Show me your desire. Show me that you want to save her.) A strong light shone on the body of the ant queen before it began to break like glass.

Crack Crack Crack

Her body broke before disappearing like dust being blown away by the wind, the body of the queen ant broke in Liu Yang's arms. But something remained in Liu Yang's hands.

(What is that?) Liu Yang saw a sphere of brown-red lines running around the sphere. He felt the sphere hot while something was pulsing inside.

(If you want to resuscitate your woman, you need to prove your determination to want to resuscitate her. You will have five years to do so) The voice echoed again before the sphere disappeared from Liu Yang's hands.

(Five years)

"Wua wua" Little Princess tried to caress Liu Yang's face, she wanted him not to be sad.

"I'm fine, don't worry" Liu Yan kissed his little daughter.

"Don't refuse" Liu Yang activated the seal to contract the creatures. He was going to make Little Princess his third contract creature.

Liu Yang would not let other people kidnap his precious daughter.

"Wua wua" Little Princess did not refuse what Liu Yang was trying to do, as her father would not hurt her.

A magic circle appeared in Liu Yang's hands before he touched Little Princess's little head, he managed to make a contract with her.

"Wua wua" Little Princess was very happy when she felt the connection with Liu Yang. The two were closer now.

"Let's get out of here" Liu Yang put Little Princess on his shoulders and prepared to leave the place. He carried Ivy on his back.

"How am I going to get out of here ?? Will I have to dig to the surface ?? " Liu Yang didn't know what to do at the moment.

Shake Shake

Before he could think of a plan, the place started to shake and crack. It seems that after the death of the queen ant, the site began to collapse, the tens of thousands of ants that she created over the years died after she died.

Thus, the ants that supported the site disappeared and the site started to collapse.

"Shit!!!! Little Princess, stay close to me "Liu Yang hid his little daughter in his chest. Ivy was also placed in front of him. Liu Yang took the mattress and folded it up to create a type of protection to avoid being crushed by the heavy sand.

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