Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 217: The Winter Water

Chapter 217: The Winter Water

"Ivy, do you know what this is?" Liu Yang felt the changes in Ivy's actions.

"Yes. The Winter Water is a very rare natural treasure. This water will emerge when some requirements are met "Ivy knows the information about the Winter Water.


"Yes. As the name implies, for this water to arise it is necessary to be cold, very cold. But it is not any kind of cold, it must be in the summer and a phenomenon called Temperature Inversion to happen. This inversion needs to happen in a region with lakes, the place will become extremely cold.

But not all water in the lake will become the Winter Water, only a small amount will become the Winter Water. This name was given because of the intense cold that makes the water appear, despite it being summer. The problem is how much it wants" Ivy explained to Liu Yang what she knows about Winter Water.

"Ivy, isn't this Temperature Inversion a common occurrence?" Liu Yang remembers geography lessons a little.

"Yes, a Temperature Inversion is common. The difference is that when this happens and a treasure appears, the intensity of the temperature changes is much greater. A normal temperature inversion changes approximately ten degrees.

Now, imagine a temperature inversion that changes a hundred degrees? Liu Yang, can you imagine that? Imagine a desert with the heat of fifty degrees of heat in the afternoon and suddenly everything changes to a cold of fewer than fifty degrees. That kind of temperature inversion that I'm talking about "

"Ohh ..." Liu Yang understood Ivy's words. He never thought there was a phenomenon as strange as this.

"How much winter water do you want?" Liu Yang asked.

"I only want ten drops of this water," Areq replied. It held up a small bottle of pure white jade.

"Ivy, is that a lot?"

"It is considered average. We can accept this agreement. "

"In addition to the information you told us before, what are you going to do about knowing that we are here?"

"I did not see anything. I didn't see any humans pass through the area, "Areq replied casually. It made it look like it didn't know anything.

"Okay. Where can I find this the Winter Water? " That was the main question.

"At the Spider Queen's Palace"

"!!!!!!!" Liu Yang and Ivy were serious when they heard Areq's words. This is the worst place for the pair to enter, the spider queen's lair.

"Are you kidding us? How is that easy to do? "

"Entering the queen's palace is easy. If you can promise the queen something more valuable, she can give you the Winter Water. Some humans appear here to try to negotiate with the queen"

"!!!!!" The pair was very surprised to find that humans came to the spider territories to negotiate with the spider queen.

"Ivy, do you know what this Winter Water is for? It seems that many mages want this thing "

"Winter water is not of much use to many magicians. This has a specific use for water mages in general, it can also be the main element or the sub-element. Winter Water can increase the power of the water element by about twenty percent. For those who have something related to the ice element, the increase is much greater, around thirty percent. Another use of water is to forge magic water element equipment or use it as an ingredient to create pills."

"Isn't that increase a little too much?"

The twenty or thirty percent increase in the power of a high-level spell is insane.

Mages would already be crazy about something that increases the element's power by ten percent. Who will say twenty or thirty? Unfortunately, Winter Water only works for water mages.

"Yes. This is why many water mages want this kind of thing. This is like the best cultivation treasure for them. Liu Yang, if you can get some of that water, you should use it "

"Where is the spider queen's palace?"

"In that direction" Areq pointed in a certain direction.

"Ivy, in that direction?"

"We are going in that direction"

"How are we going to deliver the item to you?"

"You just need to come back and give me up"

"Aren't you afraid that we might cheat on you?"

"I do not think so. This woman's race is quite arrogant and noble. Deceiving others is not part of their behaviors, only the weak of her race do that. " Areq knew a little about the blood race, although it never spoke to one.

All informations it knows was just rumors that came from the spider queen's palace.

"Ivy, it looks like it knows a little about your race" Liu Yang heard the same thing from Ivy.

Most members of the blood race were virtuous and honest. Like nobles, they think that stealing or cheating were low-class things and trash. But some members still do that kind of thing.

"Liu Yang, you can accept the deal"

"Okay. We accept your agreement "

"I am happy with those words. As a result of my daily patrol, I found nothing invading my territory. I'm not seeing any humans or members of another race at the scene. "Areq turned and closed the eyes.

"Come on" Liu Yang and Ivy took the opportunity to run.

When Liu Yang and Ivy disappeared, Areq opened its eyes again.

"Interesting Human, show me if you can reach to Your Highness's palace alive. If not, this is bad luck for both of you. If you can, I will be happy to receive some Winter Water, it can bring me some extra benefits. Your Highness, I already did my job." Areq completely changed its tone after Liu Yang and Ivy left. It looked like a spectator expecting a good show. 

Areq used the eight legs to walk through the cobwebs and disappeared in the middle of that white and gray spot.

From the way Areq spoke at the end, it made it look like the spider queen was already aware of Liu Yang and Ivy.

"Ivy, can we trust that spider? It doesn't look like a reliable person. "Liu Yang had already run a few kilometers away. He continued to use his flame armor to burn the spiders that attack him and Ivy.

"It is not a reliable person, my instincts say that. But it must keep its words, I felt that it was waiting to watch a great show "

"Are you having fun watching us suffer?"

"Yes. I had that feeling. It seems like it doesn't really care about Winter Water or anything, it just wants to see what we're going to do. It must have some spiders monitoring us "

Areq actually sent some spiders to follow Liu Yang and Ivy. It was hoping to see a good show.

(Little One, are there spiders following us?)

(Yes. Some spiders are following us, but it looks like they belong to different beings. There are different smells in these spiders)

(It looks like other human-shaped spiders have already detected us. Little One, keep monitoring the surroundings.)

(Yes Master)

(Are you playing?)

(No master. Little Princess is sleeping, she is a little tired after playing with us. The older sister is taking care of her)

(I appreciate it. Little One, after this is over, we will have a big party. I hope the plant woman can show up too.)

(Master, are you worried about the older sister? She would also like to talk to the master. But she said that this place is not appropriate.)

(I see ... Tell her that we can talk when I get back to China)

(Yes, master. Master, I smelled a group of spiders coming towards you from different locations. Take care)


"Ivy, get ready to fight. We have several unwanted enemies this time "

"I'm already ready." Ivy was already holding the whip in her hands.

Shuooo !!! Shuooo !!! Shuooo !!!

Several web balls were thrown towards Liu Yang. Unlike the spider webs of the last time, spider webs in the shape of a ball have now been thrown.

Whip !!!

Pahh !!! Pahh !!! Pahh !!!

Ivy's flaming whip danced in the air and destroyed all the web balls.

Looking around, Liu Yang saw that a group of dozens of giant spiders was carrying in his direction. Three spiders with half the human body were leading the charge.

"Kill these intruders !!!!" They screamed at the same time.

"Ivy, it looks like they're not as friendly as the previous spider. Ivy, can you handle them? Or do you need my help? "

"Liu Yang, you can keep running. I take care of these spiders. "Ivy waved her whip. Somehow, the whip started to harden and turn into a spear.

The current scene was like a rider on her horse while holding a spear.

Shuooo !!!! Shuooo !!!! Shuooo !!!!

The giant spiders continued to throw balls of spider webs. They had their butts turned towards Liu Yang and fired like cannons.

"Liu Yang, dodge those balls"

As Ivy did not attack the web balls this time, Liu Yang had to dodge.

Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!!

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