Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 262: Passing the test

Chapter 262: Passing the test

"As student Liu Yang is ready. I will start the test "Xie Shui waved his hand.

The empty room became a small island in the middle of the ocean, the size was similar to a small floor of five square meters. The place looked like a paradise beach to enjoy the holidays.

Suddenly, a large horde of sea creatures appeared and completely surrounded the island. In the group, there were fish, frogs, turtles, shrimp, monkeys, caterpillars, and several other types of powerful sea beasts.

"Student Liu Yang, each of these sea beasts is in ranks 3 or 4, some are in rank 5. The test is to defeat a thousand sea beasts. The division of creatures, 900 rank 3 sea beasts, 99 rank 4 sea beasts, and 1 rank 5 sea beasts." Xie Shui explained a little about the beasts.

She and Tang Chen were in heaven looking at the island below. The two were eager to see Liu Yang's performance in the fight against the beasts.

"No problem" Liu Yang let the beasts approach him first. He wants to kill all beasts with a single spell.

Roar !!!! Roar !!!! Roar !!!!

The sea beasts roared and carried towards Liu Yang as if he were precious prey.

Pang !!!! Pang !!!! Pang !!!!

Hundreds of heavy sounds were heard when the beasts charged.

Liu Yang had a casual look on his face, he didn't even seem to be afraid of this large number of sea creatures. His body was strong enough not to be scratched by rank 3 and 4 creatures, but rank 5 creatures can do damage to him.

Since there was only one rank 5 creature, Liu Yang didn't care about that.

Roar !!!!!! Roar !!!!!! Roar !!!!!!

Pofff !!! Pofff !!! Pofff !!!

All the beasts fell on Liu Yang and formed a great mountain. They didn't seem to mind killing Liu Yang by crushing him.

A large mountain of sea beasts was formed.

"This is Old Tang, is he okay? Isn't that a little weird? " Xie Shui found this scene a little strange.

"I don't know. The young master must have some kind of plan to do something like this. " Tang Chen also doesn't know what Liu Yang will do. He just knows that Liu Yang has some kind of plan.

trum !!! ruuumm !!!!! truuuuuumm !!!!!!!

Suddenly, sounds of thunder were heard and a strong wind started to blow.

"!!!!!" This sudden change attracted their attention.

"Storm Wrath!!!" Liu Yang shouted.

A great hurricane of wind and thunder was formed when the winds and thunder came together. The hurricane blew and began to cut and destroy the bodies of sea beasts as if they were made of paper.

Their bodies were being crushed. The entrails spread through the wind and completely covered the island and the surrounding water. This scene was unbelievable.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The duo in the sky was startled to see this scene. They never imagined that Liu Yang would be able to defeat more than five hundred sea beasts with a single spell.

They both understand that the magic used by Liu Yang was extremely powerful. The level of destruction was equivalent to the level magic of a Great Mage or Warrior Mage.

The hurricane did not stop, it continued to spin and spin at great speed. All the sea beasts continued carrying towards Liu Yang without fear of death, they looked like robots heading towards destruction.

Liu Yang only needed to maintain the hurricane for some time until all the rank 3 and 4 sea beasts were destroyed. The sea beast left was rank 5.

The rank 5 beast looked like a centipede twenty meters long and two meters high. The beast had several hundred legs and sharp teeth in its mouth.

The green liquid drips through the dark greenish scales. Whenever a drop falls on the beach sand, a green smoke rises. The green liquid is an extremely corrosive and deadly poison.

The centipede's name was Sea Poisonous Centipede. A large predator that lives at the bottom of the oceans.

Roar !!!!!!!

The centipede charged towards Liu Yang. Its hundreds of sharp legs move quickly.

"You're the last one. Explosive Piercing Spear !! " A spear of wind and thunder appeared in Liu Yang's hands.

The spear was about ten feet long and as thin as a needle. This was one of the combined spells that Liu Yang created.

"Ahh !!!!" Liu Yang hurled the spear with all his power.

Shuooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!

The speed was so great that the sound seemed to have been broken.

The spear pierced the centipede's head directly without any problem. It looked like the head was made of melted butter and the spear was like a hot knife.

Booooooom !!!!!!!!!!!

When the spear reached the middle of the body, it exploded. An extremely large explosion was made.

The centipede's body exploded into thousands of pieces and was blown by the wind. The only thing left was the head and tail, the rest exploded.

Liu Yang managed to win all the sea beasts. He made it look like a piece of cake to him.

"Dean, did I pass the test?" Liu Yang smiled in her direction.

(This boy It seems that I made the right decision not to bring the other two teachers to assess, otherwise they would have spread this to everyone.) Xie Shui knew he was playing with her when he spoke like that. Before the test, she chose not to bring both teachers to help with the assessment.

Tang Chen could only laugh at that scene. He was very happy with Liu Yang's performance, he got a lot stronger than he expected.

Xie Shui waved her hand and everything went back to normal. The room returned to the empty room from before, the simulation was over.

"Yes, you passed the exam. Student I mean, Professor Liu Yang. You are now an honorary professor at South University and the Southern Magic High-School. What kind of teacher do you want to start with?"

"I prefer high school. I need to prepare a little bit before I teach college students. " Liu Yang has already attended high school, so he knows what classes and stuff were like. This was easier for him.

To be a university professor, he needs to learn a few things first.

"No problem. Professor Liu Yang, you are lucky to be able to start teaching next week. A teacher from the magic school is out on an exploration for his project, so we have a spot left. The substitute teacher does not want to accept this class because the students are a little bit special "

"Are students a bunch of arrogant idiots?" Liu Yang understood the meaning of special.

"Yes. They are students of class 2 F-2 "Xie Shui did not hide it. Class 2 represents the second year, while F was the worst class in the school.

"Class 2 F-2? Dean Xie, I thought that each school had only one class F. Why does the school in the south have two? " Liu Yang was curious.

"This reason is a little special. I can only say that they are special students who need some extra help "Xie Shui tried to use less aggressive words to describe the students.

"I see No problem. I do not mind it. Regarding teaching methodology, do I need to have any? Or can I teach things my way?" Liu Yang understood what she meant, but he didn't comment on that.

"You can teach classes any way you want, but you need to follow the schedule of activities. Things like taking students to train against real sea beasts, training on magic control and stuff "

"Ok" Liu Yang knew how to do these things. He has already learned a lot from Liu Xia and Nighshade.

It wasn't much of a problem for Liu Yang to teach others.

"As everything is decided. Professor Liu Yang can start teaching next week, information about the students will be sent to your cell phone."


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