Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 3: First Day

Chapter 3: First Day

"Little Xia, are we going to lunch where during lunchtime?" An ordinary-looking boy asked, he was standing next to a beautiful blue-haired young woman, her head was inclined against his shoulders, her name was Liu Xia.

"I don't know, we both don't know this school very well yet. But I hope we can find a quiet place, but I think it will be difficult "Liu Xia answered discouragedly, she wanted to stay with her lover in the lunchtime.

"Looks like there's no way we can eat in the cafeteria so even if it's rather noisy because of some circumstances." The boy said casually, he was not caring where he would eat as long as he was accompanied by the girl.

"Fine, but for now, we need to hurry, the entrance ceremony will begin." Liu Xia stood and pulled the young man's hand.

They were both a couple of the same age, the surrounding students were looking at them with envy, especially at the young man, as he was holding hands with the girl. If envious and jealousy killed, he would be long dead.

Looking at both of them, it was possible to see a slight difference between their uniforms, not only for one male and the other female but also for the symbol on the side of both arms, the girl had the letter A written, while the boy the letter F written. These were just two different letters, but this difference was something like heaven and earth for the young students.

In the country where the two lived, the education for aspiring mages was different from normal schools, the country divided the schools into directions, North, South, East, West, and Center.

Each direction had a subdivision such as Northwest, Northeast and several others.

The main schools belonged to the central directions as North, South, East, West or Center, the subsidiary schools belong to the sub directions. Because of this, the best schools in the country were in the five central directions, where only the elite students can enter.

The classrooms were divided into six classes for each year of high school, A through F, class A was for the best students in the practice entrance exam, class B was second, and so on, class F was worst of all, where only the students who managed to pass the average to get in.

Only the couple knew the real reason they were apart.

The young couple managed to enter the East High School, this was their first day of class. They were not worried about their separation because of the exam score, as they already knew it would happen.

"Little Xia, are you the person who will speak at the freshman welcome presentation?" The young man asked, he was curious about that, since Liu Xia had not told him yet.

"No, I refused it, I'd rather spend time with my precious lover, Liu Yang" Liu Xia spoke in a loving tone, Liu Yang was her boyfriend, the young man who she was holding hands with.

"Hehe Looks like my dear Little Xia thinks the same as me. Let's go to the auditorium so the speech will start in a few minutes. "Liu Yang took Liu Xia's hand and they went to the auditorium under the envious and jealous glances of the other boys. None of them knew why a beautiful, powerful girl like Liu Xia would be holding hands with someone like Liu Yang.

The auditorium looked like a large theater with hundreds of chairs on the sides, there was no clear room for the classes, so anyone would sit in the best seat possible. But you could see that there was a split between the students, class A was sitting in one of the blocks, they weren't mingling with students in the other classes, so class B was the same, and so on.

This was because the students in the first three classes were more powerful than the others, especially the students in class A.

When Liu Yang entered the auditorium, he saw that many students were already grouped by their classes. He understood that these groups were among those who got the highest grades.

After some time looking at the chairs, Liu Yang and Liu Xia went to a place at the end of the auditorium where only the class F students were, the class that Liu Yang studied.

The students on the way were surprised when they saw this scene, two young people holding hands, but one from class F and one from class A. The boys in class A, B, and C were jealous of Liu Yang because he was holding hands with the most beautiful freshman of the year. By their actions, everyone realized that they were a couple.

"Who are those two? Do any of you know? "

"That girl is called Liu Xia, I saw her entrance exam, she's extremely powerful in the use of the darkness element, it looks like her primary magic is already at level 8 and almost level 9. She's like a genius above geniuses. "

"That boy is called Liu Yang I think, he's someone who had mediocre grades on the entrance exam, he got enough grade to enter the school as a class F student only. His skill is at level 2 or level 3 only, he's complete trash."

"I saw the test of both as well, Liu Xia's skills with the element are almost at the intermediate level, this is insane compared to someone our age. But by comparison, her boyfriend is complete trash. "

"According to the rumors, she should be the student chosen for the initial presentation, but for some reason, she refuses that proposal. Looks like she did it to be with that weak young man in class F "

Many whispers began to echo through the auditorium when the students saw Liu Xia and her beauty. Many found that she was really powerful. While she was praised, Liu Yang was criticized as he was considered too weak to be with Liu Xia.

Even some veterans, who were on stage waiting for the freshman representative to speak his speech, were attracted to Liu Xia's beauty. They frowned when they saw this scene, as she and Liu Yang were holding hands, and besides, Liu Xia was sitting where only class F students should be sitting.

Since there was no clear division for the students to sit on, each chose the place that suited them, but the students had an unwritten rule between them, the place where the upper-class students sit, the other classes will have to sit somewhere else. But this unwritten rule was broken by Liu Yang and Liu Xia.

The veterans whispered to each other before saying something on their cell phone before turning back to the entire auditorium.

Liu Xia saw this scene and a cold look appeared on her face, she understood that someone wanted to separate her from her beloved Liu Yang. In her mind, those seniors and those who were saying bad things about Liu Yang were already people she wouldn't be friends with, never mind their background.

This was Liu Xia, anyone trying to get her away from her beloved Liu Yang, that person would be her enemy.

After a few minutes, the auditorium started to get fuller and noisier, the vast majority were talking about the couple who were sitting at the end of the last row of class F students. Many were curious to know why someone from class A would be sitting together with someone from class F, even though they are lovers because of intimate actions like holding hands and Liu Xia put her head on Liu Yang's shoulders.

The couple was at peace, but everything changed when a tall and muscular student appeared in front of Liu Yang; he was envious and jealous when he saw this romantic scene between Liu Yang and Liu Xia.

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