Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 33: Eat, grow and get strong to help us more

Chapter 33: Eat, grow and get strong to help us more

Dusk in the forest was much scarier than it seemed, strange sounds echoed through the forest, cold, bitter winds were felt, moonlight couldn't quite illuminate the interior of the forest because of the tall trees and the density of the trees in the same place, only a few beams of light could be seen.

Night in the forest was like being in a dark, dimly lit place, but full of hidden dangers. The groups had no problem finding dangerous creatures at the moment, as they were more active at night.

Liu Yang's group walked for another two hours before stopping to find a good place to set up camp.

The site was near a river and had good lighting, as the treetops were farther apart and allowed the moonlight to touch the ground.

"This is a good place to set up a camp, now, we need to find materials to build huts and food. Junior Liu Yang, could you fetch firewood? You three can go get materials to build cabins for everyone, while we will look for food. Those who do not work will not eat. "Yao Mu was making things difficult for Liu Yang again, he would have to get firewood alone in a dark and danger-filled forest. The other members of the group realized what Yao Mu was trying to do and did not speak up.

Liu Yang didn't mind doing that, on the contrary, he was happy to go alone, because the little mouse could help him find hidden treasures, and no one would know.

"Little Xia, shall we?" Liu Yang stood up and Liu Xia held his hand, both of them would go looking for firewood and food, as Liu Xia was chosen for this task.

"Junior Liu Xia, we have a river here, no need to risk and try to search for food inside the forest" Yao Mu was feeling envious and jealous to see this scene, he realized that no matter where Liu Yang went, Liu Xia would go along. They both looked glued together.

Yao Mu did this division on purpose, he put Liu Xia on the same task as him, he wanted to impress her to win her a favor. But Yao Mu realized that it was impossible.

(I won't give up. Liu Yang, you don't deserve a woman like Liu Xia, just someone who came from an influential and powerful clan like me can have a wife like her) Yao Mu was burning with envy, jealousy, anger, and hatred about Liu Yang. Not only Liu Yang was the fianc of the girl Yao Mu wanted, but he was also humiliated in public by Liu Yang.

"Senior, you two can try to catch the fish in the river, I will go to the forest to look for vegetables for accompaniment. Darling, let's go "Liu Xia spoke coldly before dragging Liu Yang. The two disappeared into the forest.

"Fuck!!!!" After the couple left everyone's sight, Yao Mu could not stand it and threw a rock into the river, an explosion happened and many fish flew and fell to the ground. The food has already been found.

The other students who had the task of picking up the materials from the cabin did not dare to stay there, they also rushed into the forest to search for the materials.

"Honey, it looks like this person named Yao Mu is narrow-minded," Liu Yang commented casually. He found the things that were happening to him funny.

"They're just a bunch of idiots, none of them can beat my man." Liu Xia commented, in her mind, no one was superior to Liu Yang, he was everything to her. Liu Yang was her world and the reason for her smile.

"It seems my dear wife knows my charms. Hehe "Liu Yang joke.

The couple was flirting with each other as they walked through the woods, occasionally Liu Yang used his magical power to cut some block-shaped trees and carry in his arms. Because of the darkness, Liu Xia had to use her magical powers to see in the dark, she was leading the way.

"Snifff Snifff Snifff" The little mouse climbed Liu Yang's shoulder and began to sniff something, it seemed Little One found something rare and precious.

"Little One, did you find anything?" Liu Yang and Liu Xia were excited to see Little One's reaction, that was the name Liu Yang and Liu Xia chose for the little mouse.

"Snifff Snifff" The mouse could only make its sound by agreeing.

"Show the way"

The Little One began to sniff in various directions and pointed with one claw at the spot. Liu Yang continued to hold the wood as he walked, Liu Xia was tugging at his shirt to show him the detours they had to do. This was to prevent them from separating.

After walking for a while, the couple came to a small dry tree, it had no branches or leaves, only the dry trunk with a hole in the middle.

The little mouse jumped and fell to the ground, it began to sniff around the trees until it found what it was looking for and began digging.

"Snifff Snifff" The Little One saw that it would take too long to dig, it made some sounds to alert the couple.

"Little One, did you find it?" Liu Yang and Liu Xia were curious to know what the mouse found this time.

"Snifff Snifff" The Little One was signaling where it was digging.

"Let me do it." Liu Yang threw the wood down and began digging where the mouse had been digging before. Liu Yang had to use his hands as he did not want to damage the item being dug. He could use magic for that, but he wasn't sure if he could do it without damaging the thing.

After digging almost a meter deep, Liu Yang finally found the item the mouse had found. The item that was found was a small sphere the size of a brown ping pong ball.

"Little One, is that the item?" Liu Yang asked he had a vague idea that this was the item he was looking for. The amount of energy of the wood element emanating from the sphere was very strong.

"Snifff Snifff" Little One nodded yes. Like a wild beast of the wood element, this item was very beneficial to its, but the little mouse didn't know if Liu Yang would give it to its or not.

"Honey, do you have any use for this?" Liu Yang asked, he unused the power of the wood element.

"We can sell it or give it to Little One" Liu Xia also had no use for this item.

"Eat it, grow and get strong to help us more." Liu Yang gave the ball to the little mouse.

"Snifff Snifff Snifff" Little One's eyes brightened when it saw the little sphere in little claws, it started making sounds of happiness. The Little One hugged the sphere as if it were the most precious thing in the world, the brown body began to glow as the mouse began to absorb the energy of the sphere.

"Honey, it looks like the Little One has begun to absorb the energy of the sphere, it will level and become stronger after that, but the absorption will take some time until it is completely absorbed.

"Alright, I'll keep Little One in the little magic cage, luckily I brought some for this trip, otherwise it would be very problematic."

"Yes, let's get some vegetables and come back. The others must already be getting annoyed with our delay. "

"We will"

The animal cage Liu Yang was referring to were devices for storing creatures that mages captured or contracted. These cages were special and reinforced so that the creatures would not destroy the cage and escape.

The interior of these cages was the size of a small room and had enough room to rest.

Liu Yang and Liu Xia figured there might be some strange and powerful wild beasts inside the forest, and as a precaution, they brought some of these cages to try and catch some of those wild beasts.

When the couple returned to camp, they saw that there were already tents set up and the fish was already baking, and a soup made with some vegetables was being boiled.

"Looks like they came back," One student said.

"Junior Liu Yang and Junior Liu Xia, why did you take so long? Was it that hard to find firewood and some vegetables? "Yao Mu spoke with a sarcastic tone. He wanted to humiliate Liu Yang whenever he had the chance.

"Senior, we have a little problem, but we were able to find high-quality firewood and good vegetables." Liu Yang said, as he was the one who was in charge of chopping wood, he was the one who spoke.

"Junior Liu Yang, how long you took so long, we took the wood ourselves. And since you didn't do your work, you won't eat our food. "Yao Mu said, he would not let Liu Yang eat the food they took.

"Senior, don't worry about it, I never intended to order food. Honey, let's go. "Liu Yang left some wood in the camp and went to the next place, he made his fire with his materials. Liu Xia was helping him.

"Junior Liu Xia, if you want you can eat with us" Yao Mu thought she was already hungry and offered Liu Xia some food, but it was a pity she would refuse.

"Senior, I apologize, but I will have to refuse. I like my darling's food. "Liu Xia formally declined, although Yao Mu was being disrespectful to her man, Liu Xia would not stoop to Yao Mu's level.

"I see So enjoy your dinner while we enjoy ours" Yao Mu was not annoyed by this refusal, he understood that Liu Xia would always choose Liu Yang no matter the situation.

"Senior, the fish and soup are almost done." The cooking student spoke.

"Alright, share food for those who worked" Yao Mu returned to his place and began distributing the food.

Where Liu Yang was was next to the camp, two meters away, he made his fire and began preparing his and Liu Xia's dinner. While Liu Xia was preparing the vegetables she caught, Liu Yang went fishing for some fresh fish in the river. He used the power of the wind for this.

"Darling, I'm done preparing the vegetables. Did you clean the fish? "

"Yes. Honey, let me do the rest, you just have to sit and wait. "


The couple was in their world while Liu Yang cooked and Liu Xia was sitting on the wooden trunk that Liu Yang had brought.

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