Protect Our Patriarch

Book 4: Chapter 24: Shocking! Emperor, you are actually this kind of person


The Great Qian Imperial City.

Still the same "Zhuozheng Pavilion."

Now, Emperor Longchang was advanced in age, and aside from the regular grand court meetings, he mostly handled affairs in the Zhuozheng Pavilion.

The Great Qian had seven commanderies and one capital, with vast territories and extensive lands. Countless events occurred daily, but only a few required Emperor Longchang's personal attention.

Take, for instance, the recent promotion of the Changning Wang's Clan from a seventh-rank to a sixth-rank family. According to protocol, Commandery Governor Taishi Ankang needed to organize the documents and draft the promotion petition, which would then be sent to the capital for the Emperor's review and approval.

In reality, most ordinary petitions were handled by the massive cabinet team, which drafted the procedures, reviewed by three senior ministers, and executed once they signed and stamped them.

Only a few significant matters, or those randomly selected for review, would be placed before the Emperor for his personal approval.

This was as it should be. Given the size of the Great Qian, if the Emperor had to personally handle every matter, no amount of time would suffice.

The Emperor would be buried under a mountain of petitions.

As Emperor Longchang aged, his energy waned, and he spent even less time handling court affairs, mostly resting in the Zhuozheng Pavilion and occasionally summoning outstanding juniors from his descendants.

A great prodigy was the highest level of talent in the Great Qian, destined to be a pillar of the empire in the future.

Even Emperor Longchang valued great prodigies. If a great prodigy had important matters to report, they could request an audience with the Emperor.

As long as the Emperor wasn't too busy, he would likely make time to see them.

However, few great prodigies would request an audience, as the Emperor, who had ruled for over three thousand years, was still very imposing. Angering him could result in severe consequences.

In the palace, Old Yao personally led Wang Liyao to the Zhuozheng Pavilion.

He bent over, occasionally turning to explain the palace rules and the etiquette required when meeting the Emperor.

In the entire Great Qian, great prodigies were the top talents, so even Old Yao, a trusted confidant of Emperor Longchang, was very friendly and patient with Wang Liyao.

Wang Liyao, naturally, did not look down on Old Yao for being a eunuch.

From the overwhelming pressure he displayed when delivering the Emperor's decree, it was clear he was a formidable figure, possibly even stronger than Tianhe Daoist.

However, Wang Liyao was puzzled as to why a Divine Realm expert would serve as a eunuch by the Emperor's side. But she kept her curiosity to herself.

They walked quickly.

In no time, they reached the Zhuozheng Pavilion.

Two tall and imposing guards stood at the entrance, but they were only at the Celestial Realm, merely for show. After all, anyone daring to assassinate the Emperor would not be deterred by two Celestial Realm guards.

Following protocol, Wang Liyao was soon invited into the Zhuozheng Pavilion.

Behind a large desk, Emperor Longchang appeared much younger than usual, no longer drowsy.

Unlike the kind and gentle demeanor he showed to his descendants, his eyes were deep and inscrutable, exuding an inadvertent imperial majesty even while sitting casually.

When Wang Liyao entered, his gaze fell upon her.

"Liyao greets the Emperor."

Wang Liyao stepped forward and bowed deeply.

Despite her status and cultivation, she felt a bit apprehensive and nervous facing the Emperor who had ruled the Great Qian for over three thousand years.

Unlike ancient China, where one had to kneel before the monarch, Basalt cultivators generally only bowed to their ancestors. They only knelt to the monarch on very special occasions. Moreover, as a great prodigy from the academy, Wang Liyao's status was extraordinary.

After a few moments of pause.

Emperor Longchang's majestic voice rang out, "Rise. Take a seat, have some tea."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wang Liyao thanked him and sat on the chair Old Yao brought.

Following Old Yao's earlier advice, she didn't sit fully, only half-sitting with her back straight, showing the proper etiquette of a junior before an elder.

While accepting the tea, she glanced at the Emperor's desk and saw a stack of documents with "Changning Wang's Clan" written on them.

It was clear that before she arrived, the Emperor had been reviewing information about the Changning Wang's Clan.

However, such information was what the Wang's Clan intentionally displayed to the public. The clan still had many secrets hidden by the family spirit artifact, making it difficult for even powerful intelligence agencies to uncover much.

This concealment was not unique to the Wang's Clan. Most families in this world had their secrets and trump cards. The older the family, the more secrets and trump cards they had, which were part of their heritage.

The Great Qian's royal family, the Wu's Clan, undoubtedly had the most secrets and trump cards.

Emperor Longchang slowly closed the documents and, in a slightly amiable tone, encouraged, "Liyao, your talents and potential are astonishing. Very good, very good. Today, seeing you in person, you are indeed an exceptional great prodigy."

"Thank you for your praise, Your Majesty," Wang Liyao replied calmly.

"I heard that you plan to challenge the Holy Land's nine veins?" Emperor Longchang asked with a hint of a smile, "Such ambition! Are you paving the way for a future Holy Son? But the Holy Son Struggle is still far off. Why the rush? Or is there another reason?"

"Your Majesty, I dare not deceive you," Wang Liyao said calmly, "Our Changning Wang's Clan has decided to support Commandery Prince An in the Imperial Heir Struggle. Therefore, I am here to make a name and build momentum for him."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Longchang's smile gradually faded, replaced by a cold expression.

"How dare you!" Old Yao scolded softly, "How can you discuss the Imperial Heir Struggle before the Emperor?"

He also gave Wang Liyao a warning glance.

"Lord Yao, the Changning Wang's Clan supports the Imperial Heir Struggle, not the Imperial Heir Seizure," Wang Liyao said seriously, looking at Old Yao with clear eyes, "According to the Great Qian's system, the Imperial Heir Struggle is about selecting two or more Quasi-Imperial Heirs to showcase their abilities within a set time, choosing the best successor for the Great Qian's future."

"This is a legitimate matter, not something to be discussed in secret. Moreover, I am stating facts. If I were to hide the truth from the Emperor, wouldn't that be a crime of deceiving the monarch?"

Old Yao was left speechless, but he secretly rolled his eyes.

While her words were true, the Imperial Heir Struggle was a sensitive topic, especially given the Emperor's advanced age and limited lifespan.

In recent years, as the Emperor's end approached, he became increasingly sensitive to such topics. Even the princes and Commandery Prince Kang avoided the subject in his presence to avoid upsetting him.

But this girl, with her straightforward talk of the Imperial Heir Struggle, was truly fearless.

"No matter, no matter, Old Yao, don't interfere," Emperor Longchang's cold expression had vanished, replaced by a kind and gentle demeanor, "Liyao is right. The Imperial Heir Struggle is a legitimate process to select the best future Emperor. It should be conducted openly, not through underhanded means."

"But Liyao, your Changning Wang's Clan is only a sixth-rank family. Even with a few promising young members, supporting Commandery Prince An might be beyond your capabilities."

"Your Majesty, my father greatly admires Commandery Prince An's character and abilities," Wang Liyao said, "Therefore, he wishes to offer some modest support. Whether it succeeds or not, it ultimately depends on Your Majesty's judgment."

Indeed, the final decision in the Imperial Heir Struggle rested with the entire royal family. However, as the Emperor and head of the family, Emperor Longchang's approval carried significant weight, often influencing the outcome when the support for Quasi-Imperial Heirs was closely matched.

Thus, Wang Liyao's mention of the Emperor's judgment was not incorrect.

Hearing this, Emperor Longchang showed some interest, "Commandery Prince An and Commandery Prince Kang currently have a significant gap. Even with your support, it might not change the situation. Does your Wang's Clan have any special plans?"

At Emperor Longchang's level, and at his advanced age, he had little interest in most matters. Even the Imperial Heir Struggle didn't concern him much, as it seemed to have a foregone conclusion.

A matter with no suspense couldn't pique the old Emperor's interest. It was just a routine process.

"Your Majesty, our Wang's Clan has no special plans," Wang Liyao shook her head, "My father believes in working diligently and steadfastly. He thinks that with determination, success will come, and people will eventually recognize Commandery Prince An's achievements."

Hearing this, Emperor Longchang lost interest again, saying listlessly, "That sounds like Wu Mingyuan. No wonder they appreciate each other. Fine, as long as it's within the framework of the rules, you and Wu Mingyuan can try your best."

"But don't go too far. Chengsi is like me, very vengeful and petty. If you fail, be careful he doesn't make things difficult for you."

Uh... petty? Your Majesty, you're criticizing yourself too!

Wang Liyao couldn't help but smile, feeling the Emperor was more approachable. She immediately said, "Your Majesty jests. You are known as a wise and capable Emperor. During your reign of over three thousand years, the territory has more than doubled. My father greatly admires your achievements."

"Hey, don't doubt it," Emperor Longchang chuckled, "Ask the Duke of Dingguo from your Wang's Clan if it's true. Just because they supported the wrong side back then, I made things difficult for them for over three thousand years, reducing their rank from second to third. If not for their ancestors, hehe~"

Wang Liyao was speechless.

It's said that people become more childlike as they age, acting more whimsically. But Your Majesty, sharing such stories with me is a bit... mischievous...

"Liyao, you must be criticizing me in your heart," Emperor Longchang said with a smile, "You seem ethereal, speaking straightforwardly, but in the end, you're just an ordinary person. I've been an Emperor for over three thousand years, with historians recording everything. While I'm alive, no one dares to speak out."

"When I'm gone, the new generation will take over. If they praise me, I can't come back to life. If they criticize me, I can't come back to punish them. What's the point of pretending?"

Wang Liyao was speechless.

Your Majesty, you make a good point, and I have no rebuttal.

Before coming here, she had imagined what kind of person the Emperor might be. She thought of many possibilities but never expected this...

However, while the Emperor could speak about himself this way, Wang Liyao couldn't casually agree.

After some meaningless flattery, she presented the prepared gifts, "Your Majesty, these are some small items my father designed for your enjoyment."

Wang Liyao then took out a bunch of items from her storage ring, including a meticulously crafted fishing rod, a two-meter-tall large monocular telescope, a small monocular telescope, a set of array-driven lighting systems, and various other gadgets.

At first, Emperor Longchang thought the Wang's Clan was like other families, offering rare treasures to please him, and showed little interest. But he soon discovered a bunch of peculiar items.

After Wang Liyao's explanation, he was most interested in the fishing rod, the large telescope, and the small telescope.

At the Emperor's level, his vision and hearing were far beyond ordinary people. If he wished, he could see clearly for dozens of miles from a high vantage point.

But no matter how good his eyesight was, it couldn't compare to the telescope, which could see distances beyond measure, even magnifying the night sky countless times.

He was also very interested in the half-meter-long small telescope, taking it outside the study to look around.

After a while, he returned to the Zhuozheng Pavilion, seemingly a bit melancholic, sighing with the small telescope in hand.

"Your Majesty, do you not like the gift? You seemed to enjoy it earlier," Old Yao asked cautiously.

Seeing this, even Wang Liyao felt a bit nervous.

"It's not that... sigh~" Emperor Longchang sighed deeply, reminiscing, "Three thousand five hundred years ago, when I was a young man, I once met my fifth uncle's concubine, Lady Fu, and felt a stirring in my heart, losing sleep over her."


Wang Liyao glanced sideways. So the Emperor had romantic affairs in his youth, but it was with his uncle's concubine, a love doomed from the start.

"After months of inner struggle, unable to bear the longing, I decided to sneak a peek at Lady Fu bathing with my brother," Emperor Longchang said regretfully, "But we got too close and were caught, resulting in a severe beating. If we had this... Liyao, what's it called?"

"==b..." Wang Liyao wiped a cold sweat, helplessly answering, "A monocular telescope."

"Yes, yes, a monocular telescope. If we had this back then, my brother and I wouldn't have ended up so miserably," Emperor Longchang said indignantly.

The Zhuozheng Pavilion was becoming unbearable.

Wang Liyao felt uneasy, her chair growing hot.

Wasn't the audience with the Emperor supposed to last a stick of incense? It's been almost an hour...

Facing such an Emperor, Wang Liyao felt immense pressure. After hearing his embarrassing stories, would she be silenced?


In the end, Wang Liyao left the Zhuozheng Pavilion safely, rewarded with a heap of treasures and resources from the Emperor.

After this, news of the great prodigy trial spread like wildfire from the capital to all corners of the country.

The fame of Miss Liyao spread nationwide, making her a hot topic, her reputation soaring.

Rumor had it that after a brief rest of a year, Miss Liyao would head to the Holy Land, sparking a battle among prodigies under one hundred and fifty-one years old.

This would be different from the battles in the capital. The proud prodigies of the Holy Land, upon hearing the news, would undoubtedly come out of seclusion.

With a year to prepare, their strength might even improve further.

Everyone eagerly awaited to see if Miss Liyao could fulfill her boast of "first defeating the capital's prodigies, then sweeping the Holy Land's nine veins," garnering far more attention than the capital's battle.

Rumor had it that before leaving the capital, Wang Liyao secretly sparred with Shangguan Yunque of the Guilong Shangguan's Clan.

The result was not disclosed, but it was said that Shangguan Yunque went into seclusion afterward, claiming to have gained insights that needed verification.

The truth remained unknown.


Amidst the external commotion.

The Changning Wang's Clan continued their fervent outer region development plans. While Liyao's reputation was important, the clan's foundation lay in its own growth. After the excitement, work resumed as usual.

The elders were all busy, working tirelessly.

Naturally, the children, lacking supervision on rest days, became increasingly unruly in the main residence.

Wang Yingxuan!

She was Wang Shouzhe's beloved granddaughter, destined for the Holy Land due to her exceptional talent.

She was also the most dominant and revered among the group of young children.

She rode a majestic, striped tiger.

The tiger was truly impressive, with a "king" character on its forehead, walking proudly, exuding the aura of a fourth-rank spiritual beast, causing all sorts of creatures to scatter.

Its only flaw was its chubbiness, with a round body and a particularly plump belly almost touching the ground.

"Huahua~" Wang Yingxuan patted the tiger's head, laughing, "Today's battle is the most important since the formation of our 'Invincible Beautiful Girls Mutual Aid Alliance.' If we can annihilate the enemy, I'll save twenty pounds of fifth-rank beast meat from my rations for you."

"Roar, roar~"

The tiger's eyes lit up, roaring fiercely. Fifth-rank beast meat was a rare treat.

Yes, this tiger was the one Wang Lici had picked up years ago. When she went to the academy, she left Huahua on the farm.

Initially, Fourth Grandfather Wang Xiaozhi took care of it. After he passed away, and as Huahua's strength grew and its appetite increased, the farm couldn't sustain it. Wang Shouzhe brought it to the main residence, housing it next to Wang Lici's home as a guardian beast.

Raised by humans, Huahua was very affectionate, especially with the children. It often played with them.

"Besides, during the outer region development, I'll ask Father to bring back a third-rank tigress for you to start a family," Wang Yingxuan said, her tone grand, like a general rallying troops, reminiscent of a Valkyrie.

A tigress?

Huahua roared excitedly, drooling. Finally, a wife and children! But wait, something seemed off...

Miss Lici had promised a wife before... so had Young Master Zong'an... and Young Master Shizhao... and now Miss Yingxuan... No, too many! I'm a tiger with integrity, I can't have so many wives! I'll wait for Miss Lici to return.

"Roar, roar~"

With Wang Yingxuan and Huahua's cooperation, and the "beautiful girls" charging, they quickly defeated the "Youth Sunshine Boys Group."

Wang Yingxuan rode Huahua, parading through the main residence like a victorious general.

She looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, sighing, "The greatest loneliness is being invincible. Aunt Liyao just swept the capital's prodigies and is now heading to the Holy Land's nine veins. How majestic."

"As they say, 'Liyao shakes the world, Yingxuan reigns supreme.'"

"Young prodigies of the capital, wait for me... One day, I, Wang Yingxuan, will conquer the capital, making all prodigies tremble at my name."

"Wang Yingxuan, you little brat, get off that tiger!"

At that moment, Wang Yingxuan's mother, Lady Fang, suddenly descended from the roof, stern-faced, holding a cane, and charged at her.

"The clan school teacher just visited, saying you failed five out of seven main subjects. Your grandfather has called your father for a beating! Hurry and save your father!"


Wang Yingxuan's body went limp, falling off the tiger, lamenting. She had forgotten to intercept the teacher!

Grandfather was involved!

Was her career as a Valkyrie over before it began?


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