Psycho X Psychic

Chapter 245 - Scary Rumors Around The Drago House

Ignoring the people as Eron suggested, Teren went into the elevator before Eron.

Teren looked around while besides him, Eron was getting a bit unnerved even though he might not show it on the surface.

The snake was in and they are now taking him to their higher floors quite literally. Meanwhile, Teren looked like he was in deep thoughts. He was finally in. If Eron can hear other's thoughts like a certain someone right now, he would immediately kick Teren out in fright.

Teren have been planning carefully ever since he decided to make an offensive stance. However, what he lacks right now is intelligence. He lacks the data and information enough to make a proper decisions and that's why he's being flexible, changing courses of action at the last minute.

This time, he was considering if he should take this chance to make the Drago House submit to him or play safely first.

If he could really gain true loyalty of the Drago House, that would benefit more than ever. But that's near impossible.

As Teren was in the middle of considering his choices, they've reached the top floor. There were floor floors in total so even know each floor has high ceilings, it just took them a moment before they arrived at their destination.

Therefore, Teren was unable to come up with a conclusion. For now, he'll play safe. After all, for a house that stood for centuries, their foundations would completely break with just one man.

It would take at least more power than just physical strength to destroy the Drago House, much less make them submit. So, that idea was on hold.

"This is the executives' floor. All of our immediate family members are here. As you know, the Drago House is a clan back then like any other house. Those with pure bloodline, direct descendent of the founder would are eligible to take the top position here."

Eron simple explained as they walked into the hallway that have portraits of great Drago people in the pasts. At the end of the hallway, Teren saw a familiar face, it was the an painting of the current Drago Leader, Oldren Drago.

"Classy, huh? When I was a kid, I thought that the eldest is naturally the leader, but now, I'm thinking otherwise."

"Did Oldren disappoint you or something?"

Teren asked as something piqued his curiosity.

"Disappoint? Not exactly disappoint as we already expected him to charge at the Serpen House. He's pretty hotheaded for an adult. He has the brains and power but he couldn't calm his nerves whenever trouble arises, such a waste. I wonder if he have Ivan's composure, he would've been the greatest Drago Leader?"

Eron spoke as if he was speaking to himself.

"But anyway, let's go, Ivan's waiting."

At the very end of the hallway was a double door. Although it couldn't be compared to the double door at the front o the mansion, it was still huge compared to the an average one.

However, it automatically opened, something that shouldn't happen with wooden doors. Upon opening, Teren saw a five-starish room. Ecliptical bookshelves surrounds the lone desk before the large decorative window pane.

This was something that could be compared to the Central, Teren thought.

"Good day, Teren."

Ivan stood up from behind the desk and smiled.

"Good day, Ivan."

"... you seem to be in a good mood, have a seat."

Ivan prompted which Teren did. Eron followed soon after and sat adjacent to the two.

"Let me cut to the chase. You have the Great Spirit of Healing?"

"Yes, do you want me to show you?"

Teren nodded for which Ivan shook his head after glancing at Eron.

"No, don't. I don't want blood on the sofa."

After he said that, there was a pretty maid that walked over to give them tea. Her moves were that of a professional as if she had repeated this over and over again for the last years.

"I believe you but to be honest, I'm wondering how you got it?"

"Why do you ask?"

Ivan didn't hesitate to tell the truth.

"Actually, not too long ago, I was invited by a secretive person."

"Oh, he's my father, yeah, you don't need to be careful, I already know."

Teren said which made Ivan had his words stuck in his throat.

"That's... unexpected." Ivan pondered for a moment and wanted to probe more so he asked, "So about your nemesis..."

"Yeah, I'm aware of her. We've met already."

Teren simply replied, shocking not only Ivan but Eron too.

"What? Then is the fight over? With her gone, the SSDA will be vulnerable. Surely, the Titanes House will not let go of this chance!"

Ivan couldn't help but panic a little, making Eron a little bit embarrassed. He just said that Ivan was pretty composed. But this couldn't be blamed to Ivan, this news was just too shocking. Is he late to the news? If so, then the Drago House will be in a big disadvantage!

That disadvantage will cost lives of their people so it could never be underestimated.

"No, don't panic, she's still alive."

"Eh? O-oh... I guess as your nemesis, the fight is a draw, huh... I didn't hear anything about it but it should've been groundbreaking."

Ivan muttered to himself.

Teren didn't know if he should laugh or not. Fortunately, he was able to stop himself and didn't say more. Giving more information will put him into a disadvantage. By telling something that wasn't asked, he had already showed some 'honesty' so revealing more information would just make him naive.

"So where should I see Oldren?"

He asked and tried to change the topic.

"Sorry, even though we are the one who invited you, we have to be very careful. You're not exactly the person with a good... image."

Ivan tried to tone his wordings down but what he said is true.

"Oh, yeah, back to that topic, why are your people suddenly so scared of me? Before, they didn't have any problem stalking me."

Teren casually asked. This seemed to be just a tangent discussion out of curiosity and formality but every single piece of information is important. No matter how much hospitability they show him, he will never be complacent and forget that he's in the enemy's territory.

On the other hand, both Ivan and Eron are cautious as well. But just like Teren, they didn't have any problem showing some 'honesty' to gain some trust first.

"Well, after what you did to Eight, his pride was almost broken. Unfortunately for you while fortunately for us, it was not completely broken. When people are visiting him at the medical facility, he would tell your how vicious and devilish you are. That no people stand no chance against you, that you would attack anyone at first sight..."

"Ah... so he's raising my image so that he would not look as pathetic as he actually is."

Teren figured it out which Eron sighed while Ivan nodded.

"That's correct. Sixth and Seventh have seen you're terrifying image as well so they didn't deny him. Also, because they are close as siblings, they supported his stories to cover his ass. But I should I apologize too, we didn't do anything to stop the rumors going around. The Dragolites are such a role model and even if Eight is... well, the eight, he still represents Dragolites. We chose to support his rumors."

'But those rumors aren't exactly just rumors though.'

Eron inwardly commented after Ivan's apology and explanation.

"That's fine. At least no annoying person would come to me, flaunting their strength and superficial pride. It's great that I scare them."

Teren actually feel this way, at the same time though, he didn't show any expression. This will let the brothers think that they owe Teren a favor.

Right after he thought of this, there was a knock on the door.

"Uncles, it's me, First!"

"Oh no..."

Eron placed his face onto his palm as he sighed, Ivan have the same reaction while he said to the maid.

"Let her in."

The maid then walked over to one random bookshelf and reached something within. Afterwhich, the door opened and opened a girl with red hair that reached her shoulders. With an excited expression, she walked in and asked.

"Uncles! Is the Devil Himself here!?"

But the first thing that Teren noticed was the mounds on her front. She wore some broze armors, covering some of her body part halfheartedly but even with those armor, they couldn't seem to cover her cleavage.

'Is her back fine with that?'

He glanced and in contrast to her hips and chest, her waist was thin. This girl was genetically gifted along with her pretty face.

"So... Teren, this is our niece, Oldren's daughter and is the top among the Dragolites."

"Hehe... come on, I'm not that special..."

First made a bashful expression as she played with her fingers.

"As you can see, she's a typical big-breasted yet airheaded kind of girl."

Eron commented which attracted silence. He looked around and saw that even Ivan was looking at him with a 'quit it' face.

"Wow, I wouldn't mind being a airhead but would you go as far as to sexually harrass me? That's some piece of shit level of being a bastard, Uncle Eron."

Covering her breasts, First looked down on Eron.

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