Psycho X Psychic

Chapter 268: Faced Dillema

Mesi was being pushed to fight as he was considering if he really should.

'I don't want to hurt Uncle Jo but maybe we should just play it out?'

But looking at Uncle Jo's scary expression, Mesi removed the thought of acting the fight. It seemed that Uncle Jo isn't really good at non-verbal communication with the face he's showing.

'Ugh... okay, let's do this. I'll just say sorry to them later before talking to them, I'll just calm the crowd down a bit.'

Mesi's eyes became red as he ready himself. It was not the usual red, his eyes were hemorrhaging!

Seeing this, Uncle Jo and the others were creeped out before putting their guard up.

"He's starting! Mesi! Mesi!"

The chanting got stronger as the time had finally come. With the new ruler, they would finally be free from Hardfist Jo and the Spectre Derman. It will be revolutionary!


A sharp sound suddenly echoed in the warehouse. They didn't know but this sharp sound seemed like it hurts when it reached their ears that everyone turned their heads towards this. The people standing on a higher platform were the ones who saw what's happening first after the ones at the very back.

A disturbing silence enshrouded the place.

Seeing the man's head literally buried into the wall made the witnesses pale.


For many years, battling ranked Aberrants, escaping the SSDA's pursuit, committing unspeakable actions made Teren develop a remarkable aura. Powered by his Great Spirit within, it burst forth, physically affecting the very air.

Like a demon that crawled out of the ground, a fearsome being was standing in front of them. Those who are weak-willed would feel their very soul shaken by the terror that strikes them.

Intimidation, domination, and fear.

It's like death itself was standing in front of them.


A woman standing in front of Teren dropped onto the ground with white foam bubbling out of her mouth. Meanwhile, the man beside him dropped on his back and a foul stench came ooze out of his crotch.

Yet, the man did not feel shame, he just wants to get out of there.

Nick gulped as he looked at what's happening. It was not affecting him. Not because of anything special but because Teren's aura was controlled. So for Nick, the people at the front just started panicking.

"Ah... AAHH!! Get out of the way!"

Another Aberrant finally moved before the others did the same. Soon, chaos followed.

Mesi, Derek, and Matthew were confused. What's happening? Teren's aura didn't reach them since he didn't need to. Meanwhile, Uncle Jo and the rest could finally relax.


There was another shout soon after. Surprisingly, this stopped the stampede.


The one who shouted didn't know what to say. The fear... just vanished. What were they scared for? This feels creepy. Why were they running away?


Teren then clapped his hands once, gaining his attention.

"All of you, out!"

He just removed the fear-inducing aura. This is taxing and only works on weaker people. However, it's especially effective on an army of grunts. It has been long since he used this technique since he was always fighting the big guys.

During his time within the Drago House, he was tempted to use this but chose not to. That would be a stupid move since he wants to form an alliance with the Drago House. It would be an 'equal' relationship. However, here, he couldn't care less about these people. They are his underlings from now on. it's an 'unequal' relationship so he could do whatever he wants. Inducing fear will straighten up.

Of course, nobody moved. Why? Well, because Teren was blocking the only exit. Since the building was a warehouse, it has quite a large door. However, they didn't dare walk around Teren.

In response to this, Teren slightly turned on that aura and walked forward. The crowd made way while all that passed him immediately ran out.

"Nobody leaves yet and stay quiet outside."

Teren spoke which everyone heard so those who were about to escape stopped and reluctantly sat on any seat they could find.

It didn't take long before the hundred or so Aberrants were out of the warehouse while they try to ignore the dead guy with his poor head buried in the wall as they carry those who fainted out. The friends of the one who just died tried not to cry. If they showed weakness in front of these people, they would be seen as weak. However, they couldn't help but sniff once in a while.

At that moment, Teren stands in front of Mesi as he was not affected by the terrifying aura even at that short distance.


Mesi's face contorted into a weird expression.

"We've met again." Teren greeted with a smile after what he had just done.

"I-I knew it, you're the Devil Himself!"

Matthew pointed at him while Derek glanced at Mesi.

Teren's smile disappeared. It was fake in the first place, making it disturbing. He then walked forward, not caring if Mesi was in front of him. This made the latter be pushed to the side as he was in a dilemma.

Teren then stood among Uncle Jo, Old Derman, and the rest. Even the Aberrants that were supporting Uncle Jo have come out, leaving only the important characters within.

"Boss Hark, you're finally here."

Instead of being angry, Uncle Jo was just relieved. However, that's not the same for Old Derman who got caught in the situation when he got more important matters to attend to.

"Everyone, stand back."

Teren said but the rest heard it as a warning. Except for Mesi, everyone took a step back. Afterward, he turned around and faced Mesi.

"Yeah, I lied, I'm the Devil Himself. The one who killed your father. What are you going to do?"

Straightforwardly, Teren said.

Mesi had always been imagining this situation. However, actually being here in real-time hits harder. His world twisted as a dilemma was placed in front of him.

Fight or flight?

Should he avenge his father or be sensible and don't act aggressively?

But what kind of a man would he be if he were not to avenge his father? He's not that heroic to choose the sensible path in exchange for shame and frustration.

"Let's be calm, here, Mesi."

Uncle Jo immediately came forward. Standing beside Teren made him look like a traitor since he was the Ogre's right-hand back then. He's aware of that, however, he still needs to step into this and mediate. Even if it's dangerous, he had to.

Uncle Jo didn't want to let the son of his friend back then die like this.

"No, Uncle Jo, this is fine. Let him decide."

Teren said which made the others look at him as if he's stupid. It would be best if nothing happened right now.

"Will you die in a futile attempt for revenge? Or will you walk away with shame and dishonor?"

Teren spoke out what was within Mesi's head right now. Even Derek and Matthew weren't saying anything. It's all up to Mesi now what he would choose. But whatever it is, they'll accept it.

"... who said that it will be a futile attempt?"

Mesi's eyes became bloodred again before blood dripped from them.

Teren's eyelids dropped in disappointment. If he was in Mesi's situation, he would just choose to walk away. Shame? Dishonor? Ungratefulness to your parents? They are nothing compared to preserving your life.

Teren thinks that the power to make sacrifices, even if in exchange for shame, makes one strong and honorable. He would respect a person who would bear the title of a murderer for killing a serial killer. Just letting the serial killer scot-free for the sake of not dirtying one's hand is cowardly, he thinks.

But if he told this to others, they would just scoff at him. After all, he already bears the title of a mass murderer, how could he sympathize with a clean person?

While thinking, Teren readied himself. Could he do it? If it was before, he wouldn't need any effort to suppress someone like Mesi. However, right now, he only has his strength and the Spirit of Healing while he doesn't know a thing about Mesi's power.

Having a Great Spirit really changes things.

Seeing this, Uncle Jo and the rest backed off more. Even the first Beta that represents Alph was unable to speak out of shock in learning that Teren was the Devil Himself. At first, he thought it was a joke but sensing the terrifying aura from this teenage boy changed his mind.

Disturbing spores widened from Mesi's skin, bleeding him out. The blood all trickled all over his body, making him some humanoid virus. Strangely, this blood doesn't drip and fall onto the ground.

It's cohesive towards his skin. If a stranger looked at this, they would think that Messi needs some serious medical health.

However, it's the power of his hundred Spirits altogether, earning him the title the 'Blood Ghoul'

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