Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 10: 1.9

Chapter 10: 1.9

"-Maddy, tell us what you chose."

"I chose-" Maddy grins widely as he unveils the ingredient they had to hero in this round. Jia Hyson was already thinking of all the chicken recipes he was best at making. It was going to be a time challenge so something pan-fried or seared may be best. "-pork!"

Jia Hyson: ()

F*ck why did this change too?!

In the end Jia Hyson managed to coast by using pork belly with stewed apples, cleverly cutting off and separately cooking the skin to make it crackle faster. The elimination pressure tests are greatly incompatible with Jia Hyson's ability in time management and concentration so he would rather avoid entering one until near the end where it would be safe for him to leave. The end results of the round at the very least matched with the story. Drake had gotten first place and Maddy, second, allowing Drake the opportunity to fight for an immunity pin later on in the week.

"Drake, Maddy, congratulations!" Jia Hyson cheers. Ah this old man is really surrounded by winners in life. He's very satisfied.

"Why is she being congratulated?" Drake who had been very a pleased expression immediately sneers at Maddy. "She's only second place."

Jia Hyson: ...weren't you in second place just a challenge ago?

Maddy's face also wasn't looking good. This man had insulted her multiple times throughout the week for literally no reason. Even worse, sometimes he would lean in and whisper passive aggressive bullshit in her ear causing some of the other female contestants to get the wrong impression. They had already been jealous with Adrian by her side but the fact that Drake purposely comes to insult her when Adrian isn't there makes it look like a scandalous situation. If she couldn't tell Drake Lanzoni dislikes her then she might as well go die because of all the money she wasted on her education.

"Like you should talk," Maddy scoffs, "Who was second place this morning? You couldn't even make a salad right, if I hadn't burnt my pastry I would have been a double winner while you sit in the corner with the second place you dislike so much."

"Second place is also good," Jia Hyson diplomatically says in a weak voice. Is this how rivals talk? Some rivals do fight and bicker so it should be okay right? Right?

Jia Hyson hadn't really experienced any intense rivalry before, given his job as an author. He's had people try steal his unfinished manuscripts and ideas but to him those people were less like rivals and more like pathetic cannonfodder that he can play with to his little heart's desires... he supposes in retrospect that's why he got stabbed in the end.

"Adrian," A flicker of anger and pain flickers through Drake's dark eyes, "you're defending her? Didn't you say you like me?"

Maddy almost staggered back in shock, "What?" She gasps, "Adrian you like this piece of garbage? Don't be fooled, this man may look good on the outside but he's disgusting scum on the inside, besides don't you still like Jacob?"

Contestants waiting to leave the building: ('')?


Producers: ()*.$:* F*CK YEAH

Disgusting scum Drake: hehe

Outed on television Jia Hyson: Girl.. you... this brother really wishes you learn about the values of time and place and shut your damn mouth _

Sh*t if you looked at this scene with no prior knowledge whatsoever, doesn't it seem like he's the scum male who's trying to stand on three boats? One of those boats is imaginary you know? Out of the other two boats, he's already pushed one away from him and the other one is his sister. There are no boats, cameramen believe this brother! This brother is still a virgin!

So sad, he's become so much prettier than his original self, a real gentle older brother next door kind of look, but he's never got the opportunity to lose his maidenhood yet. Jia Hyson seduced a lot of men and women in his modeling career for fun but never took the last step because he always felt strangely guilty about betraying Jacob- which clearly had been a stupid waste on his part. So was telling Maddy he was bisexual. And that he liked Jacob... who was Drake... who she seems to loathe...

Jia Hyson massages the bridge of his nose in annoyance. This is why young people drama is so tedious. If he had the heart, he would've kicked these two fiery tempered children back into kindergarten and run off to try his hand at being lovey dovey with someone. Preferably a mature older man with kinks. God, he would trade a lot of things to get f*cked right now, at the very least an orgasm would chase off his headache. "Maddy, Jacob is a fake identity, we'll talk about this later," he sighs, but unknowingly his features had turned melancholic and pained making everyone feel the need to comfort him.

Maddy of course felt incensed on behalf of Adrian. A true heroine with a sense of justice unfortunately she really was too loud. "A fake?! You mean all this time when you've been cherishing every text he sends you and faithfully playing that dumb game every day he played you?! Scum! He's true filthy scum with no morals! If I ever see him I'll chop off his **** and deep fry it!"

Jia Hyson wants to bury his face in his hands in dismay. Sister, the scum you want to chop his **** off is right next to you! Your former male lead is really going to blacken! Please! Shut! Up!

"I can't deal with you two," Jia Hyson finally says frustratedly. It's been a long day and the tension from cooking under pressure really does get to him after a while. How people can still have the energy afterwards to stir up drama is really beyond him. "Both of you sort this out yourselves, I'm leaving,"

"Adrian!" Maddy and Drake protest before glaring at each other. Jia Hyson ignores them and takes the second last car back to the house. Since the contestants come in pairs the two will be forced to sit together on the ride back. His presence clearly hasn't been helping so hopefully after he's gone they might not feel act so aggressively to one another.

...why does it feel like he's the female in the latest valentine special of Animal Planet?

As he waited at the entrance hall for Maddy and Drake to come out of the car Jia Hyson taps his fingers on the doorway impatiently. He's annoyed that he just got out-ed so publicly, he's annoyed that nothing is going to plan, but most of all he feels anxious at the fact these two people he very much likes don't seem to get along well. Jia Hyson would rather avoid picking a side if he could.

So when he sees the pair sullenly leave their car, clearly ignoring each other's existences Jia Hyson clenches his jaw, tapping his fingers even harder against the wall with impatience. He forgot they had the classic romance couple troupe of being both headstrong, stubborn people that were unwilling to communicate important matters in order to provide scenes of misunderstandings. In retrospect Jia Hyson shouldn't have been surprised that Drake decided to play Secret Identity Prince for five f*cking years despite it being a really stupid idea.

Oh god. Does that mean Drake actually isn't aware Maddy's his sister? He's shown that dumb f*ck a photo before!

This is why he doesn't like teenage romance stories.

"Drake, a word?" Jia Hyson says, if his voice had the power to control temperature, the room would be growing ice blocks like mushrooms in a forest. Drake stiffens under the chilly reception before nodding a little timidly. No longer did he look arrogant and domineering like he did a moment ago as he sneered down at Maddy, now he just looked like a child being sent to the principal's office.

"Here?" He asks, glancing at one of the nearby 'hidden' cameras. Jia Hyson rolls his eyes.

"Of course not, I have some tact unlike some brats," Jia Hyson pointedly says, making both Drake and Maddy give guilty looks. Seeing them both like this he'd almost forgotten they were only about three years apart in age, with Maddy being eighteen and Drake turning twenty-one. Meanwhile Jia Hyson was technically a middle-aged man in a twenty-six year old body. "Our room, now."

Hanging his head Drake reluctantly goes, with Jia Hyson following behind. Before he leaves though, he turns to look at Maddy with a stern expression, "Maddy reflect on what happened, I'll be coming for you next."

Maddy looks up at the ceiling with an unwarrantedly exaggerated amount of despair. She's lucky she's damn cute or Jia Hyson would've shoved her into a boarding school and just kept Monroe around, story or no story.

Once they enter the room, Daniel and Lex who had been chatting turned to look at them with surprise. "Hey, we heard there was a fight going on, what happened?" Daniel asks.

"Scram," Drake snarls.

Daniel and Lex: ... Oi, what are we? Chopped liver?

Under Drake's glare, the two supporting leads quickly made themselves scarce leaving Jia Hyson and Drake alone. Shutting the door with a loud bang, Drake turns around, his previous aggressive demeanor dropped in favor of looking hesitant and vulnerable. It really made Jia Hyson want to hug him much to his own dismay. The power of a godlike handsome face really can't be estimated.

"Drake, did you even try to make friends with Maddy on the way back?" He sighs.

"Why should I?" Drake protests, face contorting as he tries to hold back his emotions, "If anything she should be the one to apologize to me!"

Jia Hyson narrows his eyes. "Why?"

"I, eh, what?" Drake falters, "Well, it's obviously because, because she,"

"Mhmm," Jia Hyson hums, the impatience laced through his voice, "yes? Yes? I'm all ears."

"She, she,"

"Did she lie to me? Insult a junior three years younger? Openly mocked their achievements on camera?" As he asked each question, Jia Hyson moves closer and closer to Drake until the young man's back was against the door. Despite being younger, Drake was still a little taller than him so he had to lift his head up slightly to stare fiercely into his eyes while he smiles coldly. "No wait-" Jia Hyson slams his hands at the door, closing Drake between his arms, "That was all you wasn't it? So what on earth did Maddy do that makes you think you have the moral high ground here?"

Drake's breathing was fast and heavy as he stares back at Jia Hyson. While he had done it to be intimidating, seeing Drake's expression of confused lust suddenly made Jia Hyson very self-conscious about how close they were. His own heart started picking up speed and quickly he stepped back lest he do something and add even more drama to this clusterf*ck.

He takes another glance at Drake's face which was a beautiful mix of yearning desperation and disappointment that made Jia Hyson a little weak in the knees. Ah, if Drake pushed him down right now he really wouldn't mind it~ ()

Bebe: _

Unfortunately Drake didn't, despite looking like he dearly wished to. Jia Hyson curses silently at this d*ckless virgin. Dominant alpha male lead his ass. Clearly this was a submissive puppy that had to be coaxed. Or whipped. Unfortunately this master refuses to be the one to take it another step further. He's already shown his feelings, if Drake really doesn't do anything about it but sulk then he really is a d*ckless virgin who doesn't deserve this great master.

"Adrian," Drake suddenly pleads sensing his scorn, "I, I'm sorry, I, before my identity.. I was worried that you, I wanted.."

"You thought I would treat you differently if I thought you were rich?" Jia Hyson finishes for him disdainfully, such a damn cliche. Inwardly he felt a little frustrated, if that man kept on stuttering so cutely like that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from kissing him quiet. Being angry was really hard. "I would've understood if you kept it from me for a year or even three- but five? You really think so little of me don't you?"

"No, that's not true!" Drake grabs Jia Hyson's hand, tugging him sharply so he stumbles back toward him. Like a snake the younger man wraps himself around him so tightly Jia Hyson could feel their heartbeats thrumming together making his face heat. "I, I was just scared! I know you're not like that but still, I really do, I mean, I, I," Struggling with his words Drake wavers, eyes getting red in his own anxiety to try convey himself. It was, it was-

Really f*cking hot ( )

Jia Hyson: 'If he cries now I may have to push him down,'

Bebe: !!! 'You're really getting off on this?!'

Jia Hyson: ('')?'You mean you're not??"

Bebe: ( this Host is really too disgusting, Bebe can't say anything to this pervert

Feeling his chest warm, Jia Hyson dismisses his previous resolve to force Drake to make the next move and leans upwards to press a kiss onto the other man's slightly chapped lips. For a moment Drake froze, but probably since he's already missed his last opportunity with the whole chocolates thing, he quickly recovers, fiercely kissing Jia Hyson back with a fiery dominating passion that can only be described in stories.

"Dra-ah-ke," Jia Hyson groans out feeling both lightheaded and a little wronged. Barely a few seconds in and he was so dizzy from it that he was weak in the knees, leaning even closer into Drake's firm embrace. There was clearly no technique or experience in Drake's movements and yet the pleasure Jia Hyson received from it made all his previous encounters feel like a joke in comparison. Wasn't this just a complete cheat?! All the men around the world are all choking on their blood right now!

"I love you Adrian, I've loved you for years," Drake confesses, voice deeper and hoarse, exuding sexual tension and want. Jia Hyson was stunned. One rather short round of kissing and his voice comes out so roughened like he'd just gone and had sex for three nights and three days? There was barely any tongue!

...Don't tell him for a smut novel like this the male lead halo only properly activates once dirty things comes into play?

"Adrian?" Drake drops his head down and huskily whispers, "Adrian, I know you like me back, please forgive me?"

His hand caresses Jia Hyson's lower back, barely stopping before the swell of his ass. Jia Hyson softly moans, his body feeling electrified and hypersensitive in a way that's only happened as he neared the height of pleasure during sex. This was truly unfair! No wonder in the story Maddy after a short period of resistance finally caved in and did all those sort of deeply unprofessional things even in public- the male lead once triggered can become a walking aphrodisiac! Does that mean everything written in a story has the potential to become so literal when reproduced into a reality?

Ah it's a little scary _(:3)_

Bebe: 'Host! Please get yourself together! Aren't you trying to prevent this story from sinking into the sewer?!'

Jia Hyson: 'I'm really trying but I'm seriously weak to pleasure ah!' (/)

Bebe: 'You deserve to be stabbed!!' )

Of course even if Jia Hyson wanted to comment on his system's heartbreaking comments, he couldn't as his brain was currently melting under Drake's searing hot kiss. Tongue was even included! This male lead is leveling up too quickly, Jia Hyson could barely keep up much less fight back with his own moves!

This time his knees really did give out and Drake holds him even tighter to steady him. Jia Hyson was panting like he had never had fresh air before and he could feel a hardness pressing against his own arousal. Unable to help himself he rubbed up against it excitedly, enjoying the way Drake quietly moans at his actions. Despite his golden sex finger, Jia Hyson still had undeniably more experience from years of being a slag.

Bebe: ...should you really be proud of this host?

"Again," Jia Hyson demands breathily, all his pent up stress finally overflowing, the pheromones his man was exuding didn't help either. "Drake, ah, again,"

"Forgive me?" Drake coaxes with a sly tyrannical smirk which only proved that his halo had made itself known. "If you do I'll kiss you again,"

Now it was Jia Hyson whose gone still with hesitation. Of course unlike himself, Drake was very happy to wait for him to turn back online.

Jia Hyson: ...F*ck the tables have really turned here.

Bebe: 'Hoe don't do it.'

Jia Hyson: '...I'm gonna to do it.'

Bebe: 'Oh my god.'

Throwing his previous act of indignation out, Jia Hyson nods frantically, licking his lips as if he could still taste the buzz of pleasure lingering on his lips. "Forgive, I forgive, please..." he looks down bashfully, his eyes staring down at Drake's collarbone as he whispers with desperate need, "I've wanted this for such a long time, Drake,"

Drake makes an almost beastly growl and attacks his mouth again, pouring all his emotions and desire he had pent up these last few years. Jia Hyson eagerly took it all and exchanged it back with equal fervor. Quickly the room was filled with an ambiguous air with even more ambiguous sounds interspersed around.

Maddy, still waiting outside: ...Oi, what am I? Chopped liver?

Daniel and Lex, also waiting outside: ...hehe ( ` ) ()

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