Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 119: Extra: Arc 2 Alternative Universe Bai Li Wei part 2

Chapter 119: Extra: Arc 2 Alternative Universe Bai Li Wei part 2

AN: 6000 words. Warning for smut and such I guess. I suppose if you lasted this long there's really no need to warn about that tbh lol.

Btw this hasn't been super well edited soz lol I cannot look at this anymore rn. Also due to webnovel's I don't know but I can't use all of my kaomoji rn and had to edit them to not have many asian language characters or delete them completely to let me publish ORZ

Ko-fi and reviews please (~QAQ)~


This familiar feeling of torturous pain and hunger was not something Jia Hyson could stand anymore. It's easy to go from poverty to wealth but to go from wealth to poverty was far less so. Now that Jia Hyson had gotten used to not worrying about sustenance and was confident that he wouldn't have to suffer that sort of situation again, his current state was even more painful too bear.

Gasping, he falls to his knees, not really aware of where he had teleported too.

Dizzy but still coherent for now, he looks around. It was unmistakably a bathroom. Perfect. Bathrooms were places that naturally attract yin energy.

Instinctively his eyes finally linger to the darkest corner of the bathroom, where the shower was placed. Even though the energy was weak it was still the strongest place here. And Jia Hyson was too tired and depleted to try teleport again.

Crawling over, he blends into the shadows, his human form dissipating and turning back into his doll form to save energy. Closing his eyes, he focuses on the darkness surrounding him and tries to absorb the surrounding yin into his body. 

However, it really wasn't enough.

If the high school massacre was a delicious Hongmen Banquet, this little bathroom was barely an after dinner mint in comparison. Because he was a demon, his energy demand was much higher than before, he had just never noticed it because he was so filled with excess energy from the massacre. 

Silently he swore. This is what happens when you get too cocky ah. He knew the Yang constitution was formidable but ever since he ascended he had felt he was the most powerful being in this world. 

Hubris was truly his downfall here. 

And lust. And he supposes greed, and pride and-

Bebe: 'You have a lot of sins, we get it ah.'

Jia Hyson: ...

Anyway, the point is, he's very regretful ah.  So regretful that if he was a story character he would probably repeat this monologue to himself multiple times just to really grind into the audience how fucking full of regret he was. It seems he now knows the answer to the question- if you could only choose between sex and food, which would you pick? 

Food. The answer is fucking food.

Jia Hyson groans as he frustratingly tries to take in the meager energy around him. It was like trying to pick scattered grains of rice with a toothpick, unsatisfying and incredibly irritating. 

He may have to resort to killing someone to replenish himself at this rate. However Jia Hyson was really reluctant to. If he did murder someone wouldn't they vacation get cut off? Even if he couldn't go to the beach anymore he could still enjoy the hotel accommodations!

Fuck! Life was so inconvenient!

Bebe: '...Bebe is soo sorry that you're inconvenienced about murdering someone ah.'

Jia Hyson: 'You should be careful Bebe. Right now you're the least inconvenient energy source to murder.'

Bebe: ....domestic violence isn't good host QwQ

As he suffers through his cultivating, the door to the bathroom opens. 

Jia Hyson opens his eyes, his irises a bloody demonic red as he feels the familiar and deliciously strong yin energy filling the room. 

Completely unaware, Tian Shun enters the bathroom.

Trudging over to the bathroom mirror he immediately washes his face with the tap water and stares blankly at himself, at how pathetic he looks. Messy hair, dark bags under his eyes, he no longer was the promising handsome young school grass that could easily wrap everyone around his finger from before. Now, now he just looks sad.

He laughs bitterly under his breath. "Idiot," he spat at his reflection, silver eyes staring at himself with a complicated emotion. All he knew about his true self was that he was a piece of something known as a royal system and his life as Tian Shun was just [Invoked the Law of Spoilers. The following information is spoilers. We apologize for any inconveniences.]. 

Tian Shun clenches his fists at the thought. No matter what he was or what he was meant to do, he had no memories of the past. It was just some information to him. It didn't change who he was right now nor his capabilities. 

Even if he learnt the truth, Li Guiren made sure he learnt too late. Now Wei was with that bastard. 

Wei Wei.... 

His eyes redden. 

Wei Wei was the kindest person in his life. And even though he was fully aware that the other was actually probably crueller than anybody else in this world, Wei Wei was still the only one who treated him so kindly and gently. He represented the only time he was safe and doted on. 

His father didn't love him and didn't even wish to touch him. Always looked at him more like an enemy than a son. Tian Shun understood why now, but the resentment and grief from his childhood never faded away. 

The boarding school life he went through was fraught with danger and blood. He faced bullying from his peers as a minority race in the beginning. It was common for him to be beat up or put down again and again. Tampering with his food, his books, his clothes

At the time he wanted to go home desperately. But how could he, a small child, leave without his father's permission? 

Tian Shun at the time thought that this sort of life was hell. Not knowing that there were things even more ugly than and more extreme than schoolyard harassment awaiting him.

His first horror experience at school was not the ghosts, or the monsters under his bed, but from his fellow human beings. 

The teachers who were meant to educate and shape their lives. Maybe because the setting was really too cruel, almost all the staff were abnormal and he had seemed to experience meeting every single type of disgusting adult there could be, from hypocrites, to cowards to pedophiles and runaway serial killers. The few good ones came and went through the school faster than seasons passing by. Whether they left in body bags or not depending on themselves.

Who knows which person did it but one day more supernatural occurrences began to emerge in the school when Tian Shun reached his fourth year in this mental asylum of a school. By then he had lost much love for humanity, having seen far too much than he should've at his age.

He had been beaten and stabbed, almost r*ped, and he had even killed twice now. The nightmares that haunted him no longer moved him anymore and his heart had felt dead inside. All he had left was the letters from Wei Wei and the memories of when he was still small and playing happily in a lush green garden under the sunset. 

Tian Shun made many friends and many enemies, but each semester they always seem to disappear. Those valiant truth seekers who wish to uncover the truth of the school, the transfer students with curious pasts, the skeptics, the troublemakers, the flirty idiots, the people whose family conveniently knows ancient hieroglyphics and other cryptic languages, the troubled teens who can 'see' things, the clever, the cowardly, the strong. They'll either escape or die or worse. 

So many types of people, from so many walks of life, brimming with youth and vitality- were so easily destroyed. Tian Shun had watched it all coldly and realised life here, no, maybe even the whole world, was filled with futility.

A mystery will be solved but three more will appear. A ghost sealed but never forever. Killers come back to life or never die in the first place. This was a world where maliciousness was eternal and kindness was fleeting. 

Good people will turn bad and bad people never die.

Then isn't it better to just kill all the good people before they turn bad?

Maybe it was that thought that fully blackened Tian Shun. Before he didn't kill unless it was truly a last resort. No matter how he was betrayed or used, thrown away and left behind, he still believed that he should at the very least, for himself, be kind. To help the newcomers unaware of what awaits them, to provide information and expositions and to help cover their disappearances if needed. He was passive and neutral, fighting only in defence. 

But since his epiphany he actively began to seek out what he could and kill when he can. Those he deemed a threat to himself must disappear. Disrupting his school life with their stupid need to unveil mysteries and provoke ghosts with childish games It was too difficult to use violent methods, so Tian Shun rebuilt himself. He became charming, well respected, and confidently attractive. 

People wouldn't treat him like a book they can use and throw at will, instead there were people willing to protect him, to listen to his advice and to throw their lives down for him blindly. 

Tian Shun would only need to give them a smile and a few nice words they wanted to hear.

It was so pathetically easy. 

He considered using this to finally escape this school but like a canary trapped in a cage for so many years, Tian Shun frustratedly realised how scared he was of leaving. Right now he was the king of this blackened mountain filled with corpses and crazy. He finally had some stability and security after all these hard years. How can he not be reluctant to leave that?

But the warmth that he had carefully protected in his heart. The memories of care and laughter with Wei He was also reluctant to let that die as well.

So Tian Shun trained. Before with his yin constitution he was constantly attracting and being bullied by ghosts to the point he was practically abused to death, but over time he had learnt on some level to control his constitution. For the sake of survival he forcibly restrained his aura and laid low, but with his newfound resolve to become stronger he began to practice and see if he could improve his capabilities.

It had been hard. Arguably even harder than the past few years combined. Instead of running he was facing these monsters, human and inhuman alike. There were many times he wanted to cut his losses and give up. 

But he didn't. He refused.

Bai Li Wei was a beautifully cruel and psychopathic creature, capable of rendering men's limbs and enjoying their screams. Sadistic and violent and manipulative. But from this inhuman monster, Tian Shun received the gentlest nurturing love and the only warmth that had let him continue to live through countless atrocities each day.

He wanted it again. Craved for it. Would kill for it.

And in the end he almost destroyed his Wei.

Tian Shun stared blankly at himself in the mirror, pursing his lips before moving away. There was no point in dwelling in the past forever. Even though it felt like his body was so tired and sluggish it hurt to move, he still hadn't completely lost hope yet. 

Because if he did what he did to a human, that person would never forgive him. But Wei was different. Wei was twisted and didn't seem to necessarily conform to a human's mindset, a sane human's anyway. From what Tian Shun understood, Wei had more or less decided to disregard his mistake. The only person who hasn't truly let it go was himself.

And his 'dad', but fuck him.

With not much to do, Tian Shun walks around the bathroom listlessly for a minute before sighing and sitting on the toilet seat. Right now Wei and his old man must be at the beach. Laughing and playing childishly. Or maybe the idiot had already confessed. Knowing Wei he probably wouldn't say no now that he's immune to the yang energy.

Imagining them kissing.. the idiot would probably take the initiative. Wei, Wei would probably be meek at first, but he was also the type who liked to pursue anything that felt good. The demon probably wouldn't necessarily let his old man be the aggressive one for long. Or maybe he would enjoy being submissive. Gasping and groaning as he experiences

Tian Shun's face heats up and his breathing stutters at his own imagination. Looking around guiltily, he tentatively slips his hand into his pants and grabs his stiffening cock between his legs. The pressure of his hand wrapped around himself making him groan softly.

"Wei Wei..." he mutters, breath hastening as he starts to stroke himself. 

He can't help but remember that one time he embraced Wei even if it was only some kissing and touching back then* it was enough material for his horny teenage imagination to go through for years. 

*Chapter 41, Arc 2.25

Cool, soft lips, the faint fragrance of ash, the way Wei's silky hair fell onto his body.. all of this was now all for his stupid counterpart to enjoy. 

Thinking about it made Tian Shun clench his jaw yet his pace quickened, his grip almost painfully tight yet not enough to make him grow soft. Fantasising at how Li Guiren with his far more mature and masculine body would surround the more willowy figure of Wei, forcefully kissing the seductive demon as their bodies tangled together, touching what he couldn't and going even further than he had ever had- this feeling of self loathing shame and hatred somehow only heightened his lust.

Leaning back, Tian Shun throws his head back and moans loudly as he pinches the leaking tip, staving off the inevitable ending to prolong the pleasure further. Biting his lip he forces himself to slow his movements, enjoying how torturously slow his strokes were, how desperately needy he felt. 

Panting harshly he imagines Wei Wei standing in front of him, looking down with those alluringly slanted eyes filled with the sort of disdain and amusement he would usually show his victims. So beautiful and sadistic, and yet so painfully humiliating. 

With a red face he pushed his pants down to his knees, letting his hard length out in the open, under the imaginary Wei's eyes. He would be so exposed under that gaze, so ashamed and aroused as he can't help but beg for more. 

"Mmnnn Wei Wei Wei Wei please.." Tian Shun murmurs under his breath, he was close but he didn't want to finish yet, he wanted, he wanted-

"You called?" Jia Hyson finally couldn't take it anymore and appeared in front of him, eyes glowing red. He had been completely stimulated by the strong yin energy coming from Tian Shun and his ensuing negative emotions of self hatred, embarrassment, and lust was enough to make him go mad. 

Tian Shun stared dumbly at the sudden appearance of the newly formed demon who had materialised from the dim shadows in the corner of the bathroom. His pale face was flushed and sweating as he sat on the toilet seat with his pants down and his hands between his legs. "You you, what, I," He stutters, face become pinker to the naked eye as he quickly tries to cover his dignity. 

Jia Hyson stared at the blushing Tian Shun. He was aware of his strong yin constitution but ever since he had become a demon he had become more resilient. He didn't need to constantly feed on darkness and malice to feel sated and could even gain some energy through human food now. 

People naturally dislike remembering the bad things and so after a few weeks Jia Hyson had already nearly forgotten about this aching emptiness that used to haunt his soul, his memory of it a foggy outline that only reminded him that it was an unpleasant feeling and nothing else. 

He had been too arrogant in his new demonic form and in his hubris, had used up too much of his accumulated energy. While he won't regress back into an evil spirit, it's undeniable that he felt like he had. However it was even worse than before. Now that he has tasted the sweetness that came from being a demon, the feeling of being half a hungry ghost was nearly unbearable in comparison. 

It was like this, with such weak self-control and highly sensitive to 'food', Jia Hyson couldn't help but bite the tips of his fingers as his eyes fiercely gazed at Tian Shun. The faint pain was barely enough to resist the urge to tear off the young man's neck and drink his blood till he was dry. However...

However now that he's a demon there are other ways to get his fill.

"Wei.. Wei...?" Tian Shun, who had hastily pulled his pants back up but had refused to stand due to *ahem* physiological reasons, felt like something was wrong. 

Bai Li Wei who was usually so beautiful and delicate in demeanor had an appearance he hadn't seen since the massacre, fierce and violent and with a touch of greedy hunger. Seeing how intensely those eyes, now bright red, we're watching him, so similar to what he had imagined, he couldn't help but feel a large thrill of excitement and fear in his heart. 

"Wei Wei what's wronmph-!" Tian Shun's eyes widen as the cool, soft lips he dreamt of almost violently attacks his own. The sensation of friction lights up the nerves of his mouth and spreads throughout his body like static electricity. Wei Wei is kissing him! 

Wei Wei! Is! Kissing! Him! 

Tian Shun was shocked at this sudden big pie from the sky but he would be a fool if he didn't take this opportunity to take advantage. He didn't dare waste a second even questioning the how or why of it, instead he scrabbled to reach out to hold the back of Jia Hyson's head, keeping him from pulling away and opened his mouth to deepen the intimate action further.

However it seems he wasn't the most impatient and eager party out of the pair and the little 'fresh out of high school yandere virgin' found himself quickly getting overwhelmed by Jia Hyson, this century old manslut, and his skilful tongue. 

Even ignoring the experience gap, there was also a race gap, and Jia Hyson as a new demon and ex-ghost, had an overwhelming advantage physically. 

"Nm, wa, wait, mngh, Wei We-"

"Shhh," Jia Hyson pulls back to give the young man some time to breathe, nipping and giving soft, hungry little kisses at the edge of the other's chin and down his fragile little neck. Jia Hyson could feel the way Tian Shun would tremble faintly under his touch through his lips, and he couldn't help but smile predatorily, uncontrollably excited. 

"Just enjoy it darling," he purrs, before licking Tian Shun's neck from the collarbone to the ear, biting the earlobe gently and making the inexperienced teenager groan. 

Bebe: 'Ew. Bebe feels like it should point out that your body is like, seventy and he's like, seventeen.'

Jia Hyson: 'One he's eighteen. Two, if you're old enough to actively participate in a mass killing it should be fine. And three, technically this physical body is more like two months old ah. So shut up and let me enjoy this~' 

Bebe: '...' Age difference or not, it doesn't stop the fact that its host was a predator on every single level, and then some ah. 

Slowly and teasingly, Jia Hyson moved downwards until finally he kneeled down between Tian Shun's legs as he reached a certain tented piece of clothing. He inhaled and shuddered, the strong aura of yin energy was like ecstasy and with Tian Shun's pure yin constitution, even the places that should have the highest concentration of yang energy was full of yin instead. 

His mouth waters and his hands were almost trembling in excitement. However before he could unzip Tian Shun's pants, a warm hand clasped his wrist.

"Wei Wei," Tian Shun croaks out, his sallow but handsome face looked enticing with the flush in his cheeks and his slightly red rimmed eyes. "You..."

Jia Hyson was so impatient and hungry he almost couldn't hold back his sharp nails from popping out. At this point his mind was foggy and the essence he wished to devour was right in front of his face. It was a testament to his affection for Tian Shun that he hadn't ripped him to shreds already after being stopped. 

His eyes flashed a bright vicious red before fading back to a dark almost wine red color as he put on a sweet, coaxing smile for Tian Shun.

He was so hungry. 

"Xiao Shun~" Jia Hyson whines childish and coquettishly. However coupled with his ambiguous posture and expression full of lust it produced a completely different provocative flavor. "Xiao Shun, you look so good, feel so good, I want to taste, see if you're just as yummy ah, please~  ?"

Tian Shun, a horny teenage virgin: '...'

Bebe: 'As we can see, Bai Li Wei cast charm. Not only was it super effective. It was a critical hit. Tian Shun is now confused. Tsk. It seems the poor boy won't be able to hold any advantages in this confrontation. He's going to have to pay the loss of this battle with his virginity.' 

Jia Hyson ignored his systems sarcastic commentary, already batting away the now loosened and limp limb holding him back and exposing the very rigid, very un-limp limb between the young man's legs. 

Even though he was practically delirious with hunger, looking at Tian Shun's pillar made him sober up for a split second.

Jia Hyson didn't see Li Guiren's erection firsthand but he sure as hell felt it. He knew it was definitely above the average asian man both in length and girth. Tian Shun's was definitely the same in that aspect.

It seems the penis doesn't fall far from the tree.

Bebe: '..........what does that even, why.' 

He swallows hard, eyes brightening. "Darling, you really are just a treat." He purrs, "I'm going to eat you up and swallow you whole."

Tian Shun: ScaredbutAroused.jpeg

Bebe: Vomit.gif

However even though he was practically gagging for it, Jia Hyson refrained from going straight into it. This was Tian Shun's first time after all ah. He had to at least give him a good time.

"You're so lovely like this," He smiles at the blushing teenager, Tian Shun gasps as cold lips press against the bare inner V of his hip, the demon's equally cold cheek brushing up right against his hot and throbbing erection, the temperature contrast only stimulating him further. It was ticklish and teasing and Tian Shun could only groan incoherently as his inner thighs were licked and messily kissed while long elegant fingers lightly gripped his shaft and cruelly traced up and down the veins of dick.

Tian Shun wanted to impatiently thrust into the hand, but to his frustration and delight, Wei's manipulative hair had bound him to the seat without even him noticing. Only when he began to struggle did the deceivingly fragile hairs wrapped around him make themselves known. He could only beg for mercy. 

This time it was he who was blindly and helplessly twisted around another's finger, and he wouldn't have it any other way. 

"Pleasenhm, Wei, I-I want more.." He rasps.

Jia Hyson smiles mischievously and licks a long stripe upwards from the base of Tian Shun's dick to his drooling head, pressing his tongue against the very tip and licking up the pre-ejaculate like it was a melting ice cream on a cone. "Can you be more specific Xiao Shun?" He asks, flirtatious teasing and lust in his voice. 

Tian Shun's thighs quivered at the intense sensation. "Your mouth" He mumbles embarrassedly. 

"I can't hear you~" Jia Hyson nips at the sensitive skin of his balls disapprovingly, the sharp pain making Tian Shun twitch and drip even more.

"Please!" He gasps, shame and pleasure coursing through his tense body, "Please use your mouth and make me cum Wei Wei!"

"Good boy," Jia Hyson chuckles before pushing his mouth onto him, his lips easily sliding down till it reach the base of his aching dick. 

For Tian Shun, who was still young and easily excitable, this was really more than he could handle and immediately stiffened. "Wu- Wei- I!" He garbled, finishing the moment he felt the warm, wet insides swallow his member whole. 

Jia Hyson didn't care, swallowing the essence greedily. The liquid was brimming with delicious yin energy and he couldn't get enough of it, groaning in his own pleasure as he continues to deepthroat the sensitive dick, drawing out as much as Tian Shun could give. 

"Ah, Ah!" Tian Shun was shaking with overstimulation, "Wei, no more! I can't! Nghn!" His whole body jerked as he came again, practically being milked by the thirsty demon. 

Satisfied and sated, Jia Hyson pulled back, delicately wiping some of the residue off his lips and sucking it lewdly with a smile. The erotic image made Tian Shun's dick valiantly try and harden again but he was really and truly drained, slumping back on the seat and panting heavily. "Wei Wei"

Jia Hyson stands up, more or less re-invigorated. It seems that Tian Shun's yin constitution was extremely strong. A few more times and Jia Hyson would probably back to peak strength ah. Leaning forward he tilts the young man's chin up and gives him a messy and filthy kiss which Tian Shun weakly but enthusiastically reciprocates. 

"Mn, Xiao Shun, I want-" Jia Hyson reaches out to grab the younger man's hand, pulling it toward his own aching need. This whole time he had also been incredibly excited and now he wanted his release. 

"What is going on?" Li Guiren leans against the entrance of the bathroom, eyes cold and body sweating. It was clear that he had rushed to look for Wei the moment he hastily left the beach. A pity that his reward for his worrying was a very provoking scene of Wei with his son.

Jia Hyson immediately stopped, his mind sobering up from his haze and dropped his grip on Tian Shun, stepping back jerkily before falling onto the floor. He looks at Li Guiren guiltily. Even though he's done many scum things in his life, he had really never outright cheated on someone like this before. It was his own bottom line and he had broken it in such an extravagant manner.

"Xiao Ren I'm" Jia Hyson chokes as a wave of arousal hits him again. He looked down at his very obvious bulge in his pants that was causing a small wet patch to grow between his legs. Fuck, what was happening? Was it the sudden consumption of so much energy that was making him so horny? He tries to stifle his moans and looks up at Li Guiren, "Don't, don't look" he gasps feeling truly shamed.

Li Guiren stares at the wanton state of the demon who was flushing and teary eyed, squirming uncomfortably as time passed. With his intelligence how could he not more or less understand what had happened with the clues at hand? 

Wei Wei clearly went to Tian Shun in order to gain back the yin energy he had lost because of himself. 

Li Guiren was angry and upset, but he knew logically that Wei must have lost control to his instincts. He's more familiar with Wei as a ghost who was constantly struggling to gain energy. Wei Wei had lost control a few times, albeit never like this. 

Still, it didn't stop his heart from hurting.

"Old man" Tian Shun also didn't expect Li Guiren to come here so quickly. He couldn't help but feel annoyed that he didn't lock the bathroom door.

Li Guiren sneered at his 'good son' but didn't say anything to him. After all, there's no need to talk to a dead person ah.

The more he looked at Tian Shun, the more he felt that the younger man seemed to have been revitalised. No longer was he hunching his back or averting his eyes, now he dared to look at him with confidence and even some mockery.

It couldn't be that this calculative bastard actually was faking this whole time?!

Has he been pretending to be depressed in order to sell pity to Wei Wei?!

After all, Li Guiren knew better than Wei, what Tian Shun was capable of. He was a master at manipulation and could be cruel even to himself in order to achieve his goals if that was the most efficient option. And given what he did, Li Guiren had to admit selling tragedy really was the best choice in order to soften Wei's heart.

Honestly, what Li Guiren thought was not wrong, but it could only be considered half true at best. After all, the negative emotions Jia Hyson is sensitive to can't be faked. Tian Shun was really genuinely depressed and full of guilt for what he had done making his yin energy tantalisingly concentrated. 

But at the same time, depression can be known as a silent killer, and people that have it are able to hide it to certain degrees, to the point that many family members and close friends may not even notice it until it's too late. Tian Shun who was intelligent and skilled at fakery could have easily concealed his mental state. However as a last desperate attempt to try turn things around he wanted to use his own depression and see if Wei Wei, who saw him suffering, could possibly forgive him. 

It was really a damaging plan with high risks and a low chance of rewards. But for love, Tian Shun didn't mind. He deserved this pain for what he did. And if this suffering might make Wei Wei smile and stop hating him then he's willing to bear it a hundred times over as long as Wei Wei's heart won't be taken by anyone else. 

Sure he didn't expect Wei Wei to burst in and do... that. But who was he to complain? 

Seriously. Who the fuck would complain???

Well. Li Guiren might have something to say about that. Already he was contemplating if it would be easier to get away from the blame if he buried his son around the hotel or to just throw his carcass into the sea. 

It's best for both methods to include chopping the body into pieces and scattering the remains so wild animals can easily consume them. Of course it's hard to find a place to do such a time consuming, messy thing in an unfamiliar location....

Bebe: 'Bebe always knew it but it really must be said. This family is really messed up ah.' 

Jia Hyson who is heartlessly barely aware of anything right now groaned, feeling incredibly horny, especially under the tense atmosphere drowning with negativity. 

It was like he was actually getting high after swallowing the concentrated loads of yin energy, and even his skin was buzzing with increasingly repressed desire. Despite being vaguely aware of his surroundings and how entirely innappropriate it was, he was unable to stop himself from undoing his pants and rubbing his hardened dick as he sat on the bathroom floor, softly panting. 

It had been so long since he had felt the rush of true, unadulterated desire and lust. With Li Guiren's previous touches, giving Tian Shun a blow job in the bathroom and the heady rush of yin energy flowing strongly through his body, it was like the strongest aphrodisiac to Jia Hyson. 

"Nghn," He grips his shaft tightly, trying to stave off humiliating himself further. No matter what, this situation was honestly a bit too embarrassing to actually go all out and stroke himself to completion like he wanted to. 

Though it was pretty hot...

Fuck, when he became a demon did he become an incubus?! 

Bebe who had been watching this all on apathetically, silently snorted disdainfully. 

Sure many hosts who become demons find that when weak they require a source of replenishing energy, generally through consuming the energy from souls, yin energy etc depending on the author god's worldbuilding decisions. However unless you were actually given a sex demon role, no one would really get off to the process of however they take in the energy unless they were inclined to such fetishes. Demons tend to be a bit less inhibited in nature than normal so...

In short, it's all because Jia Hyson was naturally a thirsty slut and that lewdness was only further exaggerated with his new demonic status. 

Thirsty slut Jia Hyson didn't notice the faint disdain coming off his system, instead, he wantonly moaned on the bathroom floor, making Tian Shun's and Li Guiren's eyes attract toward him and darken with lust. "Please... anyone.... I want... nm.." he pants out, voice soft and shy despite his appearance dripping with want and needy seduction. 

Bebe: '....' Bebe cannot believe this was Bebe's promised top tier host. Clearly this was just a top tier prostitute. (-_-lll)

Li Guiren takes a step forward but hesitates, remembering what happened on the beach. His yang constitution no longer affected Wei Wei as much and even skin to skin contact won't burn him so he didn't think too much about it anymore and happily did whatever. But they now knew that prolonged intimate actions with him can actually weaken the other so how can he so easily touch Wei again? 

Once again, this yang constitution of his has really screwed him over ah.

The only way he could touch Wei Wei without any worries would be if their was a continuous supplement of yin energy to cancel out his yang energy, but that would mean Li Guiren's black eyes move upwards to meet silver ones and his face turns ugly. 

"It seems," Tian Shun whispers hoarsely, a spark of bright happiness and malicious glee in his eyes, "that neither one of us alone can help Wei." 

Li Guiren was furious at his gloating son. It was like the feeling of being finally able to defeat a long hated school enemy, but right before you grasp the metaphorical trophy, a teacher suddenly announces that everyone should also win the same prize because of fairness and participation. Even though Li Guiren had done his best, and against all odds managed to move Wei's cold heart just a bit, he has to concede at the very end because of his own fucking body.

Who would be happy by this turn of events?! 

Who could be happy?!

Tian Shun was really quite happy.

Oh sure, he wasn't ecstatic or anything. He disliked the idea of being involved with that fool, who was also his neglectful father in this lifetime, at all. Much less in a sexual context. 

But. If it meant that he could actually have a chance to be with Wei (and also make that fool become so angry he vomits blood) then how could he not be pleased? 

Though this outcome was definitely not one Tian Shun would pick if he had the option, now that it was the only option, he wouldn't hesitate. He was willing to bind Wei's eternal soul to his shadow and sacrifice a few hundred innocent teenagers and fellow schoolmates. This was really nothing in comparison. 

After all, the most desperate people are also the ones most willing to compromise. It's just that if they could get a compromise so easily, would they become as desperate as they were now? 

If Bebe could hear their thoughts it would have sighed. It was really the state of mind between one who was about to get everything and one who had almost nothing to lose. This sort of difference in psychology, ah, tsk it's quite interesting. Bebe had a friend writing a paper on the complex outlook of a simp, maybe they'll like this data. 

Of course Bebe couldn't read minds, but Bebe didn't need a mind reader program to know what direction these two horny animals where heading into now that his even more so horny host was acting so unrepentantly wanton like this. 

Cleverly, Bebe blocked out its vision and began to use their shared data plan that was recently renewed, to go play a few rounds of Alien Virus with its friends. 

Hmph, host can go have gross sweaty sex with two big men. As long as Bebe can monopolize the data plan Bebe will be fine hehe. (>0)

Jia Hyson: '???' I suddenly feel like I need to stop someone or I'm going to suffer a huge loss. ( 0v0)?

Between sex and the universal wi-fi data plan....

Obviously the data plan wins out! 

Tian Shun and Li Guiren: ....

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